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@James Regardless of the voting system, different users will vote differently. Some will vote just for 3 they want to win, for example. Some don't downvote. Some will decide they should vote either up or down on everyone.
@James It's a way of ensuring that people whose nominations weren't too great don't overtake those who just didn't get much attention but who are viable candidates.
I vote up if I want the person as a mod; downvote if I don't want; and abstain if I have no sufficiently strong opinion.
Score stabilized again.
For the record, I downvoted most of Tavern candidates (with one exception).
@pizza yeah me too, bunch of image posting slackers..
@AstroCB makes sense
I'm the only one with a positive score who has no net change.
@pizza Yay! I think... :P
13 mins ago, by AstroCB
It seems as if nearly every upvote I get is balanced by a downvote.
@hichris123 The exception wasn't you.
Oh well. :P
Was it JasonC?
Hrm, what do pizza's like?
Not that this wasn't obvious before, but Martijn wins.
@pizza Oh, probably because I ate one of your siblings a few days ago. Sorry about that. :(
@hichris123 Proper use of apostrophes.
@AstroCB I'm not sure on that one... I might have been referring to our pizza, in which case I would be correct, or I might have been referring to all pizzas, in which case I would have been incorrect.
I don't know what I was referring to. :P
> what do pizza's like?
That doesn't make sense.
What does pizza like?
What do pizzas like?
I guess you combined them to emphasize your uncertain meaning.
That works.
@SmokeDetector fp
@pizza Registered answer as false positive.
Whitelist example domains?
@AstroCB ah, true. :P
@hichris123 You're not a greengrocer are you :P
Er I don't think so...
in the UK greengrocers are quite notorious for overusing apostrophes "Fresh banana's for a pound", I've even seen one on "pear's" which..nrrgh
@James Oh well that explains why I didn't get it. :P You're a Brit; I'm an American.
@Undo happy birthday.
> one of our agents who got so sick of 3rd party tickets they just archived them without responding. -- Jon Ericson
I wonder who...
I like to "archive" certain types of questions without responding, too.
> {"v":[955,201,442,2910,335,330,113,1765,468,1232,201,78,580,1326,0,88,196,537,6,‌​1528,64,2,0,688,481,311,73,0,34,4]}
Protip: Shave off {"v":[ and ]} to save 8 bytes!
129 people upvote shree? wat
@bjb568 I'm as confused as you are.
use it
Perhaps it's
4 hours ago, by AstroCB
!!vote by avatar or vote by potential moderator qualities
I can see Paresh pulling ahead of Ed, but I don't know if there will be any other big shakeups in the top 10.
@AstroCB That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@AstroCB Yay for the 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election! Election voting begins in 3 days, 19 hours, 31 minutes and 51 seconds.
Still four days to go, though.
@AstroCB I'm SmokeDetector, a bot that detects spam and low-quality posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@AstroCB Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@CapricaSix I should start using that line...
@pizza It comes down to priorities. People who write to us hoping we can reset their Xbox Live account (for instance) are pretty low on our list. We are utterly unable to help.
!!> alert("This is a test.");
@AstroCB "ReferenceError: alert is not defined"
Why is unhedro so controversial?
@bjb568 Definitely the crab hat.
@AstroCB I've tried it all before, it's probably not vulnerable.
Yes, wearing an old-fashioned hat is a losing move.
Oh, I forgot to dv Idan Adar. Yay, he's back to 0.
!xkcd find moderator
bobby tails... how moderator-y
The top 5 all have 40/40.
That's an interesting result.
how about rep?
Yes, same size as the car pictured. Voted to reopen. Why did this get so many downvotes? Have you all gone crazy? Obviously it's similar to the trunk pictured. If I was asking how to put it into a truck or SUV, I would've stated that and not car! The question is about how to get it up there since I can't lift it by myself. The question is NOT about how to fit it in the trunk.. I already know it will fit in the trunk!! — Roombatron5000 4 mins ago
I don't know if that means that the candidate scores are good predictors or that people are voting by candidate scores.
!xkcd find Undo
@AstroCB Gawd, I'm not going to implement elections on DD then.
People can't vote.
@xkcdBot @Undo
Also, all questions will be reference questions, debugging will be in chat.
@AstroCB eval on the bot runs in a webworker
Yes, same size as the car pictured. Voted to reopen. Why did this get so many downvotes? Obviously it's similar to the trunk pictured. If I was asking how to put it into a truck or SUV, I would've stated that and not car! The question is about how to get it up there since I can't lift it by myself. The question is NOT about how to fit it in the trunk.. I already know it will fit in the trunk!! — Roombatron5000 16 secs ago
only certain functions have been exposed
previous comment deleted!
That's what I figured.
there is also a throttle limit for time to prevent crashing
!!> while(1);
@rlemon Maximum execution time exceeded
!!> for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++){ console.log(i); }
@AstroCB "undefined" Logged: 0,1,2,3,4
well-refrigerated leguminosae seeds
@AstroCB Is that so? Encouraging...
continues grinding up to 40/40.
