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@animuson wat
It's a trap @TimStone
Don't answer that
Haha, David, I passed you! Watch out Keith Randall; you're next
@Doorknob Wrong room?
what's the best way to flag obvious HW questions?
with no effort given, just a problem statement
I've been using this "This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself."
@hichris is secretly advertising code golf SE :-P
@Magic Unclear what you're asking
@Doorknob lol. I'm in your chat room (P&CG) by the way... :P
Heh :-P
Help me make an important decision!
Should I get a black Stack Exchange shirt or a white one?
I have both a white and black Stack Overflow shirt.
I'm going to get an SE one.
I have the black SO shirt and the white SE shirt.
I don't have any shirt :o
@jadarnel27 refuses to receive one because they don't come in brown.
Ok, I decided I'll get a white one from unanimous agreement among the for people I asked :-P
@animuson This is a blatant flaw in the swag system! Petition Tim to get a brown shirt @jadarnel27.
@Doorknob You should get a black t-shirt and then dye it white.
Hey, is there a question anyone knows of on etiquette for voting to close a question as a duplicate when you are the author of the accepted answer at the old question?
I've never had this happen before, not sure if that is a wrong thing to do. It feels like it might be a kind of conflict of interest to me basically.
My browser just crashed....
I searched on this and couldn't find anything so I'm thinking about asking a question about it myself.
@Radiodef Well... I don't really think it's a bad idea, since you have to get 4 other people to agree it's a dupe...
@Radiodef it's a really good way to help folks without re-posting your answer all over the place.
Just don't abuse it: close questions that are duplicates, where your answer is going to solve the asker's problem.
So it was OK that I did that?
@Radiodef if the asker is happy, sure
@Shog9 Is that final report going to be made in 6-8 weeks? :P
Alright, seems to answer what I was wondering. Thanks. Is there a way I can do the effect of voting up a chat messages as helpful? : )
I know that Jon Skeet is a legend, but is defending such questions appropriate? Look at the question title, the question.
A: When will quarterly data dumps resume?

Geoff DalgasUpdate According this blog article dated Jan 2014: "Stack Exchange Creative Commons data now hosted by the Internet Archive" The Stack Exchange Data Dump is at the Internet Archive, located here: Stack Exchange Data Dump. (The clearbits link no longer works.) We have been in a holdin...

^ Do we really need to update everything that has a link to clearbits? It seems as if that doesn't really need it...
Isn't it in some way equivalent to promoting lazy and poorly written questions?
@devnull Meh, it's not a large amount of code needed... what, 8 lines? It isn't too much code to ask for... so I wouldn't say too broad.
That does seem like a question that would've been closed under the old 'minimal understanding' rule. I notice Jon's answer might be a little too complex for the OP to actually use as a copy and paste. Maybe he thinks he is just giving the OP some stuff to think about.
@hichris123 ok, so we seem to say that asking for 8-10 lines of code is ok. good.
@Radiodef A question that isn't well written, that cannot be possibly searched due to the gibberish title is, IMO, not helpful to future visitors of the site.
@Radiodef Hmm.. give OP some code to think about, upvote a poorly written almost incomprehensible question -- seems good.
@animuson Exactly!
@hichris123 I would support that initiative.
@devnull I don't necessarily agree with it here, just speculating. With the title, you could edit it.
@devnull Also. The other answer over there seems blatantly link-only. It offers 0 description of how the link actually has anything to do with the question. Just says "might help".
@Radiodef I wasn't talking about the other answer (it deserves to be deleted anyways). I was referring to comments by a trusted user of the community.
@devnull I think it's a little unusual too. I've seen him disapprove of an answer before with a -1 comment so I know he doesn't just answer anything. He basically did offer an explanation over there in the 3rd comment, 'it seems reasonably clear'. But yeah I wonder about 'reasonably clear' being a legit go ahead.
@devnull Found the meta thread on the minimal understanding reason: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/216496/244864 So I guess maybe the opinion on it's changed.
No, you didn't. You posted the info in a comment. I suggested you edit your question. I even provided a clickable link to edit your question. Providing details in comments means that people might miss them - that's why it's important to edit your question instead to provide the details there. Have I made it more clear that you should edit your question? :-) (If not, I'm suggesting that you actually edit your question to provide the link there.) — Ken White 41 mins ago
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about a technical design that is impossible to implement — rene Jan 12 at 12:06
That doesn't seem like a good reason to close a question.
@michaelb958 What do you think Ken is getting at there?
is this just my pet peave, or are other annoyed by single line stack traces?
Q: unexpected tIDENTIFIER Ruby on Rails

