I think I'm going to leave policy suggestions to the actual owners of SO. Meta echo chamber mass downvotes anything which even hints at reducing the experience for the regulars so new users actually might want to stick around more
@Mgetz Okay, I'll give it a couple of days, see if it's really someone trying to avoid the downvoting rules. If it happens again a couple times, I'll call in moderator intervention. but yeah, 6 rep isn't really worth calling the authorities over
I feel like if it really happens hundreds of times per week without intervention, it's a systemic issue where people have found a way to skirt the rules without outright breaking them, which doesn't seem like a good thing
Like, ideally it should be the entire network profile that should just be removed because I doubt they're going to turn from a spam user into a normal user
but there isn't really any way to report someone when they haven't made a post yet, or when they have made a post but it's been moderated without the mod noticing the user is spam?
@Derpy As i clarified, I think it would be less "express frustration" and more "post mild hyperbole about things you're not certain about to encourage people who know better to correct you"
@JourneymanGeek You can be factual, on-topic and complete in a question while still showing a small amount of frustration in things like google not giving any response and the documentation being useless