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[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: I NEED HELP PLEASE by N-haulic on gaming.stackexchange.com
Everyday people don't tape cookie sheets to their feet to go out and get tacos in a blizzard. — GnomeSlice 3 hours ago
stackoverflow.com/q/26413731/1864610 - Q about some transient problem on an Apples site.
@Undo that was a thing? that would of been a nice site to troll participate in
@bluet yup, real thing.
@SmokeDetector ignore
@AndrewT. Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
@SmokeDetector ... wasn't that already ignored? chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/19543023#19543023
I asked myself too, borked?
Ugh, I'll take a look.
Actually, I'm going to do homework.
Then take a look.
Take your time, it's not that critical :)
I'm creating a test case, then homework.
wow, 100+ lqp reviews stackoverflow.com/review
Huh, weird.
(Smokey I mean)
wow, 500+ first-post reviews android.stackexchange.com/review (not surprised anymore)
Uh, what does 'a couple days' mean?
@AndrewT. there was 1k constantly on AU
for several days
@Frank ... ?
@Frank 6 to 8
@hichris123 like, a number
@Braiam I always thought 2-3...
Couple is usually 2.
But 6-8 <units> is better.
SE emailed me on the 7th and said they'd post their reply in GL meta in a couple days. Still waiting...
@AndrewT. but SO has standards!
Of course, they are busy and slow no matter what, but just curious
> Four days (valve) Two months and six days (actual)
@Frank Ooh nice. That probably means they're having a hard time reaching someone.
just divide that ^
Valve time, lol
Still no mods on LH. Still no launch of Engineering (reached full commitment two weeks ago). SE is slow.
Okay, actually doing homework now.
they haven't found a sp/en CM :/
@Braiam So, have you applied? For my native language a CM already hired, so I'm out...
> I want to work in People
Is SE hiring surgeons?
> Talent Sourcer
ohhh! hunters
@Fundamental how else do you think the heads get unattached?
all misteries surrounding Shog have been solved
Mr. Mister was an American pop rock band most popular in the 1980s. The band's name came from an inside joke about a Weather Report album called Mr. Gone where they referred to each other as "Mister This" or "Mister That", and eventually selected "Mr. Mister." Mr. Mister may be considered as representative of the melodic sound of 1980s pop rock. The band consisted of Richard Page on lead vocals and bass guitar, Steve George on keyboards/backing vocals, Pat Mastelotto on acoustic and electronic drums/percussion and Steve Farris on guitars/backing vocals. Mr. Mister was the successor to the band...
@Braiam that's a typo. Should be "Talent Sorcerer"
@Fundamental jp? pt? or russian?
@hichris123 ru
Nope. Unless he was lying to me about the non-native part...
@Fundamental Ooh, cool.
Additional question pool for big sites sounds ridiculous, but on medium-size sites like Math one could probably do something like that. Namely, have two versions of the "active" front page, and show them randomly. Possible benefit: reduces overexposure of unusually active questions, spreads attention around more evenly.
@Shog9 fills a bug ticket
@Fundamental yeah, markdown fail
Honestly, I never use any SE front page...
First spam found with my own filter. :-D
100% accuracy
@Fundamental What was the title?
@hichris123 Sorry about suggesting buggy regex for Smokey, it should have been `/fifa.*coins?/
I forgot about plural form.
> adhere to up to Fifa 15 Coins
I kept the fixed up version for myself. :)
Thanks. :P
^ there
Never accept regexes from strangers, parents should be teaching their kids.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Fundamental Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
Just in time fix. :)
@Fundamental well lifehacks is still having some issues