user3281827Hello I am trying to make a simple user authentication for my website but I keep getting this error message: C:/Users/Chris/Documents/DePaul/IT 231/chocolate/app/controllers/simplelogin_controller.rb:8: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_then or ';' or '\n' ...name(name_out)...

is there no mods? I haven't seen a mod post/comment on meta in like 2 hours at least
Q: How to Delete my stack overflow account permanently.I cannot able to edit my account due to suspension

StephAnybody can help me to delete my stack overflow account permanently.My account was suspended for irregular votings. I created the fake account to earn reputation to set a bounty for unanswered questions.I realize my mistake. Then I flag my fake account question to tell the moderator to delete a...

[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CPANEL IS NOT OPENING on stackoverflow.com
@LowerClassOverflowian It is very late in American time zones. And many of the mods are in those time zones.
@MagicMan Agreed. I think they are usually much more readable as in quote formatting.
is there any official stance on that topic? i didn't want to go around doing it over top of others if it wasn't an approved thing
dang, smokedetector that's a false alarm
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: IMPLEMENTING LDAP IN WEB APPLICATION on stackoverflow.com
@MagicMan it happens a lot, error numbers can also be phone numbers and we had baba attack not long ago
@MagicMan horizontal scroll bar is a major pain in the eye
yeah i try to fix'm where i find'm, didn't know if it was an official position tho
@MagicMan no written rule, but if the original format contains line breaks we better preserve them. :)
1 hour later…
@Undo you made it on to the Top Reviewers for Today list: stackoverflow.com/review/close/stats
oh I broke the morning chain
@hichris123 Can you grab 'reviews today' as well from the CVQ stats page and add that as a series to the CV graph?
Only three wagons in today's morning train :(
thursday is slow
This question made me think... what will happen if Google, Microsoft, Facebook or some other major company will offer something like 20 billion dollars to buy Stack Exchange?
Oh, and that question is 100% primarily opinion-based :)
@ShadowWizard A user profile is worth 30 dollar so you do the math....
@rene yep
Is there any point here?
A: Leaflet Draw Plugin: How to hide/show drawing tools by Layer Type dynamically

user3233010Concolato. Thanks for your post. One thing the post Nazi's don't understand is -- you never know what comment is going to be helpful to someone. That's why the BEST support forums just work on keeping the conversation going, NOT cutting it off or forcing it into some preconceived channel.

No, flag offensive?
Or leave a comment for visiting meta?
Ooh yeah, point him to meta. We don't have nearly enough non-constructive rants.
I envisoned a lifely debate between you and him...
Well, turns out he refer to a rude comment:
Oh. So you vote down people who try to help you that do not have a rep < 125, but those who have higher reps you leave their comments alone. Interesting. — Mr. Concolato Jan 5 at 15:48
Still, it doesn't justify going to his own rude level.
@rene you mean leafly debate, it's all about leaflet in there :D
@ShadowWizard sure!
And it's gone
(Train attempt #2)
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: FIND UPPERCASR CHARACTERS IN USER GIVEN STRING on stackoverflow.com

Train Attempt #2

37 mins ago, 7 minutes total – 5 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 17 secs ago by SPArchaeologist

