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6:00 PM
There are thousands upon thousands of questions and answers across dozens of sites built on this system. We could never find enough moderators to do the work - it's up to the communities themselves.
@zenbike ah... sounds vaguely familiar
er, I'm thinking of a story about folks not bothering to remember stuff 'cause they know they can find it again later.
Ok, so the basic idea is that the algorithms that search engines use, filter out unpopular data.
Not strictly true; they rank data by popularity (sorta), which has the same result for common queries
That is, if I get a search result about Obama being the best president ever, and I don't click on it, then the next time, it's lower in the ranking for me, personally.
(FWIW: my test for new search engines is to try something obscure, something I know only appears on a tiny handful of pages on the 'Net, and see if they can find it)
Wait one, not finished. And this is coming from Google...
It's the personal part that matters...
6:04 PM
Ah, right - I know what you're talking about now
There's an additional wrinkle to that, in that Google tracks how much time you spend on one search result before coming back to try another one. This has had the end result of MSDN forum matches ranking below SO in my searches, since I so rarely find what I need on those forums.
So I refuse to click on anything that paints Obama in a positive light, then pretty soon they stop presenting me anything that says he does good. And I'm left with the idea that he's the worst president ever.
Because there is no conflict in the data I get to see.
Automated confirmation bias!
Yeah, but that doesn't mean the info isn't on MSDN sites. It means you don't look for it/find it there.
If that's the term, and it sounds right.
@zenbike I've been favoring MSDN forums for the better part of the last decade, and until recently they were my top choice... And they still sucked. Best of a bad bunch.
You say the point here is not to clean up the data, it's to make an answer easy to find. Does it have the same effect?
6:10 PM
@zenbike It can. It doesn't necessarily
Google didn't have all that much to say about what yo saw on the web even 7 or 8 years ago. It's only pretty recently that they've had that data pool to start making these choices for us. At least as I understand it. Am I wrong?
It doesn't necessarily. But how can you know?
If you can't see the conflict, or the disagreement, or what have you? How do you know what you're getting from the sanitzed version is the right version?
@zenbike It's a little more complex than that. I still see MSDN search results (although there's a way to remove them entirely), they're just not emphasized over other results (where I've had better luck getting answers in the past).
The flip side of this is how it worked a year ago: I'd search, get the top result from Experts Exchange, open it, scroll through 5 pages of nonsense and ads to get to the answers, realize the answers were "i donno... try <something random>", curse at it, and leave to try the next search result.
So now I block EE entirely - it's possible I'm missing something valuable there, but it'd be a first.
Yes, confirmation bias is a real danger
But... it's a danger regardless of what Google does - studies show I'm quite likely to just skip past search results that challenge my beliefs in some way without any external assistance.
So to bring this back to SE and editing of offensive material: the default behavior upon seeing something you think is offensive - heck, even something you simply feel isn't constructive - should be to improve it. BUT... the original author gets to override you if he so desires.
I understand that I'm simplifying a bit. But the one site I'm heavily involved in recently, and the one I actually am qualified to be an expert on, has numerous posts with popular but inaccurate data. And worse, it's backed up by high vote counts. Because in that circle, if you throw out an answer that has eco-friendly/local/vintage/DIY attached, you get upvoted. Accurate or not. And yes, editing is necessary, but often unwelcome.
And it's getting better.
Because there are a few of us making an effort to make it accurate, even at the cost of the flame wars.
