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12:14 AM
Stéphane still has a diamond, but the search for his replacement is on: stackoverflow.com/company/work-here/87771/…
> We have offices in New York, London and Denver, so if you’re in (or want to relocate to) one of those cities you can, and our offices are awesome.
If you're in, you can [do something unspecified]. Being "in" is important.
1:02 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer: Why do many sites leave half of each webpage empty? by user96942 on ux.stackexchange.com
Coffee went into public beta two years ago, back when having such a site seemed like a good idea to some.
1:54 AM
2:07 AM
being 'in' is important, coz wifi can't cover 100km distance
2:37 AM
the more things you possess, the more things you have to maintain, why is life so hard ...
3:25 AM
@Shog9 is that by id or by name?
chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/… no doubt thanks entirely to Joel's post on MSO. What would we do without him?
Next time maybe he can wait a few days like a sane person.
err ... it can't be both unless people who change names often don't get pinged much - people like M.A.R. & normalhuman change names every 6 months
so far as I am aware of, id doesn't change whenever you change your displayed name
Any truth to the rumor that a screenshot of Joel's post will be a part of the new top bar?
3:36 AM
Only for Jason.
@Shog9 Hey, so I'm reconsidering my position on applying for a job at SE (once my freelance clears up again), because it would just be so perfectly convenient. In your honest opinion, do you feel Joel's post caused any political-related tension in the workplace? I seriously don't want to be an outcast for leaning a little to the right.
Lol oh god.
@JasonC political tension, not much.
removed distraction
reinstated non-distraction
"wake up from a nap on a Saturday to a shit storm tension", yeah
@bluefeet What do you think?
Ha, well, that's the fun kind of tension.
3:39 AM
One SE employee I could reliably recognize as conservative was Ben Collins... left a long time ago. Probably had reasons unrelated to politics, though.
In case anybody was afraid to ask...
4:08 AM
@JasonC ok, done with supper, here's the longer answer:
There are, as you might have gathered, a lot of folks working here who don't much care for trump. Arguably that's what led to the post; there's a certain expectation internally that if something big's going down, someone should say something.
But as far as tension resulting from the post, I'd say the biggest internal conflict was simply, "ok, what do we do next?"
(Which I'm sure you already gathered if you read more than one of our follow-up posts)
Jan 29 at 12:45, by Telkitty
But consider millions of women around the world march in record-breaking protest against Donald Trump dwarfing inauguration crowd. What has been done was too little, what will be done is too late
actually, I am not really worrying about trump as US president anymore, like every other US presidents, he only chooses to bully the little guys
no need to worry about WW III 4 now
@Shog9 Yeah... I don't know. I guess I just feel like politics have no place in the workplace, period. I mean, I disagree with the premise that what was going down was "big". I just don't want to be surrounded by people whining about whatever all the time. If I want that I can go to the local coffee shop, or watch youtube.com/watch?v=1-JdsBXkHs8.
It's this American react-first, ask-questions-later thing, it just gets me.
And if I'm sitting down in the break room and 6 people are talking about how much they hate Trump or whatever, what do I do? Do I participate and disagree? Or do I cut myself out of the conversation and sit there in silence, not getting to chit-chat with coworkers during a break? Or do I go somewhere else? That's the tension I'd want to avoid.
@JasonC yeah, well, I work several thousand miles away from the break room you're referring to, so I can't really say whether that's likely or not.
I do know they got a pretty nice coffee machine.
so... There's your trade-off.
4:19 AM
Lol, the funny part is, now I'm seriously like "Oh... realllly.... hmmm"
Personally, I think that sort of thing is unavoidable. You just gotta set your own limits for how engaged you're gonna get in those conversations.
I mean, I had a co-worker once who'd go off on a rant about Clinton at the drop of a hat. And y'know, we could talk about that. But when he got into the stuff he heard on Art Bell the night before... That's when I'd roll my eyes and just move on to something else.
@JasonC Java people are meek </trollololo>
we C++ people are much tougher
4:34 AM
@Telkitty I am a c++ person. That's why I avoid taking about it on the internet, lol.
comp.lang.c++ trauma left permanent scars.
@Shog9 Yeah. That's good advice.
Anyways thanks for your insight on that.
5:17 AM
@JasonC I thought anyone who used usenet probably had some deep scars ;p
Ironically I missed most of that, probably cause of the odd way singapore got internet
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: Testomenix. was usually an example by krdahuweje on apple.stackexchange.com
5:45 AM
pokes @Sha in eye
1 hour later…
6:51 AM
@DroidDev ouch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body: Online Video Marketing by geraldsmith on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, blacklisted user: x4up.org/garcinia-slim-fit-180/ by thapru gapu on apple.stackexchange.com
7:08 AM
@JourneymanGeek Oh you didn't miss it. It's still going strong.
