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12:00 AM
Just Say No.
!xkcd status
@xkcdBot delete Finally
Still a little slow...
Jon Skeet's top-scoring answer was posted 4 years ago today. Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result? by Jon Skeet on stackoverflow.com
Honorable mention: a 5-year old post on Math (to a silly big-list question that I just CV'd as too broad) contained this picture:
12:16 AM
Every closed curve (a loop) passes through the vertices of some square... or so we think. There is still no proof. (The problem was posed more than 100 years ago)
12:27 AM
Q: No gateway, Trying to portfoward

BatchProgrammeri do ipconfig /all, it gives me a blank gateway. The gateway it gives me is not in the standard form the first LETTER of the gateway is F HEEEEELLLP

Smokey wouldn't work in that case... it's not a spam, and I don't find any filter that will trip its keyword trigger.
@AndrewT. Repeated letter in question?
Requires 10+ repetition, and 20% of the length of the post.
It's mean for total gibberish, not for posts in poor style.
@NormalHuman I mean, I imagine it couldn't be too hard to catch. 10 letters anywhere, or 5 letters not in a codeblock?
12:33 AM
Then you get a bot for detection of "OP can't use code formatting". Which wasn't the goal.
we don't want to catch them, since there'd be too many and smokey isn't for closing questions but flagging questions as rude/spam/defacing
@Dronehinge okay
There's Pham which I think is better to detect low-quality post, but... never see it active anymore
Pham is open source, everyone could run it... if you don't mind looking at a stream of bad/mediocre posts for hours, and then realizing nearly all of this would be sensibly dealt with in an ordinary way.
12:58 AM
Ever feel like your weekend is a total writeoff?
I felt like my weekend was a total writeoff
I spend $150AUD on a hotel room, and my date bailed at the last minute, so I spent the night alone in a hotel that I'd paid for.
Talk about depressing
What I really want is a bot to identify valid closable questions & comment/VTC them.
Especially duplicates. Those are the worst.
Math.SE looks pretty active, until you realize this is mostly the same 150 problems in different variations getting 5 identical answers every time.
Not so much actual knowledge added.
there's a point of crappiness where question bans just don't scale...
1:09 AM
Q: Award accepted answer reputation for finding duplicates verified by OP

durron597Consider the following theoretical situation: New user asks a question: Why does my program process a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? I see this question, I can: Vote to close as duplicate Answer the question with a link to the duplicate, with possibly a little bit of extra e...

