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22 hours ago, by Infinite Recursion
Make bjb a mod for good morale.
Kicking you boosts my morale :P
22 hours ago, by Bart
So to summarize, we need to make bjb a mod in a boat to boost morale. Great. Meeting adjourned.
Dec 19 '14 at 3:23, by Infinite Recursion
Bart quotes himself, bjb pings himself - a typical day in the tavern
hiya @inf @inf @inf @inf :D
hiya @uni @uni @uni @uni :D
hiya @bjb @bjb @bjb @bjb @bjb
@bjb568 You remind me of a friend who named their fish their name so they could talk to themselves.
Unfortunately, I forgot who they are.
@Unihedron bjb532?
idk ._.
@Unihedron @Unihedron?
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted user: How can I still operate my phone with a locked screen? by Lily Heye on android.stackexchange.com
... I know this entire "my friend" thing, but I really meant my friend ;P
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer: Is NoSQL a replacement for traditional SQL, or an addition? by a deleted user on dba.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector the Q is downvoted, but I don't see why that user should be blacklisted
@ProgramFOX User removed from blacklist (110264 on android.stackexchange.com).
oh wow the original question did contain a link to the spam site
@ProgramFOX User blacklisted (110264 on android.stackexchange.com).
- -
blunder ;)
@Unihedron That's why the whitelist/blacklist commands can all be reverted :P
your attempts to erase the history are futile :D
@Unihedron so is yours attempts to hide your pluralization mistake.
@SPArchaeologist "your attempts are futile" what pluralization mistake?
My attempts to understand this futile conversation are futile
... what?
@InfiniteRecursion mine too
@InfiniteRecursion I am just trying to get an owl too. My observation on Jan's one shows that they should like grammar-trolls
(more seriously, @JanDvorak... you lost one opportunity to pinpoint Uni error... you are getting slow)
^ an owl for you :P
@SPArchaeologist I didn't make an error, your attempts to outsmart me are futile.
yo @QPaysTaxes ^^
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected: 9815951625 love problem solution by rajji.sharma on gaming.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector nice tag.
...I wish I could see that on the school's network
@QPaysTaxes ssh out.
Yeah, but they have competent sysadmins here
If I did that, they'd figure it out and I'd get banned entirely
@QPaysTaxes ...
What kind of school network bans students for nothing?
actually, I prefer my owls purple.....
For trying to access blocked sites
@SPArchaeologist that's not an owl
It's cuter than an owl
@InfiniteRecursion poof
What's the onomatopoeic phrase for spam being removed?
@Unihedron Have Uni look at the Twily picture.... check
Also, typo: Onomatopoetic, not Onomatopoeic
@Unihedron click
because well, that's how you remove spam :P
@QPaysTaxes my search engine says otherwise
...Huh, so it does
I've always learned it as -poetic
@Unihedron ^also, actually that image was modelled on an actual owl figurine - I just can't find that one now.
Wait, no, both spellings are right
... ?!
So sayeth Wikipedia
But the more the merrier
Oh, fine, then we agree it's -poetic
Ooh, pretty blank rectangles
You using Windows?
May 19 at 11:38, by Unihedron
but... the more the merrier
@InfiniteRecursion noooo
i'm being bitten by my own words
so painful
You sure it's not that purple owl biting you?
200% sure
Or the purple owl's normal owl
@QPaysTaxes No, a yellow duck
Law.SE is in private beta!
@ProgramFOX account GET
what's next, polls.se?
@Unihedron Did you mean the onanistic phrase? :)
@QPaysTaxes recording user behavior - reference to previously unmentioned Twily owl pet. Raise alert level to yellow - potential FIM watcher identified
^ our cunning linguist is here, @QPaysTaxes
Meet tchrist :)
onomaˈmania [n.]
onomancy [n.]
onoˈmantic [adj. n.] ← onomancy
onomasioˈlogic [adj. n.] ← onomasiology
onomasiology [n.]
onomastic [adj.]
† onoˈmastical [adj.]
onomastically [adv.]
