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12:01 AM
I've given up attempting to answer his questions. Chances are he'll answer it within 10 minutes if not 2. (;
@Shog9 I believe "chevron" implies orientation as well as the pointy shape.
Wikipedia disambiguates them to guillemets, though.
That doesn't sound like good crazy
@PopularDemand ah
Guillemets (, or after French ), also called angle quotes, are line segments, pointed as if arrows (« or »), sometimes forming a complementary set of punctuation marks used as a form of quotation mark. The symbol at either end – double « and » or single ‹ and › – is a guillemet. They are used in a number of languages to indicate speech. They are also used as symbols for rewind and fast forward and in some programming languages. A common colloquialism for guillements is "carrots". Etymology The word is a diminutive of the French name Guillaume (the equivalent of which in En...
^^^ now, why didn't the image come through on that?
12:07 AM
@Shog9 The onebox? It did for me...
Is there nothing you will leave un-oneboxed?
My guess is because it's somehow located in a generic table of contents.
no image
I have been meaning to review source and figure out how oneboxing works :-)
12:07 AM
@TheUnhandledException, no, Shog meant the picture of guillemets.
@PopularDemand Oh, I see no picture either
It's not actually a picture, it's actual guillemets in a very large font size
Ah! So it is...
12:23 AM
:o wth. i'm putting in twitter.com and i'm ending up at myspace.com
well, it says twitter.com, but the page itself is myspace
myspace still exists?
that was my 2nd thought, hehe
@JoePhillips of course. You can't kill Satan. He just keeps coming back in new forms.
can someone ping twitter and give me an ip?
(putting in the ip i get from a ping leads me to myspace)
12:28 AM
I get
Mine is better
indeed. All even digits (well, apart from that pesky leading 1)
what does give you?
12:29 AM
both your ips get me to twitter and ^^ is what i got from ping
huh. Both IPs point to NTT America, so maybe they just hate you.
i'm so lucky
Trying for Twitter and getting MySpace: selecting Almond Joy but the vending machine gives you Mounds.
12:53 AM
Damn, finally done. 3 times longer than that should have taken!
Time for some food and to take the rest of the night off
I'll catch you guys later!
so long...
Wondering if this works in IE9 Beta
Yay, it totally does.
Okay, that's all. Bye!
1:35 AM
Anyone out there using MVVM and Silverlight?
1 hour later…
2:39 AM
What is with this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/2670117
must have some serious google guice
also, wtf are "christian shoes"?
Apparently something nobody can ignore the existence of, if my sources are correct
3:15 AM
SO spam flags have been reaching new heights the last week or so
Apparently the flags list has pages; I wasn't even aware of that until now
3:34 AM
i blew all mine on user424257 yesterday; thanks for the reminder, I'll go blow more...
well, that was fast.
well thank you shog9
'evenin', alex
how are you doing today -
3:44 AM
Keep settling in to reproduce a bug, only to get dragged away by something
and then, when I return, I've forgotten what i was doing...
This has happened about a dozen times now, so I'm taking a break to drink for a while & see if that improves matters.
Ah, yes. Reproducing bugs can be boring.
Web app ?
naw, some byzantine set of labor estimation rules
Its 2pm Fri here, so I'm just taking it easy
it's not my bug, and probably not anything I can even fix... and knowing that up-front doesn't exactly improve my motivation
It's pushing 10PM Thur here, but I intend to be busy elsewhere tomorrow so...
Ah late night debugging.
I unfortunately don't work alongside any other programmers so all bugs are mine
3:49 AM
my favorite time to do it... If i get stuck, chances are i'll somehow figure it out during the night
well good luck
Do you use Twitter Shog ?
looks like an interesting read!
@alex nope.
theres a lot of links in that article
just wonderin'
3:53 AM
ever used E2 before?
sort of a "proto-wiki"
linking is strongly encouraged
@Shog9 This level of linking is specifically discouraged on Wikipedia though, because it makes the document look ridiculous
the links way down at the bottom are auto-generated based on where folks navigate to after reading the page
Ah, I'll have to buy some kit kats next time I'm overseas - or perhaps the Aussie ones are different to the US ones
@MichaelMrozek depends on the stylesheet. Wikipedia has the much bigger problem of including (an often huge amount of) meta-data inline with the text.