It is an up-hill battle. I was just talking about this with another user regarding another site, where so very many users are fond of posting - and voting up - lazy / feel-good answers.
But if we then erase all the dissent, how does someone decide if I'm right or the hipster is about the necessity of wearing a bike helmet?
6:20 PM
Truth is, the system can only do so much; it takes a healthy core of dedicated, knowledgeable users to make a site worth reading.
@zenbike Here's where the voting system comes into play, and the importance of both a knowledgeable community and users who are able to write well enough to get their point across.
Of course. Which is why i don't understand the repeated "The door's there, use it" attitude on this site.
And if the hipster gets upvoted 30 times, and i get downvoted, because wearing a helmet is no fun?
@zenbike There are users - and I don't think you're one of them - who are absolutely and completely against the idea of anyone else touching their words.
No, That's not it at all.
That's why the blunt statements come out though - we've had users request - demand - that others be blocked from editing their posts. We cannot compromise on that.
But if you do, it better be right, and you better talk to me about it. Or I'll hurt you however I can you. Because that's my name on that post, not yours.
6:24 PM
@zenbike To be fair, the editor's name also appears after the edit
Doesn't matter to me.
It should!
Clicking that name (well, the text above it) gives readers the opportunity to see who contributed what to the post
And I would venture to bet that few people go look at what the editor changed, and why.
Usually, if someone needs to check the edit history, it's because something has gone wrong - the edit lost something important, or implied something inaccurate, etc.
I get your point, but do you get mine?
6:27 PM
@zenbike I think so - but again, the goal here, the reason for these sites to exist, is to provide a means of attaching comprehensive answers to questions directly.
@zenbike Your concern is that most people take the post at face assumption that the author is the full author, which means that a drastic edit from another user can be considered the work of the original author, yes?
Whenever possible, personal pride must take a backseat to this (but, I'm being idealistic here, I know that in practice many users do feel uncomfortable)
I have no problem with someone editing me, if I'm wrong, they can prove it, and they tell me why. But what we were talking about was not editing content for quality, but eliminating controversy or the possibility of offense.
Personal pride is why we're here.
Why most people are here, at least.
I do wish to make something else clear here: I'm not terribly sympathetic to users who go around looking for things that might offend someone, regardless of what they do in response to it. I'm much more concerned when the overall tone of a post detracts from the question it is trying to ask or answer it seeks to provide.
6:31 PM
And I get the ideal, but I will not give up my personality or my freedom to it. That's the problem. And frankly, it's not limited to these sites. I have this issue in a lot of places, where the primary concern is uniformity of thought, rather than quality of thought.
That's fair enough. But where do you draw a line between that and the other?
@zenbike: in your example, there are ways to make a case for / against helmets without overtly insulting those who feel differently. An answer, regardless of position, will best serve the reader by avoiding the temptation to polarize readers.
So while I wouldn't edit an answer espousing one view to reflect another, I might edit it to justify one position without attacking the other - for instance, demonstrating the danger of helmet-less biking via statistics without going so far as to call helmet-less riders "stupid".
@GraceNote I'm just here to waste time on chat
Understood. But the facts are the wrong information would still be the upvoted and accepted, and bloody dangerous to the user answer.
(Good news, everyone! A mere 345 days after The Tavern opened its doors, it finally contains a conversation that contributes positively to the Internet!)
@zenbike This... Is a bigger, and rather different, problem.
6:35 PM
Yes, and one that was dealt with.
