@InfiniteRecursion agreed but most of time user say sorry and all emotional blackmail and mod leave them with warning mod should not be harsh as they are not
around 6 month ago on SO chat rooms there was a war named flag revenge war
nope, you were explicit and said stuff in English too...let them hear if they want...am gonna abuse in English kinda things...will find it later if you really can't recall
if you can recall, easier for me, I hate seeing bad things
:-) google reverse image search says the nearest matches are several impressionist paintings and youtube video of drug use. Strike out. — BryceDec 26 '13 at 4:10
Before anything else please pay attention of the double quotes on the "equal" in the title - I know they are not equal, but you will understand in a bit.
If I look at the DNA codon table here or in wikipedia, and at the RNA codon table here or in wikipedia, their only difference is that the form...
@Vogel612'sShadow priceonomics.com/man-writes-dissenting-opinion-in-all-caps "His guide advises voters based on a simple algorithmic approach: it takes in the opinions on a measure published in the information pamphlet the city mails to every registered voter before elections, and tells you to vote with whichever side is most sparing in its use of ALL CAPS."
This is pretty much answered by the tooltip you get when you hover over the "participation" sort link:
Users most active on this site in the last 60 days (combined number of posts, votes, comments and edits).
-- that's all it is. Take the sum of those four values and sort the users based on...