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Greetings, Humans, Non Humans and shog9 disembodied heads.
@JourneymanGeek I'm tempted to accept and edit and change back all of the diamonds.
Because parts of the edit are useful?
They didn't even put a nonbreaking space in between the diamond and the word moderator... that'd be weird.
you could edit and accept. In theory
@JourneymanGeek ? When I mean "accept and edit" I mean "improve edit"... And it's an anonymous user, so it's not as if they're getting rep either way.
errr. yeah, that.
That's what I was probably meaning too waits for coffee to kick in
Hee hee. I'm headed home. Get some coffee before you start writing MSE answers ;)
haven't looked at MSE yet. Other than checking on that tactical DV. ;p
oh had a coffee.
heh, moar funny spam-profile titles "Pok mon The Movie I Choose Yo"
One-flag nuke regex FR: /^why (the|a) downvote\W*$/
so .. can someone explain to me the 10 dimensions of universe, so far I can only comprehend 5 = 3D + time + permutation of all paths
My MSE rep is two 1337.
too elite :p
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/302766/… the suggested edit here ought to be approved but its less than obvious
2 hours later…
Physics is 7 years old today. Most-viewed question of the year is closed: How long would it take, using existing technology, to travel 40 light years?. Runner-up, with a lot more votes despite fewer views: Why is my hand not burned by the air in an oven at 200°C?
I got 1 gold badge despite only 136 reps on physics
I could not over express my undying love towards physics <3
I'm sure you could.
2 hours later…
A feral neighbourhood rabbit went into the garage, so I blocked it's escape ... with apples and carrots. It went wild and teared the barrackade apart with its teeth and go through 3 apple. Now I have 3 half eaten apples and the rabbit is possibly still in the garage ...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 1 out of 2): Shipping Cost is doubled in Magento Checkout by Jenifer Jude on magento.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (batch report: post 2 out of 2): Has anyone tried out Medma One Step Checkout Magento 2 Extension? by Jenifer Jude on magento.SE
2 messages moved to Chimney
@Telkitty which outcome did you hope for?
rabbit becomes domesticated by the carrots and apples of course ...
I mean ... once the rabbit eats through all the apples and carrots, it will become free again ...
@Telkitty "feral rabbit".... Halloween.... are you sure you didn't just fell asleep in front of the TV?
yes, when a feral rabbit visits your backyard for half a year, there is a good chance, it would visit your backyard during halloween
An SOCVR regular hit the comment upvote limit due to him handling the close vote queue where all the reviews had a custom reason which he agreed with. I understand there is comment upvote rate limit but should it apply for system generated comment votes as well?
Hey @Telkitty
Are you active on IPS.SE?
@VadimKotov hey
@rene morning :)
@InsaneCat ola!
:) yee
@Magisch Interpersonal skills? Don’t even have an account there ...
I don't even have them ...
It's been a hard day's night...
Anyway, a somewhat non-insightful discussion: How good is the relation between SE and Wikipedia? SE likes to refer to Wikipedia as source (while it's probably not ideal), but how often answers on SE are referred on Wikipedia? Is it because Wikipedia prefers first-hand source that they won't refer SE answers? I.e. instead of referring to SE answers, they refer to the link on the answers?
At least I only found 1 article on Wikipedia that refers to SE: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-shot_(comics)
apparently quite a lot (Google Search link)
@Success there's no real relationship outside wikipedia being a decent source of information sometimes
That's correct though. So when SE, Quora, Reddit, and Wiki refer to each other...
(heh, Reddit)
Human brains don’t store raw information, they store processed information captured by eyes, ears & touches etc. And not everyone contributes to the information pool, only a few people do & everyone else just circulates those information around.
@rene thanks for your support with the hammer! :D
@Telkitty Is that road/way behind you is similar to Great Wall of China ?
Great Wall of US?
@jadarnel27 brown?
I think IPS SE has a particular problem user
@TheLittleNaruto not the great wall, but more like a great walk inside yellowstone national park:
speaking of the great wall of china, this is a picture I have taken while there some 6 years ago ...
while I am spamming this chat with pictures, might as well chuck this in (accidentally found it while searching for another picture)
hello monkey Tim
Ape, actually.