By moderators deleting the entire post.
@TimStone Awesome
@PopularDemand Oy!
@PopularDemand: You better not be talking about me. I'll get offended :-
@PopularDemand Nothing migrating the conversation to a different room later can't fix.
6:37 PM
@mod, please edit @zenbike's last comment to remove the word "offended." It makes me feel sad inside.
@GraceNote Oh, and Minecraft. Can't forget Minecraft. I actually should be playing, now that I'm hosting the server.
Let me pose this question to you, @zenbike: if you were in charge here tomorrow, what policy change(s) would you implement to resolve your concerns?
@TimStone As long as you're contributing to the decline of modern society by providing the resources for everyone else to slack with, I don't mind if you slack on your slacking.
Just don't be too productive, you hear?
6:40 PM
Really, the only thing i could think of would be to request that edits be discussed with the author. But how do you enforce it? And if you're not willing to flag for mods over things we have flags designed for specifically, like offensive content, then who would do the talking?
And since there's all but a ban on discussion anyhow, where would you do it?
@zenbike I don't think you can justify the presence of a ban on discussion. Relevant discussion is welcomed in comments, if not necessarily in questions/answers.
Just throwing out an idea: Would a "request author approval" feature on an edit solve that? Something that's optional, but allows you to ask the author if they approve of this edit before it goes live.
And to be fair, users are automatically notified of edits to their posts by anyone. I understand that that's not sufficient in your opinion, though.
@Kyle: Yeah, maybe. Something like that would be a step in the right direction, for me.
I've not been notified of any edits, and I've certainly had them. Is that a switch to flip somewhere?
@GraceNote I'll do my best to keep my productivity in check.
6:44 PM
@KyleTrauberman We have talked about this in the past, and it is actually implemented for edits by low-rep users. The danger with implementing it across the board is that some authors never return... You end up unable to get fixes made short of deleting the whole answer and replacing it with another (which is possible, but a bit of a nuclear option)
@Tim, I thought i was doing that for you.
@zenbike They show up in the little drop-down by your name at top, but you kinda have to look for them (they should be in your profile somewhere too)
I'm not saying that it should be implemented
They are though, to an extent.
@Shog9 They're (somewhat unintuitively) in the "responses" tab.
6:45 PM
@Shog9: He said an optional system. As in, If I want to edit, but am not sure how it would be recieved I can check the box and hope to start a convo.
I'll look. And even the notification does help.
Perhaps it could even be included in the "suggested edits" feature
where the author could approve it, or a quorum of other users could approve it
@zenbike Yes. And that's not a bad idea, but it adds complexity; the alternative we have now is to simply leave a good explanation along with your edit, and accept that the author can revise or rollback if he doesn't agree with your justification.
I just err way far on the side of don't touch my freedom of speech, i guess. And the questions on the topic, with answers like: "Yes. Censorship is OK here", really just boil my blood.
Technical complexity? As in rolling out the feature? Or social in some fashion?
@TimStone No, they're under "revisions", are they not?
@GraceNote revisions is a filter of the responses tab
6:49 PM
Oh, wait, on the profile. Nevermind.
Aye, 'tis. Just I always arrive there as a shortcut.
Ah, from the dropdown.
You are not entitled to any right of free speech on the website of a private corporation.
@zenbike Social - it takes more work to get the edit out to readers this way. This is why the suggested edit system imposes a minimum change - requiring 1 or two others to approve your work is wasteful of their time if you haven't done much.
@Fosco, I am entitled to the right of free speech wherever I happen to be. Because a corporation is not a person, and its rights cannot supersede mine.
You are mistaken.
6:52 PM
@zenbike Not in the US
In the US, a corporation is a person.