Yeah... a good idea, but won't do much. The incessant duplicate-answering is driven by "ooh! ooh! I know! Now's my chance to show off!"
(when seeing every many times answered trivial question)
> The actual movie is one of Hollywood's better book adaptations[citation needed]
@NormalHuman and here is when I come and save the day meta.stackoverflow.com/a/299537/792066
@bjb568 I miss you in the mornings!
> my date bailed at the last minute... @bjb568 I miss you
1:19 AM
context-free concatenation
btw, it is more funny when you put this into the mix
yesterday, by Dronehinge
@bjb fly away kitty, fly away
@NormalHuman I know I'd answer a lot fewer duplicates if I could get 15 rep for finding them.
1:54 AM
@SmokeDetector gone- edited
@durron597 Rejected.
@AstroCB Though, after I posted here, I realized the tag has already been burninated so it's not going to matter in 59 minutes ;)
Anyway, thanks, gotta run.
2:13 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, phone number detected in title: Q/微信2516986537办理英属哥伦比亚大学毕业证成绩单教育部学历认证 by jhjyfyg65 on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
Is this user github.com/exclude "pinged" by every commit with "@exclude"? Like when I rewrite a userscript adding @exclude commands, and mention this fact...?
The way GitHub formats @ in commit messages suggests this.
2:28 AM
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@NormalHuman That's sad, funny, but sad
2:41 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, phone number detected in title: Q/微信2516986537办理多伦多大学毕业证成绩单以及教育部学历认证 by jhjyfyg65 on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector gone
2:56 AM
sd tpu-
users nuked. good.
With an orbital laser I hope
@SmokeDetector ignore- nike
3:18 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, phone number detected in title: Q/微信2516986537办理滑铁卢大学毕业证成绩单以及教育部学历认证 by fgjdfgd22 on superuser.com
sd tpu-
3:38 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SANYAASA&VAANPRASTHA by Sitaram Dubey on hinduism.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, phone number detected in title: Q/微信2516986537办理蒙特利尔大学毕业证成绩单以及教育部学历认证 by jdfnvdf34 on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, phone number detected in title: Q/微信2516986537办理蒙特利尔大学毕业证成绩单以及教育部学历认证 by jdfnvdf34 on superuser.com
sd 2tpu-
@James I don't have any messages posted after the latest reboot.
WHy did smokey paste that twice?
Something's wrong with Smokey :(
3:43 AM
@ProgramFOX why is smokey double posting
@NormalHuman It's Normal Human's fault.
@NormalHuman It's James's fault.
It even blames twice.
Is someone running smokey twice?
3:44 AM
@NormalHuman Undo's EC2
from two remote locations
@NormalHuman Undo's local machine
@James Undo's EC2
@James Undo's local machine
Oh right
3:44 AM
Aha! @Undo is running two copies of Smokey at the same time.
@Undo y u do dis?
Maybe debugging/developing...
We can't even kick one of two copies, because it's the same account...
Can we get an IP block on these people?
3:51 AM
Talk about good timing. Another flag towards Deputy on SU.
Yes, there is a little wave of fake diploma offers on SU...
^ missed by Smokey? He's not healthy today.
@Jamal Just open this page, there are 5+ posts to flag: superuser.com/questions?sort=newest
@NormalHuman gone
At this rate I'm going to run out of SuperUser flags
They post two nearly simultaneously, and Smokey gets confused...
@PeterJ If you haven't seen it, SU has a bit of situation (questions/newest)
3:56 AM
Yes I'm busy clicking...
Phew, clean for now
Perhaps I may even get Deputy tonight.
sd 2gone
sd 2gone-
(btw, gone / del / delete -- all synonymous -- is a command with no output, so - is not needed)
Damn, I'm out of flags already.
On it.
@Jamal Possible feature request: a moderator on one site gets 100 flags/day on any SE site.
You know, that’s an awful lot of \p{Han} in the title.
4:10 AM
Yeah, why doesn't that trigger?
@NormalHuman this
local copy turned off
@Undo Undo's EC2
@NormalHuman That would be nice. The best I can do is to alert a site mod about spam on their site.
@NormalHuman Cause it’s not \p{Hangul}.
TIL my MacBook can run smokey while sleeping
4:11 AM
Oh. Chinese, not Korean. How about this: if the title is 20% non-ASCII on a non-language site, this is bad.
No, non-Latin.
Actually, the exclusion set you want is [^\p{Latin}\p{Common}\p{Inherited}].
Although we don’t see a whole lot of the last outside of the ponies.
But you definitely need to pass Common.
Hm, but you said 20%.
So maybe, yeah.
I regained another flag!
let's just blacklist "university" and get done with this
Why, they are all getting discovered
Aren't they?
4:17 AM
I mean in the system itself
Oh right
Not all, a few were missed: possibly because of nearly-simultaneous post.
They all trigger all-caps criterion.
Seriously considering building a push notification app for Smokey, with integrated flagging
So they do.
Actually, not all...
This feels like a video game.
@NormalHuman I totally missed that this morning
I need a reload...
It's a human behind these, it seems. The usernames are all keyboard mashes.
4:19 AM
But the implication that I would attempt to seduce BJB is implying that I'd commit felony. Even in Australia he's below the legal age of consent
@Undo But there are digits in the usernames too... you know what that means.
@James Sorry my attempts at humor aren't always properly calibrated.
@NormalHuman y
Yay autocorrect
Anyway ... It means they're not on mobile?
xkcd.com/1530 reference...
@NormalHuman :P I didn't say that I wasn't attempting to seduce BJB
From an entirely different continent
4:21 AM
Yay sleep, cya folks tomorrow
@James The long cons are the best cons.
@SmokeDetector ignore- (but a poor question)
All SU all the time... poor Drupal is neglected today.
@SmokeDetector gone
4:32 AM
18 helpful flags remaining.
Still no drupal.
4:47 AM
@SmokeDetector del edited
I guess this is an answer, but it really looks phrased like a question. That may be a declined flag right there.
@Jamal You could ask @The_IT_Guy_You_Don't_Like who is right here...
That awkward moment when you're flagging a post by someone currently in the same room...
Hm. I hadn't noticed that before.
Oh look another shit stack exchange scraper: w3facility.org/question/…
@SmokeDetector fp- it was ===> and edited
@SmokeDetector tpu- and back to our regular programming
@James They've been around for a while. Supposedly legit.
> This presentation of data is completely legal and follows all the attribution requirements of relevant sites mentioned here. w3facility.org/about-us
At least they say so.
Mostly Canadian universities, as far as I can tell...
@SmokeDetector tpu-
SPAM missed: superuser.com/q/945704/380375 Total of 5 spam posts on superuser.com/questions at present
