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Welcome to Movies & TV. Is there any way to bring at least some kind of structure, or at least some actual punctuation, into this post to make it look and read less like the ramblings of a madman and more like an actual answer to the question? — Napoleon Wilson ♦ 41 secs ago
@AlexisKing :D
@JasonC That moderator gets it.
This question took a lot of editing, and is still poor gardening.stackexchange.com/posts/17692/revisions
still peeeeeeeending
@bjb568 lol, thought you said peeing
so messed up
@Frank You should flag it. Need to get a mod on that.
@AlexisKing ha no
aaaah the joys of sitting here in my classroom watching my students suffer the physics exam... the look of pain on their faces gives my dark-cynical-heart such joy....
@SabreTooth ooh, a teacher
@AlexisKing reluctantly
y'all students can now see what your teachers are thinking behind your backs ^^
@Frank yes, it is "we hate you" ...lol
@SabreTooth Give them a 2 minute warning then tell them just kidding.
i did, the panic level imploded - it was joyful
Eh, I don't need school when I have SO.
Dec 5 '14 at 19:36, by Shog9
Any med school that doesn't accept imaginary points as transfer credits isn't worth graduating from.
teaching is temporary until I find something academic
@AlexisKing we don't have a medical SE site - for a few good reasons.
@Frank Are you implying WebMD isn't always infallibly accurate?
@Frank buzzfeed.com/awesomer/… is 19 good reasons.
@JasonC ahaha!
I also say to the students that they failed the exam - usually when they passed....
"I swallowed an ice cube whole, and I haven't pooped it out. Is it stuck?"
8 hours ago, by Shog9
@JasonC yes
@JasonC been there, done that
@SabreTooth not as fun as telling them they passed - they shooting them with the inevitable truth a moment later.
It's funny when, before an exam, they whine "I am going to fail" and I respond with no sympathy at all "okay, if you insist"
@Frank on April 1
@Frank oooh evil! I like it - will do that next
@JasonC please, please tell me most of these are trolling
Why is "yes" pinned
At least "I'm an idiot" is no longer pinned
cause it can!
It is, however, now my most starred message >_<
@Doorknob that should be pinned
My most starred message is at a mere 14:
Oct 21 '14 at 17:20, by Frank
Wow, I've found a foolproof way to get stars. Any message of mine with the substring "I'm an idiot" is eventually starred.
It does have the prerequisite, however, of being an idiot.
See? ^
'Doorknob's an idiot' I wonder if it works for anyone else. ;)
Hm, this should probably be reported on meta.
Dammit you ninja'd me again.
@nicael Go for it! ^^
[feature-request] make me not an idiot
[bug] [discussion] [status-tag-abuse] @JasonC
I am about to stop the physics exam... times almost up then proceed to mark their drivel
@SabreTooth Tell them you'll be grading them with a fair 100-sided die, then follow through and do it.
@JasonC Better yet, an unfair 100-sided die.
:o I have 8 pages of starred messages in this room. What are y'all, krazey? And I rarely post...
someone's gonna star that
just watch
How do you see your starred messages again? I'm perpetually confused by the chat info pages.
> starred / show all 18526
Ah it's from the chat room info not the user info
> all | starred by me | posted by me
@JasonC yah - which doesn't make much sense
Can I sort them by stars?
@Doorknob eh? watches
I've got 7 pages, I think most of them are one star from bjb.
nobody starred it :P
@bjb568 "7 mins ago"... VLQ flags are not shown to moderators for 15 minutes after they were raised. And I doubt moviegoers review much.
This one got 6 and I didn't notice:
Feb 21 at 23:30, by Frank
Q. How well do you handle work under pressure?
A. I prefer working under around 1024 hPa.
Haha I forgot about this:
@Woodface auto helpful'd still on deletion
hay, those are confusing
brown ftw 5 stars
Feb 11 at 16:47, by Frank
@Frank Haha, awesome.
3 stars
Feb 3 at 23:36, by Frank
user image
and 3 more
Feb 10 at 2:45, by Frank
user image
reruns :/
@Frank Well that took an unexpected direction.
oops, I didn't know I posted that twice till I looked at my stars...
Feb 28 at 1:16, by Frank
user image
Mar 6 at 4:25, by Frank
user image
Mar 7 at 22:35, by Frank
user image
Mar 9 at 19:17, by Frank
user image
Mar 9 at 19:55, by Frank
user image
anyway, clogging the room. :P
@ɥʇǝS Is the tag even necessary?
@Frank Will report on that… some time… hopefully in next decade…
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating words in answer: Ubuntu - Chrome OS look by LlamaWhale on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector yay llamas!
@Doorknob ^
@SmokeDetector tpu
@hichris123 Blacklisted user.
@ɥʇǝS can handle a llama flag now!
developers developers developers
@JasonC that reminds me of my students in the last 2 minutes of their exam
and boy, did they whinge! My tests require thinking, just memorising will lead to falure
Wow, even the question that Smokey picked up is terrible
@James ...... yeah that's his job
@Frank but he was picking up a spam answer
@James oh right
@bjb568 It was just an image from some mashable list
> I'm obviously no programmer and having no luck. Any ideas for me?
Which, incidentally, is one of the worst designed web sites I have ever seen
@JasonC aww
Why do web designers think that slideshows are good ways to present lists?
This entire Meta post about why this question should be closed, and mine is still the only vote on the linked question...
Q: Is a question about the right algorithm on topic on SO?