@Fosco, @Kyle: I know what the law says. I've fought one war over it. I'll start another one if need be. Clear?
and has the same rights
I'm not saying agree with that (I don't), just pointing out that fact.
Why are you so (this comment has been edited for suggestive rudeness)?
No, it doesn't. It's a "person" only in terms of limiting the damages done to the owner or owners in the case of lawsuit.
I think the US Supreme Court ruled that free speech only applies to the government restricting speech. Private forums can censor and restrict speech in their own forum
6:57 PM
So let's say you are notified of a suggested edit to one of your posts, @zenbike. If you agree with it, the path is pretty clear. You approve it and everyone is happy, except possibly for people who missed out on the better info in the time between the edit being suggested and ou approving it. What happens if you disagree?
I'm trying to find the ruling.
@Fosco: Why am I so unwilling to give up my freedoms? First, because that wasn't a metaphor. I've been on the ground in the mud and the blood to preserve them. And second, because I currently live in a place where you don't have any, unless you are one of 5% of the population who was born in to massive wealth, and pretty much no limits on their behavior. There are laws, but they don't get enforced on local citizens. And to be a citizen, your father must be a citizen.
No one is restricting your freedoms, however you seem bent on restricting others.
No one is forcing you to stay where you are, either, you have the freedom to leave.
@Kyle, I said I know what the law says. And I know what right and wrong are, too.
As I said before, you're free to contribute to the site.. we're free to edit it.
Contribute is the operative word... you're trying to help out. Ownership of your contribution is something you hand over immediately.
7:02 PM
@Fosco: That's the third time you've told me to leave because I disagree with you.
If someone thinks your contribution can be made better, it is no longer yours. There are avenues to dispute, rollback, etc. You refuse to accept these truths.
I've yet to tell you to do anything, except explain to me why you believe what you believe.
@zenbike What? I thought you were talking about where you live, physically.
@Fosco: I can take the money out of your bank account. Does that make it mine>?
You can take money out of Fosco's bank account? O_o
7:03 PM
@zenbike Silly and unrelated analogy time?
Fosco has money in his bank account?
@ Fosco: I don't understand what the comment about where I live is referring to?
Can I have some of it? Please?
For the record, is this really an issue or is it all theoretical? Has this actually happened recently, some disputable censorship?
> "And second, because I currently live in a place where you don't have any, unless you are one of 5% of the population who was born in to massive wealth, and pretty much no limits on their behavior. There are laws, but they don't get enforced on local citizens. And to be a citizen, your father must be a citizen."
7:04 PM
Just because you can take posession, doesn't make it yours.
@WesleyMurch theoretical... follow the transcripts back a few hours. (yes, hours)
Yeah, where I live, in the UAE
@zenbike I merely stated the obvious... you may leave the UAE, so I am not caring about the laws of the UAE.
@Fosco: Nobody's forcing you to be here. I've heard that somewhere before?
@Shog9 Not anymore, apparently.
7:06 PM
I like it here, and you don't hear me complaining.
Pretty sure I did. About me being here, mostly.
Seriously, after 4 hours of this, aren't you f**king tired of saying the same crap?
I tried following the transcripts, it seemed to get murky and then freedom of speech came up and I'm actually not sure anymore.
Are you?
So let me see if I can try to get this: you're debating the merit of editing out offensive content if it's not obviously offensive?
7:08 PM
Well... I'm getting paid during these hours.....
I didn't come in here to talk to you. I came in to talk to Shog9, at his request.
@zenbike Well, you should welcome the chance to involve more people in discussing the topic.
Not obvious. Subjective. As in you think it is, and I think it's not. So you change what I wrote. Because t disagrees with your politics/religion/whatever.
