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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

I just found a site selling some kind of powerful flash light. It's measuring the color temperature at 3400°K and this is really triggering me (Kelvin is an absolute measure so it's never measured in degrees). I wonder if I should email them.
I also wonder if it would do any good.
Probably not, since they already call everything "military-grade" and "aircraft-grade".
@forest errr.... Actually....
Is colour temperature actually in K?
But it's in K, not °K.
>5000K is a "cool color" for example.
(Note that the visual is inaccurate due to limitations of LCD screens)
Where else do you see an axis terminating with ∞ symbol and obviously having some room to continue.
2 hours later…
I love stumbling upon famous researchers or scientists on SE.
Just found out that Peter Shor uses the site.
2 hours later…
@forest Unfortunately, he's more into the English site these days. :)
@Blue Nothing wrong with that. Linguistics is fascinating.
@forest I didn't say there's anything wrong with that.
By "unfortunate" I implied that the CS and physics sites could do with more of his excellent answers.
Ah I see
Why do people sometimes spam with just random letters?
Like "asdlfisajdofisa" as an answer? It makes no sense.
It doesn't seem like they're trying to be edgy trolls, and they obviously aren't selling something. Are they just trying to see if it's possible to post or something?
A: Why are primes important for encryption

HhhhhTifi4irkudujrjfjsusjcjgjdjbkrkgkfkrkkvodibigibibj k kk k iicdixifjfjdjje

Like wth is this?
It's encrypted! :P
I though nonsense like that was okay to red flag?
I think it is. Also I see no VLQ selection, just NAA.
depends on the user
> Abuse of the system or community is everything that is created with the intention to harm them. This includes posts by new users that contain no useful content at all – i.e. gibberish posts along the lines of:

Interestingly, some spambots communicated by sending semi-nonsense spam with steganography used to encode commands. :P
red if its a new user and you want it gone now, naa if it can wait
@Magisch Why though? If a user that knows the site goes around posting gibberish, they kinda deserve the rep penalty :P
@Tinkeringbell Prior positive contributors get the benefit of the doubt of a "cat on keyboard" scenario
I once saw on IRC someone almost get kickbanned for that.
@Magisch Ah.
What if they don't have cats, and I know it? :P
Then "dog on keyboard"...
He was cleaning his keyboard or something and forgot to lock the screen and posted like 15 lines of random crap. Everyone thought it was a spammer.
cat on keyboard is a concept. Can also be that you hit a bunch of crap and then accidentally clicked on post, and didn't notice
Cow on keyboard?
I'm going to go with 'my pet goldfish did it.'
Best line I've ever seen for saying you have to leave in the middle of a video game:
> Sorry I gotta go. My cat's on fire.
Alt+F4 *click*
tbh if my cat is on fire I do not have the time to alt f4 or write that out
Sometimes it's good to wait when something is on fire. :D
@forest Isn't there a kind of cooking where you deliberately set the food on fire for a short while?
Yeah that's pretty common.
Especially with food involving alcohol. You have to "burn it off" in a pan.
@Tinkeringbell flambe ;p
@Bookends we type fine
That's when you use alcohol.
High proof alcohol.
@JourneymanGeek Thanks. That's the word I couldn't remember ;)
Wine dosen't burn. It's typically something distilled like whisky or brandy
It's neat because not enough alcohol to get you drunk, so kids are fine with it.
And it really only changes the taste.
pretty sure if you actually cook with wine, there's no alcohol left in the finished meal because ethanol has a much lower boiling point then water
There is some left.
But not enough to cause intoxication.
@ShadowWizard don't remember if I've shared this before, but imgur.com/gallery/dappNad
@Mithrandir Looks great, big improvement, you're ready for the Photo of the Week Contest. I would suggest leaving out the bird Rock though. The image is plenty big enough to crop to the upper right.
@Mithrandir one of your photo's apparently needs cropping :P
the rest is American feedback XD
@Tinkeringbell just to know.... have you too received a SECOND mail from DHL?
@Derpy Yes .
You're getting two watches too? :D
with two different Waybill numbers?
Yes. We're not the only ones that have had those either, I've heard more people about that.
And neither is picked up by DHL yet.
same here ^
@Tinkeringbell I only got one
ok, anyone can view the mail now?
near the end - the "Reference: #####" number.. is the same in both letters?
looks like it, yeah
ok, so different Waybill and same "Shipment reference" code
... I think the shipment reference may be the same for everyone...
but the two Waybill codes are odd, I think they may have indeed sent two watches.
enjoy your double watch
These things are supposedly not very cheap either
may be worth asking @JNat to look into it...
