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12:52 AM
OT is an invalid abbr. On topic or off topic? — bjb568 8 secs ago
@bjb568 I think I edited that correctly.
@hichris123 reject > invalid edit
I made an educated guess. :P
1:10 AM
@bjb568 I believe that question to be autological.
@hichris123 ’Twould a truly queer sense of we were it so, since it would have to be some exotic sense of we-inclusive that includes neither the person speaking nor the one being spoken to. I am not sure that either Japanese (which has “interesting” flavors of we) has it nor Nahuatl even, a language renowned for its fourth-person pronouns and demonstratives.
Perhaps that is the magisterial we, but probably it is meant to be a way using the impersonal one.
@tchrist Well, it was referring to we as in the collective Stack Overflow community. However, that doesn't make sense as I'm a mod (so I don't complain about myself), and you... probably don't complain about mods? I'm not sure what the correct way to word that would be, as "they" seems to general but there's no other good collective noun. "the complainers?"
@hichris123 I would say they, probably.
No, of course I don’t complain about mods. That would be stupid. Volunteer work is a noble cause, and yours is a horribly hard job, one which I am perhaps one of these possible people cut out for doing. I pay the garbagemen a heavy hefty sum, not because I think them better or worse than myself, but because they have consented to performing a task that I would not myself willing do.
Ok, if a mod were to have psychotic break, which is not altogether unheard of merely unspoken of, I might complain. But I would so by sending personal mail to a Community Manager.
@tchrist Every time somebody uses big words a kitten squeaks in pain.
1:23 AM
I know big words, and those are not they.
I merely converse in my natural register, without resort to a thesaurus nor consulting an English-to-Simpleton translator for posting to simple.wikipedia.org.
If it would be a thing that you would like, I can talk in words that use just one beat each, and in which it is rare to find one that comes to us from Rome.
I removed the bounty - GEOFF DALGAS WILL NEVER GET THAT BOUNTY :) — Jarrod Dixon ♦ Aug 14 at 3:53
DAMN YOUU!!!!!! — Geoff Dalgas ♦ Aug 14 at 3:55
And at some risk of well-earned roasts, I could even set in verse each post.
1:30 AM
@tchrist, dude, you need to swing by Denver in Oct - I wanna know if you actually talk like that.
Though masculine rhymes flow like fluid from pen, but the feminine ones are a joy — now and then.
@Shog9 Is there something happening in Denver in October? A by-convention of some sort? I thought the Pride Parade was in June or July. Or is this the SE Proud-n-Strong convention?
I have many registers at my command: were it not so, would I not have told you?
Little known fact: Kirk McKusick, famed for so many things BSD, did his PhD thesis on register allocation. From this he learned that the wise will always choose something they aren’t really interested in, since long ere their defence is presented, they shall have so sickened of the matter as to never wish to see anything about it again.
@SmokeDetector flagged
1:38 AM
@bjb568 This is that you-can-only-be-a-virgin-thrice thing, right?
@tchrist Thrice what?
Once, twice, three times a virgin — but that’s all she wrote. After that, you run out of lacunae, but not locura.
OSX's built in dictionary is starting to fail…
WELP! @tchrist broke @bjb568
@bjb568 My most appropriate&penetrating comment for contemplation during vespers, which are now come upon us, is that every human being is born having not one but three virginities. How each should choose to spend those at age thirteen or to guard them close against one’s bosom till the Last Day will vary, but of the number three there can be no doubt. Any other answer will each its uttered the epithet of Láthspell and he shall be perforce banished to the Valley of Death That No Shadow Hath.
1:51 AM
oh, I got it, tchrist has a Shakespearean-complex
@bjb568 If you would your mettle in these matters, then this brief game will put you to the test if not the sword, and it shall further the science it probes to world a better place.
It is for science.
We have non-native speakers whose scores have exceeded those of native speakers.
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Jul 27 '12 at 14:11, by RegDwight АΑA
Several members of the ELU community have taken a vocabulary test and the results ranged between 14,400 and 42,300 words for native speakers, and between 25,000 and 34,400 words for non-native ones. The variance was large enough to render any average number utterly useless.
The highest figure there cited is from Don Robusto.
