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How does one flag stuff like this?
@DontVoteMeDown if you see it, fix it. The solution (or answer) to the question should always be along with the other answers, not in the question body. — Braiam 7 secs ago
@J.Steen Custom flag on one of their posts, if you think it's warrented
@Undo I find their behaviour pretty spectacularly arrogant, actually.
@Undo But I'll think about the flag.
spam superuser.com/q/901908/172747 and now something completely different :)
@J.Steen Oh, it can be worse. Someone voted to approve this: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/7688696
yeesh, these people
People piss me off.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Unihedro Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector gone
@Undo What does "hosted by Undo" add? It's not like anyone else has access to Smokey's account.
@Unihedro So people know who to ping when he goes nuts
Mm. Bananas.
Good thinking :p
this was my last flag for english
SO makes me sad.
1 remaining!
8 remaining
@SmokeDetector tpu
now 5
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector Regex still matches.
No, 1 now.
we need a refill on flags :/
Well. With the amount of spam flags we get approved, it shouldn't take long...
To get more flags. I mean.
Okay, the two linked by @bummi have been destroyed.
@bummi Last two you linked are gone. Any others?
Send me more. I'll destroy them all. :-)
links, please?
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, bad keyword in title: 강남오피 연제오피|BAM|WAR . C O M학동오피[밤의전쟁] by eatyiandy1 on english.stackexchange.com
Enjoy, everyone with flags left: english.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=newest
Destroyed two more.
blacklisted bam ?wow in Smokey.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Tristate and having low and high at the same time by aaa on electronics.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Undo Blacklisted user.
@Undo Destroyed.
End of my 23 flags, will have to wait for 24 tomorrow :\
@PeterJ I'm not a mod, so I don't look at flags, but I can destroy users who post spam.
@cky Are they using Tor or can we block their ip?
@Undo I haven't looked at their IPs yet.
@cky Probably wouldn't hurt, might be a botnet though
I would expect SpamRam to block them by now if it was possible.
They were all originating from South Korea on SO, and we were blocking their IPs as quickly as they came up. They may have transitioned to proxies.
@cky, I'd mainly be picking them up from here and posting any that smokey didn't pick up, so maybe see what crops up here (I'm heading off fairly soon anyway)
some of the names here can not expect anything good english.stackexchange.com/…
Oooh idea, have the system automagically give me a diamond for ten minutes if a site gets >3 spam posts over three minutes.
@bummi ugh
And I'm out of flags
I still have some.
Ditto, I've got some left too
@Undo I've got 9 more. flexes spam busting muscles
> But physically, I'd never fit BAM WAR. COM anywhere
Oh my.
@bjb568 Have spam flags?
I've got some
I have not yet begun to flag.
yay, we have reinforcements.
fine :) wait here all
Flaggers, monitor english.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=newest for fun fun spam!
Seems deleted already
@bjb568 still alive for me.
Don't worry. There'll be more.
Oh, more coming in?
@SmokeDetector tpu
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Undo Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@bjb568 that last smokey one is alive Nevermind
@Unihedro Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector gone
They go fast, like shrimp at a cheap Las Vegas casino buffet.
I can't even downvote on ELU, I've only got 101 rep.
@Donald.McLean Don't downvote spam.
@yellowantphil :D
I win! :)
@Undo dead
By the time I casted the last flag that nuked the post, you posted the link late - so I win!
Gamification at its finest -_-
@Unihedro Maybe we should have a site for that.
@Donald.McLean there's an Area 51 proposal for Gamification that's about to launch, didn't you see? :p

Proposed Q&A site for professionals, academics, and enthusiasts who apply game mechanics in non-game contexts. This includes applications for enterprises, consumers, social good, and personal improvement.

Currently in commitment.

