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Methinks someone just serially upvoted me. :/
Hmm...the first anniversary of Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? was on Thursday.
I like my gravatar-rewriting extension; all identicons are now faces.
How about Tim Stone's?
Probably not since it's an actual image.
Well, you get the idea i.sstatic.net/OBVbr.png
The us-vs-them instinct is a powerful one, whether that means the color of skin one is born to or the turn of phrase one is reared to. It’s probably built into our biology, but we can and must rise above it. Using phantom shibboleths to belittle another native speaker who for whatever reason talks differently than you do is nothing but mean-spirited peeving, peeving that poisons the atmosphere of tolerance necessary for civil discourse and mutual respect.
@2mkgz Are you... are you pizza/Fundamental/thatguywhoalwayschangeshisname?
Does as is need a hyphen (as-is)?
@tchrist Nice speech. ;)
@hichris123 only if you’re doing something weird, like, “don’t change my gravitar. I like the as-is one better”
tchrist will surely correct me now
pretty sure, “Ι like my gravitar as is,” should have no hyphen
67.2% sure
There is no such thing as a gravitar: bulls cannot be gravid.
@tchrist wouldn’t that be a gravitaur?
2 days ago, by AstroCB
Anyone working on a userscript that replaces all references to @user147263's name with "That user who changes usernames once every two weeks"?
Still waiting...
Is this OT? I'm slightly confused what the question is about: stackoverflow.com/questions/29841880/…
@cybermonkey It's too broad.
@AstroCB I want a userscript that replaces everyone’s name with bjb[user ID]
@yellowantphil Only if I can be bjb123.
(Adding the site to the "deficient user-moderation" list)
@2mkgz gone
@Doorknob ... did I miss something?
@cybermonkey 8689
hm, I wonder why smokey didn't catch that spam..
@tchrist this has made me wonder how much mail @animuson has waiting for him blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/04/…
let's reboot it, usually works if it's stuck
@SmokeDetector delete
@cybermonkey Running since 21:20:01 UTC (0 minutes)
Now hopefully it'll start fetching undesirable stuff for us to feed on again.
bah I can’t retract a flag
@Doorknob Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus
@cybermonkey The Music Fans spam? It's from April 2, for one thing -- so the miss has nothing to do with today's Smokey state. The post contained a link, but one that hasn't been blacklisted. It didn't meet any criteria in the findspam.py list
@SmokeDetector tpu spam
@Doorknob Blacklisted user.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@cybermonkey Blacklisted user.
@bummi I flagged as 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.'
@cybermonkey thanks ... I think it already did ;)
@SmokeDetector tpu
@cybermonkey Blacklisted user.
@hichris123 User removed from blacklist (2871056 on stackoverflow.com).
User seems to have okay posts otherwise.
Ah, just saw, yeah. User just doesn't seem to understand how SO works.
I left this message on their question:
Instead of writing an 'answer' to bump your question, please edit it. — cybermonkey 16 secs ago
If the sole purpose is to bump, editing is not appropriate either.
Better than the alternative.
Not better than bountying
Can't bounty with 17 rep.
This question has an open bounty worth +3 reputation
Let the answers pour in.
TIL: what arXiv.org is
I’ve known about arXiv since 1942
cut me some slack... I just came out from under a rock
I was under a rock too, but it was a physicsy rock, where everything ends up on arxiv
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: GTA 5 social club logging in to wrong account by Hayden on gaming.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AlexisKing Blacklisted user.
@AstroCB self-deleted
@hichris123 Probably because the answer he got began with "Are you kidding?"
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in answer: Total current at the load? by M.SINGH on electronics.stackexchange.com
What happened to the "bots" in the chatroom description?
@JuanCarlosFarah tyranny! censorship!
Inf took that part out
!bjb bots are the best
bjbot is being quiet
That's a tragedy.
it’s a travesty
I don't know many transvestites, but those with breasts and a beard are the wurst.
it’s a tragically trancedly tranquil transiency
uh... wat?
I’d have bjbot translate into English, but it seems to be offline
I think it's discrimination against bots.
Apparently that's called automatonophobia.
@JuanCarlosFarah hear, hear!
@JuanCarlosFarah only if you’re afraid of them, I would think. Dislike would be... anti-automatonic?
There's probably an easier way, but the way I thought of was go to -100 and add 100 to i.
@hichris123 seq 100 | tac
@yellowantphil, indeed!
now it works
All terms that will become mainstream in the 21st century.
I didn't realize Bash was Turing complete.
reminds me of the movie AI where the bot-haters were decrying “artificiality!!!”
main = mapM print [100,99..0]
> You need to start with "for(int i=0;" and continue from there - you cannot write anything before "for(int i=0;" and you can't use two loops.
@hichris123 I just saw that. lame
Haskell doesn't even have for
In Java, that ends up being (for my solution):
for (int i = 0; i > -100; i--) {
I’d put in gotos, just to be a pain
main = sequence_ [print $ 100-n | n <- [0.100]]
do goto loops count as loops?
I'd assume so.
can I use the preprocessor to replace for with something else?
@hichris123 umm.... that would print them from 1 to 100
oh no, right
@yellowantphil lol
Trying to figure out precisely how many times we've fired @aalear for her puns in chat. I can count at least 32 times since I got hired.
OK, I got it
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    for (int i = 0; ;);
gcc -std=c99 -D for="int i = 100; while (i > 0) printf(\"%d\n\",i--);return 0;for" test2.c -o test2
runs correctly. read it and weep
hmm, I coded two loops, but only one of them ran. I hope that counts
> you can’t use two loops
I used one
[ SmokeDetector ] Nested quote blocks in answer: What is the rule used to solve this equation? by M.SINGH on electronics.stackexchange.com
I’m not making promises, but would a .bak of the #stackoverflow database (same SEDE uses) be useful for download? It’d be ~50GiB currently.

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