As it would be immodest of me to point out that said figures were compiled previous to my own assay, I shall not do so.
It is interesting that the lower bound on the natives is far lower than that of the pineapples. One theory is that low-esteem — well, micro-vocabularian — pineapples refuse the test outright.
@Braiam None of the references in the post superjacent to your own were to Shakespeare.
@tchrist because non-natives has two sets of vocabularies, not one
No, it only tests English vocabulary.
And we have non-natives who score higher than many natives.
non-natives can infer the meaning of words using their native language
2:00 AM
@Braiam Good luck with that: the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
I'm one, I know words in english that I don't in spanish
(spanish being my native language)
apart of the fact that people that try to learn other languages, have higher inclination to wider naturally their vocabulary
@tchrist the funny part is that they don't need to be
Pues, sí, te admito que esas voces sí existen también, pero el castellano sí te ayuda en ello, de ahi que saqué yo una cifra muy alta.
14,500 words.
My kitten brain in still developing.
@bjb568 Ah, progammer, right? :)
2:03 AM
@tchrist "sacué" sounds like a regionalism, if it's well written
!Vaya orthografía más jodida!
ah, Spain
@Braiam Lo he corregido antes de que me dijeses todo eso.
@tchrist tuve que leer varias veces para estar seguro
but I'm certain you are Spanish or Argentinian
@Braiam ¿Se nota? ¿De verdad? ¿Cómo te has dado cuenta de esto? Intenté evitar las cosas que suelen anunciarlo.
2:07 AM
only two things "voces" and "jodidas"
apart of how you structure your sentences
Jodido te lo doy :), pero una voz es el término culto que se usa para cualquier vocablo como los que se encuentran en un diccionario.
De todos modos, y dado todo lo dicho, seguramente no queda razón alguno que te impida probar la prueba ya dada. Y en el caso de que no te salga una cifra muy elevada, siempre puedes quedarte mudo — por si las moscas, y para que no te mosquean ellas.
Algunas frases las hay que resisten traducirse, y la última arriba es una.
Salga como saliere, será interesante.
Y desde luego, ese saliere allí arriba no tiene nada que ver con el famosísimo italiano, Antonio Salieri. :)
Como habrás visto, no hace falta que mi habla sea en inglés para escaparme lo gracioso, si no ya precioco. :)
Or para que me escape lo gracioso, come quieras.
*que no te mosqueen
¡Joder machos, fijaos en que (y como) he matado vuestra charla! Ojalá que me perdonéis. :)
Y sí, con esa última frase, sale todo lo demás. Lo sé, y lo hice sabiéndolo.
So we are done with the Shakespearian accusations, n’est-ce pas?
Parce que sinon, il y a toujours d’autres langues dans lesquelle on pourrait parler agréablement.
I have small jest in relation to all this.
It requires a certain je-ne-sais-quoi zu verstehen.
1 of 3: ¿Como se llama una persona que habla tres idiomas o más?
2:35 AM
@tchrist In any case, and after everything I've said, there isn't any reason that prevents you from taking the test. In the case that you don't get high score, you just can keep it to yourself — since a shut mouth catches no flies
2 of 3: Qu’est-ce que c’est une personne qui parle dos lenguas?
@tchrist and the lack of beer sleep plus the grid like presentation is nightmarish
so, I'm just keeping the tab open for another day
3 of 3: And what do you call someone who speaks but one language?
*c’est qu’une
Still, the joke is a good one.
Pity that it should be so lost on those who need it most.
@Braiam So yes, being a polyglot is of great help in taking the test, perhaps more help than would be being a polymath.
vsftpd doesn't respond, halp
@bjb568 What manner of thing would you be holpen with?
Or, as it is more commonly phrased, What have you tried? :)
2:42 AM
@tchrist Banging on the keyboard.
@bjb568 With fingers, hand-heels, or head?
@tchrist All of the above.
Mechanical Turk, here we come!
2:56 AM
> Now I don't know what to do next and how to use the database or Sql.
@Braiam imprime TLA_to_English("PKM")
@tchrist something like that. See if you can make it to Denver between the 20th and 24th.
Should be rather easy.
@bjb568 xkcd oneboxes. Every time you post a cartoon without oneboxing, Jim Davis kills Garfield.
$job is remote dev.