@Unihedro Yes, I did. Thus my joke.
walks away
@Unihedro I expected it to launch yesterday (=beta launch Tuesday), it had 100% commitment last week. Hmm.
and I'm out of flags
Dammit I lost
@Undo Destroyed.
How about temporarily giving everyone 100 spam flags a day?
@Unihedro Humor is so hard to convey in text, especially the drier sort.
@Donald.McLean Let's create a Google Hangouts for taverners then.
Oh no, the emoticons...
u mean emoji? :p
Yes. I mean emoji. But murder emoticons too.
@J.Steen when I was young there was no emotion.
@Bart There still isn't.
When I was young -
I am young. This joke sucks :p
Your joke isn't funny.
@J.Steen When I was young, there was no internet.
I reckon.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Donald.McLean Same here.
@Unihedro yer old
9 flags left on English.SE... .~.
When I was young, we only had one TV channel...
think about the peak of your life. Yeah, that was years ago wasn't it?
@SmokeDetector gone
@bjb568 like... just the last year
Idea for English mods: monitor new users page and nuke every new account with 1 rep.
@J.Steen Ever used an acoustic-coupled modem?
@pizza go join their chat room!
@Unihedro rly?
@pizza Seems legit.
@Donald.McLean (ask him if he's ever seen WarGames)
@Donald.McLean No!
But I've seen WarGames.
You've seen one then.
Yes. I know what they are.
Ah, I see.
Were those things limited to 110, or did they actually go all of the way to 300?
I only got to use one once - I had a friend with an account on the UC Berkley computing systems.
@LynnCrumbling The bank we were calling in to had 300 and 75 baud modems.
@Donald.McLean Wow... 75... I had no idea there were 75 modems.
@ProgramFOX gone
I thought that was mainly used for 1200 / 75 (75 for uplink) ?
@PeterJ We're talking 1979. There were no 1200 baud modems back then.
Or at least not in common use anyway.
I'm down to 3 flags.
both gone
Look for a spam from user117275 shortly.
@Donald.McLean just looked it up, V.23 1200/75 according to this was 1964, although I only remember it from late 70's early 80's personally: tldp.org/HOWTO/Modem-HOWTO-29.html
A few days of this and I could get a deputy badge.
Damn. The term "internet" is older than I am.
@Donald.McLean probably not, but there was already a micromodem! s100computers.com/Hardware%20Folder/DC%20Hayes/100/… :D
@PeterJ Yes, but those were only available to companies that could use hard wired modems. I doubt something like that would work with acoustic coupling.
@SmokeDetector gone
@Donald.McLean From that page: "Direct-connect Microcoupler. This FCC-registered device provided direct access into the local telephone system, with none of the tosses or distortions associated with acoustic couplers and without a telephone company supplied data access arrangement (DAA)."
@Donald.McLean, while I have used an accoustic coupler more to see how it worked I remember they were pretty much obsolete when I was say 12 ('83) at most. Direct coupled modems were pretty common here at the time (Australia) and I think Europe.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: 부평오피〔소래오피〕〔밤의전쟁〕두정오피 |B A MW A R. .c o m by dizonyiMatthews1 on english.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Undo Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: 연산동건마 /영주건마 『밤의전쟁』천안건마 BAMWAR.c_o_m by mamrandell on english.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Undo Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
Can we just blacklist anything that's in Korean?
@PeterJ My use of acoustic coupled modems was a very narrow window. I joined the army and was in Berlin by 1983. I didn't use a modem after that until 1988 or so.
Out of flags.
Me too
I'm sorry English. We've failed you
@Andy somehow I imagined this was about bjb
... and now I'm out of flags
Nice, all sites got the new profile design!
hm, not yet on SO it seems
@ProgramFOX SO looks old for me
@ProgramFox, just SF and SU
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: 서초건마 울진건마 ,강남건마 Bamwar.COM「밤의전쟁」 by malleyisabel on english.stackexchange.com
@Andy also PPCG and ELU for me
How many people still have flags on english?
still have 8
Is that a patriotic euphemism?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: 강남건마 /강촌건마 /『밤의전쟁』강남건마 BAMwar.com by nokarindave on english.stackexchange.com
@ProgramFOX I think only CSS-updated sites got the new profile, and that with exception of SO.
ah, might be
@ProgramFOX tchrist made some regex suggestions to detect Korean and such characters in the ELU room
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: 홍대건마 /연수건마 /강북건마 BamWAR.COM / 〖밤의전쟁〗 by leepyeen on english.stackexchange.com
@pizza SO is always special and left behind :/
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: 〘밤의전쟁〙강남건마 덕천건마 /강서건마 / BAMWARcoM by sayartaba on english.stackexchange.com
@ShadowWizard Or maybe it's postponed due to election? Redesign makes everyone's flag counts public information, which might incentivize the usual flag-farming race. /conspiracy theory
Incidentally, the redesign also hides everyone's age.
I agree that flag count is more important than age, though.
sighs I can't check in. Because the TFS server is hanging.
I hate TFS.
@pizza oh, excellent point and probably true! I tell you, those devs are genious. :D
All of a sudden, some Math users are dislike are exposed as having pathetic flag counts.
A: Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.)

Roombatron5000I can't find the age of user's anymore. Checked both the Profile and Activity tabs, but not there. Where did it go?

