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@bjb568 switch your j out for an o.
11 pics in one question
@hichris123 from a comment on there
> Minimum wage is around 350-450 php
@cVplZ lol. that's phillipean pesos, I'm assuming.
@hichris123 lets hope you are right wrong
oh god...
And SE users flag offensive content into oblivion for free... Or maybe not free?
Maybe users who raise 200000 helpful spam/offensive flags can get a painting with one of those pictures?
@WeaponofChoice At least we're not exposed to the stuff that those people have to deal with.
@WeaponofChoice i've never seen a dick pick on SE.
Hm, me neither. Is there some filter for that, or does SE employ some company of that kind?
goes to post a pick to find out
@WeaponofChoice SpamRam blocks a good chunk of stuff...
Holy spamballs Batman! Something was sure knocking on our door recently. http://t.co/SmqgEXsPb5
I imagine that is some keywords/IP based filter. Images would be uploaded to imgur, and perhaps there is some pr0n-recognizing filter there.
@hichris123 Nice graph. I didn't know they used that.
how is the user supposed to go from an specific tweet, to the tweeter account page?
if I can't figure out in less than 20 seconds, the UI fails
@Braiam ... click the username?
or even the profile pic.
@Braiam s/20/5
@hichris123 err, nope, that only brings the account overview
Above is the content of my brain right now...
@Frank some people could consider that art
@cVplZ I'm sure some would.
Indeed, some would.
@Braiam "view full profile"
@cVplZ ...
@hichris123 where?
Do you need free-hand circles?
very likely
` `
@Braiam disappeared.
Ah, a dumb question.
@YiJiang promotejs.com seems to have become a spam site now.
@bjb568 Thanks
@hichris123 err... what screen is that?
@Braiam The screen after you click on the profile pic/name.
@bjb568 Huh?
@hichris123 From Yi Jiang's profile's about me
@hichris123 \> 1 click = fail :(
@bjb568 Ah.
btw, what wasn't this deleted?
@Braiam Yeah, they changed that functionality -- frankly, I hate it too.
@Braiam Isn't abandoned questions a 365 day check?
@hichris123 Don't call me 'frankly'.
^^ Macbook Air having fun with installd, installing Xcode.
@Frank ... when did I ever call you frankly? I didn't even refer to any trees there!
A: Do moderators lack sense of humour?

SantiaborgYes they are and many of them abuse of power too

^ read the comments there
@hichris123 Not my computer.
@bjb568 ... I know that my computer isn't your computer. That simply reminded me that I need a new computer. :P
@hichris123 Oh, by "i" you meant you.
So, what's your computer have to do with my image?
@hichris123 Really? I remember the proposal by Shog9 but there is no status-completed, and no further announcement.
@bjb568 ... your computer was running very hot. That reminded me that my computer would be slow when installing something big, thus need a new computer. Or something like that.
@hichris123 #tangeniallyrelated
@WeaponofChoice That was a reply to:
11 mins ago, by Braiam
@hichris123 \> 1 click = fail :(
@bjb568 Pretty much.
@Braiam It was downvoted just today. The 30-day script runs weekly, and it last ran about 26 hours ago, so that question will hang on there for a while.
@hichris123 Are you a... fat guy eating pizza? -?
I didn't know pizza ate fat guys.
@Frank Maybe...?
I think "fat" refers to pizza (i.e., fat guy-eating pizza). The pizza is fat because of all the guys it ate.
@hichris123 That's a weird post. :/
@WeaponofChoice Oh, right.
I put offensive flag on it and some comment flags.
The post does not seem to qualify for offensive, though. VLQ, perhaps.
I think the user needs a 10 year suspension.
Anybody else got ebola mail spam?
mails bjb body parts infected with ebola
The answer has been removed.
I am here... oooh, spooky
I am gone.
@TheWobbuffet sorry :D
@Frank … which… body parts?
@bjb568 it's better when a present is a surprise.
I saw a moderator on one of the SE sites say to someone "don't be a dick". Is it acceptable for moderators to use language like that?
@pacoverflow yes
@pacoverflow well, were you a dick?
Nope, he didn't direct it at me
Closed. Off topic. Also: don't be a dick. — Ian C. ♦ 10 hours ago
@pacoverflow context?
Well, you can't honestly expect someone to be nice to someone who's not being nice in return. That's such an unrealistic expectation.
@pacoverflow At the very least, he's not being an excellent role model.
