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>> delete 2639562
@ProgramFOX what do they do?
@FOX9000 boat
@DroidDev Who are "they"?
@ProgramFOX experts of calculators
@SilentKiller ship
they are they xD
@DroidDev cargo
@SilentKiller container
@DroidDev Well... they know a lot about calculators and have expertise in them. They can be experts because they use calculators a lot, or because they build calculators.
@SilentKiller transport
@SilentKiller nopes, them are they :P
@DroidDev rectangular
@ProgramFOX I am trying not to laugh :P
@FOX9000 box
@DroidDev unpack
@DroidDev ? Why?
@FOX9000 unzip
@ProgramFOX that definition seems vague
@DroidDev pack
@DroidDev Okay, then what's your definition of "expert"?
@FOX9000 back
@ProgramFOX definition of "expert" differs from definition of "expert of calculator"(which we are talking about right now)
@SilentKiller front
No associated word found for frnot.
@DroidDev If you have a definition of "expert", you can apply that one to "expert of calculator".
@DroidDev left
@ProgramFOX flanked
@ProgramFOX btw, according to me and some random guy on internet(who's definition I read and liked), an expert is a person, who know everything about one thing and nothing about anything else. (You can leave the part after "and" if you don't like it)
but, the question remains, is there any expert on "Calculator"?
@FOX9000 team
@DroidDev You can impossibly be an expert on all calculators, but you can be an expert on a specific brand of calculators, such as Casio calculators or TI calculators.
@DroidDev baldy
@ProgramFOX After googling every possible combination in my imagination of words "Expert" and "Calculator", I wasn't able to find one person. I wonder if the site will work :/
@FOX9000 bald
@DroidDev circlet
@DroidDev You don't have to appear on Google to be an expert on something.
@FOX9000 crown
@ProgramFOX then who will appear on site?
@DroidDev sceptre
@DroidDev People who know a lot about calculators in general, or people who know a lot about a specific brand of calculators.
sorry if I am being rude or arrogant, actually, lunch break was kind of argumentative. Might have carried the same mood here
@ProgramFOX ok, what do you think about the site. Will it work?
@FOX9000 symbol
@DroidDev embossed
@DroidDev Sure. I think there are many people who might have questions about a calculator, and there are certainly enough people who can answer them.
@ProgramFOX I must tell you. I follow Hinduism and there are lot of admirers of that religion, but still after 145 days in beta, it needs work on questions, users and visits are "Okay". This site's journey might not be that easy.
@FOX9000 mold
@DroidDev That happens for all beta sites, as far as I know. One of the problems is attracting the experts to the site, they need to know about it.
@DroidDev slime
@ProgramFOX Well, I have seen experts on that site, but somehow, it is not able to attract that much of user base
@FOX9000 sticky
@DroidDev Yes, you also need to attract people having questions.
@DroidDev thick
@FOX9000 fat
@DroidDev slice
@ProgramFOX That is the main problem with Hinduism. People with questions are not on SE. Btw, talking about calculators, I am not sure they might be here either.
@FOX9000 piece
@DroidDev one
@DroidDev Might be, we'll see.
@SPArchaeologist few
@ProgramFOX yup. Lets hope for best. Still, I am unconvinced with idea.
@FOX9000 some
@DroidDev indiscretion
@FOX9000 immature
@DroidDev grown
@FOX9000 mature
@DroidDev Nooo.... I wanted to reply "Droid" (as if I should be the one speaking...)
@DroidDev perfection
@SPArchaeologist don't worry, I am giving you another chance :P
@FOX9000 me
@SPArchaeologist ^ :P
@DroidDev presume
you missed it @SPArchaeologist :P
too banal. Probably the only appropriate reply would have been "Eldritch abomination", leaving you thinking I was talking of you while I meant "Millenium Edition"
@SPArchaeologist I am sorry, but for those terms, I can only say, not familiar :P
@FOX9000 assume
@DroidDev responsibility
first one
and this should explain all
Unless you @DroidDev don't even know who Lovecraft is, in which case I officially give up hopes.
@SPArchaeologist LOL, well, I'd say, nice explanation
@FOX9000 wisdom
@DroidDev fount
@FOX9000 spring
@DroidDev budding
@FOX9000 in
@DroidDev unrivalled
@FOX9000 invincible
@DroidDev overcome
@FOX9000 defeat
@DroidDev enemy
@FOX9000 friends
@DroidDev parent
@FOX9000 loved
@DroidDev tender
@FOX9000 notice
@DroidDev discerning
@FOX9000 recognize
@DroidDev disguised
@FOX9000 fraud
@DroidDev smuggling
@FOX9000 drugs
@DroidDev death
that escalated pretty quickly :P
@Unihedron beginning
No associated word found for begining.
@DroidDev starting
@ProgramFOX line
@ProgramFOX ses
@FOX9000 status
@ProgramFOX attain
>>delete 2639760
@FOX9000 gain
mumble mumble mumble...
@DroidDev altitude
@FOX9000 vertical
@DroidDev ledge
@FOX9000 suicide
@DroidDev result
@FOX9000 final
@DroidDev disposition
@FOX9000 personality
@DroidDev dominant
@FOX9000 men
@DroidDev featured
@FOX9000 added
@DroidDev vinegar
@FOX9000 chemtrails
fix it
@DroidDev act
there is still time
vinegar => chemtrails
@SPArchaeologist what do you want?
@SPArchaeologist done done
never forget your tinfoil hat!
now, what is "Chemtrails"?
you know that conspracy theory that says that the condensation trails behind airplanes are actually experiments on climate change?
and if you put a bottle of vinegar on your windows you will help fight it?