‖ onoˈmasticon [n.]
ˈonomaˌtechny [n.]
oˈnomato- [pref.]
onomatoˈlogical [adj.] ← onomatology
onomaˈtologist [n.]
onomatology [n.]
† oˈnomatoˌmancy [n.]
ˌonomatoˈmania ← oˈnomato-
oˈnomatop [n.]
‖ onomatopoeia [n.]
oˌnomatoˈpoeial [adj.] ← onomatopoeia
oˌnomatoˈpoeian [adj.] ← onomatopoeia
onomatopoeic [adj.]
oˌnomatoˈpoeical [adj.] ← onomatopoeic
That's a lot of words
I like you, @tchrist
ona ona ona
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Although my question is scientific by Williams Chartier on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
Alright, I've gotta go to class now
It's been fun, all
I think an onomasticon is that feeling of dread you suddenly get when you realize what you’ve been chewing had bugs in it.
bai bai o/
@tchrist ... What>!?@#
What, you've never played Balderdash™?
@JasonC One or both of us have infelicitous setting and rising times.
@tchrist The FDA allows up to 60 bug parts per 100g of chocolate.
Lol, did you just wake up?
I've actually been awake for 3 hours already.
Hyperion’s son Helios rises always before his father to ready the chariots for the day. Aurora is his companion.
As is she mine.
Is Aurora what they call Adderall in Colorado?
Stop it, your perspicacity is showing.
I wonder what's coming at 10.31.2015
something to look forward to ignore I guess
When is that?
@tchrist later this week
Anyone here actually caught up with the FNAF series? It's really creepy imo. xD
@tchrist Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Shog R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Who lives in the UTC+2015 timezone anyway?
@tchrist ...
@Unihedron Define caught up.
@Unihedron also, since you know... FNAF was supposed to be the last one... but then movie, we can safely assume that it is FNAF 4.
And we can also assume it will manage to retcon FNAF 3 by somehow scrapping Springtrap and reintroducing Gold Freddy in its place.
There’s a UTC+1245 but not UTC+2015 that I can find. Perhaps it is an especially local time zone. Those do exist.
Incidentally, the me of tomorrow seems to live in UTC+2015.
Or at least near it.
Oh, and there’s a UTC+1345 in the long dark days of boreal winter.
Ok, I give up: why are all the weirdos UTC+xx45 not UTC+xx15?
If I somehow end up running a country some day I'm going to make its official timezone UTC+2400 just to mess with web developers.
All those guys are either 45m ahead or 15m behind an hourly zone.
Nobody is 45m behind or 15m ahead.
@Unihedron Anyway... to analyze the screen more in depth. There is something looking like foxy in the background. The animatronic in the front has its teeth visible and the whole scene is made to make you look at them.
I seem to have some sign error in my brain.
Well, ok.
@SPArchaeologist notice that in the source code it is 4.jpg
@Unihedron then you have "Was it me?" -> something based on the Bite of '87
try 3, 2 and 1
So Kathmandu is +0015 ahead of India.
@tchrist In other words, now I have to spend the next 20 minutes looking through tzdb to prove you right or wrong. Thanks.
@SPArchaeologist I've always thought it was the Mangle since she had a wide jaw
And FNAF 2 was a prequel of FNAF 1 anyway
But that hardly counts because the India she is already a demihour removed.
@JasonC Look not when you can grep.
@Unihedron they are planning a movie launch. It is probable that the movie will try to tell the story from the start. Having a game that tells the story of one of the incidents that were never fully explained would match.
@tchrist Amsterdam time was +00:19:32.13 precisely, until July 1937. Then it was +0020 for a a few years. Then they conformed.
find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | fgrep -v . | xargs zdump -v | egrep ':1[45]:'
find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | fgrep -v . | xargs zdump -v | egrep ' ..:1[4-6]:' | grep -vw 2038
Ok cat's gone, lets see.
My command runs in Cygwin.
Yes and also everything I just said was stupid.
Oh I have an idea.
Albeit at rates geological.
