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Maybe sending swag is safer...
@rene I promise I'll help with the meetups when I'm at 3k if I'm not away or busy... :D
Looking forward to it
Are sock puppet accounts deleted?
@TheWobbuffet Usually merged and then suspended. If they're cross voting...
Because apple needs a 'Demo account that must not expire'
And... that means I need to make a sock and earn it 15 rep, but it can't expire
@TheWobbuffet In that case, no, probably will not be deleted.
Is Undo in here?
Maybe he can give the account he used when submitting his app
@Undo ^
:P To those who saw that
I didn't see that... (:
@hichris123 I said '@JonSkeet ^'
@TheWobbuffet I want Skeet to give me a bounty. :P
I call it a day... cya
I'm back
Hi again @Doorknob.
@hichris123 hi
Me is earning repz...
@hichris123 we need to have a big celebration when you reach 3k :P
I think that was @animuson's CV party today. :P Though a little early...
I'm going to try to set a new record for using up all 40 of my close votes today. :P
You mean tomorow. :P
animuson♦ 977
tomorrow UTC time. ;)
@animuson Almost there! Only 23 to go!
@Doorknob You have repz to spare... gimme a bounty. :P
:P You must work hard to gain the power of the force close, young padawan
But... but... the close force power is so magestical.
Magestical it is, answer you must, Yoda I am.
100 repz? Plzs?
because of the irony; he complained in that post that his post got closed as a duplicate, yet that very post is getting closed as a duplicate :D
comes back from one hour trip to a big red '6'
@Undo Yay, pings! :P (or is that flags?)
tries to look at all of them
@hichris123 No, pings :P
The meta flags are purple-ish. And beta ones are yellow.
@Undo I've got 12 once over the course of 6 hours or so :P
@DoorknobofSnow Heh, once I was gone for a whole weekend and there were like 22.
@animuson Yaaaaaaaaay! :D
gives @animuson a cookie somehow
@animuson You are awesome :D
Shog has a measly 173. ;)
Shouldn't it be D:?
@hichris123 How far away are you from 3k?
@Undo Erm... looks
@hichris123 that's a sad face :P
Ah, ok.
@DoorknobofSnow It's not a sad face, it's a combination of surprise and disappointment
Doorknob, I see why I didn't get a duplicate match; my search included 'answer'. So you also can't delete questions in the app?
@TheWobbuffet Whatcha need?
@ChrisForrence Nope.
@ChrisForrence I believe it's an API limitation at the time...
I think you can cast delete votes from the API
Wait, that's close votes.
Not sure about delete votes.
Wait, yes, you can owner delete posts from API 2.2
But no voting
OK, so it's just not implemented yet in the app
@Undo I think I'll make 2700 by midnight UTC.
@Undo What sock did you use for a Demo Account for apple when you submitted your app to ITC?
I've only made a buck and 73 cents from my apps :)
@TheWobbuffet I need to keep working on my apps... SO takes away from that. :P
@hichris123 How much apps do you have?
@TheWobbuffet I never made them a demo account...
Does yours require login?
@Undo Yes... mine requires a login ;(
@Undo How would you flag things without an account?
@TheWobbuffet Well... make a sock and post on Meta. That's the easiest way.
@Undo What do I post on meta?
Although you should probably make login non-required somehow.
@TheWobbuffet Answers and stuff. Get repz.
Okay... hope it doesn't get expired, because I'm terrible at earning rep
@TheWobbuffet Expired? Whatcha mean?
In related news, I had to do taxes this year :D
Like deleted
Or merged
@TheWobbuffet I haven't even made one yet... still developing it.
@TheWobbuffet They won't delete it as long as there isn't cross voting.
Okay :P
@Undo How would I go about merging accounts after the app is published?
@hichris123 Is it a game? Productivity?
@TheWobbuffet Why would you need them merged?
So I can have the rep I earned from it
argh php y u so annoying
It's only 15 rep...
@DoorknobofSnow Because it's php
@Undo I can't just go about randomly getting 15 rep
@TheWobbuffet I did...
@TheWobbuffet ...why not?
I like php though
it takes like 5 minutes
Takes me forever! I have 0 answers on this site, man!
@TheWobbuffet Public Transit app.
@DoorknobofSnow What's the problem?
Ok I have 4 answers :P
@hichris123 PHP
Really I only have 2 answers
@DoorknobofSnow What about it?
@hichris123 just... PHP :P
I know all about PHP. :P
2695... :D
When you look at a text file and it looks more like a maze than a blob of text, you know it's PHP.
Sublime has now become my PHP IDE (I never even had one. :P).
I love it.
I even use it to draft SE posts for pre-beta sites.
I use visual studio for php
yep, I'm using Sublime and it's amazing! (thanks @Undo :D)
don't ask why
Most recent SR tag problem:
Q: Should tags for specific software products be permitted?

IzzyI've just encountered the tag lightroom. The question using it makes pretty clear what it stands for: Alternative to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom? My point here is: Should we support tags for a specific product? Or should we rather remove them from their questions, so they get cleaned up by the aut...