>>delete 2639791
@DroidDev conspiracy
@SPArchaeologist ramification
According to the chemtrail conspiracy theory, long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. Believers in the theory argue that normal contrails dissipate relatively quickly, and contrails that do not dissipate must contain additional substances. These arguments have been dismissed by the scientific community: such trails are simply normal water-based contrails (condensation trails) which are routinely left by high-flying aircraft under certain atmospheric conditions. Although...
@SPArchaeologist reading wikepedia artical about it
when you lurk on Skeptics :P
@DroidDev BTW, you are due for a surprise.... not sure you will like it though...
@SPArchaeologist only time will tell...
@FOX9000 ramming
@DroidDev sponge
@FOX9000 bob
@DroidDev jarvis
@FOX9000 computer
@DroidDev targeting
@FOX9000 aiming
@DroidDev groin
@FOX9000 growing
@DroidDev unease
@FOX9000 tension
@DroidDev crackling
@FOX9000 cracking
@DroidDev strain
@FOX9000 stress
@DroidDev elasticity
@FOX9000 rubber
@DroidDev membrane
@FOX9000 inner
@DroidDev rampart
@FOX9000 rampant
@DroidDev Command does not have enough arguments.
@DroidDev sinister
@FOX9000 minister
@DroidDev portfolio
@FOX9000 resume
@DroidDev abbe
@FOX9000 abbot
@DroidDev monk
@FOX9000 temple
@DroidDev edifice
@FOX9000 culture
@DroidDev literature
@FOX9000 writings
@DroidDev reading
@FOX9000 book
@DroidDev mail
@FOX9000 electronic
@DroidDev malfunction
@FOX9000 breaking
@DroidDev fissure
@FOX9000 opening
@DroidDev triangular
@FOX9000 cube
@DroidDev oblong
@FOX9000 polyhedron
@DroidDev sphere
@FOX9000 circular
@DroidDev domed
@FOX9000 doomed
@DroidDev doom
@FOX9000 day
@DroidDev fete
@FOX9000 charity
@DroidDev dole
@FOX9000 hole
@DroidDev riddle
@FOX9000 puzzle
@DroidDev solve
@ProgramFOX unravel
@FOX9000 disclose
@DroidDev investigation
@FOX9000 agency
@DroidDev adoption
@FOX9000 children
@DroidDev birth
@FOX9000 control
@DroidDev exercise
@FOX9000 gym
@DroidDev Waiting time: 20 seconds.
@DroidDev workout
@FOX9000 physical
>>time 0
@DroidDev Waiting time set to 0 seconds.
@DroidDev basis
@FOX9000 basic
@DroidDev physics
@FOX9000 chemistry
@DroidDev scientific
@FOX9000 calculator
@DroidDev bent
@FOX9000 dent
@DroidDev hammer
@FOX9000 strike
@DroidDev lucky
@FOX9000 one
@DroidDev hairless
@FOX9000 bald
@DroidDev bearded
@FOX9000 mustache
@DroidDev tall
@FOX9000 height
@DroidDev summit
@FOX9000 conference
@DroidDev methodist
@FOX9000 liberal
@DroidDev election
@FOX9000 voting
@DroidDev citizen
@FOX9000 senior
@DroidDev junior
@FOX9000 year
@DroidDev lapse
@FOX9000 gap
@DroidDev floe
@FOX9000 flow
@DroidDev artery
@FOX9000 liver
@DroidDev broil
@FOX9000 cook
@DroidDev kettle
@FOX9000 electric
@DroidDev zinc
@FOX9000 copper
did teh brok?
@ProgramFOX ^^
It broke.
Bot started with waiting time set to 0 seconds.
me crying
>>reply 2640084
>>reply 2640084
@DroidDev mixture
@DroidDev inlet
@FOX9000 pipe
@DroidDev cleaner
@ProgramFOX did you see that?
@FOX9000 vacuum
@DroidDev fitness
@DroidDev That it replied twice? Yes, but that's because both of us used the reply command.
@DroidDev Waiting time set to 0 seconds.
@FOX9000 exchange
uh oh
I think those messages were still in the message queue...
@ProgramFOX ya, Its also a kind of bug. You can place a check if there are more than one commands to reply to single message
@ProgramFOX nopes, I think bot is revenge driven :P
@ProgramFOX it is replying to different messages, not the last one this time
@DroidDev I know, it happens sometimes. Don't know why though.
Anyway, I cleaned up all messages.
Bot started with waiting time set to 0 seconds.
@DroidDev stack
@ProgramFOX ya, thanks for the work, I am sure, that with time, there will be improvements :D
@ProgramFOX pancake
@FOX9000 sweet
@DroidDev harp
@FOX9000 harsh
@DroidDev strident
@FOX9000 irritating
@DroidDev extremely
@FOX9000 annoying
@DroidDev mosquito
@FOX9000 bite
@DroidDev remedy
@FOX9000 medicine
@DroidDev astronomy
@FOX9000 astrology
@DroidDev sign
@FOX9000 road
@DroidDev hill
@FOX9000 mountain
@DroidDev glacier
@FOX9000 water
@DroidDev pump
@FOX9000 underground
@DroidDev lair
@FOX9000 flair
@DroidDev drama
@FOX9000 queen
@DroidDev elizabeth
@FOX9000 old
@DroidDev patriarchal
@FOX9000 dominated
@DroidDev political
@FOX9000 motivation
@DroidDev understanding
@FOX9000 empathy
@JasonC kirk
@FOX9000 captain
@JasonC squadron

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