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ʞuɐɹℲ, ɐᴉuɐʌlʎsuuǝԀ 'ɹǝʇsɐɔuɐ˥
1 1
@bjb568 Ya wanna play chess?
@Frank I suck at chess.
12:16 AM
@Frank How about me?
@hichris123 NO
... I'm bored if you can't tell. :P
@hichris123 closes NARQ
@bjb568 >:(
10 hours ago, by Frank
@Vogel612'sShadow Warning: I suck
12:17 AM
awesome body paint ...
My rating is like 700, so not too cool
Hey telkitty!
@hichris123 sure
@hichris123 hello hello
12:18 AM
@Frank what site is this on?
@hichris123 My rating is on chess.com, but that's not as convenient here.
@Frank You... can run out of time?
Yeah, that move was just me having nothing to do. :P
@hichris123 I set it for blitz as that's what I usually play.
You can play classical if you want
12:34 AM
@Frank I'm going to play a game against the computer, to get me adjusted to this website.
@hichris123 Me just lost to level one :(
@Frank Same here. :P
@Frank :O
12:42 AM
@bjb568 Very literally.
@Frank Yes.
@hichris123 rematch?
@bjb568 O o.0 :OO: o
1:12 AM
I was white and I was about to checkmate
1:45 AM
only on stackexchange ...
else where it's called art
@chmod711telkitty it's how America is... unfortunately
What was removed?
1:55 AM
@lostsock that 404's.
well, not for me :)
@lostsock Hmm, what was on that page?
Is SE slow for anyone else?
@hichris123 not as bad as yesterday. just a small few hiccups
@hichris123 Fine here
2:27 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 79.9431: i cant install fifa 14 in my phone lg l80 on android.stackexchange.com
Found something funny.
I had taken an SE break from late June '12, until the middle of May this year.
You can really see the affects on the activity level on GL.
@Frank no doubt that you improve the site dramatically, but you also have to consider that the winter months are naturally slower?
Not too late to rename the site. J.Musser Stack Exchang
The site needs more users from South America and Australia to even out the seasons.
Obvious solution: Gardening & Landscaping in Portuguese.
2:36 AM
@lostsock Look at July '13 where I was absent versus July '14 where I was present.
@CareBear Ha!
3:00 AM
@CareBear Yeah someone thought of that.
in The Garden Shed on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Sep 26 at 19:50, by Niall C.
@J.Musser "Gardening by JMusser"? :)
3:34 AM
@ProgramFOX @Unihedron Do you have any clue what is going on with the crazy DevDoodle branches? It's like they have a mind of their own.
3:50 AM
@Unihedron Well hey there guy
Hiya @Frank
@Unihedron Still playing chess here, soon to go off to bed.
4:26 AM
@Frank You should sleep.
4:51 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: NOT ABLE TO GET PLOTTING PROPER on mathematica.stackexchange.com
@bjb568 o_o
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: NOT ABLE TO GET PLOTTING PROPER on mathematica.stackexchange.com
5:26 AM
+10 helpful flags
This question shouldn't be answered, and you don't even answer it! — Jan Dvorak 20 secs ago
7:12 AM
@JanDvorak flagged, gone
all gone
7:26 AM
Low Quality Q (100%): ****** ****** **** *** *** *** * **** *****, by syed inayathullah, on islam.stackexchange.com.
@Pham clean
I manualy posted that. (Message ID sys playing up again.)
Hance it posting the title already cleaned.
7:51 AM
@Jan You can't kick me that easily >:D
I can
I just don't want to do it too often
also, doing it thrice might annoy the mods ;-)
in Low Quality Posts HQ, 10 mins ago, by Pham
Low Quality Q (100%): Esay Loan is out now apply, by Ecobank Loan, on money.stackexchange.com.
^ spam
8:08 AM
Good idea, make @Pham always sanitize tpa's
@InfiniteRecursion why?
Well, whatever happens, feel free to add an FR on github...
Why not @Jan? A tpa is human verified before it gets reposted in the Tavern, so it can be sanitized so that we don't have to worry about the 2-minute edit grace period
sure @Sam, I will add an issue in github :)
8:24 AM
@JanDvorak Tumblr spam? That's new..
missed it :(((((
I hope SE one-boxes github tickets one day.
I hope I get to learn MMA one day.
8:40 AM
Unbelievable! How did this get stars?
17 hours ago, by Jan Dvorak
I'm at a chinese restaurant ATM. Should I eat a duck?
people, don't star offensive content please !!
Well, close it for "Too Broad", and problem will be solved.
And what kind of nerd chats in the Tavern while hanging out at a restaurant?
