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New build! pcpartpicker.com/p/6pRtrH (cc @Braiam)
@ProgramFOX @Unihedron @hichris New DevDoodle pull request, please review.
Heh, github stats make it look like I actually do things.
teach GH to ignore whitespace changes
I think I just wrongfully accepted this edit. Someone wanna double check me? On second take I'm not sure that tag makes any sense on that question..
@ɥʇǝS looking at other questions, it is used to discuss about the posts. But that post doesn't seem related to any post.. that's why I see
@Andy Why spam? The Q is "how to turn this csv into ldif" and the A gives a pointer. Yes, both should be deleted... but spam?
@AndrewT. yes, I took a double take and was like "wait whaaa?"
@Rafflesiaarnoldii It's a free trial to an expensive product
Yes. People post such things trying to be helpful.
Usually not brand new users when their only two posts mention the same product though
this has nothing to do with the question asked ^
Ok, that's convincing.
wow, that was old
youtube.com/watch?v=7VtG3UJGm20#t=268 Evolution of the marquee…
Why did math.se just hiccup?
Or at least I wasn't looking at that moment.
^ Today's xkcd is Tavern-themed.
And the one before.
@hichris123 true
Why is this a true positive?
@Rafflesiaarnoldii it's quality is low
*it.. ehem, that single quote is unnecessary
hichris told me a few hours ago the filter is meant for spam, not LQ.
is it? hmm
I send him boolean pings, he checks it. His bot doesn't accept any commands. He deals with the pings :D
@hichris123 gone
Yay, school delayed by 2 hours tomorrow.
@Rafflesiaarnoldii gone
@bjb568 Because of 2-3 inches of snow? Midwesterners :/
I'm from California. I think snow is fun. I don't get what the school canceling is about.
Put on coats, idiots.
BTW, I just got a new one and it feel warmy and gewdy.
Some new warm material or something.
No, the best soulution is to make it clear to polticians that all country borders need to be redrawn in rectangles. — balpha ♦ Apr 13 '10 at 18:33
@bjb568 Nope, now people are confused and nobody knows what's going on…
Is it the buses that are delayed? Is it the school? Is it just middle/elementary?
I hate school management.
Is there any reason why the Close queue does not allow us to downvote the question? So many questions are closed without a single downvote... allowing a stray upvote to keep them on the site forever.
@Rafflesiaarnoldii No reason.
Found the reason:
> I often pick my teeth while driving, but I don't need a steering wheel with a built-in toothpick.
At least this is how Shog9 tried to explain this.
He's disclosing affiliation, and not selling anything.
@Rafflesiaarnoldii Not satisfied.
VLQ, not spam. (IMO)
Wow; I just got back from a 3 day trip that felt like I was gone for a year.
@JasonC we missed you too
What unicode character should I use for undelete? (the opposite of ✕)
@JasonC Yay, you're back!
@DroidDev Somehow, I escaped shame, lol. For reasons I do not understand, not only did everything go well, we actually managed to finish a day early.
@JasonC That's great! It was a good idea not to outsource it then...
@DroidDev Lol
@bjb568 ☠ is kind of like a zombie. Like, The Undeleted.
People really kind of stretch it with "emoticons" sometimes...
Replace x with backward arrow, meaning undo. And hovertext.
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 68.8156: Which way is best to maintain your perfect body shape on drupal.stackexchange.com
(¬º-°)¬ Night of the Living Deleted (¬º-°)¬
Q: Which StackExchange site is for asking about AutoCAD?

Raihan KhalilI want to ask question about AutoCAD. For this in which stack exchange site should I ask?

@hichris123 true
Does it work on him
Guess not
38 mins ago, by Infinite Recursion
I send him boolean pings, he checks it. His bot doesn't accept any commands. He deals with the pings :D
Drupal spam gone.
Codepen is down.
DevDoodle is on fire.
Aw man, it was funnier when it was implied. Then you had to go and explain it.