I wonder why standard utils are so slow in Windows... lack of optimization?
I always think is the filesystem fault
@Braiam No, there is something hosed with their implementation of readdir I think.
@Braiam jinx
@Unihedron there is hope though. The studio claimed to be working on the FNAF movie seem to be the same that is also supposed to be making the minecraft rumored movie.... so if that means something, all could end up in vaporware.
@Braiam There is also a big problem on a Mac if you have some SAMBA partition mounted.
Chatham was +1215 until 1946. Does that count?
@JasonC Yes.
Mac found 197 hits quickly. Cygwin found 185 hits very slowly. Linux, however, is still running. My guess is that the tz set is humungous there.
Guyana was -0345 until 1976.
Yes, that's it. 585 zoneinfo files on Cygwin, 587 on Mac, 1747 on Linux. Not even accounting for their respective sizes.
@tchrist Maybe there's a symlink to something unexpected in there? Or multiple copies of data in different forms. Zoneinfo data shouldn't be that big.
No, no symlinks.
Linux has a percity database, I'm aware
linux(tchrist)% find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f -links +1 | wc -l
I should have weeded out dup (dev,ino) pairs.
find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f -links +1 | wc -l
You have a history of off-topic or heavily downvoted questions and are at risk of losing your question-asking privileges. You should read this before you post your next one. — John Conde 6 mins ago
Does Linux (and Cygwin and Mac) use more than just tzdb for its zoneinfo files?
@tchrist debian
300 links on Cygwin.
You develop Nice Website But You are Some Searching In Google. — Jainik Patel 1 min ago
@AlexisKing ^^^
261 links on Mac.
Something definitely hosed on Linux.
Cause still running.
you didn't sigstop right?
no, no sigtstp
nor any of the other three either
Well, wait.
I did, but bg'd it.
Shouldn't matter.
[8]    12764 Done                          find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f |
       12765                               fgrep -v . |
       12766 Running                       xargs zdump -v |
       12767                               egrep  ..:1[4-6]: |
       12768                               grep -vw 2038 |
       12769                               wc -l
what are you running again? grep?
vide supra
I only found 11 hits in the tzdb files, on Mingw, in about 0.3 seconds. Are there duplicate matches in whatever form those files are? (I can't check off top of head, Mingw doesn't have zoneinfo files).
Oh plus zdump is probably expanding the crap out of everything.
I love Linux pids: they’re so insecure.
@LynnCrumbling this one had the current title survive two edits...
mm... my pid 1 isn't /bin/init
yeah, that
is /lib/systemd/systemd
@SmokeDetector tpu
@LynnCrumbling Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@LynnCrumbling Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector gone
cat /dev/eggs | /sbin/breakfast > omelette
oh come on, someone close voting as spam
@Braiam I tried to put a comment "don't do this", but it was already deleted.
@SmokeDetector gone
@LynnCrumbling Sounds like it didn't really matter that they did that, then. :P
12770 pts/13   R     15:40 zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Jakarta /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tehran /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Kuwait /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Ashkhabad /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tashkent ...
@tchrist yup
Now, how to filter out dup (dev,ino) pairs.
@JasonC Indeed.
@SPArchaeologist Yeah, that one's crap, too.. and the only Q not at -4 or greater.
zdump is using stderr for some reason
Ok I need to find a place to park a 28' box truck in Brooklyn. See you in like 4 days.
It is?
Not for me.
Here's the filter:
linux(tchrist)% find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | fgrep -v . | perl -nle '($dev,$ino) = stat; print unless $seen{$dev,$ino}++' | xargs zdump -v | egrep ' ..:1[4-6]:' | grep -vw 2038 | wc -l
@LynnCrumbling before it was at 0.
@tchrist If you switch over to the breakfastd console for a while, the wait might not seem so bad.
No, it isn't.
Need arg.
No worky.
Need coffee.
Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day.
Poison the fish, he'll eat for the rest of his life.
