So I'm looking at the comments in the new policy release post on Meta and I see a lot of references to Monica being affected by this but I totally missed it. If it's out of line of me to ask, I can accept that, but I'm curious what this is referring to, so what happened?
Recently, I made a made a typo and I wrote unicorn instead of unicode, I did what any normal person would do and I made an esolang out of it. In this challenge you will be writing a Unicorn interpreter.
Because Unicorn programs are horrible long, you'll have to write a short interpreter to compe...
@ShadowWizard In case you were wondering about the userscript: link. I've decided it's just a little too far out of my JS/JQuery knowledge for me to do. :)
Eh, it's really something I need to test with a question anyway. shrug You wouldn't happen to know whether or not HTML comments inside a post are passed to a user when they load a question?
I couldn't find an answer to this already and it seems like a fairly easy question to answer: How do I accept an edit suggestion on my question that was rejected by others?
Umm, I'm called VoteToClose because my initial name when I signed up was VTCAKAVSMoACE (long story), and they only remembered the first three, so I adopted it. Downgoat chose the name because of DigitalTrauma's image, plus another user (actually over here) called Downgoat.