TecBratThis question led me to ask this Meta question. When I started to flag it as off-topic, the nearest reason was: "Blatantly Off-Topic (this question has nothing to do with programming)". I wouldn't say it has nothing to do with programming but there is "programmers.stackexchange.com", so I thou...

Old cat waitz patiently for kidz to go diggin in the soil...
@hichris123 wat
@James I feel this is going to get confusing fast
@JasonC quoting that out of context is just so awesome xD
Wait, did I just say that?
@hichris123 I see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see see. User destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed destroyed.
I feel that i should change my name
Why you? I believe you were here first :D
Damn, I can't change it until April 17th
@ɥʇǝS llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama
Can we change per chat only?
No idea
flags Seth and Hichris
I feel like we are getting llama'd out
@ɥʇǝS I know. I've got the quote link in my bookmark bar.
@James llama llama llama.
I spose you think thats funny
@hichris123 Too bad I can't "accidentally" spam flag that and then approve it here xP
Ahh, but when you go @James, which one of us gets notified?
@James, I get notified James, because my name is James
@ɥʇǝS llama llama llama!!!
So do we both get notified?
seriously @Seth, don't pull another @Braiam on us.
dont think we can notify ourselves
that would be as mad as a bag of frogs
@JasonC Der
You can notify yourself if you reply to yourself.
Like, non-pony James, type ":3198987 no U"
@AndrewT. recursion
@hichris123 I can't heeeeeeeeeeeear you
Technically Spike is a baby dragon but I don't mind being referred to as pony James
For posterity:
in Ask Ubuntu General Room on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Mar 18 '14 at 15:20, by Seth
I flagged Braiam's message as spam on accident, and some silly users approved it.
in Ask Ubuntu General Room on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Mar 18 '14 at 15:20, by jokerdino
Actually, that flag was autoapproved because you flagged it.
@hichris123 ya rang?
@Braiam This rogue moderator named @ɥʇǝS wanted to mod abuse me too!
@hichris123 It's funnier if you link the conversation..
It's sad how quickly I can blow through my 20 LQP Reviews
It's sad how quickly I can blow through my TNT stash :(
@Braiam You can blow through that at roughly 8km/s depending on purity I believe
It's sad how quickly the train is borked :(
BTW, is it "la"ma or "ya"ma?
phonetically? For me is yama
it's alpaca
@ɥʇǝS Oh, there's a conversation!

Honey, I banned Braiam!

