@AmalMurali OK, I know that backtick-quoting not meant to be used for highlighting/emphasizing parts of text, but there are tons of Qs & Ans which have used to highlighting/emphasizing parts of text using backtick-quoting, after all Thanks for your review — Super User2 mins ago
Please take a look at this user's review history. He's been on an edit crusade, adding backticks around things that aren't code.
@SuperUser: you're the one not being civil here. You've already been asked not to highlight plain English with code formatting. Please stop that. Your edits that fix formatting and put code in code blocks etc. are welcome, but not the ones like this here. — Mat54 mins ago
@Mat Sorry Man! I became frustrated, I agree I became uncivil sorry for that, but please say to Pekka웃 must be civil as well, again I'm Sorry for my fool. — Super User50 mins ago
I have a suggestion for all StackExchange websites.
I just want to say it's better to have a live counting on question viewed times number on the question pages sidebar.
So there is no need to refresh the page to see the question viewed times.
I used to have hundreds of pending flag reviews, but just today I see that it has gone down to a staggering two!:
Is this a bug in the system or has there been a major change? What happened to all the posts?
The 10K tools are pretty cool... You get a birds-eye view of activity on the site, a "dashboard" view of what's happening. Some of the individual tools haven't scaled particularly well with Stack Overflow's growth, but the concept behind them is still sound: we trust you to enough to be a bee wat...
@Oded Ohh, sunday! Sorry! Anyway, did you have a look in pasting image into the image upload dialog in Chrome 35? I'm using it a lot and would be really sad to see it broken when 35 will become stable. ;-(
I did look. The solution that SnailBoat gave is too simplistic. If used, it would suggest on Opera and FF that paste was supported when it wouldn't be. And to support paste on both is non-trivial.
Frankly, that Chrome just changes the API in a breaking way is the problem.
@ShadowWizard that would be standard operation... Perhaps open a bug with Chrome to provide a backwards compatible change... I tried to play around a bit to see if there is anything simple to show if how we handle paste is supported on the browser, but nothing jumped out.
@TGMCians There's no flag for "link-only-answer". It would have to be flagged as not-an-answer. As I recall from Shog's post about link answers this would actually be an answer since this is what the OP asked.
I think we can all agree, this sucks:
If you've been around a little while, you've probably encountered hundreds of answers like this in various forums, some of them even marked as "The Answer" by well-meaning1 forum admins looking to close a thread. We could try to enumerate the commonly-obse...
@rene There's PendingFlags.PostId and Posts.Id where several PendingFlags.PostId have a same value for a unique question (Posts.Id). I don't how to do may LEFT OUTER JOIN in that case (since a question may also have no pending flags).
I'm glad you asked this... There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding how much stuff gets deleted, and who is responsible - so I'm going to provide a bit more information than what you asked for, in hopes of clearing this up.
Questions deleted during the past 365 days on Stack Overflow
@user2284570 yes, you get one row for the post, zero or one row for the user and zero to m rows for pndingFlags. due to the grouping you count the number of pending flags.
@LaszloPapp Mister I deleted my question as I realized it was a little bit blurry and it was my first question here so if you have positive comment or you can ignore me thx ! — user355420346 secs ago
@rene *IIF(Posts.OwnerUserId IS NULL,NULL,'site://users/' + CONVERT(varchar,Posts.OwnerUserId) + '|' + Posts.OwnerDisplayName) as [Asked by]*. Don't work at all. Try to run the query : There many user rows with reputations but without the user name.
Database is were questions are stored. You can see many questions on Stack Overflow have capital letters in the title.
@JanDvorak The aim of the query is to help searching. Anyway the percentage of false positive should be around 20%. Machines are not like humans : you need to carefully read questions to check if they are suitable on stackoverflow.
My real Romanian name is: Ionică Bizău. You can see ă letter that is very close to a (in both: writing and pronouncing).
After setting my username as Ionică Bizău the link to my profile became:
I know that if I write
@user2284570 to reduce the number of rows based on a value in the primary key so it won't timeout and I won't have to wait over a minute to get a result...but I see you have a resukt now that satifies your goal...
Hey friends .......I am here to find a solution to my problem..and i was expecting help from you senior guys.....not vote down...... — Gurpreet singh44 mins ago
is there a way to filter tag edits? Those are usually not as crappy as the rest... so I would help with that, but I will not help with the usual queue.
There are many questions which ask for software recommendations; are too broad; or at least opinion based.
Everyone who wants to participate : there are far more questions to close than people who will ever read this post.
That said, keep in mind that my knowledge in SQL is very basic. Some quest...