Ape don't kill Ape, but Human kill Human :3
am i right Tim :D
I have no donuts. I'm wondering how guilty I'd feel about going on Amazon Prime Now just to get donuts.
.... and now suddenly an azure vm in an not-asia region has started to get google search redirected to google.co.hk.
@Telkitty why "yellowstone" ?
@TimPost Hello
I'm kind of disappointed that /r/theredpill is leaking into IPS.SE
But at least a mod has deleted that answer now
what's /r/theredpill?
@JourneymanGeek Don't look that up at work
It's a subreddit for extreme misogynists
I'm currently unemployed. Something tells me I don't want to look it up anyway.
See, that's all I needed to know to nope nope nope.
@JourneymanGeek There was an answer on IPS.Se that went +63/-7 that was basicly just a tiny bit of name calling short of full on /r/theredpill material
shakes fist at hnq
the swimming pool one?
@TheLittleNaruto ^ stone is yellow of course
@JourneymanGeek No, the one I quote here: interpersonal.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2009/…
The original post has been nuked by a mod in the meantime
did I miss the popcorn on IPS?
In b4 I get called a cuck in the meta comments
@Telkitty Wakarimashtha (Understood)
it'll happen eventually
IPS is a tough site to moderate
How low can you go (on IPS)?
@Telkitty nice pic
@Success Apparently the answer I raised on meta there was too low
@Magisch did it get deleted?
seeing as how a mod nuked it
@InsaneCat thx
@JourneymanGeek yes. a mod deleted it with a r/a flag
@Success its a kind of an odd subject material. Also I have no idea how some of these people manage to survive ._.
I'm pretty disappointed in the HNQ people of SE
that something like this not only gets no flags for an entire day but gets +63 upvotes instead
I've thought until now that SE was sort of a haven from the hateful internet mob but apparently that's not entirely true
I just read the answer on the meta. Next time... well.... ummm.... !!/report?
@Success It was from one of the top users of that site, and highly upvoted (at +57)
@Magisch huh, thought it's from the Matrix
> You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes
/cc @Journeyman ^
@ShadowWizard That's what it's a reference to
oh lol
So how come it's NSFW?
It's also a reddit community of mostly lonely guys that think they've "understood" women
@Magisch doesn't matter if it's rude, right? and if noone flag it, we can help...
As in they're openly and blatantly sexist and don't regard them as anything other then objects, really
You're not aware of reddit's dirty underbelly, are you?
@Magisch that's the definition of chauvinists, no?
@Magisch to be honest I don't really use or view reddit
@ShadowWizard more or less, only ... more extreme
There are worse subs on reddit still
Including an active community of people that think that being raped is a minor inconvenience at best and should be tolerated
Like on any "open" site, yeah
(I'm not making this up, I wish I did but I'm not)
I've decided to avoid reddit in the first place. Good news (or bad news?), it's blocked in my country (though Google's cache help when I need to read it).
It can be like Yahoo! Answers, times 1000
Anyways. I got annoyed when I saw an answer on the same level of callousness as this being upvoted on a Stackexchange site
Lord knows what the staff would think about it, or what image of the company that would present
@Telkitty why the image is so tiny? We can hardly see anything... :(
@TimPost hey what brought you down here, year and half after your last message?
@Telkitty think I've been there!
@ShadowWizard I'm in here when I remember to stop by and have a bit of time, just to see what folks are talking about. Just happens that I have some time to actually type stuff today.
@ShadowWizard also, probably to find his lost key again..
@TimPost so you have time once in 16 months.... man I don't envy you. :)
(this also explains why you almost never reply to comments.)
So let's distract @TimPost from his hard work.... how you doing? Tim
(besides work, that is)
@ShadowWizard My inbox can get rather difficult to keep up with. I also don't reply if I don't have anything new yet to bring (e.g. a solid idea on when we're going to do something) since over the last two years that's been difficult to nail down with everything going on.
I just got a promo email that I don't remember subscribing to, and instead of having "unsubscribe" link, it got "add us to your address book" instead >_>
@Success aka spam
Hey @Jeremy nice new (?) avatar, but why black? Was it transparent originally?