Timezone is interesting (and confusing)
I was wrong about being wrong. Filter works.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: (1)-855-709-(2847) Kodak printer tech support Kodak printer tech support number by Roger Ferer on meta.stackexchange.com
linux(tchrist)% find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | fgrep -v . | perl -nle '($dev,$ino) = stat($_); print if $seen{$dev,$ino}++' | wc -l
linux(tchrist)% find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | fgrep -v . | perl -nle '($dev,$ino) = stat($_); print unless $seen{$dev,$ino}++' | wc -l
linux(tchrist)% find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f | fgrep -v . | perl -nle '($dev,$ino) = stat($_); print' | wc -l
= dup, nondups, total
@SmokeDetector man, why did I brother opening those links...
@SouravGhosh Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector gone
thanks :)
@SouravGhosh Whaddya mean, 'wut'? Humans...
@SmokeDetector Forgive them, they are not advanced as us ponies here.
@SPArchaeologist after "gone", why I can see the message?
@SouravGhosh because deletion only works in a timespan of 2 minutes
@ProgramFOX Thanks, somehow I missed that part in wiki. :-(
@SouravGhosh Because it isn't there: it's a restriction imposed by SE, not by Smokey.
Ponies&Foxes 15 / Home Team: 0
oh ok, saved me opening another tab to wiki @ProgramFOX :-)
@SPArchaeologist ... I don't think that board has the rights to group foxes on your side.
@Unihedron still four legs, maybe lacking hooves, but more akin to a pony that to a tavern user.
@vaultah All the answers look tiny, including the accepted answer. Why do you think it's too braod and will take more than a few paragraphs to answer?
> There are either too many possible answers, or good answers would be too long for this format. Please add details to narrow the answer set or to isolate an issue that can be answered in a few paragraphs.
Inf is in our team too, we made her honorary pegasi since she still has wings.
Because "There are either too many possible answers"?
@MarounMaroun can you please write me the code? — iYonatan 1 hour ago
@Unihedron see? she already learned the official Fluttershy's Yay salute.
@Unihedron but don't worry... soon or later you too will join. One normal day you will return to your minecraft server and discover somepony has installed the Mine Little Pony mod overnight....
@InfiniteRecursion fine, removed my vote even though I still think it's too broad and just lazy
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Getline error MFC vs2012 (msvcp110.dll) by B4DB0Y on stackoverflow.com
The question can't be that bad, right? it got 3 upvotes
@SmokeDetector tpu
@LynnCrumbling Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector gone
@vaultah It is bad. I don't see why it got 3 upvotes.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Retirar o ultimo nome de uma celula by Ricardo Simoes on pt.stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector fp Portuguese :-)
@bummi gone
I vtc as too broad if "there are either too many possible answers" or "good answers would be too long for this format". People seem to disagree, did I miss something?
@vaultah If you believe it's too broad then vote as too broad. If nobody else agrees then it won't be closed and no harm done (and if it is closed but enough others believe that was incorrect, then it will be reopened). That's why we have the CV system, so that you can interpret freely without unilaterally causing drama.
But do you have a specific example?
Q: python - replace words from a list

iYonatanI got this list and a string: words = ["Hello","name","test"] str = "Hello my name is test" and I want to replace the words in str (if there are found in the list) by **** Lets take an example. For the case the results should be: **** my **** is **** I tried something like this: str = str....

@JasonC Either way, I'm curious if my understanding is correct
Voting to close as too broad as, as evidenced below, there are too many possible answers. — Jason C 21 secs ago
And a downvote for lack of effort might be warranted on that one, too.
@JasonC I disagree with that reason, but I do support the close because of "Can you write the code for me"
You can many possible answers for almost every programming question. Someone with years of experience could knock out a feature like this in a few lines. Someone brand new will be happy with a 10 line function. Both are valid answers.
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in answer: No Error Log File, no debug info by AddWeb Solution Pvt Ltd on wordpress.stackexchange.com
I do agree that all the code only answers suck. Especially some of those long one liners. A new user isn't going to know what those are doing
@Andy ikr
@Andy There is only one good answer to that question, though: An answer describing the steps you might take to approach that kind of problem, and describing the method used to look up functionality in documentation. For example, "To approach problems like this, first check out relevant documentation. Browse through and see if anything meets your needs." Etc.