A little improvement. Yesterday the chain was only 4 user long if I'm not mistaken.
5, not bad
Oh darn, I missed the sentence at the top
Still, to short to hope for a shinny poke question
ah well
Nice side-effect, I actually fixed 3 bugs in the mean time
Granted, I was the one who put them in there
@Bart Bug? you used a flying type I hope?
Aint nobody got time for that
That's weird
Two spam edits in two minutes but he didn't make any more
Be happy about that.
That account was a sleeper for a year...
That is what it looks like...
@SPArchaeologist That chain was only 4 too
Shadow posted twice :P
Hey it wasn't me!
It was my humble sock
thats two shadows :D
@SPArchaeologist My bugs are strictly of the creepy-crawly variety. With 9 legs I might add.
Also I have a new pony avatar
Don't you have socks, @SuhosinPony?
@ShadowWizard Ponies without socks?
Pony can wear socks. He can feel cold same way we do!
Ponies OFTEN wear socks
It's kindof a meme >>
@Bart this one?
@ShadowWizard I would worry more of how they manage to build houses than socks. ^_^ One floating brick after another, minecraft style?
@SPArchaeologist oh, easy. Magic.
@ShadowWizard yep, but since the average magic user (which would seem to be a small %) doesn't seem capable of lifting very heavy object, I will forever have the image in my mind of a pony lifting one brick at time. Total build time: 42 years.
That said, as a Rune Factory player, I don't have exactly the rights to criticize unexplained building creation processes. So I will just settle for "They ask Tom Nook to build them".
Who voted on my trivial comment? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/224347/…
I'm going to install python, get the ManishBot code and adapt it to star every message in the chat room that guy is the owner of. Just because I can.
I'm pretty sure I starred a trivial comment of yours yesterday
I don't understand stars much.
@bart Did you plagerize that quote? "Can we please be a bit nicer to users who ask if we can please be a bit nicer to new users?"
Plagiarize @LowerClassOverflowian?
Yea, I saw that comment was left on a post recently by someone. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't you.
Really? Didn't know. Nah, just a response to the earlier Meta Meta suggestion
lol, i don't care, but i didn't give you a star b.c of it.
Oh the humanity! How will I ever learn to cope with that?
@Bart stop leaving comments that plagiarize my not yet posted comments
"Can we please be a bit nicer to users who plagiarize comments about being nicer to users who ask if we can please be a bit nicer to new users?"
I do get the feeling the OP here is really only curious about who stars his messages.
@Bart seems the OP didn't appreciate your existence on the grounds that you don't use chat enough to notice "the starring problem"
(at least that's what his latest comment feels like)
let's take this discussion to chat.meta.meta.chat.meta.stackoverflow.com
Nobody appreciates my existence @Flyk. Or at least not as much as they should
@Bart two solution you have there:
a) get nicer.
b) get eviler.
@Bart nobody appreciates my existence, either... we should form a club
the second one is also know as Laharl route (or Etna route if you are a girl)
My smiting stick says b
is that a euphemism?
@Flyk Actually, I believe that there was at least one Disgaea that used that precise name for a weapon.
so it isn't a euphemism for penis?
well that makes it much better, then
@Flyk we can do many things with it, but smiting isn't one of them, I fear.
Cache, it's always cache.
Q: You are on the Unanswered tab. There are no unanswered questions at the moment

user2998788I got a error on unanswered tag Error is : You are on the Unanswered tab. There are no unanswered questions at the moment See this screen You can see the paging size and length.