Yep, same reference number for both.
@Tinkeringbell cropping due to the rock in the foreground. A crap crop.
@Mithrandir I think that at this point:
a) they have already bought them, so it is not like they have much to do with them.
b) shipment already started, so probably they wouldn't be able to recover any "delivery fee"
basically, I think that there is little they can gain by trying to fix the error.
@Magisch I assume they will be in the same price range as the cheese board, maybe a little more. I try to not look into prices to much since it is still a free gift.
One watch for each arm. When someone tries the 'spill your drink' trick (ask you for the time, while you are holding a drink) you can fool them by looking at the other watch jealous.
I've always wanted two watches
now I get three? :P
That said, out of curiosity I was trying to determine the brand of the watch.
The best part about the watch is the SE logo anyways
The originally posted picture matches a watch model made by a company called "Watch Creations"
Onega, worth a buck and a half.
but the mail we got from DHL does indeed mention Timex
problem is: I wasn't able to find any watch that matches the one on the picture on Timex site (nor on Printex one)
@Rob I know - the sparkshop link doesn't seem to work right now. As I said, I found that watch on another site but apparently it is made by "Watch Creations"
the one they are sending is made by Timex
Is it an appropriately late hour of morning to start screaming yet?
it's after noon, go ahead
Okay. That's better.
Can I freak out as well? :P
Shouldn't be just one person that can freak out here ;)
lots. and lots. of doctor appointments
That's a pretty tiny cute freak out....
and several tests coming up
That doesn't sound good.
Army prep...
at least I didn't pass out this morning when they took blood
You're going? Or still trying to get that leave?
@Tinkeringbell don't know yet, trying to get medical records in order before I go to the summons
Well, I kinda hope you don't have to go (unless you changed your mind and want to ;) )
...and they still think I'm coming to the summons this Thursday, but I can't, and they messed me up by giving me a date in May and then moving it to February
so I thought I had time to get e.g. med stuff in order but...
That's .. bureaucracy?
Or an attempt to deliberately have you show up without med stuff in order (malice?)
Oh good. At least things aren't corrupt then :/
It's run by a bunch of 18 year olds.
So yeah that's my freak out :P
Personal rant: any army that expects 16 year olds to join and 18 year olds to run stuff has lost their mind.
My freak out is about Nespresso....
4 emails, 10 skype messages (despite the politest 'f-off, I'm on another team now, if you need me here's scrum master e-mail, ask them to make time')....
Well, it's only starting the process now, I don't start like training till I'm 18. But I have to start figuring out e.g. placement now.
and then he had the bright idea of showing up at my desk.
I must admit I fell in love with my scrum master just now. She's soooo good at saying 'not her job anymore!' :P
@Tinkeringbell sounds like he has issues
@Mithrandir Just a few :P
He's now sort of Skype rubberducking at me? I'm getting messages like 'found it', 'I'm starting to understand what went wrong + lengthy explanations'.... I'm going to mute him for now.
@Mithrandir So the process takes about 2 years to complete?
@Tinkeringbell Year and a half
@Tinkeringbell :D
@Magisch You find that funny? :P
@Tinkeringbell I find it funny how you're handling it
I would have filed a HR complaint 1/3 of the way through
@Magisch I'll leave that to the scrum master, she's... not that far of from actually doing that, I guess.
sounds like nespresso is a fun guy with lots of positive qualities and a strong performer
@Tinkeringbell sounds almost normal. Anyone older has... Ideas....
@Mithrandir (And then actual service is two years eight months for men, two years for women.)
that's an oddly specific period of time
I guess I'm being a bit too harsh on him. He's a good developer, makes his deadlines, knows an amazing amount about the language we're working in... He's just used to doing stuff his own way and not good at working in teams (or working with multiple teams on the same thing).
@JourneymanGeek Ah, that might be it :P
Ours was 2 and half years unless you were unfit
@ArtOfCode two years sounds quite reasonable... Where do those 8 months come from?
Then they tacked on a month
It's 2 years now
I dont find mandatory millitary service reasonable
@JourneymanGeek Mine wasn't there at all, until someone decided to complain about gender equality. Now there technically is a draft for women aged 17-45 as well, meaning that if some ... nasty person ... decides to start a war I'll have to go to war as well.
There are plenty of ways of evading various drafts.
Just get diagnosed as a sociopath and you have a good excuse. :P
i'm 90% sure I'd be declared unfit for combat anyways due to my eyes and mental issues
@Magisch When you consider that there's been a threat of war for a while, and several wars in recent history, and constant military action, then it kinda makes sense. I just... don't like it
I think my anti-government mentality would make my people worry I'd defect lol
I guess I'd be unfit as well, bad eyes and overweight :P
y'all's armies are picky
I don't know if they're that picky.