@JasonC oh the heyday of it
"You have 7 seconds left for editing" 0_0
7:24 AM
Nuu... somehow I've been logged off from all SE
Damn. It's been 11 years since Steve Irwin died? Wtf happened to the last decade. That did not seem like 11 years ago. That's terrifying.
You are getting old, that's what happens. To be fair, we all are ...
there are many choices we can make in our lives, but there is only 1 exit
7:37 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: www.menshealthsupplement.info/reveal-rx/ by user46004 on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
8:27 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in answer: Cannot log in my Google account, with any app by Mohammad Khalil on android.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating words in answer: Cannot log in my Google account, with any app by Mohammad Khalil on android.stackexchange.com
8:46 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with a link in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Store and object's data using python by christy on blender.stackexchange.com
3 hours later…
11:34 AM
11:57 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: How to get a free or cheap SSL certificate for your Test / Staging environment? by AaronSmith on webmasters.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Can I trade in a left hand drive car in the UK? by samy on expatriates.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
1:10 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Donation wallet address by Igan on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
1:26 PM
@qwer User blacklisted (46011 on bitcoin.stackexchange.com).
just in case...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: Russian mafia hunter on Bitcoin users by Igan on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
1:48 PM
heh. This place is a lot quieter than I expected
It's Friday after all
But we are not in Iceland
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in link text in answer, link at end of answer, pattern-matching website in answer: Is it possible to be clinically obsessed with school? by Henry Flynn on cogsci.stackexchange.com
Sat morning 4 me ... not is that the point
how do you know the various tricks you play on my screen actually work?
1:54 PM
@Telkitty why aren't you in bed then??
going to soon
waiting for my hair to dry
@Telkitty tricks? Screen?
a section of my screen blanks for a sec at times
1:56 PM
you know, as a 1337 tr011, I always get special treatments
Here you go @Tel ^
summer here, I my drying my hair in front of air cond
@Telkitty just a bad pixel
GPU dies
1/3 of screen
1:57 PM
Low memory
(oh, my lousy internet...)
the problem with hackers, is that they can never show their true identity under sunlight, very frustrating if they are also attention hookers
the pride you get when you show the world how great ... or crappy the thing you have made - as a grey/black hat hacker, it is the pleasure that you will never get not matter how 1337 your creation really is ...
2:12 PM
using rain.simplynoise.com to drown out the office noise. It works great, but I do occasionally look outside expecting it to rain
2:48 PM
@JasonC I personally think that blue is the best color ever.
SO CM meeting: "So @bluefeet, what do you think" "... huh ... oh, blue" "Hah ... we hadn't thought of that. Good point. Interesting. Well, that settles it then" "But boss, that didn't answer the ..." "YOU HEARD HER. SHE SAID BLUE!!"
Wait, blue is the new brown?
With the absence of @jadarnel27, brown has faded into beige ...
@bluefeet yellow pony best pony.
2:59 PM
3Blue1Brown is a great YouTube channel...
^ flag as spam :P
but yes I agree, I might subscribe to that channel after knowing from Vsauce
Common Unity, gimme modern C# plz!!!
1 hour later…
4:19 PM
First is already gone?
Um. SorryNotSorry
shakes fist
5:00 PM
Today's xkcd comic (Stardew Valley):
Stardew Valley again? Suggests that 1790 was about Randall himself... and indeed, the recent comics were uninspired.
OTOH the what-if series may be coming back to life, there's a new post Coast-to-Coast Coasting.
6:28 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body: How To Win Friends And Influence People with Test Boost Elite by mehronissa on bricks.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
7:33 PM
7:35 PM
(moved again)
bleh you broke the train :P
No, I re-moved it
You can re-move a broken train
It's like animating dead people
@Moosebot brown
7:38 PM
@Andy just curious, why didn't you use the chance to upload something new when Gravatar broke? ;)
I did. I uploaded my old image, because the new pink one looks stupid.
That and I've come to identify as a green blob of shapes
@Andy heh, that's what I meant... hard to remember "green blob of shapes". ;)
e.g. see @Bart - he's glasses.
@rene is a flower. etc. ;)
Quick glasses!
How you saw the ping so fast @Bart if you weren't in the room??
I'm glasses
I suppose I haven't really thought about what I want to be when I grow up into a real avatar.