I'm working on a ray tracer. The avatar is currently ugly but will get nicer as I improve my engine. Black is my current test background. :)
@ShadowWizard oh I got that reference
and 'that type'
@Success When sales people knock on my door, I answer in my bath robe and scream "HI I'D LIKE TO ADD YOU TO MY PROFESSIONAL NETWORK ON LINKEDIN"
@Snails hey, welcome to the Tavern! ;)
@JeremyBanks ohh, nice!
@TimPost growling at them works too. Biting them apparently is impolite.
@TimPost how they respond?
@TimPost since you're free, do you want to lose some faith in the people of SE?
@Magisch he's probably lost it already.
Nah he lost only his keys.
@ShadowWizard with great joy. And terror.
@ShadowWizard maybe his faith in the people of SE is on his keyring.
@JourneymanGeek the joy of seeing Tim in his bath robe?
That's the terror.
They feel joy that someone opened the door. And it isn't someone inviting them for a cup of tea and religious discourse.
Found it!
ha ha
@Magisch Did we break something?
@TimPost Nah just a redpill answer that got ridiculously upvoted on HNQ
@TimPost read at your own peril and despair: interpersonal.stackexchange.com/a/6049
You'd think you're on the dark side of reddit when you see something like this heavily upvoted
@Magisch I saw that, disgusting.
We're talking to the site mods about it; that particular topic space is pretty fertile ground for that kind of thing unfortunately.
(or, well, more so than other topics)
@TimPost The user has other answers in that vein
And it's one of the very top users of the site
@Magisch sadly, its really hard to go "You're bad, and you should feel bad" to a user, no matter how much they deserve it.
I mean, we see it less on techie sites (or at the very least we don't have to ask ourselves "should we whack em?")
@Magisch I'm looking at it and talking with the site mods. It can be a little tricky to imply intent in the context of enforcing the be nice policy when things are a bit subtle, but I'm looking at it with them to see what other tools the community might need.
I mean yeah
@TimPost I don't think IPS was what they had in mind, back in the day
just grumpy programmers ;p
The question is are we supposed to deal with outright sexism with downvotes or is that alone enough for deletion
(FWIW, I quit Reddit and requested deletion due to that pervasive, subtle but ever present stink)
@Magisch downvotes is totally a start
@TimPost I thought I was safe from it on SE
and something anyone with (enough) reputation should do
Which is why I was more then a little disappointed when I saw that sitting at +57
@Magisch Well, for the most part, everyone is. It's hard to sneak that crap into a purely (or mostly) objective topic space, it sticks out very plainly there. But in spaces like IPS, well you have many more corners for dark stuff to lurk, so it's a question of what additional tools (if any) the community might need to keep everything bright.
It could be that we need a setting to not grant the association bonus on some sites (just thinking out loud here), but i have to spend a lot more time looking at it, where the votes came from, patterns, etc.
(also, is it just me, or do I see a lot of IPS regulars I don't recognise elsewhere?)
alternative: lower the downvote privilege on IPS ._.
@TimPost that would get slightly tricky
@Success That's also very much on the table, but I have to look into it quite a bit more.
@Success or increase rep for voting, but at that point you're basically setting rules per site, and that gets messy fast?
@JourneymanGeek It does.
You have one that doesn't work anything like the rest, so we'd have to deal with that in just-in-time fashion first.
@TimPost I read through some of that user's other answers and I wanted to stop reading and go shower 2 answers in
Don't forget, you have... roughly a dozen sites a CM, even if some of the older ones only really need intervention when things get bad.
@Magisch which comes down to "How do you draw that line, and make sure users are aware"
I'm sorry but I can't get behind why this user is one of the top users of the site with this kind of attitude. it makes me question why I'm even on IPS.se to begin with and if it might be negative for me to be associated with that
Yeah... I think I can see IPS as the new NotProgrammingRelated.SE for Workplace.SE (or... NotWorkplaceRelated.SE)
huh, I think I have mentioned this before...
I never saw anything like that before on SE
@Success I have a odd view on IPS
I kinda like the mods. THey're doing their best.
But.... Its kinda of a somewhat oddball site in terms of its denizens
@Magisch .... I mainly go on IPS due to HNQs or people mentioning stuff on meta. I actually have more meta answers than main site ones there.
Like what the **** is this:
> Second, this person's worldview involves sharply defined group identities which they use as labels to define the people they encounter. Yes, this means this person is a racist, sexist, hypocrite and whatnot, but most importantly this means they think in rigid social classes, not individuals. And this pretty much wraps up the diagnostic: Marxist Social Justice Warrior Threat Detected, Humiliate With Extreme Prejudice.
