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12:12 AM
@iStimple online
@ShadowWizard virtual
3 hours later…
3:07 AM
@iStimple reality
2 hours later…
4:42 AM
@bjb568 truth
morning folks.. :] have a great weekends.. :) @bjb568 @ShadowWizard @iStimple @DroidDev
5:27 AM
@SilentKiller morning sir :P :D
@SilentKiller lie
@DroidDev :P you are Sir
@SilentKiller lol :P
2 hours later…
7:04 AM
@DroidDev false
@iStimple boolean
@DroidDev true
@iStimple correct
@DroidDev answer
@iStimple question
7:06 AM
@DroidDev why?
@iStimple what?
@DroidDev how?
@iStimple where?
@DroidDev when?
@iStimple then :P
7:10 AM
@DroidDev the
@DroidDev book
@iStimple look
@DroidDev took
@iStimple hook
7:15 AM
@DroidDev cook
@iStimple shook
@DroidDev rook
@iStimple nook
@DroidDev nookie
@ShadowWizard My computer was turned off; and my parents would probably not agree that I would run my computer 24 hours/24, just for a chatbot.
7:39 AM
@iStimple rookie
@ProgramFOX :(
@DroidDev novice
@ProgramFOX benedictine
@FOX9000 :/
@FOX9000 monk
@DroidDev monastery
@FOX9000 religious
7:45 AM
@DroidDev secular
@FOX9000 communist
@DroidDev bloc
@FOX9000 group
@ProgramFOX mob
@DroidDev omega
7:46 AM
Installing Assassin Creed
@FOX9000 last
@DroidDev first
@ProgramFOX foremost
@DroidDev ascetic
@FOX9000 character
@DroidDev trait
7:48 AM
@DroidDev encoding
@ProgramFOX decoding
@DroidDev message
@FOX9000 chat
@ProgramFOX bot
@DroidDev FOX (9000)
7:50 AM
@ProgramFOX wolve
No associated word found for wolve.
@DroidDev herd
@ProgramFOX group
@DroidDev regex
>>link regex regular
@ProgramFOX Link added.
7:51 AM
@ProgramFOX expression
No associated word found for regex.
what does link command do? @ProgramFOX
@DroidDev facial
@FOX9000 bleech
@DroidDev It links a word to another. If the site doesn't know an associated word, it will take a word from the links.
But I wasn't fast enough to add this link.
7:52 AM
No associated word found for bleech.
@ProgramFOX that's pretty good
I also added a >>reply command. It takes the ID of a message and replies to it (if possible). Useful if you edited your message or after you added a link.
@DroidDev bleach
@ProgramFOX wow cool! you are really adding cool features to it :D
Thanks :)
@ProgramFOX beach
7:54 AM
Also, it has commands for random numbers:
@ProgramFOX 0.168144418951
@DroidDev surf
@ProgramFOX 2028477531
>>randomint 0 10
@ProgramFOX 6
7:54 AM
@FOX9000 sport
@DroidDev southron
@FOX9000 southern
@DroidDev north
@ProgramFOX lights
@DroidDev flashing
7:56 AM
@FOX9000 banner
@ProgramFOX advertisement
@DroidDev blocker
@ProgramFOX harvey
@FOX9000 specter
@DroidDev odyssey
7:58 AM
@FOX9000 technologies
@DroidDev stealth
@FOX9000 secret
@ProgramFOX initiation
@FOX9000 constructor
@DroidDev class
8:03 AM
@ProgramFOX distinction
@ProgramFOX abstract
@DroidDev concept
@DroidDev concrete
@ProgramFOX cement
@DroidDev portland
8:05 AM
@FOX9000 iceland
@DroidDev Friday
@ProgramFOX thursday
8:17 AM
@FOX9000 monday
@rene school (starts again on Monday)
@rene tuesday
@ProgramFOX grammar
all joy!
Errrmm... what should we reply to?
@ProgramFOX i think grammar
8:19 AM
@FOX9000 English
@ProgramFOX Swedish
@rene stockholm
unsuccessful installation of assassin creed
back to call of duty
@FOX9000 syndrome
@rene adaptation
8:21 AM
@FOX9000 Proxy
@rene server
@ProgramFOX client
@rene solicitor
Can't your bot select words that are more towards kindergarten level? Now I'm forced to google ther excact meaning....
@FOX9000 legal
I know, the words are difficult, but the words are returned by a word association site, so I don't have much control over them.
Fell free to give me a link to a site with easier words, then I can use that one.
8:24 AM
@rene technicality
On the other hand, I learn...
@FOX9000 Colloquial
@rene language
@FOX9000 mothertongue
@rene native
@ProgramFOX european
:2359114 idolater
8:27 AM
@FOX9000 Union
the bot shouldn't respond to delete messages
@ProgramFOX soviet
@FOX9000 russia
@rene The bot has detected your word as a new word, but it does not look whether it is deleted or not.