@Fundamental Appointing mods is a bit more than rubber-stamping a handful of folks who volunteered. We're working on it.
Getting sheep entrails this time of year is such a pain
@Shog9 gross
I would rubber-stamp @Frank any day.
In the religion of Ancient Rome, a haruspex (plural haruspices) was a person trained to practice a form of divination called haruspicy (haruspicina) the inspection of the entrails (exta), hence also extispicy (extispicium) of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry. The reading of omens specifically from the liver is also known by the Greek term hepatoscopy (also hepatomancy). The Roman concept is directly derived from Etruscan religion, as one of the three branches of the disciplina Etrusca. Haruspicy as practiced by the Romans and Etruscans has direct precedents...
in The Town Hall on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Jul 29 '14 at 23:39, by Pops
@AnnonomusPenguin "nominate"? I was just going to open up the users page and throw darts at my laptop screen. Everyone here wants to be a mod, no?
@Fundamental Stamping a tree? :O
that's not what I heard >:(
@Braiam his dart board is also made of sheep entrails
with wound entrail darts
Hook a polygraph to a plant. Works just as well.
and shiny Mylar flights
@Braiam Yeah, and then we have to requisition a new laptop, IT has to get involved... it's a mess.
@bjb568 o/
Where has @bjb568 been?
sleep, then homework
I need to get around to doing calc hw sometime…
@bjb568 so cats don't do homework...
They are when forced
gtg do moar things now! yay
That new Windows install smell... http://localhost/iis-85.png
@Mooseman ... what's iis-85? Some IIS image?
@hichris123 The IIS 8.5 comes with Win8.1. That's just the image on the default localhost page.
why anyone would need a webserver in a home desktop?
Running Technical Preview currently.
@Braiam 'MURICA
or something
it's definitivelly something
I'm running TP in vmware. Just one week until beta Win10!
@Mooseman :D
I run a few servers on this laptop, for testing purposes.
I haven't used IIS before, but I run Apache sometimes for testing & I have a home-server.
Now to replace the default hosts file... (I can make my own google.com :p)
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: testtesttest by some random person on stackoverflow.com
^ Can someone reply fp to that?
@hichris123 fp
Ugh doesn't work.
@hichris123 fp
That was me trying to mock it.
Okay, now try, but with ignore.
@hichris123 ignore
sigh nevermind.
Oh, I thought it was successfully ignoring Fundamental.
@Louis common mistake. You were successfully ignoring Behavior
@Louis No, I'm just bad at trying to fix things.
I think it was reasonable for me to expect that
re = /baba/; str = re.toString(); re2 = new RegExp(str);
would recover the original regex...
But apparently, it has to be str = re.toString().slice(1,-1);
@Fundamental new Function((function() { return 'blah'; }).toString()) doesn't work either.
And is somewhat more annoying to make work reliably
Yes, that slice idea was stupid, would lose parameters.
@Fundamental eval()
it's not evil if you cross yourself first
@Fundamental re.source is what you are looking for.
@Louis loses flags
So, eval it is.
or try to reconstruct the flags
Don't. Ever. eval.
@Mooseman Want to write a canonical answer to "how to store your JavaScript regexes in strings and then get them back unmangled"? I haven't found one on SO.
@Fundamental NAA (I'm just posting a link), but this may help you.
Apparently, Google doesn't care about the validity of the screenshot in Play Store (the screenshot is taken on iPhone)
@AndrewT. or a rooted device
How did this happen? We closed the question 15 minutes ago, but the answerer answered 10 minutes ago...
(updated the picture with freehand circles)
A: How was this answer posted after this question was closed?