And why is that visible on a SE site
probably need to really enforce "back it up" rule to prevent answers from pure opinion. otherwise, it becomes health.se...
Since when has IPS degenerated into a reddit flamewar
@Magisch flaaaaaag
heh, we could probably start flagging ring here and be suspended
@JourneymanGeek Should I just start using all my daily flags on this degenerate stuff on IPS or what
@Magisch yes.
Well that's pretty much textbook suspension material
That site gives me gas.
but I agree it's hard when the answer is mixed with probably-useful and blatantly-bad
@TimPost I'm really disappointed
All of this is upvoted
@TimPost yanno, there's these little pills for that...
Does wonders for my dog.
definitely not red pill
I'm not a feminist or sensible by any stretch but damn
"or sensible" .... yanno, there is such a thing as "too easy"
sensible in the sense of offended by a lot of stuff
You mean sensitive
What I'm trying to say is that I'm hard to piss off but this does manage to
Yeah, my english isn't the best
> Well, a simple way to get there is to murder all the poor, the angry, the violent, everyone with IQ below say 130, etc, and after a short period of inconvenience, your definition of a utopia should apply.
> The best utopias are opt-in only. That avoids the "getting rid of everyone who disagrees" phase...
apparently it works on WorldBuilding.SE, but not IPS.SE
^ one of his answer on WB.SE
contemplates changing a user's display name to "you insensitive clod"
> If she gives you a fifteen minute lecture about how sexist flowers are, then also excellent! She's a feminist. Lecturing other people about how sexist they are... it's her favorite hobby! Nothing wrong in providing her with an excuse to feel good...
No no....
Real mature there buddy
@TimPost that implies other people are... ;p
Had to be edited out by a mod and a discussion about censorship ensued
@Magisch Its sooooo tempting sometimes.
I almost changed a user's name to TOWMN because he kept changing his name
Then I realised it was more fun to just call him @TOWMN without doing it.
(Why abuse your powers, when you can mess with people legally? ;p)
real talk, I dont find this funny
I had high hopes for IPS.se
@Magisch I guess the question I'd ask myself is "What would a good IPS question look like?"
it feels like its a mix of stuff that's "use common sense" and the occational strange thing.
Like that swimming pool question...
Should I just go ahead and go on a flagging spree then
Or open another meta question to sink the boot in
Bit of both?
I've traditionally used meta on SU to try to shape policy
Not so much that I'm a mod, kinda ironically
If we murder everyone with IQ < 130, we'll have to recalculate the IQ scale afterwards and repeat. Heads fall, everyone dies.
@JohnDvorak excellent, then there's no one left.
> In this case, whether her speech produces a positive outcome for the minority it's supposed to support is irrelevant. The purpose of the speech is to persuade others and herself that she really is a Good Person, claim the moral high ground, and thus acquire more power and status. I will elaborate more on this one because it's the one you really want to avoid, so keep your eyes open.
Gems of insight
better close all the IPS tabs for your mental health concern...
@Magisch Hey, some politicians really are do-gooders... but I certainly get the sense that many of them are power-hungry sociopaths. :|
> Remember, if it's a feminist speech, the feminists will accuse it of not being feminist enough, and if it's trans-positive it will piss off the TERFs, if it's not radical enough it will piss off the radicals, if it's too radical then the normals who do the actual work will conclude that the company smells too much of SJWism and polish their curriculums, and if she forgets to mention the trans disabled people of color, someone will inevitably call her a nazi at some point. The fun never ends.
The fun indeed never ends, hateful and scathing person with the 24th highest rep on the site(!)
Is this stackexchange or voat, because even reddit would have banned this person by now
@Jeremy you still doesn't exist
@JeremyBanks let me guess, a sock for testing?
without any context, I don't know that I have any problem with these excerpts
> I have devised a truly marvelous block of code, which this profile is ... <script type="module" data-info="https://stackoverflow.com/a/43834063">
Yup, that's Jeremy
He talks! :D
Those dog names are disturbing.
I may do a lot more talking here soon.
@Jeremy bring it on!
@canon woof?