2:58 AM
Ok, let me rephrase the question: what's your goal installing Oracle XE 11g? — Braiam 24 secs ago
@tchrist well, ping me if you make it - I'll buy you a drink of choice.
Okey dokey smokey.
Meanwhile, we must probe Bryan’s stalwart steed ere the night is done.
@Braiam O jinete mío, tú con jaca valerosa y aceitunas en tu alfora, ¿cuándo llegarás a Córdoba, lejana y sola, bajo esta luna roja? ¿Sabes los caminos? ¿Y quién es el que (o major dicho, la que) te está mirando desde sus torres lejanas?
@Shog9 is there a way that tags composed of just numbers and dots can only be created by moderators? ref: meta.askubuntu.com/q/11813/169736
Oh yeah, I am dying for a 127.1 tag.
apparently there is a thing to prevent user from creating synonyms (which I was hitting here despite the fact that none of the tags involved were version specific: [cpu-architecture] and [64-bits]/[32-bits]) but apparently there isn't for tag creation
3:07 AM
@Braiam probably. Why?
@Shog9 those tags breed like rabbits, and people keeps creating them for the most unuseful reasons which in turn can create bizarre combinations that only hurts the site
@Braiam so why do you want more of them?
@Shog9 I want less
actually I don't want them anywhere meta.unix.stackexchange.com/q/3102/41104
3:14 AM
post a [feature-request] on meta
totally fine with banning numeric tags entirely, but whether that's practical depends on the site
@Shog There's all these site options. How are they set? Could I have a screenshot? Just curious…
@tchrist is a personal favorite of mine.
3:34 AM
Anyone know what's the max rep that you can earn from making suggested edits?
@Cupcake 1000
@Braiam thanks
3:51 AM
oh, great and mighty @Shog9, here a mere user offer you this feature request post as offering to calm your rage
I'm going to bed. 'Night!
4:28 AM
Who's in charge of the Smoke Detector? Undo? I forget.
@BradLarson I don't remember either.
It would be great if whoever's in charge could add "recovery toolbox" to the phrases it picks up on. We've had an incredibly persistent group of spammers who create fake questions with one account, then answer them with spam for their tools. They vary the URLs and use URL shorteners, so we can't blacklist them, but they're crapping the place up with off topic questions and spam.
Reviewers are approving many of these answers, and arguing with our review bans because they claim the spam answers address the question asked. I'd like to have a little more attentive group catch these and flag them so we can destroy the posts and accounts.
Example answers:
@BradLarson who review the questions?
@Braiam robo-reviewers don't review questions :P
Gotta go, but if you see off topic questions about Outlook, corrupt RAR files, converting AutoCAD documents, etc. on SO being asked by 1-rep first time users and being immediately answered by another new user speaking highly of a product, please use a custom flag to let us know about it. That lets me pull at a loose thread and unravel the rest of the spam accounts in a group.
@BradLarson gotcha, will do!
@Braiam ha
@Braiam now you've got me continually refreshing his profile waiting for him to post spam :P
4:43 AM
btw, spam in mse
Gotta catch 'em all.
5:14 AM
It's an unregistered account :(
correction, this guy beat them all superuser.com/a/712583/235569
@Braiam I can see why :P
5:39 AM
@Braiam not spam (yet), but of dubious quality nonetheless: stackoverflow.com/questions/25397000/…
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: Gamma Blue 11s I have on tex.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword detected: Infrared 23 11s necklaces on ux.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector 2:2; not bad
(except for the bodybuilding part)
7:14 AM
good morning!
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ROOTING THE ANDROID DEVICE on android.stackexchange.com
7:56 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HELP ME!!! HERE IS A QUESTION TO SOLVE! IGCSE LEVEL on math.stackexchange.com
8:09 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: BOOST FM RECEPTION on physics.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: ROOTING THE ANDROID DEVICE on android.stackexchange.com
8:38 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: BOOST FM RECEPTION on physics.stackexchange.com
what's up with the sudden rise in all-caps titles
9:58 AM
Use any language except PHP or classic ASP — Jan Dvorak 10 secs ago
@JanDvorak Booooo! I love classic ASP. That was already dynamic and untyped crap in 1999....
