Hey all. I think I've noticed a trend of revenge downvoting by a user whose suggested edits get rejected. The evidence is a bit too large to put into a flagged post for the user. What's the best way to report that?
@Tim So I ended up doing a "Copy To All Sites" from SO over to Meta, and it worked, but apparently I'm still getting @Tim notifications in my supercollider.
Man, I leave for an hour and miss 172 messages and 5 @tim notifications. We must be in Iceland. And no, @Timjadarnel27, I do not volunteer for your science.
@Timjadarnel27 - I'd try to come up with one, but I'm too busy trying to extract a sound byte from youtube.com/watch?v=HBhyXkuQtD0 to set as my desk phone's ringer.
Changing your name is like entering a wireless mobile contract. Once you do it, you immediately regret the long-term commitment you've entered before you can change it again.
The "Late Answers" review tab has become my new favorite place to hang out. I went through half of my flags in the first 10 pages this morning. And I think that was all for new "late answers" within the last 12 hours.
Found lot of topics about this topic, but none helped me. I have:
<div id="text-6" class="block col-228">
Javascript code should add new class fit, so result should be:
<div id="text-6" class="block col-228 fit">
How to do that with javascript?