I suspect this is all a ploy by Nestle to make me buy more kit kats
3:57 AM
@alex you're australian? pretty sure you get the nestle ones then. You also get a wide variety of Cadbury chocolates, of which I am rather jealous
I've yet to ever eat a Cadbury Creme Egg; based on the addictions others I know have, it's probably better that I not try one
my sister brought a bunch of stuff last time she was home... timtams, of course, but also these funky bars of chocolate drizzles
(not sure how to describe that; as though someone had managed to make shredded wheat, but out of chocolate)
@MichaelMrozek they're ok. I used to make & pack similar but inferior confections. But cadbury has much better products, that for some reason just don't show up often in the US
Of course, if you're going for Easter candy, you really can't beat Peeps
Peeps I have eaten, in alarming quantities
@shog9 Yep australian
Tim tams are pretty good - but I'm jealous of your pop tarts. I can buy them at a specialty store 2 1/2 hours drive away, for $4 for 2 :S
I pretty much lived on PopTarts while I was in school
pop tarts, stale pretzels, even more stale hard rolls, gummy bears, and massive, massive amounts of chocolate
kinda ruined my appreciation for them, to be honest
didn't help that I never had access to a toaster
4:07 AM
haha I'm trying to ween off the junk food
They're actually pretty easy to make, if you're so inclined (and if you're paying $2/ea, cost-effective as well)
I was about 1/2 the size I am now when I was labouring (I've had a strange road to programming...)
i know how that goes
food or road?
went from factory to office, gained about 60 lbs in a summer
that was going from a steady diet of junk food to real meals - didn't quite know how to handle it
4:09 AM
ah yeah. I've joined and quit a gym twice. I kinda suck at that
i just started doing my own cooking. much easier to stay balanced if you just eat what you're actually hungry for, vs. what's convenient
I've got access to my own kitchen again in 2weeks so I think I will too
and living with my gf for the first time - hopefully a perk will be healthy dinners (she loves to cook)
so tell me, I'm new to this chat - is this the official SO chat or only the meta?
4:55 AM
Mmmm...finally, some scotch!
@alex Just meta. They've rolled out SF and SU now, but they're waiting on SO since it's such a large user base
5:33 AM
morning/evening all
@Benjol evenin'
@GeorgeMarian, all moved and cosy now? (with scotch, I see :)
Yes, sir. That is the way to warm a house. :)
And, with a fine cigar, of course.
Eric Lippert is playing with my mind again...
@Benjol huh?
5:46 AM
@GeorgeMarian I only ever tried a cigar once, yeurrch
@GeorgeMarian that was my reaction too
@Benjol Do you remember what it was?
not really. Something cuban :)
Well, that's a shame, though not all Cubans are necessarily good cigars.
That said, cigars are not for everyone. :)
It was a good Cuban cigar that got me interested in cigars. A friend suggest I quit smoking cigarettes, in favor of cigars, about 10 years ago. However, at the time I had only smoked crappy cigars.
Then a another friend of mine let me smoke one of his well preserved Cuban Cohibas. Mmm...mmm...mmm. That was so tasty, it lit my fire. ;)
@GeorgeMarian, yeah, well I don't smoke at all, so maybe it was expecting too much.
They're an acquired tasted, for sure.
@GeorgeMarian I must say, that Graycliff Blue Label pairs well with The Glenlivet 12 year old.
6:02 AM
currently timing out SEDE with a request for posts with
   body like '%thank%' or
   body like '%thx%' or
   body like 'Hi%' or
   body like 'Hello%'
It's incredible how often I check this room to find George is talking with someone about cigars
@MichaelMrozek :D
yeah, wildcard body searches really don't work on SEDE
need full-text index
@Shog9, my sql is too rusty for that :)
I will likely put in a proposal for a cigar SE soon. I think I'm well suited for it. :)
6:04 AM
@Benjol well, unless you want to set up your own server, you're stuck anyway.