Tim StoneIf a question is closed while you're answering on the full version of the site, you will receive a notification that the question was closed and the 'Post Your Answer' button will be disabled. However, this is only a client-side restriction, so it is possible in some cases that this process fails...

race condition and grace period ^
Today I learned... :)
Didn't realize the grace period was four hours :o
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Getting Revmob banner listener to work in Corona by user2639160 on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector ignore
@hichris123 Post ignored; alerts about it will not longer be posted.
When to use ignore vs fp?
ask on meta.botling
(actually, I want to know the answer too)
fp would add the title to doctype "good". When the title wasn't the reason for alert, there is no reason to do that.
@Fundamental In "Helpful Critical Guy", I think saying you're critical is too critical of yourself.
In fact, I suggested earlier that body checks should only accept "ignore". Don't know if it's implemented.
@bjb568 So... then I'm critical, and the statement is true.
5th Grade math question. Is this a reason to destroy the account for being underage?
Ugh… I feel like I should do some calc hw. I have 2 weeks of it, it's due friday.
I did about 15%…
@Fundamental No!
I'd prefer that tp/fp acknowledges the real issue, not the title though
Dump the other 85% on Mathematics
If you got a triangle with points (0, 0), (0, a), (b, 0), how do you prove the general case that the largest area is when a = b? I tried substituting and derivitiving to look for criticals but it gave me nothing (0 = 0).
@bjb568 What is the constraint on a and b?
It's answered anyway
@Fundamental They're just whatevers, like forany a and b from (0, infinity) or whatever
Then "largest" is meaningless, because you can always make a larger triangle than the one you have.
Normally I'd expect there to be a restriction like a+b=some number.
uh oh, u confused teh cat
flips open book
posts a blurry cellphone picture
Fine, then the hypotenuse has to be exactly c long.
c = root(a^2+b^2)
Okay, so that gives b = sqrt(c^2-a^2), reducing the problem to maximizing a*sqrt(c^2-a^2)
Oh dur, I was maximizing the wrong thing.
gets out huger eraser
It turns out you can't maximize a constant…
@AndrewT. What do you mean?
Add body to bad list.
Not title.
... we currently check the title though...
Hmm, hold on a second.
getta work, check der bodies!
@hichris123 Err, scratch that idea. It's meaningless, and I have hard time to explain it anyway.
weird, this is giving me newest results that happened 2 hours ago? stackoverflow.com/search?tab=newest&q=is%3aanswer
Heads up: search updates will be delayed a bit as we re-index the entire network for new analyzers and such as part of our search project.
@hichris123 sounds fancy
Yay, I finally got my filter to add and store regexes without having to modify its code. (Stored in chrome.storage.sync, hence the problems with regex-string conversion).
oh ty hichris123
@bjb568 No livestream though. :(
@bluet A certain room I'm in has a bot for StackStatus tweets, so... :P
they should be in this room
all things related to SE should be in this room
^ @InfiniteRecursion
@bluet I should have said feeds bot.
But twitter has RSS feeds, right? Or not anymore...
There's a room feed, I thought?
@Fundamental I don't think so. The URL is custom for that feed.
It's script.google.com/macros
!comp 96*16
The one only time I thought bjbotling could help, it doesn't...
F12 yay!
Anyone get a nice tablet recently? My first gen Transformer is starting to crap out and I am trying to figure out what I should look at. I'm not a huge fan of the giant phone tablets, so I've ruled out things like the Nexus 9.
@Andy I have a first gen Nexus 7, I've heard the second gen is a lot better.
The Nexus 7 is a seven inch screen, right?
@Andy yup
The 2nd gen is nice. We have 3 at work. Beautiful display.
I've been looking for things that have the 10.1 screens. Though, I think one of my coworkers has the nexus 7. I'll bug him about that tomorrow to see how he likes it too
The nexus 10 has a 10" display. It's okay.
We have a samsung tab 4 - also 7". Don't like it much at all, and it doesn't support otg.
@LynnCrumbling I love my first gen. Starting to show its age since it has a Tegra 3 & 1 GB of RAM & crappy flash memory, but it still runs (albeit a little slow).
Did the nexus 10 get the upgrade to lollipop?
@Andy Ah 10".
@Andy Yes, but...
Not sure how well it runs.
I know they turned off some of the shadows from KitKat on the N10, since it couldn't handle it.
Well, that's less than ideal in a new tablet
@hichris123 The gen1's were great.. and as an added bonus, they still had the nfc chipset that supported the mifare chips.
@hichris123 sadly, they dropped support for that in the 2nd gen.
I have an iPad already. I'm looking to replace the Android device.
@Fundamental I believe the answer here would be "kick it", but I don't think that would go over so well outside of chat ;P
Have you tried kicking it? — bjb568 7 secs ago
spred teh culturez!
How's area maximization going?
@LynnCrumbling mifare?
@bjb568 good luck with that.
@Fundamental Oh, it's easy.
You just have to not do it totally wrong.
@hichris123 Yeah.. it's an rfid chip used in wristbands, landyards, dongles, and all kinds of other fun things.
@hichris123 Oh, and id cards.
@LynnCrumbling Ooh, cool. I totally didn't know that.
@InfiniteRecursion Feed for you to add: script.google.com/macros/s/…
(StackStatus tweets)
"script", "macros", "exec", and long strings of gibberish. Looks legit.
It's in a ton of rooms (including TL!), so it should be safe.
in Meta In Praise of Moderators, 7 secs ago, by bjb568
I feel like I'm the only one here.
@hichris123 I've used two different types of chips... the mifare classic (1k) chips (iso 14443A), which are actually capable of authentication (although supposedly have been brute-forced in < 10s), and the Tag-IT chips (iso 15693), which are just for stashing data.
@hichris123 Why not just add the feeds of the tweets?
It comes with one-boxing then, too.
The gen 1 nexus 7 supports both chip types, but google went with a lower-cost chip for nfc in the gen2, because (word is) that nxp wanted too much for their chips.. so they switched to broadcom, and said goodbye to anything that was proprietary to nxp.
Or a bot that stalks CMs and posts their tweets here. >:D
LRiO comments, anyone? :P
"I'm not evil! I'm just ... questionably aligned."
@bjb568 He's not very interesting to stalk. :P
There are better sources of free flags.
Q: How serial up-voting is decided?

