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I'd understand it if closure banners showed the last-used name of a deleted user... but they appear to show whatever name they had at the time of question closure.
I got 10K on Math again, and of course delete all the things... in the process encountering questions that were closed by "pizza", "Woodface", "Sally", etc.
Those bastards. Good thing someone's around to clean up their mess.
"again" 0o
@TelKitty That's no Bear...
(and the not-bear goes "That's a moon")
two half moons divided by a valley :x
There are quite a few areas where two bits of ID are stored: an ID and a name. The ID is usually (not always... JSON columns are fun) a foreign key, so it gets cleaned up by necessity during deletion. The name is pretty much just there as backup, so that if/when the ID goes away there's still something to differentiate between all of the stuff.
Oh - and this is all really old.
Some bits of deletion have gotten updated to also re-write names when detaching keys... But others have not.
Close history entries have a dual advantage: nothing really tries to patch it up and it's a brick of JSON, so if anything ever wants to it'll probably take ages.
@SFTP Update: accepted to first choice school (deferred EDI).
When do you have to decide?
For graduate schools it's April 15, but I am not familiar with undergrad process.
May 1st is undergrad decision day.
@Shog9 Do you think that the changes to comment pinging for Teams will affect some of those?
@SFTP Doctor Who would be proud
Ha, the newest SO election candidate has been annoying and fun
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
@JourneymanGeek lovely audience, but my stand-up comedy show hasn't started yet
Take-a-stand-up comedy? Have a seat good sir. it is padded and has straps.
I'd say I qualify for mod since I'm not suspended
I have not be suspended for 12 months either
@TelKitty I use better capitalization
@TelKitty ಠ_ಠ u
I've never been suspended anywhere. (I don't have the rep though). And I'm not afraid of crashing and burning gloriously. ;p
@JourneymanGeek you're terrible at some stuff I can't disclose because of them being private information
See? I'd be the most awesome mod of all
Taking my contact seriously
(for once, that one typo is intentional)
Oh right, you also lack the power to use apostrophes
@SmokeDetector K
Every mod should have the power to control apostrophes
@JourneymanGeek you lack the brutality needed in the web police
@TelKitty Letting people hoist themselves on their own petard is so much more fun
@SmokeDetector What do you all think about this post? User is new today, first and only post, linked site seems to show Windows 10 (not 7 as in the question)
@angussidney known spammer
Here's a list of previous posts that we've caught by that domain: metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/domains/19275
@angussidney it's spam
@JourneymanGeek ok, I just couldn't seem to find a conclusive parttern in their past spam posts
Typical spam template: "here's step one. This link is step two"
@angussidney The generic white person name (no offence) is a typical giveaway. ;p
and I recognised the URL
@JourneymanGeek well, if people take Indian names to post low quality questions, they should also take white names to post spam :p
@JourneymanGeek the URL recognized you as well
also, there's some geographical variability I can't talk about
I think the toolkits are spreading
Thanks for your advice
@angussidney kthxbye
Always helpful to get a second/third opinion
@JourneymanGeek make sure to wash your hands before meals
Not enough fire in the world
Interestingly the company that owns it seems australian based
@Catija you've seen what it does, right?
I have no idea how deletion will handle that
or if it does
I think the current plan might be "don't delete teams users"
not sure how or if that'll ever make it into public SO
1 hour later…
@TelKitty you've changed your name?
Yeah, back to original one
you love the piggie usbs? we cannot do one of these in chickens O>O
I miss chicken .. she laid those eggs and many of them weren't eaten
@YvetteColomb one of my chooks :p
@TelKitty is this a new chook?
@Shog9 On the surface... sure... autocompletes to anyone on the Team, links to their profile. Not sure if it will adapt if the username is changed (I don't know if anyone's tested it)... that's the part I was curious about. I think making all of a site's user's pingable would be horrid and the top users would revolt... but if the part of the code that ties the ping to the user account can keep up with the account name, that might be useful.
@YvetteColomb yeah, bought 3 new chicks about a month ago
@Catija I hope I didn't scare you out of the election room
@TelKitty awwwww
awesome - more pics please, how old ??
@Catija it does; internally it's storing the user ID you're pinging.
4 weeks when I bought them, so about 2 months now
A lot of people seem to want to have directed comments update to match... there was even a discussion about it on SFF meta recently.
will take more pictures in the evening
Ah, that makes sense. So right now, it's just storing the plain text info and only pings someone initally.