@nil Oh, good. I've been watching this for the past half hour and I'm in the same bucket. Let's be bucket pals.
The root of the whole conversation is pretty twisted, it was about a guy who insisted that saying "Thanks in advance" is "extremely rude/offensive language".
7:10 PM
Awesome, I enjoy buckets
@WesleyMurch whaaaat?
Actually that was an unrelated post, i think.
Wait, what?
I'm not sure any more...
It was very related.
7:10 PM
Certainly didn't come from me.
@zenbike That was the root of it all.
And now I have "2 pals 1 bucket" in my head thanks to @Grace, which just isn't right
ALthough OP tried to take it out of context, that it what it was really about.
Or at least how it started.
My eyes have glazed over now. This will make programming difficult.
7:11 PM
@Shog9 That says more about your mind than anything else
@zenbike 'twas what your answer about flaggin' came aboot to, afirst.
Because that was the question that the guy who wrote the question we're talking about referenced?
@nil Admitting it says more than I care to think about
@zenbike Quite, it was.
Stupid, isn't it.
7:12 PM
But only as an example. Again, it was the root of it all.
Whatever. I don't get the mentality, and I'm not likely to. Where are you all at?
@Shog9 A meme that I have the pleasure of never experiencing anything more than the terrified reactions of those who are exposed.
@GraceNote Same here :) Never saw, never will.
@GraceNote That is the best way to experience it.
@zenbike Where am I at? I'm not sure the context of the question, so I'm assuming the sites - I'm here because I like the place. It's a fun place when you know everyone. A very unique place that exposes you to a lot of wonky cultures.
7:14 PM
It is also one of the purest forms of enjoyment: the terror of others as they witness a new low in human 'entertainment.'
No, i meant cities. Sorry itt's late, and I'm getting less coherent by the moment.
Oh. Just a quiet country town. I live on a golf course, though, so I think there's all sorts of implications from that alone.
Huh, I do too.
@TimStone If you live at the Ranch, that would be... actually it'd be awesome and we could meet each other and be friends and all that cool stuff.
7:16 PM
I live in the middle of nowhere in Idaho, and I try every day not to complain about it to my pets.
If you don't, then your golf course is a LOSER course.
INteresting. Me too. Golf course, not Idaho. Mine's got alot of sand around it. And has to be watered a ridiculous amount daily to survive.
@GraceNote Alas, I am a few states south.
@TimStone Hrmph!
At least your blue highlights still win my friendship.
I had to compensate somehow
7:18 PM
I do not live on a golf course. But it is hot and dry here, although probably not as bad as UAE
@Shog9 You have birds, though. As do I.
Which reminds me, how do you deal with nesting birds and their... dirtywork, so to speak, on your house?
I have pet birds. :D
I mean, is it inevitable? Or can you set up stuff to make it easier to clean up?
I live on a motherboard, and the heatsink is killing me.
@GraceNote A garden hose does a decent job
7:19 PM
So... um... at some point in the not-to-distant past, there was actually a productive discussion here. Wasn't there?
Worse. Hot and Humid. My golf course is on the Arabian Gulf.
@Shog9 We've got a POWER WASHER
A .22 or even pellet gun works even better, but I don't have one
@mmyers You speak heresy.
@mmyers I think that is subjective. lol.
7:20 PM
No productivity allowed.
@GraceNote That... can be overkill.
They have little ones, so artillery is not really an option.
(ah, fond memorize of stripping paint off cars with a powerwasher...)
Are they angry birds, and do you have a slingshot?
@TimStone Well, then, no one gets banned. Carry on, but don't try it again.
7:21 PM
@mmyers Yes, between Shog and zenbike. But then I and others tried to get involved, and it went off the rails.
Also I think some of them fell out of the nest. It kinda ruined my mother and I for 3 days of mopeyness.
See, 'round here it's mostly pigeons & turtle doves. And some weird pigeon-turtledove cross.
This is a little birdy that has a red throat.
Robins? Wait, no, that's orange breasted..
Black or brownish head. Small nest. One daddy and one mommy. The little ones are pinkish.
Hey. Just a reminder:
Birds in the Wild