@JasonC hey, you are back :D
@cVplZ ur pantz r on fiar
wtf?16 suggested edits on meta.so
Aug 5 at 6:25, by Jason C
Are you looking for a fresh start? A new look? Well then look
no further because we have just what you need! Our quality flaming
pants are new, hip, and will always keep you warm. You might think
that a pair of pants this good would be expensive right? WELL YOUR
WRONG! For a limited time only you can get these funky hipsters for
only $399.99! We will even include another AMAZING offer! Now you can
buy 4 get 1 free! All you have to do is e-mail our company at
@cVplZ Looks like pokechu went on a quest to fill in empty tag wikis
The madness this morning, I think it's being fixed by Jason coming back.
@bjb568 I would give some credit to Bart too, for fixing it.
Ah, he was good too.
Not that I would attribute it to that message.
I don't understand.
@JasonC What you missed: bjb's school had snow day, and Tavern filled with CV requests.
Transcript would require reading and comprehension. I'm at 50% reading and 0% comprehension right now. But I'm covered in cats at least.
@JasonC People were getting all fussy about everything and somebody kicked a poor old kitten.
You had a snow day
And you didn't spend it playing in the snow?
Are you insane?
I spent a little of it.
That was on the way to the apple store…
^ Irrelevant
^ Aliens
Another one! Another one!
If this is real money being paid, that is great deal. Way over-valued at 20 cents per reputation point. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/277069/…
Haha, gotcha. Somebody starred and quickly unstarred my message.
Thought I'd take some time to neutralize my bad mood from school :/
@bjb568 It will be scarred forever.
PS That was me lol
Scars fade.
@JasonC lel
Seeing as the flaggers are out, I'l join.
Not this time buddy
@bjb568 Don't quit your day job.
Rafflesiaarnoldii loves numbers, keep posting weird numbers :D
.yllunam sdrawkcab siht depyt I
why did you type manually?
Nov 12 at 3:54, by Shog9
If there's one thing I hate, it's Unicode
Manully. Adv: Resembling a manul.
(nothing of importance)
@InfiniteRecursion it's so much better than animated gifs though
Uuh, totes.
@cVplZ I agree...animated gifs are the worst
@InfiniteRecursion do you like my new display pic?
@InfiniteRecursion like the one with fox in it, right?
@cVplZ I do!
^ Vs. Wolf
What? It's great.
Besides, I've already associated it with my impression of him.
YAY! coffee is here. Day can't be better at office, with earphones plugged-in and sipping coffee. :D
He changes avatars every now and then, how do you associate it with your impression of him?
Do you think I should write a client-side version of my markdown function that uses DOM instead of string manipulation? Or would that be pointless and a waste of time?
@InfiniteRecursion IDK
@DroidDev prefers milk
@bjb568 sadly, no milk at office :(
Awww… What do the office kittens drink?
@bjb568 blood
@bjb568 ^
@DroidDev 1 coffee for me
I saw some crazy ones of those on a web site, hold on
starts waiting for @JasonC's next message
Image not found
@JasonC I like that cup more :/
@SilentKiller get away from your firewall :P
That's "Nyanko sensei"!
@JasonC thank god this is not blocked here.
@bjb568 ya, cats can do those things....oh...wait..... :P
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Skin Care for allzz by in sion on meta.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 70.4658: Skin Care for allzz on meta.stackexchange.com
@hichris123 true
@hichris123 Beaten!
@SmokeDetector tpu
@InfiniteRecursion Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad' and blacklisted user.
Thats retarded
@SmokeDetector true
@cVplZ Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@JasonC true
@InfiniteRecursion oh woops, didn't know that tpu did both user and title
Nov 13 at 16:03, by ProgramFOX
@InfiniteRecursion If it's clearly spam, then yes, because using tpu means that you blacklist the user so we will always get an alert for one of their posts, which is what we want for a spammer.
@bjb568 Registered as truly retarded: added description to Bayesian doctype 'retarded'
But a spammer on Meta is guaranteed to be destroyed within a short period of time, so adding them to database is useless.
This one is already destroyed, actually.
