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12:55 AM
@ShadowWizard contest
4 hours later…
5:16 AM
4 hours later...
Cool, time's been fast-forwarded!
@Unihedron hehe, you know ninja can do anything ;)
@JasonC comptetion
28 years ago...
Mark my words; some day somebody is going to play a word association game here, and somebody will say "challenge". You just wait.
Present day...
@DroidDev challenge
I've been waiting for that for a looong time.
ROFL, that was nice @JasonC
I know, right?
5:30 AM
@JasonC wrestling
@DroidDev hulk hogan
5:43 AM
@JasonC Brock Lesnor
@DroidDev ufc
@JasonC MMA
@DroidDev fight
@JasonC club
6:14 AM
@DroidDev spades
6:46 AM
@JasonC hearts
@DroidDev lungs
2 hours later…
9:13 AM
@JasonC smoking
10:02 AM
@DroidDev gun
4 hours later…
2:24 PM
@KennyBOT alive?
@rene machine
yes, I'm, why?
what do you do?
@cVplZ flying
@rene lying
@cVplZ atm nothing special ... my programmer refuses to implement the WAG game logic to be userful here...
2:27 PM
@cVplZ sleeping
@rene naked
@cVplZ uncovered
@rene city
3:03 PM
@cVplZ Kuwait
@rene Arabia
here's another southpark character
funny about me
3:42 PM
@cVplZ ;)
@cVplZ Coffee
4:20 PM
@rene beans
4:42 PM
@cVplZ kidney
2 hours later…
6:28 PM
@rene organ
7:07 PM
@DroidDev pipe
@rene flute
@DroidDev whistle
@rene sound
7:30 PM
@DroidDev system
@rene automatic
@DroidDev manual
@rene transmission
@DroidDev fifth-gear
@ShadowWizard AutoWeek
@rene Automotor
@ShadowWizard engine
8:53 PM
@rene cylinders
9:04 PM
@ShadowWizard circles
@rene squares
9:27 PM
@ShadowWizard triangles
@JasonC Isosceles
@ShadowWizard equilateral
@JasonC 60°
@ShadowWizard angle
@JasonC sharp

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