@Mithrandir It seems fine to me if it's about defending your country, but not about fighting in someone else's war for political or economic reasons.
Perhaps I could be educated to do cyberwar?
No such thing.
As much as politicians love to use the term...
oh yes there is
red teaming on international scale
There's electronic warfare, which is a little different.
I guess I'd have to go with 'gewetensbezwaren'... Whatever that entails (basically you're saying war/army goes against your personal ethics)
I mean... my country has hacked into nuclear centers and shut them down
That's what EW means in military terminology.
@Mithrandir Yeah that's not warfare.
it's avoiding war
They just like using the term when it's nothing more than "offensive operations".
Eh, not really.
It can make war even more likely to start in the future.
well, it's taking out a weapon before they have a chance to use it
Um... yeah, certainly can be warfare. Crack a nuclear power plant, disable the safety systems at the wrong time, boom.
That's called first-strike and is not a good way to avoid war.
@ArtOfCode No power plant I know of would be vulnerable to that (unless you have physical access). They have extremely strict controls (air gapping etc).
Now, destroying hydroelectric plants, on the other hand...
And those can cause some pretty serious damage.
okay, s/nuclear plant/other reasonable target/
actually, several people I know have told me I should try to get into the "cyber" units in the military
But even then, it's the kind of thing you'd do in the middle of a war.
@forest ...i.e. warfare
@ArtOfCode Sure but calling it cyberwar implies that it's a war done in cyberspace.
Not really. Could just as easily mean it's a war conducted via cyberattacks
That's like saying SAM warfare.
A SAM can be used in war, but there's no such thing as SAM warfare.
exhibit 2: intelligence collection
(C4ISTAREW if you like alphabet soup)
exhibit 3: intelligence war (cough Russian bots cough)
Yeah those are only called "war" for the shock value.
None of those are acts of war recognized by any country.
Be glad they aren't, or we'd be in WW3.
better that WW3 take place through Twitter over nuclear bombs
that's... not what I was implying
Until someone decides to use an EMP to disable Twitter. :P
doesn't have to be a Recognised Act Of War, D.S.M., Esq., for it to be (a) in popular use, or (b) a form of warfare
Also, the term "cyber" is cancer.
Except in "cybernetics".
Speaking of DSMs, I found an old WW1/2 DSM while I was clearing stuff up this week
E.g. it's not cybersecurity, it's information security. It's not cyberwarfare, it's electronic warfare. The term cyber should have never survived past the 90s.
No idea whose it was, but interesting to find it
We really need to be fixing security up though, not breaking it.
*isn't sure what DSM means*
Tax money should go to finding and fixing bugs, not finding and exploiting bugs.
When crappy governments keep exploiting bugs, "the bad guys" exploit them too.
And the consequences are not always great.
(Yes, those are children's GPS "smart" watches that were hacked)
@Mithrandir Distinguished Service Medal
@forest ... Actually
They just need blind obedience, and sociopathy is not conducive to that.
@forest I think folks here are tired of the wheelchair story.
Besides we need sociopaths.
@forest one if the critical things about conscription is it needs to be insanely hard to skip
Depends on the country.
But at least the good thing about mandatory conscription is that the army will include plenty of people who won't think twice about stabbing their own country in the back.
That's something I can totally get behind, at least in war.
I think I turn from a libertarian to an anarchist when I'm high.
I just noticed that.
@SupaMegaDuckyMomodaWaffle Yes, you're hereby granted permission to use my Wand. Use it wisely!
> It makes you annoyed too and becomes haircut completely impossible.
It's like they didn't even try to make good use of spintax.
YouTube one last vote needed meta.stackexchange.com/questions/324461/… @Bart @rene @Glorfindel
@Mithrandir think you did, or something similar. :)
batch of two mimicry, Linux @rene @Bart
Are there some other sites where community bulletin went missing, or is this specific only for MathOverflow? I have just posted a bug report on MathOverflow Meta. I tried a few other sites - but I did not notice a site where it is missing.
@ShadowWizard Looks like the dog(s) got to it first :P
@Tinkeringbell he usually does, after I ping rene and Bart. Maybe he's actually a shared sock of both? ;)
@Martin I don't know... I can't see it on MO, but I also don't have an account there (would that matter?)... it looks fine on the few other sites I visit sometimes.
I think that CB is shown only to users who are logged in. At least when I try some site where I can still see it, after I display it as an anonymous user (in incognito mode) it is no longer shown.
Yeah, seems I was logged out there and on SO for mysterious reasons.