@Catija So, here's the thing: what do you do when a user is deleted and they've been pinged in hundreds of comment threads?
right now, nothing - there's nothing to do. The comments the user wrote get attributed to usernnnnn, the comments directed at them still @-ping whatever their name was at the time.
That's not a great artifact
But the comments they wrote switch to their original usernumber
But... @@{284336} or whatever ain't either
But on the deleted user page doesn't it store the user284336 format?
@Catija there is no deleted user page
The author of a comment is a column in table Comments. The "user mentioned in a comment" is not.
The way to go here is probably to re-write comments that reference a to-be-deleted user on deletion, replacing the ping with user284336 or whatever. Now it matches the comments (and posts) from the deleted user.
There's that stub page.
But... I don't actually know if that's been done, or if it will be done, or if it can be done.
What if Comments.UserNotifiedId was a thing? Given that the API has something like that.
@Catija the one moderators see? That doesn't actually exist; there's a bit of logic that searches the logs for a record of a user with that ID being deleted and renders it if a moderator visits that page.
For all intents and purposes, when a user is deleted they're gone. There's no "isdeleted" flag, or stub user. Just a bunch of pieces that can kinda be matched up if you don't mind that most of 'em are missing.
Then what you said up a bit would make sense... as part of the deletion process, rewrite anything that's directed at them... which will catch most of it. If someone just says the user's username without pinging them, no dice, but otherwise, it will update.
@SFTP there's a ReplyToUser field, that may or may not correspond to an @-ping (a lot of the rules for replies are implicit)
But if the logic were written for username changes (not deletions) - which would be more common with high-rep, often pinged users... then part of the deletion process would be a name change, so it could be rolled in?
This actually isn't used in Teams, since Teams lets you ping multiple users in a single comment.
Oooh, I didn't notice that.
This is why I would suck at software testing. I like writing up reports when stuff fails... I just rarely test things.
@Catija you get this free with Teams pings, since they're stored as userID references instead of by name (you get autocomplete to help you select the right ID, and the details are mostly hidden, but that's how it works - you'll notice that partial pings don't work... At least you will if you're in the habit of typing @Jon and hitting enter).
Any chance of main site backporting.
Yeah, I had made that leap... which makes sense.
@Catija most folks don't give testing enough respect.
Like, you know... Markdown tables from Docs to posts.
grumble grumble
There's a chance. Donno how much of one. Was kinda written to a Teams-specific spec, which... I wish we did less of, but hey - just technical debt, right?
In theory, no reason we couldn't just limit who shows up in autocomplete and # of pings/comment and have it work.
But, we would have to figure out stuff like deletion first. (maybe we have; I haven't looked at this recently)
> Specifically: I've been feeding every comment posted, every flag and every deletion into just such a categorizer for the past 3 months, after an initial test-run with data from the previous year produced good results. -- Shog9 at 7:31 PM - 16 Mar 2018
I recall @hichris123 was doing something like that once upon a time.
Was it through API /comments polling? Had to be.
Well, my job here is done.
Happy St. Patrick's Day, all!
2 hours later…
Hrm. Long ago, I used to flag by M F 1 Enter. But now 1 only focuses the "spam" option, without actually selecting it.
So it's M F 1 Space Enter :(
> We are running a robot which continuously monitors all the comments on @StackOverflow, and reports them in chat. Called Heat Detector ( stackapps.com/q/7001 ), it uses the dataset provided by @StackExchange ( meta.stackoverflow.com/q/326494 ). Do join us, if you are interested! #NoSnark -- SOBotics at 11:12 PM - 16 Mar 2018
I didn't know about that.
Comments and comment flags get a lot less attention on meta.
Still annoying that comment flags cannot be retracted.
comments are kinda "eh"
and comment flags are a wee bit odd ;p
@JourneymanGeek In Twitter mentions of @StackOverflow they are pretty prominent. Nobody says "I got shat on in comments, but that's ok because comments are second-class citizens."
@SFTP well no one really has a clear idea of whether comments matter or not
On one hand, they are second class citizens, On the other people do get affected by them, on the gripping hand....
People on the receiving end of them do.
Well if they're rude abusive or no longer needed, you can flag em
but we don't have the full mechanics, or the accessibility a regular post has on a flag
1 rep users cannot flag
And they are the ones who are most likely to get it in comments.
goes to silent mode
The International Day of Happiness is celebrated worldwide every March 20, and was conceptualized and founded by philanthropist, activist, statesman, and prominent United Nations special advisor Jayme Illien to inspire, mobilize, and advance the global happiness movement. In 2011, Illien brought the idea and concept of creating a new global day of awareness, the International Day of Happiness, to senior United Nations Officials. Illien successfully campaigned to unite a global coalition of all 193 United Nations member states, and secured the endorsement of then Secretary-General of the United...