Like the angry voters that call us at the Election Commission and don't think we'll slam the phone down on them when they start cussing. Guess again.
but yes... OP was kind of a dick :-)
The guy who posted that question didn't say anything to warrant being called a dick
@pacoverflow I'm sure there are deleted comments there.
stalking isn't dickery?
hmm, no way for us to tell if there were deleted comments
stalking? well he was talking about twitter - a site where people are supposed to read your tweets
then why is he worried about a notification?
In any case - I'm perfectly fine with the closure as well as the language.
i don't know, but this type of question would actually be perfectly acceptable on the Web Applications site
It might attract some downvotes as well
especially if OP uses the word "stalking" again
alright guys, have a good evening.
@DwarfSlice not bad, but the photo is bad.
@cVplZ Their glasses aren't as cool as mine
hiya @uni @uni @uni @uni
hiya @inf @inf @inf @inf
@InfiniteRecursion don't be a dick
In the aforementioned thread, the moderator could have written "don't be a duck". Same message put across more gently.
I can't @Jan, I can be a bitch but can't be a dick, biology!
Let me remind you that originally females were an actual part of male anatomy. One of the false ribs, specifically.
I have no idea about that. I have not studied biology at all :(
Genesis, Chapter 3
That is from a religious pov, not a biological point of view.
So, it doesn't count.
Atleast, at this point of time, I can be a bitch, not a dick.
Similarly, you can be a dick, not a bitch.
"bitch" refers to female dogs, not female ducks, though
There is a site that could help change that though. With a hyphen in its URL.
I'm going to bed now. You can fork the fiddle.
"Female duck" is an invalid phrase, ducks are female by definition, drakes are male. It's like saying female girl or male man @Jan
"duck" is usually used to refer to the whole species. Thus the usage would be analogous to "female human" (which is redundant, but technically correct)
You are a stubborn male human, always like to have the final say
@bjb568 My first question on devDoodle would be: what is this site for, isn't SO enough? As for thoughts: I would rename "question title" to "question excerpt". "Title" suggests something short, title cased, and not particularly descriptive: "Tale of Two Cities", "Java String Methods". A better title is not really a title: "What is the fastest way to split a string in Java?"
The idea of "The core question box" is intriguing. On Math (and probably elsewhere) users tend to (mis-)use the blockquote environment for that. Would be nice to have a semantically correct way to distinguish the punchline of the question.
^this peeping eye said hiya too, but no one called him a dick :/
walks away
follows uni
@inf? I missed @inf!
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PLESE SEND MY ANS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE on stats.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector true
@Unihedron Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
> One draws troubles, and the other make the troubles worse
wonders whose two that phrase applies
@Braiam are you talking about people in this chat room?
@cVplZ beats me...
@Braiam ok. Yea, b.c I havn't really been uderstanding what you talking about lately, like that question you posted recently, i voted to close as unclear. Will definitely vote to reopen if you make it more clear
@cVplZ is already clear: how you tell the community its behavior is not correct in SE
@Unihedron No!
@Braiam Yess!
@Braiam ok, retracted my vote. I don't see what the big deal is. Just ask a question explaining why you think the community isn't doing something correct or the best way, and give an alternative and why you think that way is better.
has anyone requested deletion for a specific site recently? I have, and the new deletion process if very user friendly.
@cVplZ that sadly doesn't work in my case
@cVplZ is the answer spam?
@JanDvorak I don't know for sure.. I think there is some policy to delete threads asking for tool/rec self answered by op
can you find it?
just using other flag..
postgresql has a library, right?
like sqlite
@JanDvorak gone
@Unihedron when?
@ProgramFOX ^
@Braiam by op, he undeleted... re-nuke pls
@Braiam Some seconds before I posted my 'gone' message.
@Unihedron oh
must learn to read the revision
must install the GM script so he doesn't have to type the whole url
btw... more meat for the cannons superuser.com/questions/831627/…
@Unihedron now it's removed by its author again
@cVplZ The question sucks, and the answer was posted so soon, it's probably a spam seed
this user appears to be linking all his answers to studyoverflow
I'll other flag
@SmokeDetector false
@ProgramFOX Registered as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
Hiya @Braiam, your MSE post is a bit rant-like
@InfiniteRecursion impossible....