On a related note, I find it odd that I recently fulfilled my commitment for programmers.se, but I have yet to do so for money.se.
@Shog9, oh, ok, I thought you meant it was full text indexed (closes msdn tab)
I think waffles mentioned something about FT and azure not playing nice or something; that or he just hasn't gotten around to turning it on
6:19 AM
"Comfortably numb" would be a good way to describe my current condition. A good thing, after working my tail off helping a friend power-wash moss of their roof yesterday. Talk about a PITA!
Apparently, there are lots of them :)
2 hours later…
8:48 AM
In other news
> A New York-based mobile-web advertising company was hit Wednesday with a proposed class action lawsuit over its use of an HTML5 trick to track iPhone and iPad users across a number of websites, in what is believed to be the first privacy lawsuit of its kind in the mobile space.
9:00 AM
I don't get how it can reappear with the same id even after deleting the database
guessed from IP?
Yeah, that's the only thing I could come up with, but it's a bit dodgy - though I guess if you're just on mobiles - do they have guaranteed fixed ips?
BBC RSS feed says "Prince graduates as RAF pilot", I read the wrong prince ;) bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-north-west-wales-11332006
@Benjol I read "Price"
9:31 AM
Well, good morning stack overflow.
10:04 AM
That's easy for you to say
good evening
Any of you tried the Logitech G35 (Wired) or G930 (Wireless) surround headsets?

I wanted to say that "The #FFF is whiter than the #fff one" :P
10:23 AM
I almost think that one deserved to stay open for comic value :)
> i prefer #fff as you don't have to press the shift key for the last three chars
But of course, you already have the shift key down
I for one have to press alt-gr, not shift, to type a # :)
Did I mention the Italian keyboard layout is horrible for dev work?
10:25 AM
@badp, change keyboard :)
I seem to remember something to that effect, yes :)
you don't really need the accents in italian anyway :)
@Benjol I really wish there were dead keys for that
The Norwegian keyboard is very good, some addins default to weird things that are just impossible to get to though, but easily fixed
@badp, no, I didn't mean fiddle the existing keyboard, I meant choose another keyboard layout
10:27 AM
then all Italian would need is ̀ and é
UK shouldn't be that different...
The UK layout is completely different
all the letters are in the same place :)
Well, fair enough. The Italian layout is completely different
@Benjol Letters are the least problematic bit :)
numbers too, and shift, ctrl, capslock ;)
10:29 AM
That's not toooo bad, the {[]} are in the same place on UK keyboard, just you don't need altgr. It's the ; which would be the hardest to get used to.
Notice the lack of ~ and ` also :)
and if you're webby, the <>... but they're SO much better as two keys :)
that's a US keyboard, not UK, btw
Spot the differences!
@#~ for starters :)
10:33 AM
There's still the horrible thing where () are shifted one character to the left >.<
Seems to work on WP 7:)
Wordpress 7?
Too wide, though.
Then again, it could be worse.
uh, actually now that I look at it it's just the US layout with additional madness
[confession, I've got EN-UK for english/coding, FR-FR for french, FR-CH for visiting hunt&peckers.]
10:47 AM
Q: Do not see MessageBox

RubyWhy do I not see the MessageBoxwith exception details when I run my program by executing exe fine in bin debug folder? I do see the exception when I debug (run) the program from Visual Studio. Please assume that the exception is being thrown 100% of the time the program runs. [STAThread] stati...

"There were unhandeled exceptions." [Yes] [No]
I think it's a blessing in disguise that he doesn't see that messagebox.
11:42 AM
Anyone here?
yes, just about
lurking waiting for someone to say something interesting. Though I suspect a few have fallen asleep over their beers...
Just popped in with the IE 9 beta to see if it was stable enough to use
It seems OK, except when I first enter a room my CPU spikes. Once it calms down, though, it's fine.