@rene done my needful
@ShadowWizard please rectify your erroneous close vote ^^
higher suspension rates translate to higher offend rate the above article seems to suggest
@TelKitty bit of a false equivilence there
I think this might make a good SEM (SE meta) question
Go ask. ;p
Weekends are quiet anyway
lemme think how to phrase it lazily
unrelatedly, there needs to be a reopenhammer ._.
@TelKitty I personally consider suspensions a last resort for users who arn't bad enough to nuke.
Especially the longer ones
I agree
And arn't that common I suspect, compared to the overall numbers of people in a community
and well, we don't have many tools outside being convincing, suspension or the nuclear option for many situations
@rene done
3 hours later…
14 messages moved to Chimney
streaming started ...
@rene over the fact that the SE network will become read only in 32 minutes? screams
I'll let you know when they get ahead of schedule ...
The video quality is a bit naff :(
yeah ...
ooh, that's something I didn't hear about - that channels teams will be running on databases on VMs...
I guess due to the less load it can work on VM's
yup, and possibly its a way to keep the data seperate.
(containers, or proper VMs I wonder)
They keep getting the names mixed up lol.
That will take a while to adjust ...
Those windows updates might spoil things ...
I hear disconnect ...
bluefeet's hair suddenly showed up I think
Yep, she's on the box with windows update
Why is the site still working!!!???!!! :P
stop watching me :P
They're waiting for windows update to finish before they accidentally things.
we're having a few issues
A hammer can fix it probably
I'm vaguely trying to keep up, but 0_0 even complexity aside, everything is so different 0_0
I've recently become confused by the use of DAG for this and for Joe's team :P
@Catija PANIC! :p
Overloading is a thing, like there's probably a dozen things called teams, SO Inc or Otherwise
@PrincessLuna no no, Everything goes dark, then we panic.
No, we panic now since the delay of start means delay of end and less time to be the FGITW :p
Anyone else respond to "It has appeared" with "battle stances!"?
heh, I never FGITW.
Still though, how am I supposed to keep up my addiction rep if I can't answer stuff?! :p
heh, its nighttime for me
I'd just go to bed ;p
and sat and sunday are oddly the quietest main site times for me
I'm making Andy coffee while he tries to get Ben in clothes... There's lots of crying in the next room.
Poor Andy. You should hand him a hankie.
I'm making him coffee... One thing at a time... I'm pretty sure that the coffee is more important than the tears :P
hmm, salty coffee...
A51 Meta... The Discussion Zone? :P
@Oded It's not A51's fault :P
Chat about to go r/o?
From what they were saying last night, chat may not be too affected?
We're about to take all Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange sites into read-only mode for our SQL 2017 upgrade. We'll also go full maintenance for a few minutes and then back online.
Will see. Depends on how long it takes to upgrade. If they are failing over then possibly be very short downtime.
@Catija it is a very old cut of the Q&A codebase that's not gotten much love. Ever.
This is going to be really confusing to follow for anyone who's catching up later.
chat blip
Was that it?
I dunno, something on chat failed over
and we're still here so I guess it went OK
It got really quiet all of a sudden.
I was tempted to ping you, @Taryn
I heard it
20 second blip for chat
Not bad.
MSE is RO.
everything is RO.
Teams is not only readonly but not serving at all @Taryn, I get 404 on those channels
apart from chat
Chat's fine for now at least
It'll probably go RO for a while too
Not even RO any more...
that is a lot of errors
... Meaning it's completely offline.
heh, I was doing something potentially ill advised, that might end in literal fire...
Save the dog!
(ordered a drone battery to replace an entirely unrelated battery
se.com & all Q&A sites besides SO seem to be offline.
And back.
@Vogel612'sShadow 20k in a few seconds? Not a lot.
Seen millions in a few seconds on those systems :P
Taryn needz moar coffee
@rene brews a cup of Ristretto for @rene
there we go
I think @SmokeDetector needs the caffeine more than you do
We're done with the failover and are now upgrading the former primaries to SQL 2017. Everything went pretty smoothly, thanks for bearing with us! Still streaming at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5tOodr4ouc if you have questions!
heh, now I want to play on mssql on linux again, but there's not much that one can install and run that needs it ._.
Bitwarden uses it, and runs a whole .net/mssql stack, but is designed to be run on docker containers
and ugh, you don't really learn anything that way
did he mispell...