Proposed Q&A site for bird watchers, bird fans, and bird brains. People who are fascinated by birds and want to know more about them.

Currently in definition.

Oh, good, oneboxing works for A51 now. THANK YOU @MARC
Hasn't that worked pretty much forever?
It's been functional for months
points and laughs
7:24 PM
Then it's been months since I've last wanted to link to A51...
Nov 11 '10 at 9:51, by Marc Gravell
: Gardening and Landscaping

Proposed Q&amp;A site for gardeners and landscapers of every kind. From those just looking to care for their lawn, to those who want to grow fruits and vegetables. This site is for any kind of gardener and/or landscaper. (Vote in comments about scope change.)

(Wow, that's kinda sad. GO FOLLOW BIRDS, YOU HEATHENS)
The only things I know about birds are: 1) they can fly, 2) Shog9 likes them
I just figured it was November, too.
I only know things about domesticated birds, so cannot participate with zee wild birdies discussion.
7:26 PM
That jibes with... something that happened to me last fall and would have totally derailed my attention to chat. But sheesh, i would have thought I'd have noticed 'fore now.
thanks in advance for banning me
Does that qualify as irony?
@Shog9 I know a particular bird lover who is a very close friend of mine, but he's not really a QA type
its funny everyone agrees with me about pointing out rudeness in the general sense, but then in the specific sense people get angry....unbeleivable
How is there a difference in "sense" between generally and specifically pointing out rudeness?
7:32 PM
@Greg Eh, I mean, I wouldn't have gone around and put comments everywhere myself, but I didn't think you were off your rocker for finding it offensive.
FWIW, @Greg - when you're tired of seeing rudeness over and over again, you're tired of The Internet.
@nil People seem to agree that rudeness in general is not acceptable, but not that many felt that what Greg thought was rude was, so in that specific sense they got angry.
I'm bummed out now, I would've just reverted to editing the posts or whatever if my comments were so offensive somehow
Its ironic that saying something is offensive is MORE offensive than the original language lol
I don't think it's really offensive. More just thoughtless.
7:34 PM
When someone doesn't think they're rude and you tell them otherwise, they tend to get defensive
@Greg I'm offended by your ironic observation.
The "Thanks in advance", I mean.
The best analogy I give is if you're SO were to say, can you go do the dishes I'm just going to watch TV, thanks in advance
@Greg Assume good faith.
You just lost me, and that is highly offensive to me
7:36 PM
Or if your boss came up to you and said "I need you to work Saturday, thanks in advance." and walked away
without giving you a chance to agree in the first place
I think it's a bit funny because this point is mostly moot because people shouldn't be saying "Thanks in advance" regardless of whether it is interpretted as rude or not.
You don't have to answer if someone says "Thanks in advance" on SO. Plenty of other people answer such questions; nobody will mind if you take a pass.
I love freedom.
The irony is the language should be removed, unless you say its due to rudeness, then there's a huge flame war.
I don't know why you'd ignore a question just over the 'thanks in advance,' but that's your call. Kind of like how I ignore questions that explicitly ask for sample code.
7:39 PM
People complain about censorship so they censor me from saying I don't like that phrase lol
No one sees the irony here
@Greg I don't really think anyone approves of the flame war, in either direction. I certainly didn't think it was appropriate.
@GraceNote The proper response to "Thanks in advance" is "You're preemptively welcome, supposing you'll still be grateful at this point." -- alt.usage.English
@Greg The problem is, we've discussed this on Meta for... a long time now... And some folks feel really strongly both ways. The consensus is, edit out if you're editing, but don't worry about it otherwise - going in and leaving comments upsets this careful balance.
Posted by Jeff Atwood on April 7th, 2009

Editing is the backbone of Stack Overflow, and probably (along with the reputation system) one of the single most important distinctions between Stack Overflow and “just another forum”.

What’s so special about editing? You might as well ask what’s so special about editing on Wikipedia? Uh… everything?

As it says in the FAQ:

Like Wikipedia, this site is collaboratively edited. If you are not comfortable with the idea of your questions and answers being edited by other trusted users, this may not be the site for you.  …