@Stijn and some self promotion here
10:07 AM
@Stijn aside from a tour, op could use an english course-
@Vogel612 It's what I post if the OP doesn't have an Informed badge. :)
@Unihedron I know. but he could really use an explanation on adverbs and adjectives.
11:04 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: 8 BIT DATA ENCODING USING HAMMING CODE on electronics.stackexchange.com
11:33 AM
After 24 minutes? Finally!
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: SQL SERVER DATABASE ACCESS USING V6 on serverfault.com
▲ down
@BradLarson That'd be me, but IIRC all the recovery toolbox spam is answers, right? SD doesn't have a way to monitor answers yet, unfortunately. Only questions come through the websocket (we're abusing the front page thing).
If there's a repeating pattern in their questions, we can do that.
12:06 PM
user image
12:42 PM
Today's Listening | Bass / Dubstep (Mixsets day 20)
Perfect timing @GnomeSlice.
12:57 PM
▲and down before I could even see it.
Yep, suits it very good (I didn't know season 4 was out already). But this is in the process of being deleted. Already -5 votes — Tim 1 min ago
... wat?
@Doorknob yeah....
@Doorknob and he responded to my comment...
what did he say?
> @rene encouraging them not to do it again won't hurt. Comment's don't affect deletion. – Tim 1 min ago
1:08 PM
except you can't achieve that by commenting...
@JanDvorak isn't that exactly what he was saying??
@JanDvorak Yeah...maybe I didn't asked nice enough....
1:24 PM
@Doorknob AU is weird...
2:17 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: INVERSE FUNCTION OF COUNTIFS FORMULA on superuser.com
I had a diamond! Then I woke up :( The 10k and mod tools in my dream looked cool.
@bjb568 ... you had a diamond and didn't visit TL? How dare you!
@Doorknob I did. And closed 20 questions I found on the homepage. And raged thru the 10k most closevotes list. And marked VLQ flags helpful.
@bjb568 Seriously, nominate yourself for the next election.
2:28 PM
@Unihedron Can't wait for the Room 17 trolls...
Speaking of room numbers, I'm still seeing You have requested access to this room; please be patient while the room owners process your request. for room 1 :(
that way I'll never find out what's it for
@Stijn Everytime you mention room 1 another week is added to the processing of your request....
Morning y'all. It seems somebody is serially downvoting me. It's been about a day since it started. Should I file a report or wait a while longer for the auto-system to perhaps catch it?
@SterlingArcher the system should catch it within 24 hours I think
2:38 PM
Mmmkay, I'll wait
Though I will admit reminiscing in my old skill level makes me appreciate how much I've learned since then :3
Those stars just got me a meta.se outspoken badge. <3 y'all
@SterlingArcher mm... those seems to trying not to trigger the system. If in 48 hours they don't get reversed flag a post explaining the situation
Yeah I only brought it up because they seem to come in slightly delayed pairs. But thank you, I will wait and flag when I remember (I mean.. tbh it's 12 rep.. I care more that somebody is abusing things)
3:58 PM
quick question for a dev that's maybe around: Why can I ping myself in chat?
@Vogel612 because they are enablers
@Vogel612 ... why not?
@Doorknob it feels kinda moot..
I know what I wrote, why would I need a notification for it.
for ego boost?
@Braiam well done!
@Vogel612 "Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do this!" "Then don't do that?"
4:00 PM
@Doorknob meh, right...
but I can't reply to my own messages via interface, why allow it in the first place or not "allow" it in the interface?
@Doorknob that's often misused... if it hurts for you but not for me, there could be something bad with you
@Vogel612 because balpha likes to hide functions in chat :P
(aka. why can't I flag my own comments, but with SOUP I can?=
@Vogel612 If you're going to go through all the trouble of manually copying your message's ID, don't expect anyone to consider your bug reports as actual bugs
@Doorknob It's just that my pseudo OCD is tingling like crazy.
hidden features are the best bugs!
4:03 PM
maybe the question was asked wrong. It's more like "why don't you expose the reply and flag actions on my own messages?"
@Vogel612 you're sure that's not your spider sense?
naaah, order vs danger, that's a horse of different color. mostly.
@Vogel612 Because why would you to reply to / flag your own message?