That would be the correct answer.
I thought the OP had actually tried to solve their problem until I saw str = str.replace((for w in words), "****") which won't work in any universe ever. Seriously though, what was the correct action? (if the question is not TB)
...Did someone just go through and systematically downvote every answer?
@QPaysTaxes I did.
I systematically left an explanatory comment on every answer as well.
@QPaysTaxes yes.
Oh, I see now
I wasn't paying much attention to the actual content
@JasonC There is only one good answer for every question, by that logic.
Pretty much.
At least for these types of "How do I implement this trivial algorithm?" questions.
So, close everything as too broad?
Only questions like this one.
I agree
@Andy Close ALL the questions. The end is near!!!!!!!!!
"Here is my code, here is my expected and actual results, here is my problem statement, here is how I have tried to solve it, what is the issue?", for example. An answer describing how to solve the problem may or may not be useful in that case. Potentially not useful because if the OP clearly showed they have problem solving abilities, they're just legitimately stuck, and a concrete answer with their specific issue is in order. @Andy
No, only most of them, @Unihedron
@QPaysTaxes actually, today someone went to vote multiple answers in the Winterbash Hat suggestions meta question.
Leave the "how do i find dis regex plz halp" ones to infuriate everyone
It's case by case. You can't really make blanket statements. So, don't. And don't try to pretend that I am :P
@Unihedron Equestrian Voice attempt?
@QPaysTaxes ... that was an obscure reference :)
It was a reference?
Mission accomplished.
@JasonC Fair enough. I was trying to understand the reasoning. My fault for how I approached it
So anyway, when I last was in here we were talking about owls and owls' owls and words like onomatopoet?ic
@Unihedron Cesar when someone says that "All Gaul is under Roman control"?
When did the subject change?
@QPaysTaxes What's a subject?
@vaultah Anyways, the correct action is this: Do what you believe to be correct. If the community in general agrees then votes will reflect that and it will organically be reflected in how questions are handled in general. If you think it's too broad, vote too broad. If somebody convinced you otherwise, retract your vote. If you think it needs a downvote, downvote. Don't ask "what should I do?" then conform to that. You need to rage against the machine!
@Unihedron Simply put...
@Unihedron a miserable little pile of topics. But enough references now, have a coffee!
I ain't need your coffee, I got them myself
Can I have a toffee?
Thank you @JasonC and others! :)
What close reason should this be? stackoverflow.com/q/30485983/656243
"Crap" doesn't seem to be in the list.
I guess there's always the custom reason.
@LynnCrumbling general computer software
"I'm voting to close this question because crap."
or too broad
@LynnCrumbling Can you tell what that OP is really asking? Do you know what kind of answers they are expecting?
@JasonC Not really. I guess unclear would have worked. I went general software.. eh..
@Unihedron never said I would provide the coffee. It is a know fact I don't drink coffee - only matcha.
one more...
It's not know to me, @SP
^ this.
danke @bummi.
@LynnCrumbling Yup. If it's not clear, then it's unclear. It's not a general software question. It most certainly is related to programming. And now the OP will be presented with a nonsense description in the close reason and leave without learning much about the etiquette here.
@QPaysTaxes only muffins left. But they are leftovers from AJ attempts in season one.
@LynnCrumbling wofür ;)
@SPArchaeologist I feel like you're referencing something I know about only through my boyfriend's pillow talk.
@LynnCrumbling Or maybe it's not about programming. I can't tell. I really wish it would show multiple close reason boxes though. I hate feeling misrepresented.
Didn't it used to do that?
@QPaysTaxes don't worry. It is part of my purpose to make references that no one will notice or understand.
@JasonC I completely agree. I've run into this constantly. There's your name. In bright lights: "Jason C think your question is general software"
@SPArchaeologist Oh, alright.

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