@Andy oh my. Well, something green. And with shapes. hmm..
Found something for you!
7:48 PM
@Andy you'll figure it out. I used to be a blue shape
@Andy ^^
@Bart really?? When?
A long long time ago
I don't think I ever used identicon...
I'm not sure what that is. We'll call it a Hershey Kiss Pea, and not option A :)
Though my gravatar pic is really outdated now
@Andy fair enough, but glad you're considering a change! :D
7:58 PM
Aug 8 '12 at 13:41, by Bart
@jadarnel27 I had a standard Gravatar before. No image. but I have decided to come out as the hipster that I am. ;)
@ShadowWizard your flower has arrived
Get a room you two
Oh, grumpy Bart is still around. \o
In other news: it is snowing here, 2 or 3 cm is the forecast
Let's see if I manage to stay awake for happy hour this time
I just finished dinner so my schedule is already a bit shifted
8:17 PM
The hour of happiness approaches.
Thankfully it is just an hour. I can continue to rant after that
Thank FSM for that.
Hail Finite State Machine
8:37 PM
@bluefeet I'm going to change my username to redfeet.
@Bart Hail factory service manuals
The red-footed booby (Sula sula) is a large seabird of the booby family, Sulidae. As suggested by the name, adults always have red feet, but the colour of the plumage varies. They are powerful and agile fliers, but they are clumsy in takeoffs and landings. They are found widely in the tropics, and breed colonially in coastal regions, especially islands. == DescriptionEdit == The red-footed booby is the smallest member of the booby and gannet family at about 70 cm (28 in) in length and with a wingspan of up to 1 m (3.3 ft). The average weight of 490 adults from Christmas Island was 837 g (1.845...
I didn't think that Google search would turn up exactly what I was hoping for.
@JonEricson Oh man. @bluefeet it is so on.
looks like a duck to me ...
@rene How specist of you. Not all waterfowl look the same!
On second thought, that should be specieist. It also applies to people who discriminate against certain coins.
you call me anything you're comfortable with
8:51 PM
don't tempt me
I didn't say anyone can ...
Fair enough
9:09 PM
@Bart so before 2012... maybe in 1992?
@rene good! Now the party can begin! :P
@Bart don't you mean a Den? ;)
If that is what you kids call it these days, go ahead
@rene why is it called "Happy Hour"? What's happy about it?
And it won't have been 1992, but 2010 could have been. I think that's when I created my current account.
@ShadowWizard the beer is free
@JonEricson Google got everything. Even things you didn't think can exist. ;)
@Bart don't become innocent, you were there... :D
9:12 PM
Never on purpose
@Bart oh, you didn't use Gravatar before that?
@rene but sometimes people drink beer and are still sad
@ShadowWizard I think I had some default identicon before my current gravatar
@Bart yeah yeah, keep telling that to yourself...
@ShadowWizard yeah, needs more beer then
@rene oh, then you get drunk... and drunk people can't be sad. :D
9:17 PM
@JasonC I do not object to that change
I always welcome more colored feet to fold
9:50 PM
@Shog9 "They produced very few false-positives on the sites" "There's just one problem with doing this: they also produced very few positives." Am I reading this wrong or should one of those be true positives? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/199418/…
@hichris123 edit it
@Shog9 I'm not sure what the intent was... I think the first one was supposed to be true? Not sure.
@hichris123 yes
edit ur face
10:06 PM
10:34 PM
I just submitted an access request for i.stack.imgur.com and chat.stackoverflow.com with the most strongly worded reasoning I could. They have 10 days to get back to me. :)
gets the entirety of StackOverflow whitelisted for his whole firm
except gaming... don't see them approving that one...
If I succeed, I hope you guys don't mind. I mean, they might not be all that great, but they're paid programmers...
Thousands of them...
10:56 PM
Happy hour!? I should have been sleeping right now...
So... GitHub.
I don't mind hypothetical meta-questions but I am practical. Why was my comment asking for an example removed? Looks like we are cherry picking?
@Oded works for me ...
OK, I'll have a hot choco with rum.
Let's have that party now
11:47 PM
Happy time!
happpy happy happy
joy joy joy
@rene I just looked at it and cleaned it up a little more - the obsolescent and too chatty (silly) comments. Flag more comments if you think they're out of place.
I don't like to be aggressive with meta comments though...
@Shog9 oh ren!
@AaronHall OK, thanks and I agree on not being to aggressive on meta.
I flagged one dangling comment and asked Tiny to remove his.

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