(oh good grief, how did I go this long without linking to that?)
@mmyers I noted that.
@Shog9 Someone might've spiked your morning drink with moron juice.
@GraceNote I knew the coffee tasted funny. But... Coffee's coffee.
7:41 PM
Fair enough, but what you're saying and the reality I'm facing are different stories
@Greg If you're referring to being harrassed, then it might be wise to make a case about it.
...on Meta, since apparently I'm missing that crucial pair of words.
I recently got harassed-ish via someone's revenge downvoting. It made me feel special.
It's fine, not worth it anymore I guess
No need to try and argue my right to help provide content so Jeff Atwood can make another million of users answers lol
It's a privilege! ;)
@Greg You have the right to argue against a ban, y'know. It's full within your right to do so.
7:46 PM
@Fosco LOL
@Grace what is the forum for that
I don't know how long your sentence is, but if the only listed offense is "Posted comments saying that 'thanks in advance' is rude", then I can't see why you'd need to be ousted for a long time.
@Greg When you first got suspended, you should've gotten a message on Stack Overflow with an explanation of why you got suspended. It should contain the option to reply.
If you can prove that you're a reasonable person and that you didn't have any harmful intent, you should be able to relax the sentence, I would think.
(it's 2 weeks)
Fair enough
@MichaelMrozek That seems beyond overkill.
I mean, isn't 24 hours our standard for first-offense-not-even-warned-yet?
I think SO tends to start a bit higher, but I'm not sure
7:51 PM
Even so, you start higher if it's a really bad thing that's being done. Not asserting that "Thanks in advance", which among other things should be removed anyway, is rude a few dozen times.
That... actually isn't why he's suspended, but obviously can't share details.
@mmyers I'm not going to inquire on the details, it's not my business. Hence why I'm directing to the proper forum of communication.
@Fosco - A new alpha is building... :-D
@GraceNote OK, but you're still speculating in public. Bad moderator, bad!
If I delete my account does all the content disappear
7:52 PM
@mmyers I haven't technically speculated. Postulated circumstances, one might say.
@Greg No, it stays but can be anonymized from your name.
And how can I do this
@Greg There's an MSO post; I'll find it.
@Greg Flag a post of yours with a message requesting deletion, and change either your user name or your About Me to say "please delete me".
Flag my own post?
Q: Can I delete my account?

SauronHow can I delete my Stack Exchange account(s)? Return to FAQ index

7:54 PM
@Greg Any old post will do.
Enjoy your afternoon everyone :O
Enjoi, Greg. ♪
A: How do I delete my account and associated posts on Stack Overflow?

Cody GrayYou can't delete all of your questions and answers. You've granted us the irrevocable right to display your content on this website. That's the license you agreed to when you joined Stack Overflow. You can, however, delete your account, causing your contributions to be anonymized. See here for d...