I tried with FF1.5 the other day :)
lol how'd that go?
script timeout with the old pc I was on
but it wasn't just the pc, chrome worked ok
11:54 AM
I don't think many web developers worry about 1.5 these days
2, maybe.
seems more and more folks here are on chrome, I'll have to start looking at which of my extensions I really need, and if they exist on chrome
Yeah Chrome is my main browser. It's fast, simple. I've never been a big Firefox fan tbh.
When ffx came along, I was doing 100% web stuff, the Dom inspector made life a lot easier...
yeah definitely
@AndyEshead You mean now you can enter at all?
When I tried on day 1, it was stuck on "Just a second..." :)
12:04 PM
@badp yeah I can enter
I'm still here, ain't I? ;-)
@AndyEshead You could be cheating!!
You and your impossibly good speech recognition engine
@AndyEshead I've been trying the RTM WP7 dev tools; yeuch - IE7 derivatives, how much I don't love thee
but it works (now that we've made more space for the menu buttons)
lol @marc. I thought everything in WP7 was based on Silverlight?
Haven't had much time to look into it tbh, although I'd like to
oh, I thought you were talking about a new version of some windows presentation foundation thingy
12:09 PM
but even that isn't Silverlight as you know it - it is the super-sub-set of the silverlight libraries inside a modified CF CLR (not the SL CLR)
← fail
I guessed that WP7 would have some version of CF, even argued with someone about it lol
@marc Does that mean WM apps can be ported fairly easily?
I wouldn't have thought so, no
not in the least
I'm not an expert on mobile, note. So don't quote me on that.
12:12 PM
that makes two of us
But my understanding is that it is pretty much only WM in terms of brand.
@marc: I hope so, WM needed a rewrite. Although I really liked those leaked screenshots of "WM7" from back in the day
those ones :-)
Poor placement of the battery and network meters
They seem to be kind of power meters for the softkey actions
@badp: yeah. I meant the style in general :-)
"My sync up is level 7!"
wait, mind highlighting me again?
I see you do, oh well
12:17 PM
@badp: not sure what you mean :-p
IE9 is still going to be a pain for the web :)
at least we can say Microsoft is constant :p
nice edges, there ;p
@marc: is that because your CSS written with vendor-specific prefixes?
checking now... I know at least most have both the older vendor-specific and the generic variants
12:21 PM
when I say "your CSS", I don't mean "CSS that you have written" :p
yes, we don't write it. We dictate it to our paid unicorn serfs, and they engrave it on the platter with their magical weapon.
(the one on their head, that is)
My favorite IE9 quirk is the missing images on the SOFU login page...
I noticed the badges don't have border-radius in IE 9 on SE sites too.
ooh! they've just arrived!
@Marc: mine is when you hover over a comment you've left and the comment disappears. Move the mouse a little and it flashes :-)
the problem is the gradient filter.
12:25 PM
Is there any one (known to be) on the IE9 team who hangs out on SO?
twice today that has bitten me; earlier today I had to remove the shadow filter for similar reasons
My "commit" message-of-the-day: "IE shadow filter *has to die*"
The old filters have a real problem with transparency
killing the gradient filters...
(just there for now; I don't care about other places where it isn't rounded)
@MarcGravell lol typical tech support response :-P
12:28 PM
oh lord, take any question with long comments and hover through them in IE9
my eyes are bleeding
@badp: looks fine to me, only my own comments seem to be affected
@AndyEshead I get that the lines of text "wobble" one pixel up and down as I move the mouse around the comment area
For example, Piskvor's comment's second and last-to-second lines
oh cool, IE9 supports Ins as a overwrite/insert toggle. Sure, there's no visual hint telling you if you're inserting or overwriting...
yesterday, by The Unhandled Exception
grats, @TheUnhandled!
@badp That's always been an IE feature
test @Marc
@AndyEshead You mean you've been using IE enough to remember if it was a feature or not? Scary!
@Marc test++;
12:35 PM
@badp try now; no gradient, though. Still trying to check if IE9 supports that via css w/o image-filters
@badp : I like to chastise myself by using browsers that annoy me.