An Internal error occurred while showing an internal error.
You are recommended to exit the workbench.
Subsequent errors may happen and may terminate the workbench without warning.
That's how eclipse for Android works
9:17 AM
/me wants to propose gimmethecode.SE
Low Quality A (100%): ¿Works Handoff and continuity with a dongle..., by peper, on apple.stackexchange.com.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: What is main goal of muscles building products? on drupal.stackexchange.com
9:38 AM
Drupal needs more mods to fight their spam. :P
anyone here familiar how to download a templates from wix.com
i know it's off-topic here sorry, but anyway.
Suddenly, @Inf's message got two stars o_O
Nuked drupal spam
9:46 AM
@Inf thanks
Mse spam gone
wc @TGMCians, who stole your profile picture? You are left with the default gravatar :P
yeah #blame SE team
What did they do? o_O
oh no, just joking
9:51 AM
Gravatars are boring, useful only for identifying lostsocks
please keep a picture
hmm sure later
9:56 AM
Are there any souls I can devour?
devours Sam's soul
nom nom nom nom
now Pham has no active devs...
9:59 AM
Wait what? Your soul did work on Pham?
brb finding a zombie brain to do the work isntead
#phamghambraiam #rescuesam
It's a question related to programming related software. It does not really ask for third-party software or tools, so I see no reason to close it.
10:14 AM
so gmail is not working for me
> The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
no-repro: it works on my machine
yeah it's working fine for me also, seems temp issue for a few seconds, may be in india only
@Unihedron has a spam answer stackoverflow.com/a/26438514/792066
Should we flag it as spam?
10:24 AM
I did.
Ok, I flagged it too
looks like the recovery toolbox folks
Which is why I've also blacklisted that url.
spam-flagged. Also, cv'd as rec-tool
Wise of you @Sam
10:29 AM
four upvotes within an hour for an answer that I thought wouldn't get any...
inb4 "Why is Stack Overflow so positive of late" on MSO
Spam Q (100%): Get into the depth of idea, by alabyainy, on drupal.stackexchange.com.
Why didn't you expect upvotes for that @JanDvorak
@JanDvorak i cri ever tim
@Sumurai8 I thought it was pretty straightforward
10:34 AM
Meee tooo, i cri evry tim
I mean, I closed it myself, I should know better.
@Unihedron bug report?
@JanDvorak you paid attention <-- I guess?
10:37 AM
audits are to make sure you're not blindly clicking, so. It's just one of the easier audits that made me smile.
I mean, people shouldn't be suggested to reopen or close questions they have closed or reopened?
Probability is too low, not worth fixing
Too trivial
[status-rejected] :(
@Inf almost finished with your second FR...
10:47 AM
It'll go live with the next reboot.
Good grief, that's a lot of code. How are we supposed to debug it? — Unihedron 7 secs ago
^ Am I too rude?
You've got a new reply!
It made me laugh.
10:52 AM
@Unihedron Only if you said "Are we supposed to debug it?"
@Braiam Did you say this just because of the edit I suggested?
@JanDvorak err no
Have you written the poke-after-poof userscript @Jan?
@InfiniteRecursion dare you find out, sir and duck?
10:55 AM
dare accepted, please poof
Low Quality Q (100%): How to Recording Video file application in android?, by pradeep bishnoi, on stackoverflow.com.
Disappointed duck :(
@Pham migrated
11:06 AM
It wasn't a very good post, hope SU folks don't mind the migration
Anxiously waiting for [status-migration-rejected]
60% of the posts I get in First Posts and Late Answers are flag-worthy, and after clicking the "flag answer" button I quietly say to myself, wow that was not an audit
@Unihedron it was rejected
> Migration Rejected
occurred 8 mins ago
lol gg
11:24 AM
C-c-c-c-combo breaker!
11:30 AM
Well, actually it is afternoon here too.
It's only morning in... silly... countries... with silly people.
it's evening here
Are the star trolls sleeping?
@InfiniteRecursion yup
11:31 AM
(1931over here)
You live in the past
it's 2014 here
I am in a timeless zone
@Sumurai8 lol
@Sumurai8 Yes, Earth over here was very pretty compared to your Earth in state year-2014
11:34 AM
I wonder why you choose a pre-computer year to live in.
@InfiniteRecursion Your pond?
It's the pond of timelessly timeless-ness!
@InfiniteRecursion Nah, I didn't post yet today.