AliI noticed on Jan 6 more than 1000 of my reputation was reduced by removing some users. I have never, ever created any other user or up-voted myself through any mechanism. It is at least my right to know exactly how a serial up/down voting is decided? If some user likes the common logic of the o...

Poor Islam.SE user
This bounty system is totally trash
especially on sites with tons of bountied questions
a total of 15 views for a week's bounty
@Uni huh? This one oneboxes too, by the way.
from 98 --> 115
@hichris123 Oh.
@euphoriaoverlord Good thing it has no real-life cash value, eh?
@euphoriaoverlord Say hello to per-site chat rooms
@Unihedro 2 years later, nothing doen
rip in piece
Q: Questions on the Related/Linked Sidebar do not reflect an answered/unanswered state

euphoria overlord From here, notice how the sidebars for these three sites are a tad different, notably, Math.SE. I'm not sure if it's just me, but Math.SE clearly shows whether or not a question has been accepted or not in the sidebar. I decided to have a gander at the other sites, because I wasn't sure if i...

@Unihedro No, RIPIP
I mean sure I got some cyberweb points
but the question got very little attention
@bjb568 That's RIPIPIP .. oh my god.. it's... it's ... InfiniteRecursion!
that made me laugh because I've experienced that very thing.
Why are we posting random comics
can I post random comics
in the Tavern
why are we NOT posting random comics?
@Mooseman xkcd
@Moosebot xkcd 221
@euphoriaoverlord pseudorandom
@bjb568 hey, that was my line!
How to onebox?
shakes heads; gives up
Oh, it doesn't like https.
complains to @shog about how https doesn't work
works for me
oh you already did it
And you complain about my gifing.
Night, anyway!
Shog doesnt give a shit about HTTPS. You want nick.
@Unihedro y
Or Marc, probably
@Frank you wrote this, bjb was complaining about https, you posted the http one-box, of course it worked :P
Is my bot running?
Yup, it just didn't catch that.
one more flag!
@Unihedro oh why was he using https
@Frank .. why are you using http?
@Unihedro cuz
Why shouldn't I
@bluet lol but it would take longer than 1000 years
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Predestination ending scene by user18149 on movies.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tp
@ɥʇǝS Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
Does that work as expected?
@ɥʇǝS in theory
in practice... maybe? :P
okay then ;)
@Undo What is supposed to happen in theory?
every works right and the right post gets recorded.
but it adds the title of the question to docytype bad? why?
> I want to learn gaming and android apps making as well, is there any place to start, book or a website maybe? Any help is appreciated :) -- ugh
Are you looking for tutorials? There are many tutorials. If you are indeed good at programming, you would know better to use a search engine for advices like these. — Unihedro 6 secs ago
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: best supplements for muscle growth by zaidagraves on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Fundamental Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
> 784 Computer Programs Left
I'd say that depends on the language and IDE...
@Unihedro I only have 777 :(
although I type a lot faster with autocomplete
My peak WPM is 92, so I used that value. It was once 100-103 WPM.
That was, until I started relying on the IDE content assist.
I just tested it writing "normal words" and it's 90. I bet I run ~200 with autocomplete
someone needs to make a thing to test that
the answer is telling the question is duplicate of other questions
also, the answerer has flagged the question as duplicate
@DroidDev "you need to use the Support v4 Fragment instead of the normal Fragment."
Maybe better to kill the question itself?
The rest is all immaterial.
@Fundamental umm...I prefer "why isn't this code working(seeking debugging help)"
although, I wonder who upvoted question... :/
Anyway, it is an answer, it's the kind of "You need to do X and it will work. See here: Y", sometimes the solution really is as simple as X. You can fix it if you want, by including details into the answer itself.
ok :)
@hichris123 tpu
aargh,, it's not smokey D:
I'm amazed at how hichris hasn't gotten super annoyed by all the pings yet
in Shadow's Den, Jan 5 at 5:44, by DroidDev
I don't know what's to mind there in it... :/

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