@SuhosinPony You betrayed the CMC order...
what's the deal with all the cross posting today
hmm, free tickets to Cebit through my college
Might be interesting to check it out
@JeroenVannevel For a moment, my brain did actually interpolate that as "free tickets for Celebi" and was already checking for a new Wi-Fi event.
@SPArchaeologist But Sweetie Belle is best pony
One does not simply betray best pony
@SuhosinPony We all know that the best is orange and has a skateboard.
@SPArchaeologist This is propaganda and deceit!
@Bart Usually a bad idea to onebox spam..
say what @3ventic? :)
It's fun to flag oneboxed spam messages on chat when they're posted by a feed bot
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: KENDO GRID AGGREGATE COLUMN on stackoverflow.com
while (time<hometime){ procrastinate(); )
@3ventic I've been banned by doing exactly this on multiple occasions
*browses site*
*finds spam*
*links spam*
*banned from chat*
The same would happen to you here @Flyk. But that's only because I'm the only one who shall flag stuff in here.
@Flyk (time != hometime) **
while(true) surely
Anyone has a data.se query for finding the longest answers?
@SuhosinPony So you won't join the "buy Scootaloo a jetpack" committee?
@SPArchaeologist Unfortuntely not.
@Bart: Something like that. I was trying to find the longest answer of mine (excluding the code part), but couldn't find a solution (yet).
@AmalMurali select top 20 * from posts where owneruserid = ##userid## and posttypeid=2 order by len(body) desc
But that will take into account code blocks as well, which Amal doesn't want
@SuhosinPony heartless. Must be the color.
@AmalMurali closer than this without writing a procedure would be hard: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/173097/…
+1 to @rene! :)
Only works if you have 1 code block...
Doesn't that miss a pair of ( ) around code length part?
Wow. I was actually just looking for that exact query yesterday.
(but for me, obviously)
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HOW TO GET UNIQUE ARRAY OF HASHES IN PERL on stackoverflow.com
Still -21 daily rep on Meta :(
Oeh, who did you downvote?
(We only see -20 atm ;) )
I downvoted a Stack Overflow Valued Associate :D
@ShadowWizard Fixed that for you!
Wish I could remember how I generated my F@H sig
It worked just a few days ago!
Can someone suggest a better title for this question?
@Amal as far as I could see with my limited PHP knowledge, the original title described the question better
it's asking about the timestamp itself, not the function
@AmalMurali "What is Unix timestamp and why use it?" maybe?
@3ventic: Sounds nice. But not sure how to edit the body to match the title.
I don't think you need to edit the body tbh
It already mentions
> What is a Unix timestamp?
> Why do we convert date in strtotime()?
Changing the title just shifts the focus from the strtotime to the unix timestamp
@3ventic: You mean this was fine?
A: UnsupportedOperationException When Using JPA/Hibernate On Websphere

MichaelIn hibernate 4.3 try <property name="hibernate.transaction.jta.platform" value="org.hibernate.service.jta.platform.internal.WebSphereJtaPlatform"/> Seems to work

