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10:00 AM
@iStimple belief
@ProgramFOX faith
@iStimple leap
@DroidDev jump
@iStimple long
@DroidDev lone
10:01 AM
@DroidDev int
@ProgramFOX comparison
@DroidDev greater than
@iStimple less than
@DroidDev equals
@iStimple =
that was a brief meeting @ShadowWizard :P
10:03 AM
@DroidDev ===
@iStimple lol no, it's a tradition to meet once every two weeks, for long years ;)
Perhaps I should add this to the bot: if there are two words, consider it a game word (but don't reply, because the word association doesn't find associated words to multiple words).
@iStimple type casting (I guess that's what it does )
@DroidDev just finished shower, so got bit of time before wife and children wake up :)
@DroidDev convert
10:04 AM
@ProgramFOX Parse
@ProgramFOX ya, that would be a good idea
@ShadowWizard integer
@ShadowWizard family things, won't be able to understand them for sometime yet :)
@iStimple vita
@DroidDev but you would, eventually ;)
@FOX9000 pita
10:06 AM
@ShadowWizard pits
@ShadowWizard ya and now I guess it won't be that long
@DroidDev iota
sorry, my internet connection is killing me
@iStimple bradd
@DroidDev Angelina
poor bot, you nullified his reply
10:08 AM
@iStimple wife
@ShadowWizard can't do anything, I am hardly chatting
with this connection
you should give me some kind of award for even remaining present in chat
@DroidDev Shadows
@iStimple valley
@DroidDev lol will think of something :)
@FOX9000 peaks
@ShadowWizard I even replied to word Shadows above, but then connection again broke
10:12 AM
@iStimple mountain
@FOX9000 high
gtg, cya guys!
@ShadowWizard later! :)
@ShadowWizard cheekbone
@FOX9000 collarbone
@DroidDev funny bone
10:15 AM
@DroidDev rib
@iStimple funny boner
@FOX9000 you are late :P
@DroidDev excited
@iStimple cupidity
@FOX9000 cupid
@iStimple psyche
10:18 AM
@FOX9000 psycho
@iStimple analyst
@FOX9000 statistics
@DroidDev census
@FOX9000 calculation
@DroidDev decimal
10:21 AM
@FOX9000 place
@iStimple reliance
@FOX9000 resistance
@iStimple friction
@FOX9000 slippery
Command not found
10:26 AM
(that was just to make the bot alive again, it gave a 404)
@iStimple sidewalk
Well, seems like the bot is still dead.
@FOX9000 is it half-time yet?
i'm getting worn out, sub for me bud
Bot restarted.
@iStimple ?
@ProgramFOX cement
just going to take a break now, laterz!
See you!
@iStimple concrete
10:31 AM
@FOX9000 abstract
@ProgramFOX concept
@FOX9000 idea
@ProgramFOX plurality
@FOX9000 plural
>>time 20
@ProgramFOX Waiting time set to 20 seconds.
@ProgramFOX nominative
10:44 AM
@FOX9000 case
@ProgramFOX attache
@FOX9000 attachment
@ProgramFOX ligament
@FOX9000 sheet
@ProgramFOX printout
10:46 AM
@FOX9000 printer
@ProgramFOX engraver
@FOX9000 impress
@ProgramFOX beholder
@FOX9000 observer
@ProgramFOX casual
10:54 AM
@FOX9000 wear
@SilentKiller carry
@ProgramFOX burden
@FOX9000 load
@SilentKiller wheelbarrow
@FOX9000 frame
10:59 AM
@ProgramFOX photo
@SilentKiller camera
@ProgramFOX tripod
@FOX9000 chair
@ProgramFOX table
@SilentKiller HTML
11:01 AM
@ProgramFOX format
@FOX9000 formatting
@ProgramFOX text
@FOX9000 image
@SilentKiller pixels
No associated word found for pixels.
11:04 AM
@ProgramFOX point
>>link pixel point
@ProgramFOX Link added.
>>link pixels point
@ProgramFOX Link added.
@SilentKiller vantage
@SilentKiller location
11:05 AM
@ProgramFOX pinpoint
@FOX9000 small
@ProgramFOX stature
@FOX9000 level
@ProgramFOX plateau
@FOX9000 mountain
11:08 AM
@ProgramFOX foothill
@FOX9000 higher
@ProgramFOX octave
@FOX9000 music
@ProgramFOX composer
@FOX9000 compose
11:10 AM
@ProgramFOX sandstone
@FOX9000 sand
@ProgramFOX dune
@FOX9000 ridge
@ProgramFOX sycamore
@FOX9000 tree
11:15 AM
@ProgramFOX eucalyptus
@FOX9000 koala
@ProgramFOX bear
@FOX9000 brown
@ProgramFOX black
@SilentKiller white
11:24 AM
@ProgramFOX red
@FOX9000 button
@ProgramFOX shirt
@SilentKiller slacks
11:38 AM
@FOX9000 slow
Got to go for lunch, see you!
@ProgramFOX pace
@ProgramFOX tada
No associated word found for tada.
12:36 PM
@FOX9000 unit
@ProgramFOX intensive
@FOX9000 extensive
@ProgramFOX tract
@FOX9000 region
@ProgramFOX polar
12:40 PM
@FOX9000 north
@ProgramFOX dakota
@FOX9000 state
@ProgramFOX legislature
12:53 PM
@FOX9000 congress
@iStimple appropriation
>>time 10
@iStimple Waiting time set to 10 seconds.
@FOX9000 subsidies
@iStimple steamship
12:54 PM
>>time 2
@iStimple Waiting time set to 2 seconds.
@FOX9000 ship
@iStimple cargo
@FOX9000 luggage
@iStimple conveyor
12:54 PM
@FOX9000 belt
@iStimple cartridge
@FOX9000 ink
@iStimple pen
@FOX9000 pencil
@iStimple notebook
12:55 PM
@FOX9000 movie
@iStimple popcorn
@FOX9000 butter
@iStimple bake
@FOX9000 sale
@iStimple bidder
12:56 PM
@FOX9000 auction
@iStimple block
@FOX9000 square
@iStimple trafalgar
@FOX9000 battle
@iStimple prowess
12:57 PM
@FOX9000 powers
@iStimple entente
@FOX9000 intent
@iStimple notice
@FOX9000 public
@iStimple prosecutor
12:58 PM
@FOX9000 plaintiff
@iStimple defendant
@FOX9000 attorney
@iStimple solicitor
@FOX9000 solicitation
@iStimple importunity
12:59 PM
@FOX9000 opportunity
@iStimple seeing
@FOX9000 believing
@iStimple reincarnation
@FOX9000 buddhism
@iStimple hinduism
12:59 PM
@FOX9000 hindu

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