Perhaps it's not there if there are no upcoming events and nothing featured on MSE/MO meta and no hot meta posts?
@Tinkeringbell no, appears like it's missing on most sites. Should start but report on MSE.
The question On convexity tags was definitely shown there yesterday and I think it is eligible.
It is tagged (discussion), it is less than two weeks old and it has score well above 3.
@ShadowWizard As Tinkeringbell says, CB is not shown when there are no items to display. This might be case for some small sites. (But AFAICT it is not the case here.)
@ShadowWizard I hang out in chat ;p
Hence no need to ping
@Martin I wonder if it's intentional. MO is a little unusual
I have tried a few sites where there are some eligible items on meta - Mathematics, Physics, TeX - and I saw the community bulletin there.
@JourneymanGeek It's possible, but unlikely. It used to be displayed until now. But yes, MO definitely is unusual.
CB is not displayed, for example, on Sports SE, but the corresponding meta has no recent questions with score at least three.
@forest should I remember you about the "smart talking doll" incident from some time ago? A doll with an app that could be used to have the doll speak custom lines? And the app was totally insecure and without any form of authentication?
@ShadowWizard Which ones?
@JourneymanGeek I know, hence not pinging you to delete. ;)
@Derpy wasn't it all a scam/malware to let people watch kids through those "toys"?
@Tinkeringbell well, checked arqade which isn't a very small site.
@ShadowWizard wasn't the first case either. Most similar apps had similar problems.
that said, since we are talking about security....
@ShadowWizard Hmmm... Arqade doesn't have any eligble meta posts.
The one that does score over 3 is marked status-completed.
Derpy's Monday Quiz
Go to feedback.azure.com and try to sign in. What is missing?
@Martin Seems it's back now? At least on my side.
@Derpy I consider such apps viruses in advance and never ever consider to install them.
@Tinkeringbell yeah, movies.SE does have, so no bug, just rare case of no recent blog post and no featured MSE question.
@ShadowWizard It was gone on MO for a while. I couldn't see it either. It does show up now though
@Tinkeringbell I see it too. So probably my bug report was a bit premature... (That seems more likely that somebody corrected it so fast.)
@Tinkeringbell with meta posts?
@ShadowWizard Yep, three of em
I have included screenshots both at the time of the post and now (with CB displayed) here: Why is community bulletin no longer shown on MathOverflow?
In any case, thanks to all for checking whether it is a problem also elsewhere.
Looks good. I'm curious to know what it was, let us know if you get an answer?
seems no one wants to look at my little quiz. It a pity, it was pretty funny.
I'm doing my own quiz right now ;)
New codebase = a lot of finding new stuff.
@Tinkeringbell Sadly, @forest already left... The quiz is indeed related to security.
anyone else? @ShadowWizard?
@Derpy hmm?
reply is to codebase, no idea what it's about.
@ShadowWizard want to try to guess this one?
33 mins ago, by Derpy
Go to https://feedback.azure.com/ and try to sign in. What is missing?
oh, your quiz. But what quiz?
now I will have to leave a feedback about the feedback forum.
@Derpy missing login button?
And missing attribution to SO, they copied the design and UI.
@ShadowWizard Nope, look better. If you press sign in they ask for a mail...
oh, found the login link! So tiny.
@Derpy correct
then a name
@ShadowWizard notice nothing weird about the register / log-in procedure?
@ShadowWizard and then?
@Derpy no password. But it's totally expected from Microsoft.
I won't even bother to tell them.
Anyone can log in as anyone else. So?
@ShadowWizard SO?????
they're the masters of security breaches, did you expect them to have proper security?? lol
@ShadowWizard to be fair, that is not Microsoft doing.
@Derpy the azure.com domain was stolen from them?
So they should report to police.
Whatever is under a domain they own is 100% their responsibility.
@ShadowWizard I mean that they outsourced the site to a company called UserVoice Inc
Which sells the infrastructure.
UserVoice apparently are the creators of the "product" used by Microsoft
A "feedback forum" that also provides analytic reports and so on.
but it does not provide passwords or e-mail verification by default.
So they chose a crap company... probably because they're cheap.
Still.... didn't expect any better from Microsoft. :)
(notice: you can still enable a password - it is hidden in the setting page)
so in a way it is even worse.
Not just "no password", which could be an error made by some junior developer
it is actually a case of "OPTIONAL password, none by default" which means it is an actual design choice
No, at this point it looks like someone in Microsoft said "OK, let's have a feedback forum" and someone else said "I know this site, they can make it for cheap price" and that was it. And of course nobody bothered to review the product while or after it was done. lol
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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