Yeah I always wondered that
How often has a blacklisted spammer actually been able to post a second message
Those accounts are usually gone right quick
BTW, the DevDoodle pull req is still there…
And it's not even in their own interest to tie more than one post to the same account. It just makes it easier to detect and destroy the whole set of posts.
Approve/reject while I sleep.
This state of a question... is just stupid. Closed as "too localized", ~2000 views, no information whatsoever. Nothing but waste of time and damage to SO brand.
Someone downvote it plz, to put it out of misery. (out of votes)
Oh my goodness :) You make me think of my favorite author, Victor Hugo. Did you know that he and Dickens both got paid by the word? That would probably explain why an unabridged, hardcover edition of Les Miserables weighs more than my first car. You could just say it probably doesn't make all that much difference whether or not you boil the water before you add the rice. +1 just for making me laugh. — Jolenealaska 3 hours ago
@hichris123 I begin to doubt that your filter indeed targets spam and not LQ.
8 hours ago, by hichris123
All I'm looking for is questions that aren't spam. My bot isn't designed to look for LQ questions.
Not sure it's salvageable, though... at least that is beyond me.
beyond my understanding as well
Bart is good a good editor :D
This looks like a perfect candidate for now-defunct "minimal understanding" reason. "Compare images in a folder with images on the website"...
OP didn't mention any language
@InfiniteRecursion unclear
iMacros is a browser scripting thing. So perhaps the idea is to (ab)use Google search by Image.
@DroidDev it doesn't look unclear
@InfiniteRecursion And then start a if then else condition. So when the he found the Image in the folder and its matches, the do this else do this.
@AndrewT. You think the question can be saved with the edit? Well, at least its life is extended by 9 days now.
@Rafflesiaarnoldii not really, it's just my fingers were itching.
@DroidDev The conditional statements are left unspecified, since they are not a part of the problem. The question is how to loop through the files in a folder with those iMacros and send them to Google Image search. Who knows, maybe it's doable until Google IP-blocks. Anyway, it's getting late and I'm out of votes, so...
@Rafflesiaarnoldii ok, got your point. :)
@Rafflesiaarnoldii Night
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title: Is getmeawine.com a well known company? by GwethanaWyeth on math.stackexchange.com
flajjed'em both
seems tavern is sleepy, let me try to get help from somewhere else
needz more
user image
@ShadowWizard YAY! both gone :D
yeah, but everyone here are still asleep ):
@ShadowWizard well....don't know what's the matter. Have they planned some secret party somewhere, while we were away in Den? :/
@ShadowWizard well....@SPArchaeologist will be very happy with that and I am sure, he won't forget to let us know about reforming process that is getting success :D
@DroidDev hmm... let me see. Probably @Sil was invited by @Inf and he invited @Jas as well. @Bart saw the party and couldn't resist joining, until @Frank came over and crashed it. @Jan then came by and cleaned up all the mess.
@ShadowWizard whatever, we two are the ones who they left behind. :/
feeling left out
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 86.4381: David also supporting that body building on drupal.stackexchange.com
thank god, somebody is here, but, why it didn't catch those spams? :/
@DroidDev it's a bot, lol
no account on drupal, no intention of creating one either
@hichris123 just let it use his real account
@hichris123 David wants to be like Goliath
@ShadowWizard ya, I think, it didn't catch those spams out of revenge, that everybody left it here, while leaving for that secret party
*lurk again*
@DroidDev actually MSE does not appear in the real time feed that's why spam in MSE is never reported by the bots
@ShadowWizard weird :/
@DroidDev not really, MSE isn't really a site when you think of it
It's the feedback/support site
@ShadowWizard it has its own URL
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: WHAT MANGA IS THIS PICTURE FROM? by Lucy on anime.stackexchange.com
^ err...
@hichris123 fp
@ShadowWizard ... did I miss something?
How did you find out about our party? o_O
@ShadowWizard ... did I miss something?
@inf i didn't disclose anything.
@DroidDev snitched, @Inf /cc @Sil ;)
@ShadowWizard they left me out, I am veryyyyyyy angry right now.
@DroidDev angry bird
Hmmm, the only relevant posts on the starboard are from @JasonC ?