Mar 18 '14 at 15:19, 30 minutes total – 36 messages, 9 users, 18 stars

Bookmarked Mar 18 '14 at 23:44 by Seth

@hichris123 yup!
@bjb568 the former.
Source: Knowing people that own llamas.
Noun: llama (plural llamas)
  1. (zoology) A South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama, used as a domestic beast of burden and a source of wool and meat.
  2. llama
  3. llama f (plural llamas)
  4. llama f (plural llamas)
Verb: llama
  1. Third-person singular (él, ella, also used with usted?) present indicative form of llamar.
  2. Informal second-person singular (tú) affirmative imperative form of llamar....
from define:llama in Google, which comes with a sound clip
Seth destroyed the llama :(
Is there a screenshot going around?
i.imgur.com/3IRz33O.png warning big image
hahahaha that is amazing
Self-vandalism. Wait for a local to rollback, or copy-paste?
I pinged some mods in TL
Mod reverted
@SmokeDetector gone
26k rep on SO got butthurt after 1 downvote...
If I get a downvote on SO, I'll be sure to rage-quit immediately.
anyone can... umm... try to reproduce? meta.stackexchange.com/q/251950/213575
@Braiam dupe. nicael already posted all the bugs
@Woodface damn you, @nicael!!! GRRRR!
But it's buried under the avalanche of his other posts, so I have a trouble finding it.
@Braiam Turns out it was carpetsmoker, not nicael.
A: Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.)

Carpetsmoker Well, thank you :-) But congratulations for what? My birthday? Drinking a beer? Finally getting around to doing the dishes? It seems the text is somehow 'behind' the grey box... Going to the web inspector and removing a few characters seems to fix it: This is Firefox 36.0.1 on Linux, but a...