^ was the one I missed
ran out of flags
The seal of Mount Allison University has a face in it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mount_Allison_University_Seal.svg
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Makeme for Phil I don't know if you by bilz gangkd on superuser.com
They appear to be sad about their diplomas being for sale...
@Shog9 We're fast running out of spam flags for SU here. Can anything be done from your end?
Block Chinese characters in SU titles, for example...
SU clean for now.
5:14 AM
The operative phrase being "for now"
That was fast
I still have 42 41 flags left. :)
It's like saying bloody mary
I'm down to 11
Spare change flags?
5:16 AM
in Ask a Super User Moderator on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 31 mins ago, by random
Yeah, we are on it, keep flagging any that slip through
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 48 mins ago, by nhinkle
Regarding the Chinese fake diploma spam, they all had some Chinese characters in common which have been added to the blacklist. Should stop it for now; please flag as spam AND with an "other" message if you see any more.
Some non-chinese spam for the sake of diversity:
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: did you ever hear of Sonic Runners Hack? by Luis Martinez on drupal.stackexchange.com
blacklist candidate fairharvardfund.com
sd 3tpu-
I once looked into making a pattern for domains ending with try... (somethingtry.com)... But there is country... entry... geometry... ugh.
5:24 AM
@SmokeDetector tpu- blocked on SU, they moved to Meta
that temporarily gives us more flags
Lots o' spam.
@hichris123 You're up late.
5:30 AM
SE has become a crash course in Chinese.
And I was supposed to be writing a blog post that's due tomorrow...
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 24 secs ago, by nhinkle
Update on the chinese spam situation: apparently "there is a bug in the way the blacklist editor was working" which the devs are now working on. Continue firing the spam flags.
I may have switched timezones.
5:36 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: SAP BO Online Training by sasi on stackoverflow.com
sd 2tpu-
cv-pls stackoverflow.com/questions/9713806/… horrible link fest
del-pls stackoverflow.com/questions/2692477/… spammy link fest, closed but with an accepted answer :(
^ all the above is from searching url:onlinetraining.com
SPAM, answer does not address the sound design question; is by a bot, probably:
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: User Interface (website) sound design by conndelray on sound.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Works naturally in improving your brain working by anthcow clark on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Does have any section final result? by user300145 on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title, phone number detected in title: ★大洋敎育Q 2516986537 毕证业+成单绩+学认历证【100%存档可查】 by vvvvaaac43 on superuser.com
SU should get a local Smokey feed...
6:01 AM
This reminds me: how often do we see 100% in the title of a legitimate post?
Actually, quite often on SU: superuser.com/search?q=title%3A100%25 (100% in title).
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 37 secs ago, by nhinkle
Unfortunately they seem to be working around the blacklist now. So keep on flagging while we work on a better solution.
sd gone-
Over 40 helpful flags on SU so far today.
6:12 AM
9 SU flags left
@SmokeDetector gone
Now it becomes a race against the end of the day
We are only 6 hours into UTC day...
It's 2:15 here
You are almost done with Monday! Here it hasn't started...
6:16 AM
Actually, it's 2:15 here too...
singlerank.com, sayeureqa.com
Fun for the whole family...
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Will expressed its car actor no matter by elenora camden on unix.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted user: Database-driven website with (almost) no programming by veera on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Will expressed its car actor no matter by elenora camden on unix.stackexchange.com
@bummi dupe ^^
I know it's easy to lose track of all this.
6:26 AM
@NormalHuman sorry, to much today
sd 2gone-
@James I don't have any messages posted after the latest reboot.
@AndrewT. Running since 06:31:28 UTC (1 minute)
6:33 AM
(I added two sites to blacklist a minute ago)
Ahh right
25 SU flags left
@NormalHuman 75
sd gone-
I'm getting to them after they get deleted luckily
I'm not impressed with the filter they added. :/
blacklist candidate pdffilerecovery.com
!!/test blacklist candidate pdffilerecovery.com
> Body: not blacklisted ;
Title: not blacklisted
@SmokeDetector del alright then
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Advanced Project Management Program by Christy Mclure on askubuntu.com
332 off being able to cast close votes
I have 2337, and don't really need those 337...
Well I guess I do want to get to 3K, too. Some day.
It's just that SO is the 'main' site I participate in, and it's a little sad that I haven't got 3k rep after 2+ years
:3752332 tpu- this is one looooong domain name (and blacklisted based on a pattern)
6:56 AM
sd gone-
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer: Which business web site creator do I utilize? by Ucivy on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu- and flag the question too.
^ Spam and spam seed
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: Which business web site creator do I utilize? by Fupre on stackoverflow.com
^ Question remains open
Maybe worth watching the network profile
7:07 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body: this is especially important by teen bajay on meta.stackexchange.com
sd tpu-
Competing on SO was hard for me (or I was working on bad tag, such as :P). I got 3k faster on Android.SE than SO
7:14 AM
Interested in fake Canadian diplomas? We got 'em...
Actually, the stream appears to have stopped.
...and the train also appears to have stopped.
@SmokeDetector fp- nike
7:31 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in answer: Online resources for German verbs classes: strong, weak, mixed. by Ravinder Singh on german.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Copy an order to create a new order by potassium on magento.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: r 97 to the following is not true by Lilian Moorhouse on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported question: My Software Helps You Were You Need by Aliza Ally on drupal.stackexchange.com

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