Apparently, to get any help around here, one has to announce his intentions to leave. Then everybody will fall over themselves to show him how.
7:56 PM
I haven't one-up'd Popular Demand for too long.
@GraceNote I was going to beat him to the punch on the question, but I decided to let him have that one.
I actually never found the post I was looking for. It was like my second onebox, but as a question instead of an answer.
@TimStone I can't believe you'd let him go on that one.
You'd be more disappointed if I told you what I did instead.
7:58 PM
I can't imagine not having a mind entirely devoted to trouncing Pop, since I have no room in my mind for imagining, because it's all taking up by plans to trounce Pop!
You have been rather unsuperior lately, @Grace.
Not to dredge the subject again, but I am glad to here that the ban was unrelated to the comments. I had flagged one of the posts where things blew up and specifically requested additional moderator attention (but didn't specifically say what I imagined should happen), the reason being that it (Greg's comments) was consistently provoking argument.
In fact, causing other users to act childishly.
I felt guilty afterwards, but still think it's ridiculous.
Well, I don't believe that a comment can force anyone else to act stupid, but I can imagine what you mean.
8:01 PM
That makes me worried about your priority-setting algorithm, though, @Grace. I thought trouncing me was something you did with spare processor cycles. I'm not worth your pure, undivided attention.
The point being that Greg's actions alone weren't terrible or anything, but it was certainly causing a lot of disruption.
@PopularDemand Moderation duties on Gaming must be slow.
And I try to keep opinions where they belong, but the notion of "thanks" being extremely rude offensive language just doesn't settle with me.
OK, just wanted to get it off my chest, I'm done. Dead issue.
If anyone here likes exotic birds I have a rainbow lory that needs a home.
8:04 PM
No thanks, I just finished lunch.
@PopularDemand I have a separate system for figuring out priorities. I haven't quite figured out how it decides it. Or when it decides it should run.
Coin toss?
@nil A recurring thing among my choices but I usually use a two-headed coin.
A wise decision
Have a good weekend everyone... Cya
8:10 PM
@fosco as @jcolebrand often points out, I am not aware that you received an email from test flight about build double oh eight including NPCs.
@Moshe does that mean you still send people emails?
I did just get an email that a new testflight was available.
@jcolebrand No, test flight still does. And no, Google+ will not be replacing my email. Nor my blog for that matter.
@Moshe not questions I asked. But interesting that you answered them anyways. Quit being so paranoid.
I only asked if you were still emailing people to tell them that you had just released a new testflighted app, when moments prior we already received an app notification from testflight.
8:24 PM
>>> Quit being Paranoid? [Y/n] Y
@jcolebrand, oh, no. I let test flight do it.
I have been listening to a fair number of people lament blogging in re: G+, and I don't see the problem there. There exists a use case for blogs, twitter, facebook and G+
I can see G+ being used as a blog platform.. I personally want to use it to make big posts, more than I want my own 'blog' site, for sure.
100 IPs for every atom on the earth ought to be enough for anybody #pleasequoteme
@Fosco I think of blogs as being semi canonical, g+ for long but transient posts, Facebook for connecting "to the masses" (750 million users, hello!) and twitter for the inconsequentials.
@jcolebrand I remain unconvinced.
I also love that nobody has figured that G+ looks a lot like Orkut did
@Shog9 fair enough.
8:28 PM
Who used Orkut?
I have/had an account there
I haven't looked to see if it still exists
W00t! You are the first person I've met with an Orkut account who isn't Indian or Brazilian.
hasta la vista, stackies!
Ok folks, feel free to pick at the latest alpha, I'm out.
(and I know maybe two of the former and one of the latter with accounts, so even then...)
8:31 PM
I'm not sure I want the technology partner that operates out of a dilapidated building.
Hundreds of instances of the same bug written into my app. Some of them even my fault :P Uh-oh.
@TimStone How about one that operates from out front of one?
I'm still a bit iffy.
What if he's riding on a unicorn and you just can't see it?
8:39 PM
@TimStone You have a problem with my home office?
I thought you got your satellite cable fixed? That makes everything OK.
That hasn't stopped the paint from peeling off the exterior.
-1 to the paint then.
When the old owners sold me this place they advertised they painted it within the last year.
What they failed to mention was that they didn't use primer.
Painting over peeling paint is a time-honored tradition
8:42 PM
Hey, that just means you get to have the fun of painting whatever you want
Like a giant unicorn mural
I've lived in places where you could strip the paint off a wall just by grabbing one edge and pulling
(we... used a lot of spray-paint while moving out)
I had something like that back when I lived in a dormitory
It was hard to resist the temptation of just picking away at the wall
8:44 PM
Question: Your client sends you a specification with what looks like a typo in it. Do you: a. Implement the typo. b. Fix the typo.
How much does it look like a typo?
The file should be named "Ticketsw_yymmdd_2000"
The w looks like she just slipped off of s.
Of course, if I wanted to be a bastard I could interpret mm as the minute.
I'd imagine it was a typo too, from my completely context-free view.
I would assume the w was correct. I would also c) Email the owner about the "w" concern. Ergo I would a) and c)
robotpig.net/extras/cyprus_zygi <-- wow. Technology is interesting
Hmm, what was I doing..
8:55 PM
Back to testing my magical factory method.
Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens
Threats of violence against U.S. government interests in Chihuahua
The U.S. Consulate General in Ciudad Juarez is issuing this Emergency Message for U.S. citizens in the state of Chihuahua (“Emergency Messages” were formerly known as “Warden Messages”).  The Consulate has distributed the following message to our staff:
Mexican authorities have captured key members of the cartels active in Juarez. These successes also bring with them the potential for an increase in violence. The cartels may seek to retaliate and increase their attacks against rival cartel
10:00 PM
You can't really remain vigilant against car bombs..
10:24 PM
I hate this meme most of all
I love this meme most of all
Why is everyone suddenly against cars?
10:41 PM
A car killed my grandfather.
10:52 PM
A car killed my pet rock.

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