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2:00 PM
@FOX9000 platoon
@JasonC commando
@FOX9000 soldier
@JasonC marcellus
@FOX9000 wallace
@JasonC reminiscence
2:00 PM
@FOX9000 nostalgia
@JasonC feeling
@FOX9000 hunch
@JasonC huddle
@FOX9000 football
@JasonC annapolis
2:02 PM
@FOX9000 maryland
@JasonC congressional
@FOX9000 hearing
@JasonC footstep
@FOX9000 banging
@JasonC cut
2:03 PM
@FOX9000 crack
@JasonC chasm
@FOX9000 gorge
@JasonC span
@FOX9000 div
@JasonC divine
2:03 PM
@FOX9000 church
@JasonC chancel
@FOX9000 altar
@JasonC high
@FOX9000 stoned
@JasonC quart
2:04 PM
@FOX9000 gallon
@JasonC distil
@FOX9000 brew
@JasonC pot
@FOX9000 kettle
@JasonC quince
2:05 PM
hmm, questionable
@FOX9000 apples
@JasonC crab
@FOX9000 old
@JasonC filly
@FOX9000 horse
@JasonC montana
2:07 PM
@FOX9000 hannah
@JasonC aunt
@FOX9000 uncle
@JasonC lance
@FOX9000 armstrong
@JasonC lunar
2:08 PM
@FOX9000 solar
@JasonC system
@FOX9000 linear
@JasonC axis
@FOX9000 angle
@JasonC angles
2:09 PM
@ProgramFOX ^ Is there a command to make the bot try again?
@JasonC I'm FOX 9000, ProgramFOX's chatbot. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can get a list of all commands by running >>listcommands, or you can run >>help command to learn more about a specific command.
@JasonC Commands: alive, help, islink, link, listcommands, random, randomchoice, randomint, removelink, reply, showtime, shuffle, time, translate, viewspells, xkcd, xkcdrandomnumber
@JasonC Yes, the >>reply command. But why?
@ProgramFOX Because philosophically I'm against plurals being a response to the singular.
2:11 PM
@JasonC ah, that explains it
>>remove 2640296
>>remove 2640296
@JasonC Command not found.
>>delete 2640296
>>delete 2640297
oh fuck it
Oh it's probably too old now.
>>help reply
@JasonC A command specific for Shadow's Den. Replies to a specific message. Syntax: >>reply message_id
>>reply 2640295
>>delete 2640353
>>reply 2640296
2:15 PM
@JasonC horizontal
@FOX9000 vertical
@JasonC diagonal
@FOX9000 slanted
@JasonC tunnel
@FOX9000 bridge
2:16 PM
@JasonC pier
@FOX9000 dock
@JasonC rickety
@FOX9000 old
@JasonC bachelor
@FOX9000 man
2:17 PM
@JasonC jaw
@FOX9000 bone
@JasonC breaker
@FOX9000 circuit
@JasonC silicon
@FOX9000 valley
2:17 PM
@JasonC floor
@JasonC Command does not have enough arguments.
@JasonC Waiting time: 0 seconds.
@FOX9000 ceiling
2:18 PM
@JasonC beamed
@FOX9000 glowed
@JasonC headlight
@FOX9000 car
@JasonC sticker
@FOX9000 book
2:19 PM
@JasonC contain
1 hour later…
3:29 PM
@FOX9000 hold
@JasonC accountable
@FOX9000 responsible
@JasonC argentine
@FOX9000 spanish
@JasonC filipino
4:02 PM
@FOX9000 tagalog
@JasonC dictionary
@FOX9000 thesaurus
@JasonC latin
@FOX9000 greek
@JasonC phoenician
4:04 PM
@FOX9000 persian
@JasonC spartan
1 hour later…
5:15 PM
@FOX9000 warrior
@JasonC valhalla
@FOX9000 odin
@JasonC spare
@FOX9000 parts
@JasonC mucous
5:18 PM
@FOX9000 boogers
No associated word found for boogers.
@ShadowWizard Do we get bonus points for befuddling the bot? That should be in your stats tracker, lol.
There's only one sane thing to do here...
>>link boogers boobs
@JasonC Link added.
>>reply 2641415
@JasonC boobs
5:20 PM
@FOX9000 jugs
@JasonC mead
5:31 PM
@FOX9000 meat
@ProgramFOX viand
@FOX9000 food
@ProgramFOX starvation
5:46 PM
@FOX9000 diet
@JasonC sparing
1 hour later…
6:58 PM
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
7:46 PM
@Haney I just was chatting with people I know!!! its sad an anonymous should defend them, I even don't know you, you yet didn't introduce yourself
8:01 PM
@FOX9000 saving
1 hour later…
9:23 PM
@ShadowWizard If you arrive here do you mind taking a look here and tell me if I could have done something differently?
9:46 PM
Bah, it is now mod-re-opened...
10:01 PM
@JasonC loading
10:12 PM
@rene storing
10:22 PM
confused why you use a dutch word...
@JasonC capacity
@rene Well I meant the english one, lol
@JasonC Yeah, I'm getting tired...
@rene size
@JasonC large
@rene enormous
10:29 PM
you wish
@JasonC over-sized
Psh, if you're going to go there, don't mince words, let's just get it out there.
@rene penis
10:51 PM
@JasonC scrotum
@rene not really, you did well. :-)
@JasonC bald
@ShadowWizard Ok, tnx
@JasonC lol, will think of something!
I'm out for a day and the Den gets an over-sized penis in it. Great! :-d
@JasonC due to that there now a penis in my inbox....
10:57 PM
@rene What you choose to put in your inbox is none of my business, and I respect that.
@rene Well at least it is not oversized in your inbox! ;)
@rene Shaved
@ShadowWizard razor
@ShadowWizard pussy
11:00 PM
It is wednesday here now.... I need some sleep....I'm out.....
See ya @rene!
@JasonC hairy
@ShadowWizard chest
@JasonC Treasure
11:05 PM
Oh, lol, I couldn't figure out why "hairy chest" = "treasure".
Then I remembered how the game worked.
@ShadowWizard trove
@JasonC yup, only last word matters :)
@JasonC RPG (there's a game with that name)
11:20 PM
@ShadowWizard larping

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