@PM2Ring ah oops! Looks like it was just the draft, and we can't have the body as query string parameter. Will delete this answer. — Shadow Wizard Love Zelda20 secs ago
May I again inquire how long this question will remain featured? It just accumulates more and more downvotes, the 40 answers have said everything that can be said and the information content isn't so huge that people haven't had time to really digest it. — NoDataDumpNoContribution1 min ago
no, no. keep it up and let it attract more downvotes :)
On Meta’s questions page there is a count of the number of questions. ATM, I see “99,958 questions” (closing in on one-hundred-thousand). Do those users with the 10k privilege to see deleted questions see the same count?
The video itself is ok, but there are some great examples from various language families in the vast comment thread. And the comments are mostly quite civil and intelligent. I figured it might be of interest to some of the regulars in this room, since many people here speak (or at least read & write) multiple languages.
I only speak English. But I studied French in highschool, many decades ago, and can mostly read it ok. But I've studied linguistics, and can recognise a lot of languages when spoken or written. I recently discovered Dave Huxtable, a linguist, polyglot, and accent expert. youtube.com/@DaveHuxtableLanguages And Geoff Lindsey youtube.com/@drgeofflindsey
@ElementsInSpace enough to go to the last, which is page 2000, and with 50 per page, and 8 questions in that last page, you reach indeed 99,958 questions.
That's what mods see as well, I think? They have to go to different list to see the deleted questions as well.
My favourite song about crows is The Twa Corbies. If you're not Scottish, it might be a wee bit hard to understand. ;) But there's a brief translation at the end.