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sometime is always the first time :)
^ nuked
Someone explain to me how the exact same POST request with the exact same params to the exact same URL with the exact same auth can fail on one device and succeed on another.
Arrgghh! Where do these people come from? This guy has posted four questions, all just with a valid JSON object and a problem description of 'it's not working'. Please, please, please NUKE!
Idiot of the day: My mom's ex-boss.
> Correct me if I'm not mistaken.
Oops - one of his questions actually has some javascript. Lousy question though
+21/-2 for me on LH
@AlfredYerger $e^{\tau i} = 1$ — bjb568 9 secs ago
@UndotheSnowman caching, user agent, IP filters (an auth token could be bound to an IP), ISP's stupid proxies, server-side randomness, network randomness, server relying on a service with dubious availability (throttled)...
@JanDvorak you forgot the most important of all: reasons
@JanDvorak Not caching, not user agent, not IP filters, not ISP, and not network randomness. It's reproducible, on my network. Feeding Postman all the headers from either session makes it work with the 32-bit generated JSON:
{"obs":[{"concept":"5090AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA","value":"132","obsDatetime":"2014-12-23T19:08:12.472-0700","person":"f149555e-69c5-4129-9b8d-57a9f47d248a"}], "encounterType":"67a71486-1a54-468f-ac3e-7091a9a79584","patient":"f149555e-69c5-4129-9b8d-57a9f47d248a","encounterDatetime":"2014-12-23T19:08:12.480-0700","location":"aff27d58-a15c-49a6-9beb-d30dcfc0c66e"}
And not with the 64-bit generated JSON:
And ordering them the same and feeding them to diff says that only the timestamps are off
Huh, feeding the webservice either ordered one makes it choke
But order doesn't matter in JSON, right? :/
@UndotheSnowman `mm? reproducible how?
@Braiam as in it happens every time
@UndotheSnowman I meant steps...
order doesn't matter if the app parses it as document
(umm, actually I don't know if JSON parsing is similar to XML parsing or not, I'll research first)
@Braiam oh, putting the request headers from the 64bit request into Postman, then giving it the 32-bit JSON works but not the 64-bit JSON.
this can't be right
okay, I'm confused since I don't see why it won't work
@UndotheSnowman ehhh? that made no sense to me
are different builds/version right?
@Braiam same version. Same app. Different devices. One 32-bit, one 64-bit.
@UndotheSnowman I bet there's some arch only bug somewhere
@Braiam I'm thinking it's a bug on serverside. It shouldn't care about JSON order :P
meh, both should produce the same JSON anyways if they use the same functions
probably, but it shouldn't matter.
> All browsers support javascript, except when they don't.
^ My progress on caching with DevDoodle
notice the gzip too
Wait… what's the difference between content and transfer encoding?
in The Junk Drawer on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 mins ago, by J. Musser
> Any reasons for UV? ... or is this a popularity contest? — J. Musser just for fun
@bjb568 The level of zippiness, transfer encoding is for transfers, content encoding is just for the content.
@bjb568 wat
y u talking to urself
SE encourages answering own questions.
@Behaviour with 'wat' ?
This is how you recognize avid SE users IRL. They ask, answer themselves, and later accept.
They also close people as not constructive.
Closes the star troll as not constructive
@Behaviour gone
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FORGOT ID CARD PROVIDE TEMPORARY ID CARD by user13946 on ell.stackexchange.com
// This determines if the browser will accept gzip
var raw = !req.headers['accept-encoding'] || req.headers['accept-encoding'].indexOf('gzip') == -1 || req.headers['accept-encoding'].indexOf('gzip;q=0') != -1;
// Is it good enough?
@bjb568 just do it the SE way, offer gzip always and wait
Does SE not serve nongziped content?
Vary	Accept-Encoding
Heh, yeah they do.
res.write(data.replace('$title', (title ? title + ' | ' : '') + (site.titles[dirs[1]] ? site.titles[dirs[1]] + ' | ' : '') + site.name).replaceAll('"' + req.url.pathname + '"', '"' + req.url.pathname + '" class="active"').replace('"/' + dirs[1]+ '/"', '"/' + dirs[1]+ '/" class="active"').replace('"/' + dirs[1] + '/' + dirs[2] + '/"', '"/' + dirs[1] + '/' + dirs[2] + '/" class="active"').replaceAll('class="active" class="active"','class="active"').replace('$search', html(query.q || '')).replace('$inhead', inhead).replace('$notifs', (user && user.unread && !nonotif) ? ' class="unread"' : ''));
Code quality goal: Make lines shorter than the width of my huge monitor :P
I wish apple would make a 5k monitor so that it'd be easier.