another "works for me" answer that got my NAA flag declined
@JeroenVannevel that's a fair answer. Someone with same problem, sharing what he did to solve it.
there's a very tiny difference in there
@ShadowWizard it is almost entirely the same as the one used in the question
but this is appearantly "WebSphereJtaPlatform" instead of "WebSphereExtendedJtaPlatform"
so yeah, there was a super tiny difference after all
Guess it was valid then
So maybe worth making it clear by editing the answer?
Yeah, I'll do that.
now I'm 90 flags behind on my 1% fail rate :|
My flagging history -- What do you think? Is the number of declined flags too high?
Seems fine, @Amal
Not all that dissimilar to mine @AmalMurali. The only big difference being the amount of disputed flags. But depending on the type of flag that can easily happen.
so many comment flags
Really? I have far more
Most of them were rude / offensive comments, @JeroenVannevel. And I don't think it's "so many".
Then again, I pretty much nuked every single accept rate comment on the site
it's a lot compared to mine
Show off!
/me tries to think of a comment that can't be interpreted as some sort of perverted pun
I hope bluefeet isn't around. :P
20K flags lol. How can a human flag that many posts? Maybe she's not human!?
I'm sure she wasn't really elected, but just flagged the powers that be into submission.
@AmalMurali human with blue feet. It makes it easier to think, you know. :D
@Bart impossible, you're doomed
Hmm why don't we add the new mods to the Wheel of blame?
@AmalMurali I've flagged 400 in like 8 days on a particular SE site
it will be 800-1000 in ~8 more days
@AmalMurali moderators can't really fix bugs
Only developers, which I agree should be updated
winces Guess who handles a bunch of @Flyk's comment flags :P
@Undo you? ;)
@AmalMurali You can also use the new version of the Wheel of Blame. It doesn't list all mods, but it lists everyone who is in this room right now.
@ShadowWizard And the others. But majority me.
wants comment flag handling UI improved
@Flyk want some free VLQ flags on SR?
@Undo sure
I don't like VLQ flags though
erwaysoftware.com/blaze -> put in softwarerecs -> push big blue button -> sort by 'shortest'.
my only use case for VLQ is "meh, cba to edit it"
you just like showing off your tool to me
And that.
you know I've been going through every single question from the first one onwards and not using any tools in all of my flagging?
I'm actually debating taking a break for a few weeks
But tools are helpful!
yes but I'm about to get site first Marshall before anybody else gets Deputy
Which is awesome.
probably the first gold badge on the site.
it will be the first gold badge on the site as well, yeah
I have had to start using my flags in batches now, though
I can imagine that people won't be happy if you wake up to 60+ flags in the queue, all from me
I would jump up and down and be very happy.
But that's just me :P
there are more people than just you involved :p
Does the side-by-side view hide whitespace-only changes?
the last time I used up all of my flags in one go it resulted in the events that led to Charcoal being locked down
@Flyk yeah :P
I can't flag more than 10 things a day on SU without people dropping into charcoalhq asking if you guys have unleashed a bot on them!
@ChrisForrence I don't think it would.
@TheGuywithTheHat - Hrm
I had edited this post
Do you have a specific example in mind?
Yeah; from my revision (2), you can't see the spacing changes that I made from either the "Inline" or "Side-by-side" views
But it is visible from the Markdown view
Oh, wait a second
There's a "full" link on the revision header
And that does expand it fully
So that'll at least show the spacing changes, but that's still odd that those changes don't appear in the change-only view
@ChrisForrence Ah, yes. For some reason my revisions are always full.
Hmm...is it a setting?
@ChrisForrence Okay, I get it now. The "full" button only appears when an edit changes some—but not all—of the paragraphs in the post and you don't view the changes with "side-by-side markdown"
@Undo Halp with what?
Riddle: what's special about this user?
rla4, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
121 2
@TheGuywithTheHat All the comments pointing people to SR on SO.
@ShadowWizard - She's secretly a developer for SE?
@Undo So what do you need help with?
Flagging them?
Nah, I dunno
A: Viewing C# tag then changing sorting drops the # symbol

rla4Thanks for the report. This issue has now been fixed. It looks like there's a problem with Url.AbsolutePath, which was trimming 'c%23' into 'c'. Changing it to Url.RawUrl did the trick.

^ Is a diamondless dev!
@ShadowWizard true identity of Gra
I said nothing
(now it would be funny if that was actually true :P )
Nice to see bounties sometimes work so well :D
> I couldn't ask a question at softwarecs because I was not invited to join (maybe I missed some email invitation).
Well, you also need to know the secret handshake like we have at Freelancers.SE (Notice: we do not actually have a secret handshake, but it'd be totally cool if we had one)
What would be a good secret handshake for developers? A high-five that turns into yelps of "Ow! Carpal Tunnel!"?
don't developers communicate using a series of grunts?
or is that men in general
@Shadow Wizard just mentioned it in my profile. Diamond is on its way :) thanks! — rla4 1 min ago
@Flyk just men
@Undo she's a careers dev
and she's brand-spanking new, so she probably just hasn't gotten all her privs yet
Careers devs - the seedy, dark underbelly of the SE dev team.
@jadarnel27 but they are so many!
@ShadowWizard the underbelly has an underbelly
@Bart like meta got a meta?
I just made a stupid typo: I wrote meat.stackoverflow.com in the address bar...
@ProgramFOX: The Stack Exchange site to get your butcher, livestock and grilling questions answered?
All those URLs should just redirect to Area51
@Bart That's only for URLs ending with stackexchange.com, not stackoverflow.com
My phone tries to autocorrect "devs" to "devas" - sometimes, this thing is smarter than it seems.
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