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6:00 PM
looks like somebody has won the prize for the first downvoted post in this network. — George Netu 19 secs ago
Achievement get!
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected in title: yahoo email issues 1-855-720-4168 by Aneesh Ahmad on webapps.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu- spam
> Unfortunately computers don't kill people. Yet. -- Faheem Mirta
Phew. I thought that was a single site.
@NormalHuman wut, again?
@Braiam Yup, both of them have failed in the past but are getting a new start
Since neither had enough activity on its own, why not try putting them together?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: how to type zero width non joiner by Madison on askubuntu.com
6:23 PM
@SmokeDetector uhh, naa? Doesn't explain
@SmokeDetector Whoever upvoted that...
anyone got a better title for this one? stackoverflow.com/q/21767538/792066
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in body: Random Number/Frame function in Actionscript 3.0 by Marty63 on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector why
@KevinBrown Body - Position 763-783: supplementscanada.co
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: AmazonSES + DKIM + Hotmail = temperror by John W smith on serverfault.com
6:36 PM
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@Braiam How to persuade a server to sent an 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in response to my ajax request?
which would trigger the same comments...
I think the title is ok, it's consistent with OP's knowledge at the time of asking.
The fact that that header is something the server sends was unknown at the time.
Others with the same questions will likely think along the same lines.
yeah, but I think that many people hits that question when they shouldn't (ie. they aren't using a Google extension)
6:41 PM
Right, and the issue had nothing to do with the header after all...
You could state the problem as it was: Chrome extension unable to get data from a server after switch to https.
A title that states the actual problem, avoids the XY.
I like that
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: INDEX E VALORES AUTOMATICO JSON by Furlan on pt.stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector ignore- edit in the queue
6:45 PM
@NormalHuman I had to put origin control somewhere (since is part of the error message)
@Braiam Chrome extension getting "error message" using ajax after the server switched to https.
Or drop "using ajax", what else could it be, for an extension.
don't bring it down to HALP, PROBLEM AJAX
@rene no, I would leave it as HALP, PROLEMO!
6:47 PM
"due to" would be more grammatical.
@NormalHuman +1
@Braiam go for it...
Somehow, I never ran into this with my extensions: my permissions were ://.domain.tld
@rene checks achievements icon... cries in a corner
Anything to avoid "accessing all data on all sites" warning message...
It's stupid how Google keeps scaring people with warning messages without letting them see the source.
6:50 PM
that's part of the issue, the list of sites are dynamic, the user could theoretically add their own domain, like an rss reader
oh that... is another cents
I recently switched to mostly using Tampermonkey scripts, even though it's a downgrade in some ways. At least there you trust only one, well-known, extension, with the rest being easily inspectable.
OT post on meta: Command for sharing same folder with multiple names by Javerson Santana on meta.stackexchange.com
@NormalHuman Cross posted to pt.SO/SO/MSE
@SmokeDetector tpu- wrong site even
@SmokeDetector gone
7:00 PM
@KevinBrown At least the pt.SO version is in another language..
Q: How to come out of friendzone?

Jatin GuptaMost of my female friends (all of them) put me in friend zone and some has even placed me in the VIP section of it. All I want to know is how to come out of this friend zone?

This is from Personal Productivity...
VIP section?
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CLARIFICATION ON IELTS SCORE by Funmi on expatriates.stackexchange.com
7:11 PM
@Jamal The Level 2 Friend Zone
8:02 PM
... and it's over. Did @Undo make an election-result-announcing bot at some point, or am I imagining it?
Oh, it's open-source now too.
@Undo Neat! Since this is network-wide Tavern, maybe it could post here too?
Maybe. Probably.
It's not like we have a dozen elections ending every day.
except I'd need to get someone to add the bot to the write list
8:04 PM
Or it could post something on Meta.
Like a feature request: 100 flags for mods, network-wide.
That'd require 5 rep, and it'd look more official than I really want it to I'm an idiot and can't understand words.
Anyway, schroeder was my #1 pick, so I should be happy. /goes back to ignoring the existence of Information Security
I'm just afraid that someday a bit will get flipped or something and it'll report the wrong winners, and there'll be unhappiness.
That's a concern with site-specific chatrooms, much less with the Tavern.
8:11 PM
The bot can itself say it's unofficial...
There probably should be a disclaimer before the actual message
> Unofficial election results: Winner is schroeder.
Ima just gonna steal that
in Smoke Detector School on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 13 secs ago, by ElectionBot
Unofficial results: Winner is schroeder.
That'll do nicely.
I think the GitHub username is stable...
And presumably, @name in a commit message sends a notification? Never tried.
8:19 PM
Feeling bad about those three commits with @exclude in messages...
> Don’t call me names. Don’t you know it makes me feel dirty?
