@michaelmrozek It could also be that the asker doesn't understand the SO view on questions as content. Not that the rude answer helped any if that is the case.
I also get the sneaking suspicion (although he didn't actually admit it) that waffles is deleting the synonym when it gets activated... So it's possible that's confusing our Dimitre as well...
Eh, @waffles? You messin' with this poor guy's head?
I am back again - after all my posts (mainly about how to opmitize C code) have been erased without mercy (nor any warning).
That's now the third time it happens.
My sin?
Having discussed Web application tools that outdo MICROSOFT products by orders of magnitude.
My questions:
How many amon...
causing a shit storm is not something that helps anyone... I think he is trying to plug his product .. there are tons of newsgroups and forums he can do it ... just go there
@spoulson, or his own business strategy for that matter - pissing off the SO community is not the best way to get new customers...
I really think we could do with a 'debriefing' chat room, where people like this get 'invited' in for some kind of dialogue. (I know the most recent attempt didn't work, but hey...)
@waffles @waffles, yeah, but that's not the reason his posts get flagged? I mean, I don't imagine that the gwan thing is even on MSs radar, let alone someone from MS phoning up Jeff and saying "swat that thing"
Anyone know what the exact deal is currently re VS2010 licences and TFS? Am I correct in my current understanding that if you have any license with MSDN, you get TFS too?
That's a good tactic. Would it be okay to ask a question on chat about why Ubuntu is better than Linux? Would it be okay to ask a question on chat about why programmers are mostly male. I'm not asking, I'm just asking if I can ask.
We've really got a problem with this room thing... Chat feedback is really like the kitchen, we just can't help drifting back again... (trying to find out what 'Mom' is cooking)
Why is my account
- http://meta.stackoverflow.com/users/138194/vgv8
closed in MSo only?
IMHO there is more sense of closing account in SO but opening in MSO for clarifications of the reasons of closing
It is not question, it is comment
Actually, I think the IP ban is ridiculous in the first place. Maybe it's just my technical ignorance, but I work in an office, and I believe that the IP is the same for everyone on my floor.
@Benjol, and he doesn't have the reputation necessary.
The Problem
The "Object expected"/"Object required" error message in Internet Explorer is rather vague, but it's usually triggered when you are trying to access an attribute of an element which is undefined.
In your case, the undefined element you are probably trying to access is most probably ...
Is there any Standard for F5 and Ctrl+F5 action in browser?
I once did experiment in IE6 and Firefox 2.x. The "F5" will trigger HTTP request sent to server end with "If-Modified-Since" header, while "Ctrl+F5" doesn't have such header. In my understanding, F5 will try to utilize cached content as...
@NickCraver That's false, migrating should be done in the same manner as closing. Mostly because the people who are voting aren't necessarily a good measure of what's appropriate so much as what's fun.
@NickCraver Migration is different from deletion. Deletion is saying "this shouldn't have happened at all" Migration is saying "this shouldn't have happened here "
also true, but the site it belongs on lost a possibly great resource either way, incorrect migrations are the problem area imo
doesn't being highly voted mean at least some portion of the community wanted it there?....i'm saying the reasoning behind the delete vote count changes isn't all that different
@NickCraver The plurality is considered the "correct" close reason. If there is a tie, the earliest vote (in one of the tieing categories) is considered the "correct" close reason.
You're looking at the extreme fringe though. The vast bulk of these questions need to be migrated quickly, and making the requirements more stringent hurts that.
Remember what it was like before we could migrate questions?
true, what if there was the ability to vote to un-migrate then, which took more than 5 votes, so the community could fix it
also those questions largely didn't have the number of votes this does...which goes back to scaling it, not just saying it needs more than 5, only if it's highly voted would it need that
@NickCraver There's a little twist to that: if a question garners some attention at its destination, then "unmigrating" it ends up deleting valid answers there
@devinb Well, you're being facetious, but there's something to that: if he was going to edit it, given that there was some discussion here about whether it belonged, he would have been wise to re-work it a bit to be more obviously web-dev oriented.
@NickCraver there's a bit of cruft (or there used to be) hanging onto the original, but otherwise nothing interesting - it's just undeleted and unlocked.
Is there any Standard for F5 and Ctrl+F5 action in browser?
I once did experiment in IE6 and Firefox 2.x. The "F5" will trigger HTTP request sent to server end with "If-Modified-Since" header, while "Ctrl+F5" doesn't have such header. In my understanding, F5 will try to utilize cached content as...
It has happened on occasion, due to the high amount of 10K moderators on SO that questions are migrated to the wrong site, and needs to be reversed. Although currently it is possible to re-open the question on the original site and delete the one on the destination site, it still leave the migrat...
I think that would be an acceptable compromise - keep things in the hands of the moderators to avoid messy bouncing, but make it easier to "undo" migrations when necessary
More importantly, this avoids the worst-case: an off-topic question is asked, it gets two OT votes and three "belongs on" votes, migrated, migration overturned, OT question is now re-opened on the original site, wasting close votes
Why insulting, incorrect and off-topic posts are upvoted and correct ones downvoted?
For ex., my correct information
my account closed in MSO but not in SO is being downvoted
while incorrect and insulting answers are being upvoted?
One upvoted answer contradicts to my post and is being upvoted...
Usually it gets written over the course of a few days.
Then you come back two weeks later to fix a bug. and you say. Who wrote this utter crap. I'm going to find him, and kick him off my team.
You call everyone together and say "Guys, this is EXACTLY the kind of crappy code that caused them to bring me in as team lead in the first place. If you don't start shipping better code, I'm going to have to pitch you all out the window"
i'm going back through now wondering why I chose to fade a page out and check for opacity support....rather than fading an element on top of it in the first place, way cheaper
@Shog9 "why would you knowingly leave a duplicate answer around?" YES. It warms my heart when I see somebody post a duplicate answer on a question and delete it a few seconds later
@MichaelMrozek Yes. But it further chills my already-cold heart to see a user with massive amounts of reputation stand and defend his duplicate answer rather than spending any effort improving it.
@NickCraver I would like to see other migration options, but the current interface isn't going to work if we start letting sites migrate to 20 different targets
Hi, i have a HTML like this. I need to get the selected value's count using the tag. How to do that using jQuery.
<select id="availability1">
<option value="Available">Available</option>
<option selected="selected" value="Scheduled">Scheduled</option>
one issue I have with migrations is you've earned enough rep to have a say in "what doesn't belong here"...but you may not have any clue at all as to "what belongs there "
with these closely-related sites i see that being an issue