@pizza PARSE ERROR: wth are you talking about?
@Braiam s/are dislike/I dislike/
@Braiam flag counts are now public
@pizza ok
@ShadowWizard not ok
@ShadowWizard It’s there.
@Braiam we had long time to prepare for this
You just have to dig a bit more now.
@tchrist where? My skills failed me. :/
Do we know if the ELU spam storm and the chat DDOS attacks are related?
New profile's live on SO.
So much for my conspiracy theory.
@ShadowWizard For a one-level demotion from Wizard to Necromancer I will tell you how to find it. For a two-level demotion from Wizard to Sorcerer, I will do so kindly. :)
I've reached almost half a million people. I feel important.
@ShadowWizard It’s on the Network Profile page, ShadowSorcerer.
@tchrist IMO necromancers are placed higher than wizards...
@tchrist cheating! It's not available in the public view of per-site profile with the new design. :/
another ignored report:
A: Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.)

Travis J Or see if my age has changed. (Actually, the last one feels may feel like a waste most days, but ~0.3% of the time, it reminds me it's my birthday - YAY!) Not to be the bearer of bad news, but I fear you may forget your birthday with the new profile version, as age seems to have been removed...

@tchrist But that's different. One can customize profile for each site, including age. Some users report different ages to different communities. Now that information is hidden; only the age on the synced profile can be seen.
Looking for thoughts + feedback:
A: Should we add more badges for asking questions?

durron597I don't agree with the status-declined decision on this question. Every big site complains about not having enough good questions: Meta Stack Exchange Why aren't people voting for questions? Can we prevent some of the low-quality questions from entering our system? StackOverflow Why the bac...

@pizza which means first account ever created.
@durron597 we added a set not even a year ago
@Braiam Are you talking about Curious / Inquisitive / Socratic?
Skeet has reached 111M people
> Medium
Wizard, 12th Level
Wizard, 13th Level
Wizard, 14th Level
Wizard, 15th Level
Wizard, 16th Level
@tchrist Necromancers should be a class of its own...
On the other hand, in Brust’s Dragaeran Cycle, there is witchcraft and sorcery and necromancy as essentially completely different classes, with wizardry combining more than one discipline. Elder Sorcery is its own thing, too.
Well. I can't work. So I'm going home.
Bye bye
Anyone remembers the good old envelope? Is there any trace to it in MSE?
> “Necromancy is the art of using necrophia, and amorphia, to control the energy levels of different life-states.” —Aliera e’Kieron
It is a very rarefied discipline.
Brust started life as a C programmer. He still writes his books in emacs.
Misread as "necrophilia". Was confused.
Jeff Atwood on March 29, 2011

If you’ve used any Stack Exchange site over the last year, you’re probably familiar with “the envelope”.

The envelope was a notification system that … sort of … let you know when things happened on the site. As time went on, it became clear that the envelope was a deeply flawed design. I began thinking of it as a curse, as our Windows Vista. Yep. That bad.

What was wrong with the envelope? So many things:

It was schizophrenic. An envelope implies “things that were addressed to you”, and part of its functionality involved replies, but it also folde …

@JanDvorak ekkkk!
@Bart nice! I'm looking for the feature request asking to bring it back though. Was it deleted by Jeff?
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: How can I judge loan availability? by David M Moyes on money.stackexchange.com
Jay Hanlon on April 15, 2015

In the time since we started working on the profile, generations of dinosaurs were born, fell in love, had families, and were killed by a comet. Or climate change, or maybe texting and driving or some nonsense like that. Anyway, as of today, it’s live on SO and about half the network, and we’ll be rolling out to the rest over the next few weeks. And it was worth the wait:

Unfortunately, the designers said I could have… like two, maybe? At most. So, we went with that:

The Profile Page lets you show others a summary of what you’re all about. Share your interests, favorite c …

@SmokeDetector tpu
@pizza Blacklisted user.
@bummi Blacklisted user.
@Shog9 thanks!
So that was the feature they failed to roll out yesterday in time for the podcast.
lol ^
@LynnCrumbling there is a NAA too ;)
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 1 min ago, by Andrew Leach
Posts with Korean characters anywhere are now blacklisted on ELU.
A: New profile pages are out - bugs and feedback master list

Unihedro"Answer(s)?" is out of margin (and not aligned in the center) The above is a picture taken on Chrome Beta from my Stack Overflow profile on Questions tab.

Woot! Drew a freehand on non-inverse color.
I got a new badge on MSE and I hope Oded wants to earn some rep...
The new profiles are embearasking.
@tchrist Why?
Can I please return the php bronze? :)
At least yours is on the third tier.
@tchrist No refunds.
@Andy Well, I didn’t actually use php badges to disqualify mod candidates.
Others, well. . . . :)

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