!!> arguments.callee.toString()
@minitech "TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them"
!!> JSON.stringify(self)
@bjb568 "TypeError: this is undefined"
@bjb568 "[object DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope]"
Hm, there are things harder to defend against, still
@bjb568 "TypeError: cyclic object value"
Has anyone tried converting an accepted answer to a comment recently? (A mod function, of course)
!!> Worker
!!> (function c(v) { return c(v.concat(v)); })([1])
@bjb568 "ReferenceError: Worker is not defined"
@minitech Maximum execution time exceeded
!!> postMessage('hallo')
@bjb568 Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
There's a bug report on ru.so saying that it fails with aspxerrorpath.
!!> close()
@bjb568 "undefined"
!!> close('y u no close')
@bjb568 "undefined"
@pizza I've only converted 2 answers to comments, I think...
So no, sadly.
And none were accepted, I suppose?
none accepted, yeah.
Accepted NAAs are abundant on ru.so, sadly.
Legacy posts from more forum-like hashcode.ru.
!!> Window
@AstroCB "ReferenceError: Window is not defined"
!!> importScripts('http://devdoodle.net/test.js')
@bjb568 "undefined" Logged: "hi"
Ooh, you can import scripts!
@pizza Did they "import" the whole site? Was that what Nick was complaining about?
!!> importScripts("http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js");
@AstroCB "TypeError: n is undefined"
!!> $
@AstroCB "ReferenceError: $ is not defined"
@hichris123 Yes, the 50K+ questions didn't come up all in the past two weeks.. But Nick was probably messing with web server logs.
!!> importScripts('http://devdoodle.net/test2.js')
@bjb568 "undefined"
!!> testexploit()
@bjb568 "ReferenceError: testexploit is not defined"
in Unix and Linux on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 7 hours ago, by derobert
352/265 packets, 24% loss, min/avg/ewma/max = 24.899/317.526/273.202/4285.823 ms ← less Comcastic than before! Half as many packets lost now!
!!> ["Badger","Mushroom","Snake!"].forEach(function(a,b,c) { b<1&&(b--);console.log(Array(c.length-b).join(a + ' ') + a); });
@rlemon "undefined" Logged: "Badger Badger Badger Badger","Mushroom Mushroom","Snake!"
!!> importScripts('http://devdoodle.net/test3.js')
@bjb568 "ReferenceError: Window is not defined"
!comp time in India
6:20:30 am IST | Tuesday, April 14, 2015
!!weather india
@rlemon [](openweathermap.org/city/1260877): 19.4039C (292.554K), Sky is Clear
!!> Navigator
@bjb568 "ReferenceError: Navigator is not defined"
!!> console.log(this);
@AstroCB "undefined" Logged: "undefined"
!!> XMLHttpRequest
@bjb568 "ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined"
!!> Date
@bjb568 "function Date() {\n [native code]\n}"
!!> Object.keys(this)
@rlemon "TypeError: can't convert undefined to object"
!!> new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0);
@AstroCB 1428897600000
only that
!!> new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0));
@AstroCB "2015-04-13T04:00:00.000Z"
!!> setTimeout
@bjb568 "function (e){\n\"use strict\";\nfunction t(){r-=1,e.apply(self,arguments),a()}if(e){var n=[].slice.call(arguments);n[0]=t,r+=1,o.apply(self,n)}}"
!!> setInterval
@AstroCB "function setInterval() {\n [native code]\n}"
!!> requestAnimationFrame
@bjb568 "ReferenceError: requestAnimationFrame is not defined"
!!> setInterval(function(){ console.log("asdf"); }, 2000);
@AstroCB 1
If anyone's looking for OT questions, take a look at
Paresh and @Ed were tied for a second.
Then Paresh passed him.
Paresh is in the top 10.
!!> global
@bjb568 TypeError: cyclic object value
!!> Object.keys(global)
@bjb568 ["postMessage","onmessage","global","whitey","exec","console","setTimeout"]
That's better.
It's probably not buggy enough for me to figure out how to break it tho.
Paresh and Ed are currently engaged in deathmatch part 2.
the eval can't be broken for what i've seen. there are bugs. but not in the eval.
ooo, new bot.
and i'm not going to expose what the vulnerable places are
Well, you can play with my bot too.
Almost as exciting.
sounds dirty
!bjb !bjb
bjb [translated]
!ping bjb
Prepare to be pinged, @CapricaSix.
!ping CapricaSix
Prepare to be pinged, @SmokeDetector.
!ping SmokeDetector
!bjb There is no dirt on my bot.
there iz no dirt on my bot. [translated]
!ping SmokeDetector
Prepare to be pinged, @Mooseman.
Any other bots?
!ping Mooseman
Prepare to be pinged, @Mooseman.
Oh, right.
!ping Shog
@AstroCB How dare you try to ping the mighty Shog?
!bjb > MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF STARS AND BOTS! Wheel of blame link bolted on for your ease of use
> me god, itz full of starz n botz wheel of blame link bolted on for yur ease of use [translated]

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