@Woodface Mar 15 and we are at almost Apr :(
I think it makes sense to leave the question there; this is a pretty bad layout bug, so it should be more noticeable than nicael's reports about 0.03 pixel defects.
You misspelled his name, and have a broken image.
(guy is looking for info about how to save the world from a monster)
> “… In the past, a war raged on this land. At that time, much of our information went up in flames.”
“The flame really was accurate in the information it swallowed.”
“I-I’m sorry…”
(and again the important parts are missing)
must resist from figuring out that trope from tvtropes
Downvoted => deleted in 2 weeks.
Homework for spanish was awful.
Remind me to send you a sideways pic tomorrow at lunch.
tired now
@AndrewT. is the top voter on Android this year, more than 2x the 2nd place.
I noticed there is a serious lack of votes there, with decent contributing users being at 1 rep (and unable to ask for clarification of questions, which is often sorely needed).
I upvote on occasions, but it's pretty hard to know what actually works without having that model/OS/setup/...
Both of this user's questions are closable.
And the answer that it attracted is effectively link-only.
@SmokeDetector Wow.
@SmokeDetector a dupe!?
I can't edit this thing enough Jason.
I'm just going to flag it offensive. Screw it. F*CK got used 3 times in the question.
It's hilarious. Did you read it?
Lol and the screenshot, wth?
Yeah. It's nearly incomprehensible.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@LynnCrumbling Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
I backed out my edit; flagged offensive.
I'm trying to read it... currently on 1st paragraph, which is already nonsense
what in the name of Equestria does that even mean?
@AndrewT. Yes.. it doesn't improve.
I think this is the sort of thing that VLQ on questions can still be used for (not on SO).
Not that it has to get 6 offensive flags... but 1-click mod delete would be perfect.
@LynnCrumbling Where's that WTF flag, eh? :) When they're really bad I rip them out in toto for major surgery in vi and replace the whole thing, but that one is just a massive spasm of incomprehensible logorrheia, like some speed freak having a manic episode. Madness thrice over.
real intention?
what about my questions about security for my privacy and kali linux questions so i can go over to some other wifi network when i am doing something really secret nobody should know? — ZAhAbLU 1 min ago
I could probably edit the question to 2 paragraphs, which consists of "Recently it seems my computer running on Linux has been hacked..." and "So my current plan is to create a bootable USB...", but probably will be rejected as too radical.
(and it seems there's no correlation between hacking and bootable USB)
nice name
It doesn't matter if you switch networks at this point, because we'll know. — AKS 6 mins ago
That's the best I could muster. I'm tired.
@tchrist I heard that you get access to that flag when you hit 100k....
ok.... time for bed. Night all.
eh.. one more.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted user: Sync eBooks to your iPhone or iPod Touch by ZAhAbLU on askubuntu.com
WTH is going on there, the blacklisted user answering spam question?
uhh, I'd say he's "mentally ill"... paranoid? autism? (really, an honest opinion, not for insulting)
At least in this case there is an easy way to get rid of the post.
@SmokeDetector flagged NAA
Oh, and I have enough rep to downvote on AU. Cool.
Free PDF converters are off-topic on Drupal. I demand skin care products.
Hm, a legitimate answer.
@ShadowWizard, we're cranking to ship the page network-wide, probably this week. This update will probably come in a second pass a bit later. — Jaydles ♦ 55 mins ago
@Woodface Of course, since it's a copy-pasted of this answer :/
It's a shame I don't have the rep to downvote on askubuntu
thats....thats actually half amusing
never mind... I already custom flagged it... I'll accept the decline, but just really want to let their mods know
Our saviour!
His profile lists his age as 13
teenage rage
That simplifies things a bit.
From the context here I gather this user has some history?
I'm on mobile so some things are not super obvious.
Yeah, that's most of the history. Then a NAA, plagiarism, and NAQ.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: In the water equipment by hena jani on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: The committee’s estimation doses to the public by victoriahaynes on drupal.stackexchange.com
anyway, 1-hour old spam @ -6 askubuntu.com/questions/600522/… (the question, not the answer)
Blacklist candidate health350 dot com
A very familiar blacklist candidate sourceforge.net/projects/pdftoexcelconverter/
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, Blacklisted website: Active Ingredients Found in Striction BP by Lina Allina on webmasters.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, Blacklisted website: Active Ingredients Found in Striction BP by Lina Allina on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, Blacklisted website: Active Ingredients Found in Striction BP by Lina Allina on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Peter cells in the middle of the pack Thomas by Carol Mejia on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Natural Ways to Control Blood Pressure by Olive Coulter on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: How Will It Work? by voltasjuriya on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
!comp 1+1
!comp is bjb a bot?
@SmokeDetector tpu
@bummi Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
!comp what?
is bjb a bot now?
A google+ account promoting ECO and the same post on three sites: superuser.com/a/893222/172747
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Blood Pressure here concerning chronic disease by Adriana Sophia on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@bummi Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
Why is there no badge for getting upvotes based on a percentage of votes
All the questions that I answer never get many views
2 upvotes for 14 views isn't a bad ratio, but I'm never going to get 10 upvotes
maeks me cry evrtim
never mind 25 or 100
No Silver or Gold badges for me
Even help vampires have more gold badges than me :( stackoverflow.com/users/663724/kiran
maeks me cry evrtim
@James Come to SharePoint SE! Where top rep users are in the 5k range!
Lol, except I know nothing about SharePoint
nah, legit question
just off topic
I left a comment stating such
@SmokeDetector fpu
@AndrewT. Registered question as false positive, whitelisted user and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
Unless he posts an answer linking to the new smartwatch that i mentioned, then it is cleverly disguised spam
just checked, previously he got caught by smokey for offensive post, but it's actually a minor profanity, but got tpu'ed.
I wasn't sure if it was going to be a spam answer advertising this new open source watch
@James most SharePoint consultants probably do not know much more than you do.
@SPArchaeologist Do they know what SharePoint is?
If so, they are doing better than me
@James I could say that taken a random number of SharePoint devs at least one do not know SharePoint.
I have a vague feeling it's a content management system like Wordpress

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