Living life loosely is a good thing.
@JourneymanGeek misspell... lack of punctuation... all sorts of fun.
Wait... there's five people now?
amusingly the only ones I think I know are Bluefeet, Nick (from twitter) and I think the guy in dramatic darkness is Mike? (who I'm unfamiliar with)
The Australian is new, I think?
Ooooh, someone likes their keyboards clicky! :D
the aussie has been around a while
Serverfault mod too!
I mean in the live stream.
... I'm watching all of this but have no clue what anything they say means.
I blame jeff
@Catija I dabble in servers and I get very little of it ;p
I told Andy this morning that they use SQL Server and he was surprised that they use a Windows product for SO. HAHA
Both Jeff and Joel were ex MS I think
and it was the stack they knew best?
then... ya, lots of mad performance tuning
Joel was, Excel PM
Joel is... relatively new ;p
(AKA, we can only blame new stuff on him ;p)
@Catija Jeff's a notable keyboard geek
even literally has his own custom keyboard (the code) built by WASD to his specs.
I just confused Joel and Joe Friend....
I blame... I donno.
... Late night brain?
Joe worked for MS Office, the Ribbon :D
I don't know anything about Spolsky.
Apparently Wikipedia knows they year he was born but not the day.
Really, though, the problem is that SE has too many people on staff with names that start with "J".
and its late ;p
ugh bedtime
I nearly wafflefaced
@SFTP Yeah, if I remember correctly I found the last comment's creation_time and just polled every couple minutes for comments since that time.
... did I miss the whole blips?
@JourneymanGeek actually we can blame VBA on Joel
@Catija Jog9
@JourneymanGeek Someone said waffles??
Did you bring enough for everyone??
@PrincessLuna nah, he's too selfish
Oh :c And here I was looking forward to getting my waffles in the mail in 6-8 weeks... :p
There are a lot of waffles... in @JourneymanGeek 's dream
blue ones?
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: How many grams will be used in a print by mostafa Ahmed Hegazy on 3dprinting.SE
> As more new programmers learn Python, our expertise becomes ever more valuable, and we will see that reflected in our salaries, our job opportunities, and our job security.
I'm not following the logic there. But an interesting article
... those screenshots don't look real to me
The posts are real: stackoverflow.com/a/43564129 and stackoverflow.com/a/44402734. Both were red-flag deleted within minutes. The article presents them as something that's visible on the site.
> Wife really wanted a bullsnake. I now know what 5-foot of angry perpetual hissing bitey rage looks like. And no, I don't mean the wife. I would add video, but I'm aware some people don't like seeing sneks in their feed. -- Marc Gravell at 11:20 AM - 17 Mar 2018
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Online LaTeX diagram graphical editor by dacastror on tex.SE
@HTTP if I kiss that, will it turn into a prince?
Oh hold on
It's an irrelevant snake emoji, not an irrelevant frog emoji
I can deal with snakes in my feed, but don't want to see snakes dealing with their feed.
> to say that there will be Eunuchs in the kingdom of God is meant that all NON celestial beings shall be eunuchs christianity.stackexchange.com/a/62701/37553
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ no, into a @Princess
@SFTP I had lots of snakes in my house in the past. (lived in a village)
> Member for 1 year, 5 months o_O
> Sometimes, I run out of delete/close/downvotes
Yes, that's my kind of a candidate. New #1 pick.
user image
@TelKitty :D
@YvetteColomb nice shadow it has
@ShadowWizard so you are true to your name? a fascination with shadows
Stack Overflow culture by Jon Skeet
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: Why is my Antminer S9 only using one Chain by Elokda Ihab on bitcoin.SE
@SFTP And let the twitter ranting begin!
@SmokeDetector k
@PrincessLuna You are not a privileged user. Please see the privileges wiki page for information on what privileges are and what is expected of privileged users.
right, that's per-site
If a new user asks a question on a site, but the question gets migrated to another SE site, then that user visits his question, can he just automatically create a user on the second site and edit his question? Or does he have to ask to unify his account or something?
Doesn't the account get created and linked automatically?
@PrincessLuna I've no idea. I was never in that situation. I have one migrated question, but I already had an account on the target site.
@b_jonas Migration does not automatically create an account on the target site. The user has to create it by themself. Then the post will be associated with their account.
This time I'm not the new user, but I was the one who asked for migration, and it would be nice if the user could edit his question or leave comments.
@SFTP Good, thank you.
@SFTP Thanks for sharing
@Catija Haven't been following CHQ that much, but have you finished mailing the stickers?

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