I can see all these pixels here.
Think about it: 2560 x 1440 over 27 inches!
It's a wonder how we can even see things that aren't subpixel rectangles!
Oh, I'm talking to myself again.
Is anybody else even here?
Did I scare y'all away?
@bjb568 I'm here, but about to leave. cya!
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CUSTOMIZING GNOME-PANEL (FLASHBACK) by JSD on askubuntu.com
I doubt I have any idea what I'm talking about either.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FORGOT ID CARD PROVIDE TEMPORARY ID CARD by user13946 on ell.stackexchange.com
Hi, Now I added the other tags. I need the very urgent basis i need this. Forthat I place in "ALL CAPITAL LETTERS". - Pavan — user13946 5 mins ago
Somebody is alive!
lol, you wanna play? :P
Play what?
please let it be "with strings"
anything, the goal is to spam tavern ;)
and wake Bret Copeland up
Okey, lets play with bots!
Lets see… what's the new message event? Looking… Eh, will use mutation observer.
I don't think bots will accept my commands
Eek, DOM exception 12.
Whatevs, will use a loop.
looks at bjb, thinks what the cat is upto
...meanwhile enjoy
he @bjb568 you might like here:
YAY! I found a date for @bjb568
Looks kinda mean tho
girls are like that man, just be patient ;)
bot no werk
bot iz meaner...
var chat = document.getElementById('chat');
var loopy = loopy = function() {
if (lastMsg == chat.lastChild) return;
lastMsg = chat.lastChild;
var els = lastMsg.getElementsByClassName('content');
lastMsg = els[els.length-1].textContent;
	if (lastMsg == 'hallo') {
		var inE = document.getElementById('input'), lastVal = inE.value;
		inE.value = 'Hallo! [from bot]';
		setTimeout(function() {inE.value = lastVal}, 50)
setInterval(function() {loopy()},100)
var lastMsg;
Hallo! [from bot]
OMG, it worked!
!plus 2 3
5 [from bot]
!plus 43 -3
40 [from bot]
oh yay!
!plus 49 00
49 [from bot]
want SO post
want SO post
want so post
want bjb time
1:13 [from bot]
    var chat = document.getElementById('chat');
    var loopy = loopy = function() {
    var currentMsg = chat.lastChild.getElementsByClassName('content');
    currentMsg = currentMsg[currentMsg.length - 1].textContent;
    if (lastMsg == currentMsg) return;
    	lastMsg = currentMsg;
    	if (lastMsg == 'hallo') {
    		var inE = document.getElementById('input'), lastVal = inE.value;
    		inE.value = 'Hallo! [from bot]';
    		setTimeout(function() {inE.value = lastVal}, 50)
Going to bed. Wake me up at 8:30. Night!
@bjb568 Night!
If the bot spazzes out and posts uncontrollably, chat ban me.
want bjb time
1:14 [from bot]
@bjb568 lol, ok, I'll tell everyone what to do
1:33 [from bot]
1:39 [from bot]
@SmokeDetector SPAM!
1:45 [from bot]
@DroidDev awaiting orders, sir. :-P
1:47 [from bot]
@WilliamPrice lol, You know what to do soldier ;)
1:47 [from bot]
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Best Supplements For Weight Loss by Mary Nance on meta.stackexchange.com
1:48 [from bot]
@DroidDev Roger that, firing missiles.
@WilliamPrice already fired?
@SmokeDetector SPAM
bjb, wake up!
@DroidDev Yes, fired. Not sure why I was paying them as all they do is sit around all day.
@WilliamPrice lol, but bjb is still here, did you ban him or do something else?
@SmokeDetector Hmm... spam content copied to the offending user's [profile][meta.stackexchange.com/users/278621/mary-nance), too
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: role of ions in muscle contraction and relaxation by anamika Singh on biology.stackexchange.com
@DroidDev I'm just a private, sir, I don't think I can do that.
@SmokeDetector HAM
@WilliamPrice oh! so backup...