With blood being the most interesting one...
@rene Uni was having a bad day at school ...the other stars were to cheer him up
@SilentKiller those are not angry. Not even one of them :P
they were missing you in party ;)
@DroidDev it was a non-den'ers party...
@InfiniteRecursion but.....why.....we are not that bad
and you invited @Sil too
@DroidDev ...I had to invite him...else he might kill us. Never mess with a killer...
should I feel sad or should cheer ? i am tooooo innocent
@InfiniteRecursion starts crying like a baby and also starts hitting floor with his hands
you lied
@DroidDev see that ants got killed by your hand smash. :P ;)
starts throwing random things at @SilentKiller
hides behind #inf
starts throwing random things towards @Inf so that she gets away and things might hit @Sil
~barks even louder
slaps the barking thing :P
@Unihedron are you OK now after your bad school day....
Tnx @InfiniteRecursion for bringing me up to speed....
~@Droid are you wokey ?
@rene I will go back and enjoy the party...the others are still there. I don't want to miss the fun :P
starts throwing sharp objects at @SilentKiller
~cries louder
following inf
pulls @Sil back
run faster
holds tighter
~sniffs, then proceeds to follow #Inf's scent, carefully avoiding Sil and Dro
pulls him back with other hand
@rene I want to burn my school. Oh well, I'll feel better soon.
@Unihedron I can help you with that :D
me and vogel tide droid with rope and left to join party ;)
feels sad, picks-up the bottle of tequila and starts drinking
you want some @ShadowWizard ^ ?
Phew ... that was quite the party.
Time for coffee.
leaves for lunch
@Bart cheers (lifts his mug)
@DroidDev cya
@DroidDev sure thing! :D
@SmokeDetector fpu
@InfiniteRecursion Registered as false positive, added title to Bayesian doctype 'good', whitelisted user.
Meh, I miss Gnome/Dwarf/SometingSlice's "listening"s
@ShadowWizard based on what @InfiniteRecursion thinks, that should be a photo of me sleeping on my cloud?
@DwarfSlice looks like @Bart is missing your "listening"s :D
@SPArchaeologist true!
@SPArchaeologist Exactly what I thought when I saw the gif, it's you sleeping on your cloud
@Uni rules the star wall today :D
@Bart me too... for now I just go on youtube search and type "music mix" and randomly choose one and hope for the best.
@InfiniteRecursion You could follow your instinct, star that Derpy gif and break @Uni supremacy. You know you want to.
@Unihedron inspire SomethingSlice to share listenings again...
@InfiniteRecursion they do ping me with some new tracks every now and then, which is great
@Unihedron good for you
@Unihedron when you will randomly chose a remix by Owl, Mando, Acustic or anyone related, know I will be there, hidden behind the door laughing
@InfiniteRecursion question is containing answer.
while that answer should be in comment
thanks, I will fix it
@inf answer by community ?
@SilentKiller Yes, because it's not my content. The OP is the author of the answer, so I posted it as a CW.
first time noticed community wiki checkbox
wants points, so doesn't use CW often
rewrote, requesting opinions again: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/276975/1803692
I use it frequently, because a lot of users append their answers to their questions, and I don't have time to follow up with them and request them to post it as an answer.
rep rep rep.. there are more then enough rep-whores on SO.
@SilentKiller ... Hey, I do need more points to unlock 10k tools.
Plus, I stopped answering (most) LQ answers since I discovered Meta, so you can't blame me. ;)
@Unihedron you're not on that list. :P
am not blaming you. :P * new char(50)
Nov 13 at 10:14, by Jan Dvorak
another one: http://stackoverflow.com/users/3622940/unihedron
Nov 13 at 10:14, by Unihedron
@JanDvorak only 162 answers, not sure if it makes a good dupe farm mine :P
@InfiniteRecursion for me he is not. :P
btw @uni you should dv someone then your rep will be 5555
Meh, not downvote hour yet...
A: Is it worth learning C# or Java in 2010

irreputableif you plan to become a freelance web developer, your best chance is PHP.

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