Well, obviously @InfiniteRecursion is in a timeless zone. You see, time advances with one unit every cycle. In @InfiniteRecursion's universe, when they are 'processed', the cycle will never end, hence why time does not advance.
wb @Bart
11:37 AM
/me just created my page
how it's loooking ?
still going on
11:50 AM
Inverted colors don't work :(
White hurts the eyes!
I like it
@Bart wb nemesis
thanks @Uni @Bart :). still doing updates
will make it live soon
recommend deletion. link-only.
@TGMCians why aren't you wearing your glasses in the picture?
That's the main question you have about that picture?
I'd say more significant changes happened
@InfiniteRecursion just like that :)
@JanDvorak flagged gone
flagged @Braiam
Double gone
12:30 PM
Triple gone
Qua-drupal gone
... sorry
... hehe...
@Bart All other changes are insignificant! Glasses are important.
@TGMCians Good change, you look prettier.
@Unihedron I forgot to delete my drupal account, your joke reminded me, will nuke it now :)
12:41 PM
But you had a silver badge. :P
@Unihedron If I stay longer, I will end up having a gold badge without knowing what a Drupal is :P
Wait, drupal is an actual word?
@JanDvorak OP deleted it
smart move
@Unihedron You can post that question on Drupal.SE after you get a gold badge on Drupal.SE :P
12:45 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: Debian update gives ppa.launchpad.net but ppa.launchpad not in ppa.launchpad on unix.stackexchange.com
@JanDvorak That is a 6k+ user, expected to be smart
> ## Is Drupal an actual word?
I've been flagging so much spam on this site without realizing that the name of this site, Drupal, features an actual product, less to it being an actual word. So what's Drupal?
also, poof please
12:49 PM
@Unihedron If you add a trailing link to the post, we might go and nuke it as Spam :P All trailing links on that site are spam.
Yay! One last flag on Drupal. Now I will nuke my account :)
::poofed my drupal account::
@InfiniteRecursion poke
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: Debian update gives ppa.launchpad.net but ppa.launchpad not in sources.list on unix.stackexchange.com
@Unihedron :)
12:55 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: apt-get update reports that ppa.launchpad.net list is being updated but there isn't an entry in the sources.list on unix.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector delete
@SmokeDetector delete
Drupal mods on?
@Unihedron Hope so :)
1:07 PM
@bjb568 Nope, no idea. I saw many merges in the commit list, but no idea what happened.
1:17 PM
@Frank Morning!
Looks like I missed a bunch of spam.
don't worry; more will come
@Frank Morning
Morning @Frank!
1:34 PM
@Uni wow, you played 80 games on lichess? That's a good bit.
> Time spent playing: 1 day, 10 hours and 21 minutes
@Frank thank you
I still suck at chess though.
@Unihedron You always beat me.
@Frank :S
nobody can beat me at chess, Because I never play chess :P
1:36 PM
@DroidDev Then everyone who does play automatially beats you. :P
@DroidDev Your win rate is NaN% gZ
@Frank ask them if they ever have :P
@Unihedron same is loosing rate :P
@Uni, how do you manage to balance everything? Talk in all SE/SO chat rooms, 112 SE accounts, so many area51 commitments, Smokey and Pham on git...play chess...omg!!
@InfiniteRecursion I also have a part time coding a network.
I don't know, haven't thought of it.
good for you.
+1 for A oven is a box for containing high heat. Mine usually contains half pizzas. — belisarius Feb 25 '11 at 23:27
1:43 PM
Now that I come to think of it, maybe I don't.
You should rename yourself to Polyhedron @Uni
@Bart :O
But it's so... Mathematical! Maths drives me mad.
My wife (then fiance) once made a stir fry and mistook fish sauce for soy sauce. The experience was so traumatic I haven't been able to stand the smell of fish sauce ever since. — Sobachatina Dec 3 '10 at 13:57
Aug 22 at 10:50, by Infinite Recursion
wonders why @Unihedron wants to become a polyhedron
1:48 PM
Math is cool.
fun fact: the actual name for a one-sided polyhedron would be a Monohedron, not a @Unihedron.
^that a grammar pill disguised as a fun fact
@JanDvorak Blasphemy! That's like claiming lines are monogons.
Digons, not monogons
^another grammar pill
1:50 PM
@InfiniteRecursion *that is
"Grammar pill" is not a term I've heard before.
^now I get a bonus pill
1:52 PM
@InfiniteRecursion please don't one-up yourself
"The Internet" indicates that it's from some game called Anti Idle.
I oned-up brown. I haven't heard the term before either.
@jadarnel27 Hey, I like that game.
I think you get grammar pills for completing AwesomeAdventures, and then trading green coins with this man who sells "grammer pilzl".
@Unihedron I'm okay with that.

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