I stopped using the w--- word
I quickly glanced through the transcript, and saw the real issue. A suggestion: ask on MSE if mods are allowed to close questions due to technical inaccuracy, that was your original question, so that's what you should ask
now it has become an x-y problem, current mse post is unclear
if there is a canonical, someone will find it for you, else your post becomes a canonical
an old-fashioned piece of spam
Since when did spams have a fashion sense :P
How do you know they do? They mention cadillac because it's an expensive car
like an oversized flashing sign saying "hey, I'm rich"
Just my suggestion @Braiam, feel free to ignore it :)
Hiya @cVplZ @cVplZ @cVplZ @cVplZ
starts ignoring @inf for realz
hey @inf! please be nice to @bra :)
takes some more pairs of cool glasses from @Braiam
@InfiniteRecursion DON'T YOU DARE!! D:<
I am being nice, giving him good advice when he needs it :)
cool, that's a Mexcian hat
for you to wear @inf
I don't wear hats irl, they mess up my hairstyles
/me is editing Braiam's rant
@Braiam, check your rant...
@InfiniteRecursion where?
@InfiniteRecursion STOP SHOUTING :p
oh still spam there on drupal. flagging
@JanDvorak flagged, gone
@InfiniteRecursion now you changed totally the meaning....
<^> does no one want a Mexican fiesta hat? <^>
is not content, is response to topics
Oops, I didn't want to change meaning, I edited from first person to third person. In that case, reject it please meta.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/32058
> @braiam said this isn't a correct edit in context so rejecting. please read SE be nice policy <^>
I am nice :/
@InfiniteRecursion check who wrote the message :/
and what I wrote
` `
^urgently needs the skin care tips from Drupal and MSE for those dark circles
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: http://domain.nl mirrors domain.com with signed certificate:: domain.nl uses an invalid security certificate on serverfault.com
@SmokeDetector false
@ProgramFOX Registered as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
Did SU's angry user return?
@InfiniteRecursion No, that question was just an off-topic question.
What makes you think so?
oh. The name is kinda similar
He quit too easily then...
We could use some good permanently angry users. Meta is far too quiet lately
Hiya @Bart :)
Hiya @Inf
We have an angry owl calling me a d*ck round the clock
Not sure how to fill in the * ....
5 hours ago, by Jan Dvorak
@InfiniteRecursion don't be a dick
phew ... I was worried it was "duck" for a moment
^that because I said hiya to Uni
hiya @inf @inf @inf @inf! :D
I prefer bitch, hope Jan uses that the next time around ;)
It would be the polite thing to do
I won't say hiya anymore @Uni, people attack me
Wait, @uni @uni @uni actually likes multiping?
Isn't that just a Stockholm syndrome?
... What?
This answer sounds too personal and abusive. I am only active in a single community (SO), and our mods never communicate like this on meta posts afaik. — Infinite Recursion 8 mins ago
^a mod posted an answer focused on user, instead of content.
Myeah, those two have been going at it for a while it seems.
sneaky spam
-7 and still alive? :-(
No it's not ;)
After intensive researching (I mean googling) on how to split strings with delimiters in SQL, the most I've figured out is that I suck at SQL. any hints?
normalise your database :-)
You're failing at 1NF
Can I like use a loop?
You can also split on the application server
@JanDvorak What do you mean?
I'm writing a SEDE query. I want to iterate through every element in @Items TABLE (... Tags nvarchar(150)) where the tags are c# application-server .net or something, separated by spaces. I have a temp TABLE to store all the tags.
There's another table for that
PostTags or something, IIRC
@JanDvorak Yeah, but that table has PostId if I wanted to INNER JOIN them, but the only other useful field is TagId, which is int, not string
join with the table of tags
That's a great idea.
It's more about configuring the Server, than writing code... It's about writing the config-file... — lippoliv 13 mins ago
cv-pls ^
ALAAAARM!!! @InfiniteRecursion, Where Is Your Beatiful Chicken Avatar?
Surely you can find the one flaw in the system that allows you to change it @nicael?
@Bart just dump him some rep...
@Unihedron oh wait, why she didn't rename herself to Finite Recursion then?
@Unihedron I never get those smilies
@Bart What's a smilie? You mean emoticon? Well, it's a sed regex command
I know
@nicael, a nazi owl consistently calls me a d*ck , so no more duck avatar. It's not a chicken, it's a duck.
// cc @Jan
I can still see a duck
@InfiniteRecursion if i give you 500 repz, will you change your avatar back to that beautiful duck?
Nope, bribing won't help. I am capable of earning 500 repz anytime I want.
@InfiniteRecursion 4,000 repz?

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