@canon without any context, I don't know that I have any problem with this excerpt ;)
@ShadowWizard Yes.
"Hate" as in "not enough love for my preferred ideology".
@jadarnel27 oh hey! How is jadarnel28?
@Desire Do you think the answer I quoted to be okay?
@JohnDvorak IQ isn't fixed?
@Magisch link the whole thing, please. I must have missed it.
Today in Ranking People (a recommendation letter template):
Outstanding: Top 10%
Above Average: Next 20%
Average: Next 20%
Below Average: Lower 50%
So one has to be in the top 30% to be above average...
percentage of what, exactly?
@Magisch @TimPost @JourneymanGeek I appreciate the discussion about IPS. It's something that we're struggling with and if the site is going to function, we need to know how to address the content... that said, I need to see flags on shit if I'm going to do anything about it. Yes, we should be reviewing every single post that user makes... but until @Magisch's meta, there wasn't a single flag on that... so we've got a deeper problem than just a crappy answer getting lots of upvotes.
@Catija watching out for a user... dosen't scale
it really isn't practical when you get ... more bad apples. There really has to be users going "dude, uncool" and flagging those things
But it's somewhat naive to assume that the people on reddit, 4chan, twitter aren't also here... they're just hiding because there's very few places to show off their colors. IPS is one of those places and we need help determining how to react to them coming out of the dark.
Well, broader policy and user engagement over "being a beat cop"
I think @Magisch's post on your meta's probably a lot more useful over the longer run than the flag (which was needed!)
I have a hard time not reading that site's name as Interplanetary Skills every time.
@JourneymanGeek But that answer had been festering on the site for two days.
@Catija true, but... people are like "Should we be shutting him down? What's the ground rules"
Mods can't read all the answers (especially on sites where good answers are longer. Even then, I probably don't see 99% of the content on SU( . Users can.
Not saying the flag wasn't needed, but the meta post was essential
(posted on IPS meta. Again ._.)
Huh? @JeremyBanks what happened to your diamond?? Pretty sure you used to have one here and on SO.... :/
@ShadowWizard Shhhhh
Is he... le... leav... leaving SE?
Hope it's just another test!
His sock does not appear to exist on Meta.SE anymore either.
@Mithrandir yeah that's obviously some test he performed
(a while ago)
Today was a rough day for us - you'll notice that some folks no longer have diamonds. We had to make some tough decisions and cuts in order to continue to advance toward some pretty critical business goals. While we're usually very open and public about our operations, please allow some privacy for folks that have been affected; the biggest thing for anyone to take away from realizing what happened is that we're taking exceptional care of the folks that had to leave us [1/2]
... and we'll make sure that they land on their feet. [2/2]
Beyond that, we're not really in a position to talk about it.
I blame the UI/UX team sucking up funds.
Well, you can't really stop me from blaming them, unjustified. :P
Plenty of other things to blame them for, no reason to stick 'em with this
@canon That gets 'em off too easily.
I think the design team has particularly good ROI.
Much worse travesties to blame on them.
Like all the top bars?
Challenger disaster.
UX people are terrible at picking o-rings
(also, so anyone I know who's got caught up in this. Good luck, and may you land on your feet!)
@JourneymanGeek Why yes, I think I will go to a bar. Good suggestion!
To be fair, based on some of their decisions, they probably weren't alive for Challenger.
@TimPost I am told that's a normal reaction.
Granted, when it happened at dneg... I think the bar vaguely came to us, but I think SE's in better shape then we were ;p
er. You never had one ;p
... you don't know me.
@ShadowWizard Still baking! December approaches quickly though.
hm. Feature not Bug
oh, yeah... PA dickerdoodles are right around the corner
I always forget about that until it's too late to participate
they're still doing that?
I don't know. I guess we'll see.
The design team is great and nothing is particularly their fault.
oh hey, it's Jeremy!
@JeremyBanks I'll remember your position when the reformation comes knocking. :disarming emoticon:
Reasons to be sad in The Tavern today #391: Jeremy's plan for a chat API won't see fruition.
I heard we're just moving to discord
you're going to kill Smokey
@canon Funny thing is... SE chat's both the thing I hated the most when I was a newbie, and the thing I can't live without after a few years ;p
also, has ruined IRC for me
@Andy :/

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