!plus 0 0
erm... bot confirmed died
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: want to lose weight by Inocentsana Gil on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Behaviour Gone
Morning. :)
two more left ^
@Behaviour Gone, also
^ How drupal looked a little while ago.
loved target
very hardworking on Christmas eve
regarding this one, meta.stackexchange.com/questions/246036/…, should we have a new discussion (thread on meta) to sharpen the borders for the definition of spam and excessive/improper promotion for us flaggers and the posters, too, or would it be closed as duplicate?
What I usually observed is... if someone mention the disclosure "professionally", usually it would be saved from spam flag...
> Disclosure: I'm the writer of the blog.
or similar
which kind of biased (maybe I'm biased too)
With this argument even a bookstore could advertise with disclosure, since sure relevant anyhow, I'm not happy with this definition
Yay! on christmas eve, santa had cookies and chocolates for us in our comany!
Happy to able to stay at home today :)
I miss home :(
Here's it's the early morning of Christmas Eve... not sure if holiday yet.
(I'm in the bjb time zone)
@Behaviour should mean? I'm on UTC +1
want bjb time
its UTC+5:30 here(13:06)
Oops, does not work anymore.
1 hour ago, by bjb568
want bjb time
What happened to the bot, was it stopped / banned?
47 mins ago, by Andrew T.
bjb, wake up!
probably borked
@Behaviour ...or borked
lol... I thought they were duds! (Seriously, didn't do anything.)
In any case, the timezone conversion formula is BJB = UTC - 5
I think we will have a party in evening in our company
no family?
On christmas, I am going to meet a fellow stackoverflowian, with whom I met in chat. He live near me.
@bummi Actually, I am Hindu, we don't celebrate christmas with that spirit here, plus I live away from home(job :( ), so...
TIL: SO enables people to type in git commands without having any clue to what they do or mean. /personal experience/
ah, ok ... hard :(
Away from family sounds very hard @DroidDev.
@InfiniteRecursion well...that's what most of us has to pay for being a developer in India...
most companies are in big cities and most developers come from other places
@Behaviour Feature request: require new questions to be submitted via git
Its just like the job in army. We just don't shoot stuff here with guns ;)
@DroidDev What company do you work for, if you don't mind saying?
@WilliamPrice Not at all, Apptree Technologies. Its USA based LLC with two branches here
not a very big company, but, its good for start-ups. In last one and half year, I've learned quite a bit here and now, I am also getting chance to work on multiple technologies and lead a team of two developers.
@WilliamPrice btw, any special reasons you asked that? :)
@DroidDev Sounds nice. My company has a contract with L&T Infotech, and some others in South America... I imagine that they have an increased load while we're mostly on holiday here. I failed to realize that many would be away from their families even in their home country. :-(
@WilliamPrice ya, but that's the part of life. Although, most of us(me and my friends) plan to get a job near home(because these big cities are costly like NYC) and work as freelancers when we are free, but, that's a long shot...
@DroidDev You have my best wishes
@WilliamPrice Thanks :)
@DroidDev You have my best wishes too
What does this have to do with Apple? — Unihedro 8 secs ago
@InfiniteRecursion Thanks to you too :)
For those who missed it:
in Low Quality Posts HQ, 18 hours ago, by Unihedro
in Room for msh210 and Unihedro on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 25 mins ago, by Monica Cellio
@Unihedro thanks for explaining that! Now that you mention it I've heard passing references to Smoke Detector but I was unaware of any details. It's great that there are people keeping an eye on things network-wide. This would have been caught in the review queues eventually, but we (I presume to speak for all of us :-) ) appreciate the expedited handling. Thanks!
If Smokey had a cool hat, everybody would have known about him
Good UTC to you
#trainwreck ;)
COOL! never knew that!
It's the Internet, aren't we all on UTC whether we like it or not? :-)
Spam Q (66.7%): Weight Loss Done Wiht USa, by joneslees, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AndrewT. Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
@JanDvorak Sorry. :P
@Unihedro I like that!
@SmokeDetector delete
#trainwreck :D
thinks today is Mi Yodeya culture day
@Unihedro no, I'm gonna remember and use it 21394675198763541985762498756249386754352 times more
(wait, no BJB good time?)
I wish all of my customers were as happy as this one ....
@AndrewT. MEW, meeeew, mew, mew mew mew! Got it? :P
2 hours ago, by bjb568
If the bot spazzes out and posts uncontrollably, chat ban me.