@Marc: looks okay now
well, less bad ;p
when you have more time to waste into IE9 compatibility, the transcripts have the exact same problem ;P
@badp how so? what problem? (goes to transcript...) [status-norepro]
12:37 PM
Well IE9 isn't mandatory yet, since it's still a beta browser ... right ?
don't get me wrong; I'm not crazy-obsessed with supporting IE9, but I'm curious as to the flavor of the issues...
@HoLyVieRUNIONDOEVILSQL Yeah, but I think it's okay to be aware of the places problems may pop up in?
This way you know quickly what to check when IE9 is released
@Marc: Issues like this may still persist in the final release, so it can't hurt to solve them sooner rather than later
I'm annoyed that the "no beta policy" brough has brought broken blockquote into Chrome 6 final
12:40 PM
btw, have people seen/tried the new horizontal (day) vertical (hour) paging in the transcript? (I didn't do the UI to that, so I'm not fishing - but I like it)
@MarcGravell it's pretty cool :-)
@MarcGravell Yeah, I have. I like how sectioning is done activity-wise, instead of time-wise
besides what harm is there in asking for feedback for what you make?
For example I'll ask for feedback on this:
@Marc, do you like better the freehanded circle, triangle, star or square? :D
@badp -1 Not enough hexagons
@AndyEshead I'm not good enough for exagons :(
besides I ran out of corners
Well, beta browsers supported or not, the 2 issues for IE 9 reported on Meta today appear to have been fixed (ish)
12:49 PM
pfft, that's not fair! :p
No love for the farmville bug!
it's possible that the fixes were undos of workarounds for older versions of IE that are no longer required for IE 9. If that's the case, they'd need fixing sooner or later
okay, jQuery's completion thingy for tags doesn't work in IE9
@badp make it an x and you have playstation ;p
how do you suggest I freehand x something? :(
12:55 PM
Morning everyone
@badp is that IE9? That isn't how it renders for me. Very confused
@MarcGravell yes
btw my biggest usability problem with IE9 (and IE8) and FF4 is that they just had to be Win7 compatible and show a different "window" per tab
now clicking on the icon in your taskbar only pops up the list of tabs you have open
going back to the tab you were now requires clicking/hovering on the IE9/FF4 icon, then moving straight up (cross any other button on the taskbar and you must start over), find the tab you wanted to come back to and finally click on it
31 mins ago, by badp
grats, @TheUnhandled!
balpha mocked me for taking the gradient away from all the official IE versions; so that change may evaporate at some point. Maybe MS will fix their browser ;p
1:05 PM
thanks @badp :-)
@MarcGravell Doubtful :-)
@Marc, something bad happened to the "SO@Twitter" room
oh it's back nvm
my iMac doesn't feel faster after this. http://i.imgur.com/3J2Ez.png in fact, something weird is going on...
a disturbance in the force usually means someone is deploying
how do you paste those tweets on here?
@Piers: paste here the tweet permalink with nothing else on the message
@badp ah, ok, thanks
1:10 PM
@badp LOL
I tried rm -rf / and rm -rf /* on a linux machine the other day, they didn't work!!
said "Cannot remove the root directory". Bah!
@TheUnhandledException Your evilness priviledge level was not high enough :p
@HoLyVieRUNIONDOEVILSQL I think so. The machine knew I was trying to destroy it :-)
It was a virtual machine, so rm -rf FolderContainingTheVM/ on the host worked nicely XD
@TheUnhandledException You could've just done sudo mv /bin /baz :P
1:14 PM
@badp That would've done it :-)
I'm tempted to clone a virtual machine just to see what happens
oh wait, no it wouldn't have... I was running the loldistro, /baz instead of /bin, /varz instead of /var, /dev/donotwant in place of /dev/null...
@badp Would probably die early in the boot process... earlier if you renamed /sbin, then it would fail to mount filesystems
You know what would be fun?
Wouldn't be able to find a shell! Maybe Kernel Panic: attempting to kill init! ?
Take a Windows wannabe "pro" user and swap his Windows/ and Program Files/ folders
1:20 PM
@badp HA!
Ok, headed into a meeting, be back soon...
How long has welbog been torontoed?
1:40 PM
@Benjol Look for that in the transcript
good idea

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