One more vote needed...
I flagged it. Does that count? :P
You've been Tavern'd!
Sooo... 300 rep bounty anyone?
yay, you can now create accounts on my website! :P
but you can't do anything with them yet.
That's some pretty sweet content though
Username: "); DROP TABLE users; --
@ChrisForrence ikr :D
@Undo it uses mysqli :P that won't work
@hichris123 nooo why? :P
> An error occurred while extracting user details
I think I borked something :D
@DoorknobofSnow It looks too ugly. :P
@Undo where'd you get that? :P
Let's break stuff. Yay!
@DoorknobofSnow I signed up and that's what it gave me.
@Undo you must have clicked "log in" instead of "register," methinks
@DoorknobofSnow Oooooh right...
I just created an OR '1' = '1' username and password. :P
@hichris123 I noticed. ;)
"); DROP TABLE users; -- really? :D
Wait, @DoorknobofSnow you're making me enter a CAPTCHA to log in? What madness is this?
@Undo Umm, oops, didn't notice that :P
because I'm evil. >:D
I'm going to add an error message when your username's too long now
Someone's missing some input sanitation
@hichris123 I know :P
erm. :P
@ChrisForrence yeah, I think I should probably fix that
I get a lovely popup though!
Possibly ;)
@hichris123 It actually does work; the results are too great for your feeble mind to comprehend
...or maybe I just didn't set up search yet :P
When I 404, I get an ads page
@animuson nice effort :P
And related searches? Chairs.
@Chris Okay, fixed the html tag stuff. I didn't set up my error documents yet either! :P
@DoorknobofSnow I should give you the code to my website. :P It's on GitHub.
@hichris123 I'm actually just planning to use Google custom search :P
I actually just noticed that @DoorknobofSnow!
added username length verification; now it doesn't just silently cut off your username :P
@hichris123 fine, I'll set up errordocument. :)
I wondered why my lorem ipsum doler sit amat.... account wasn't working!
@DoorknobofSnow It shows some random website on it...
@Chris <div style="color:red; width:3 Was that you? :D
Me? Nope
who was that :P
Not I.
@Undo? accusatory stare :P
@DoorknobofSnow Huh? What did I do?
@Undo Make an account by the username of <div style="color:red; width:3? :P
@DoorknobofSnow I reserve the right to remain silent.
@Doorknob Look now. ;)
@hichris123 NULL? :P
@Undo I fixed it :P
2705! :P
Ya know, we could offer a consulting service: you pay us a bunch of money, we let you post your website in here, and we try to break it.
Tavern Quality Assurance.
Oh dear goodness that'd be a good service
I had to do that with a website that my cousin bought for his business. Fortunately, it's more like a brochure site, but there are still things wrong (like a pink Twitter icon and a Twitter blue-colored Google Plus icon)
@Doorknob Are you using prepared statements?
@hichris123 yep
Can I instead pay a bunch of dogecoin for this service?
@DoorknobofSnow Darn.
^ all of the account names I've gotten so far :D
That's not all of them...
The Lorem Ipsum account was me.
Haha, nice
nvm, I just got ); SELECT * FROM USERS (from @hichris probably :D)
@DoorknobofSnow Yep. :P
@ChrisForrence ?
I'm going to go eat. Be back to bork your website in a bit...
Back in a second. The kittens are being more rowdy than sweetheart
@hichris123 ok :P
everyone is leaving! :P
I'm not!
The rice didn't spill everywhere
Just some places?
@ChrisForrence that's fortunate
I want a button in chat that generates a random message.
@Undo It got knocked over, but it stayed all intact-like! I have no idea how. It's one of those rigid containers. No idea how it survived.
@Undo The stream-of-consciousness button?
@ChrisForrence Yeah, something like that.
$('<button>').attr('class','button').text('Random message').click(function(){$('#input').text(Math.random())}).insertAfter($('#sayit-button'))
@Undo paste that into your console :D
wait, that doesn't work :P
Nope :P
Try .val( instead
$('<button>').attr('class','button').text('Random message').click(function(){$('#input').val(Math.random())}).insertAfter($('#sayit-button'))
That got it working
(refresh and then paste that)
$('<button>').attr('class','button').text('Random message').click(function(){$('#input').val(Array(20).join(String.fromCharCode((Math.random()*95|0)+32)));$('#sayit-button').click()}).insertAfter($('#sayit-button'))
lol, that made me do that ^ :P
it autosends
Feb 2 at 23:59, by animuson
Ok, seriously. Enough with the bots. Take them to some other room.
Imagine what he'll pin when we all start using that thing :P
@Doorknob When you click logout, the logout button is still there...
@Undo lol, "eeeeeennnnnnoooooouuuuuugggggghhhhhh wwwwwwiiiiii..."
@hichris123 you have to refresh
or just click home
@DoorknobofSnow I don't care. Fix it!

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