@rene finland
8:29 AM
But yes, perhaps I can implement that.
@ProgramFOX the difference is the event_type: that is 10 for deleted messages, instead of 1 for normal post: meta.stackexchange.com/a/218443/158100
Yes, I know; ChatExchange has a class containing all events, so I can easily check that.
My bot doesn't handle those well...
@FOX9000 greenland
completed one mission
8:36 AM
@DroidDev iceland
Testing it will be more difficult though; a reply to a deleted message only happens if you post it exactly at the right time...
@rene :)) thanks, so what about meeting? :P
@FOX9000 Ireland
@ProgramFOX nationalist
today, I came back from my company 4am in morning, after coding 18 hours straight
8:37 AM
@DroidDev today is meeting free, yesterday was pretty much one big meeting :(
@FOX9000 ultra
@rene then why sad?
@DroidDev royalist
@DroidDev He is probably sad about the big meeting yesterday, not about today.
@DroidDev not so productive... I need to deliver software...not talk about software
@rene oh! that was the reason, I had to stay so late at my company :(
project deliveries are always difficult
@ProgramFOX yup seems so
8:39 AM
Have a manager decide on a new realistic deadline
That is easier said than done, I know ;)
@rene realistic deadline...?? what is that...?? never heard of it :/
Are you still OK?
Or is the stress/fastigue getting under your skin?
@rene just had 5 hours of sleep, what do you think :P
Ah, have some coffee in the SO tavern ;)
2 days ago, by Shadow Wizard
=== Word Association Game Leaderboard ===
1. Shadow Wizard (2281 total messages)
2. DroidDev (2167 total messages)
3. ProgramFOX (1926 total messages)
4. rene (1020 total messages)
5. iStimple (764 total messages)
6. Vogel612 (438 total messages)
7. Unihedron (407 total messages)
8. bjb568 (210 total messages)
9. Jason C (193 total messages)
10. FOX 9000 (172 total messages)
11. SPArchaeologist (122 total messages)
12. michaelb958 (106 total messages)
13. SilentKiller (98 total messages)
14. Doorknob (70 total messages)
Woot, I'm in the top thirds despite only joining recently!
8:44 AM
@Unihedron No Mercy for newbs in the den!
@rene coming :)
My bot and I had a lot of words Thursday evening and yesterday (because there was hardly someone else), so perhaps @ShadowWizard should re-run his script ;)
@rene Just did. Have you ever put a little coffee in some ice cream? mmm...
make way for one of top users here :P
8:48 AM
@FOX9000 monarchy
@DroidDev oligarchy
@FOX9000 government
@DroidDev provisional
@FOX9000 temporary
@ProgramFOX eternal
8:50 AM
@Unihedron external
@DroidDev internal
similar minds :)
Lol :D
@ProgramFOX combustion
@FOX9000 engine
8:51 AM
@ProgramFOX he would re-run the script but his kid said no!
@DroidDev machine
@SilentKiller language
@iStimple lol
@DroidDev programming
@iStimple :D
@SilentKiller brainfuck
8:52 AM
@iStimple lol
@iStimple code
No associated word found for lol.
@Unihedron javascript
No associated word found for brainfuck.
@iStimple jQuery
8:52 AM
@FOX9000 :D
No associated word found for lol.
@FOX9000 :P
hahaha @FOX9000 are you wokey.?
@DroidDev appendTo
(manual removal of reply to deleted message)
@iStimple add
8:53 AM
@ProgramFOX operation
@Unihedron I was gonna reply with same word
@Unihedron military
@DroidDev war
@Unihedron call-of-duty
@DroidDev CounterStrike
8:54 AM
@DroidDev game
@DroidDev gaming
^^^ fails
@Unihedron gamester
@Unihedron love
@DroidDev hate
8:55 AM
always reply to latest word. That's the rule
@Unihedron monger
@Unihedron bluescreen
@ProgramFOX death
@Unihedron end
@Unihedron life
8:56 AM
@SilentKiller finished
@DroidDev folding
@Unihedron unfold
@Unihedron bed
@Unihedron clothes
assign Numbers to players.. :P :D
8:56 AM
damn, this shit lagging
It's hard to play. xD
@iStimple dryer
@FOX9000 washer
@Unihedron even funny too. :D
8:57 AM
@iStimple machine
@DroidDev mash
@Unihedron potato
@iStimple carbohydrates
@DroidDev yum
@Unihedron tasty
8:57 AM
@DroidDev pizza
@iStimple hungry
@SilentKiller shark
@Unihedron week
@iStimple year
@iStimple end
8:58 AM
hahahha lols. xD
@iStimple shilling
meta bug reports ^^
@FOX9000 chilling
stress testing chat
8:58 AM
whats going on.. :D
this is SE devs faultz
@DroidDev frozen
@Unihedron ice
@Unihedron ice
@DroidDev berg
8:59 AM
FOX 9000 wants to play
@Unihedron burger

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