^ funny cat
@rene send them your amazon wish list
why the dv, is it a bad question?
@DroidDev it is maybe lenghty and it basically is a debg this code for me ...
don't put a meta effect on it though....
at least he added his suspcion what was wrong
I kind of agree. It's a borderline optimization|debugging (the code is working)
I didn't downvote :/
I don't even know what is written in it, never coded on that side of PC
I just uv because it got a dv after I published the link here
@rene you know all that "don't upvote to justify someone else's downvote....." thingy, right?
Low Quality Q?: Wordpress Custom Rewrite Rule domain change, by loksatta express, on wordpress.stackexchange.com.
@DroidDev it is javascript with MS specific wrappers around native api's
Low Quality A?: I found one via Bricklink for $50. Also sealed., by Niels, on bricks.stackexchange.com.
@DroidDev for the famous Vista gadget bar
@rene oh! so, its just like phonegap on which I am working right now. I'll get code in js and write a java wrapper around it to get it working in Android
@DroidDev yeah, sure but not on my watch...
@DroidDev yep, same idea
Who is spamming Pham links in here? None of us can answer if they are low quality or not. Please let the respective communities decide.
@InfiniteRecursion someone might know
Trending: Inverted hats
@DroidDev lame
Really @JanDvorak ? Good luck with that
@InfiniteRecursion I did, because the question is borderline between OT and needs improvement for salvaging and the answer is almost NAA. Attention is demanded, even if none of us can answer if they're low quality.
Nov 17 at 16:28, by Bart
Are we still going on about this? Let's make it simple: we're okay with the occasional CV request or Spam notification, but in moderation. Ones you stumble upon. And if it's the whole tag that's a problem ... this room is probably not going to fix it any time soon.
Low Quality A (20.2%): Interestingly enough, restarting solved the issue., by user652650, on stackoverflow.com.
^ cv-pls
restarting is for PC's what baby wipes are for lifehacks
Best way to boost your computer performance: Restarting it! #LifeHack
gets excited when sees many notification number / frowns when half are stupid bounty reminders
And factory reset is for Android
@Sompuperoo I don't bounty
How to boost your Tablet's performance: Factory Reset!! #LifeHack
@JanDvorak not even for hats?
I love giving bounties :)
I can't find anything to bounty, no time to look for gems anymore
I agree, I gave the 500 rep bounty after a long time
if it can be answered using unusual method, then it's on-topic
@AndrewT. The scope changed during the private beta
inb4 MS Bob
Q: The scope of Lifehacks

Matt S.So it should come as no surprise to anyone that this site is struggling. The problem: In the few days this site has been in private beta, we've been trying to: Figure out if there's anything that isn't on-topic. Figure out who the experts are. Figure out if devices count as lifehacks. Figure ...

> If the question is not looking for an alternative to a product or solution that they have tried, then that question is off-topic on this site.
i see, good to know that they could define the scope
I think lifehacks.se and skeptics.se can be a good friend
(based on after reading this answer)
What's read cannot be unread.
@WilliamPrice You can, if you poke @Undo.
> If you wanted to undo something, it didn't work.
^ Undo's bio
so insightful, i'm awe-inspired
@Unihedro I learned something new today.
@WilliamPrice Only applies to Java though.
@Unihedro Yeah, but that's my day job and I'm reasonably good at it.
Low Quality A (25%): DONE AFTER SO MUCH READING/EXPERIMENTING.., by user3154926, on electronics.stackexchange.com.
spam gone
i think the new syntax for our posted spam should be SPAM (link) instead of SPAM (link) now that pham is using bold in here a lot
Nah, that takes longer to type.
@Sompuperoo everyone should yell in caps and bold when we use the word SPAM
@Unihedro just write a userscript to edit it in
soon :-)
loon :-p
boon :-/
'coon x_x
@Infinite :) heya
@MagicalPhoenixϡ c-c-c-combo breaker
sholly (holding ears)
@JanDvorak spam gone
@SmokeDetector fp
@ProgramFOX Registered as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
KLQ though
@MagicalPhoenixϡ heya :)
missed train
Are you MysticMagic @MagicalPhoenixϡ?
missed wrecking the train
but she wrecked it instead of me...so yay for trainwrecks :D
What is KLQ @JanDvorak?
@InfiniteRecursion kinda low quality

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