Confirmation: 2015 Community Moderator Election Results by Jon Ericson on meta.security.stackexchange.com
schroeder was 3rd in 1st place votes... and trailed until the final round. So.close.
26 mins ago, by Normal Human
Anyway, schroeder was my #1 pick, so I should be happy. /goes back to ignoring the existence of Information Security
8:33 PM
I didn't promise to ignore their meta.
I like meddling on metas of sites where I have nothing to contribute. Because I'm tired of the meta of that one site where I have something to contribute...
sounds legit
It all kind of goes back to Adi's nomination that I mentioned here earlier... unnecessarily polarizing, it cost him at least my vote for sure, and probably a few more. He was still the cult favorite; more #1 picks than anyone else, but rarely the 2nd or 3rd choice of a voter.
"you may be able to get help on superuser" stackoverflow.com/questions/7854832/…
@SmokeDetector fp-
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: POSTGRES WINDOWS SERVER 2008 by Paul Rosemberg on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector naa
That astronomy & graph theory gibberish from "Journal of Technoledge" got three Looks OK in LQRQ :/ thankfully, a mod nuked it.
> So, HTML5 is awesome. Just made a live version of an effect I wanted in 61 lines of JS. Demo: codepen.io/jc4p/pen/KprmxX?editors=101pic.twitter.com/oL5J9P4vHi -- Rock The Kasra at 3:06 PM - 28 Jul 2015 via Twitter
inb4 bjb comes up with a pure CSS version.
10:14 PM
What letter is next in this sequence? O, T, T, F, F, S, S, E,
@Frank Stack Exchange.... obviously
@Braiam wrong
@durron597 Very good
@Frank I agree, it is a very good song
10:16 PM
@durron597 No, your answer was very good
The song sucks
@Braiam lol u always look like that
Hello Tavern!
Been a while..
What letter is next in this sequence? M, A, M, J, J, A,
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer: Ubuntu with Chromebook by diaa attia on askubuntu.com
10:18 PM
@SmokeDetector tpu-
Bad timing Mr. diaa, bad timing.
@ɥʇǝS Come on, we know you only came here to look for a chat dev...
We are not so important.
Not only! I could tell if there were any devs here without entering ;)
Stack Exchange chat developers are like unicorns, but not in a good way.
> In honor of a particular new private beta #StackExchange launch... youtube.com/watch?v=ona-RhLfRfc … -- Aardvark Lear at 11:38 AM - 28 Jul 2015 via Twitter
> I foresee many headdesks in the next 2 weeks. -- abby at 11:36 AM - 28 Jul 2015 via Twitter
@NormalHuman Embedded systems?
Yeah, deeply embedded.
wink wink
10:29 PM
@NormalHuman Nudge, nudge, know what I mean?
@durron597 good
@Frank What are you talking about? I'm just posting random song videos
@JonEricson Your mod announcement says "the new moderators is"
@durron597 haha
There is also plenty of "them" below, but I guess it's singular... even though it seems reasonable to guess that schroeder is "he", maybe it's better not to.
10:40 PM
AAAAHH runs away
@durron597 A little too obvious for that I think... You'll have to be more vague next time
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Find f1, f2, f3 and Proof by induction by Samim on math.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector why
@durron597 Body - Position 68-72: fags
10:55 PM
@NormalHuman Templates are great until they are not.
Yes, and there appears to be a trend toward single-mod elections: Security, Workplace, DBA...
@SmokeDetector Ugh, it made me do at least 6 characters of edit and I ended up reformatting the whole post in MathJAX dangit.
Is this just a coincidence, or do you find that getting one mod at a time works better than electing more?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating words in body: Count function in excel by Sophia Liu on superuser.com
@NormalHuman Coincidence. On midlevel sites like those, there's rarely a need for 3 more moderators. Generally we just need one to take a bit of the workload or replace an exiting moderator.
!xkcd find sun
@SmokeDetector tpu-
Ugh. I should stop trying to brew coffee from dust particles at the bottom of a paper bag.
11:08 PM
I finally got around to making a minimal Trello bookmarklet for creating a card from a Stack Exchange question. Was surprised this hasn't been done before... if a question requires some background research, it's convenient to put it on a list, add parts of an answer as comments, etc.
Understandably, Trello isn't meant to be a personal to-do list, but it can serve that function too.
If something like this was in the "share" options...
11:24 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Change Output Of PAUSE Command In Batch File by coderl33t on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@AstroCB The comics are kind of predictable; What If issues are easy to miss, though... Like today's Jupiter Submarine.
Maybe add those to the feed?
@NormalHuman Sure.
11:40 PM
@SmokeDetector fp- typo in "flags"
11:54 PM
from Reddit via Gilles, via Simon D:
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