@Doorknob to keep a track of messages that belong together in a fast-running conversation?
@Vogel612 I can't help but point out how ironic it is that you're talking about connecting messages with replies, but you're not even using them in a normal conversation yourself. :D
Anyway, why wouldn't you just repond to each conversation separately, instead of interspersing different messages?
4:07 PM
sometimes I can't put enough content into a message, or I need to make a point fast (and illustrate it later)
so the "belong together" is more of a "were originally one"
also @ automagically highlights the last message of user..
If you need to reference a previous message, just quote it in a onebox.
@Vogel612 Yes, but the little handy-dandy arrow isn't there, and it breaks oneboxes, and the @somebody still shows up in the starboard, and it just makes things ugly in general
@Doorknob : but they take up so much spaaaace
Also, then you can accidentally highlight the wrong message like that :D
4:09 PM
@Doorknob you're being overly conscious
@Doorknob in such cases I can edit my message to reply with the handy-dandy arrow..
@Doorknob If you reply, the @ somebody does not show up in the starboard.
@Vogel612 But... but... it just has to be RIGHT! :P
@ProgramFOX Yes, that was my point.
@Doorknob Who's OCD sense is tingling now? (that interrogation pronoun looks wrong....)
@Doorknob Oh, then I totally misunderstood that. I thought you were talking about replying, not writing @somebody...
@Vogel612 ... you did that thing with the apostrophe on purpose, didn't you. >:O
4:12 PM
@Doorknob non native... and probably even some natives would get it wrong..
Why woul'd he do that @Doorknob?
@Vogel612 that looks creepy...
@Bart ... I hate you
Love you too :p
oh, btw. use-case, see above,)
4:13 PM
@Vogel612 Oh, I thought you did that on purpose to annoy me. :P
LPT: If you've tried for like 12 hours to be able to easily fiddle with a remote file system that you can access via SSH, try just git cloning everything onto it.
@Doorknob Is it correct as it is now? I have no clue. Both somehow look weird to me...
@Vogel612 It's actually "whose". Not "who's" or "whose'".
Or "whoses" for the plural case ...
@Bart German grammar would dictate a finishing apostrophe in that case.
4:17 PM
Hmm ... I get this weird feeling I might actually enjoy being a troll ...
@Bart oh you didnt'[sic.] have that experiance[sic.] yet?
@Vogel612 everybody here knows I'm 100% serious all the time.
@Bart glad that I'm not everybody ;)
Because I'm somebody?
Aug 13 at 20:07, by Braiam
The Tavern is always* serious
4:23 PM
@Braiam like seriously
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: KINEMATICS!!! URGENT!!!! PLS HELP on physics.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector that's only all-caps and not also "bad keyword"?
4:38 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: XMPP ROSTER UPDATE on stackoverflow.com
@Jamal 4 out 4 NAA's....
@Jamal Mod-flagged requesting deletion.
Comment discussion here.
Me, too. And I have left the "we are not customer support" comment.
1 hour later…
5:48 PM
@Shog9 I'm pinging you, since nobody else knows what they're doing. Are minor edits acceptable? What counts as a minor edit? Do all edits have to make multiple improvements?
@bjb568 reject if there's more to improve
@bjb568 minor == rearranging deck chairs on the titanic; making minor improvements (or completely superfluous changes) while ignoring major flaws
A: Approve as too minor

Shog9There are a couple of problems with this: The meaning of "too minor" varies widely between individuals. Are trivial changes always too minor, or only too minor when they ignore other, more damning problems with the post? The edits you provide as examples illustrate this nicely - even the last o...

Siiigh… Can you tell Lightness Races in Orbit that? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/238226/…
Also, make the instructions less ambiguous.
Aug 13 at 2:07, by iStimple
@bjb568 there was a lot of green and red so not too minor
@AstroCB I didn't create Stack Overflow…
What's with the sudden influx of mentoring questions on M.SO? Is someone pointing new users there as a result of the post, or are people just seeing that the question is feature and going there on their own?
@BradLarson I made this query which might help find these guys which you speak of.
@iStimple So you're Vote to Close?
@bjb568 Oh, I missed a word: you could have improved it...
5:58 PM
@Unihedron yes, too lazy to change the name there though

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