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@AndreasmovedtoCodidact dosen't need to be
Its a tribble
the one creature the Klingons fear
11 messages moved to Chimney
@JourneymanGeek But they told me they're lizards.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact that's exactly what a disguised tribble would say
@JourneymanGeek It was the voices surrounding them.
ventroqualist tribbles
only a crazy person would say a hamster tribble hamster was talking to them
I’m not crazy at all.
Just completely insane.
6 hours later…
@KevinB 👀_👀
Well turns out a game I play for couple of years has a huge dungeon I was never aware of. lol
going to beat level 7 of Palace of the Dead
I mean, I knew it exists, but not how vast or important it is.
@starball: Prior to WebSockets, you would be doing this via AJAX, and that would use HTTP headers such as If-None-Match. Unfortunately, it is apparently now necessary to reinvent the HTTP wheel atop WebSockets. — Kevin 1 min ago
I'm too young and stupid to know what the ajax approach would be
dunno the context, but AJAX means sending POST request to the server.
e.g. $.post(url, params);
I assume it would involve each browsing context polling, which would be.... not amazing. though I guess if a websocket connection does hartbeat stuff you could get analogous traffic overheads
And you can of course then parse the response.
@starball yeah it's one-way, you can only send a request from the browser to the server using AJAX, can't "listen" in the other direction with it.
websocket heartbeat, I was under the impression that websocket was an improvement in the context of that comment's context, since it would mean clients don't need to poll / long-poll for updates
Sadly never learned how they worked, but yeah assumed the same, that websockets use "live" connection.
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda yep. that's my understanding. I was trying to learn what all this stuff meant back in... 2020? when I was working on a web game
This might have changed since...
I don't understand the spec-level details of websockets. just that it's some kind of two-way messaging protocol built on top of TCP
I do vaguely recall hearing something about the server push idea dying
But I think the ordinary heartbeat mechanism of SE still use plain old AJAX. (e.g. keeping scores of posts up-to-date without reloading the page when viewing a question)
I simultaneously feel like and don't feel like arguing with that kevin user in the comments.
I'm going to stick with not arguing (which is why I came here to vent)
@starball eh that Kevin user is here, you can ping him. ;)
oh lmao
oh oops maybe not?
Let me see...
huh? no it's a different kevin
yeah at first I thought it was kevin b too
then I noticed the B was missing
lol yeah it's not "our" @Kevin ;)
Wonder how common is that name?
I know e.g. Rob is very common...
and Dan...
man am I annoyed with SEDE captchas.
and yet, I still refuse to sign in to SEDE for no reason
@starball well, if the comments aren't correct and you can prove it, better try and argue, so others won't get confused.
oh wait I forgot to wildcard
35k users on SO with display name starting with "kevin"
more generic query - using it, there are "only" 3k Shadows, and 0 starballs on SO. ;)
Why using a different name on SO? @starball
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda because I got shown a bunch of comments of mine that weren't amazingly kind (some sarcastic, frustrated yelling, etc.), felt scolded (emphasis on "felt"), and then that's just my psychological flight response.
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda on the bright side, now, the rarity of the name "starball" on SO has achieved the unimaginable height of infinity.
I am a legend
I'll change my name back once the system allows. I felt pretty silly for reacting that way a day after I did it
funny because I did the exact same thing before for pretty much the same reason
2 hours later…
@starball well there's a trick to change your name earlier
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard do tell
if you're referring to the trick of changing your name every 5 minutes for the rest of your life, I know about that one.
@starball sign up on a site you didn't before, then change your name and click save for every site
oh nice. TIL
@starball tbh, another way is to ask a mod nicely to do likewise
There's a few instances where a user uh... made a poor decision and it was the easiest way to deal with it
@JourneymanGeek well, I don't really feel like asking an SO mod to do something for me after getting a mod message about my conduct
dosen't need to be on SO :D
you can change my SO username?
I could IIRC do a trivial change to say your SU account and sync it across the network
huh I keep learning things about username changes today
tbh. I don't really mind being "user" on SO right now. I'm taking some time to change my comment-related habits and I feel like it's kind of fitting to have some appearance change with that.
I'm obviously not without your explicit permission
but thanks for the tip / implicit offer
I really gotta sleep now
!!/tea Shadow
!!/coffee Elements
@starball ah, fair.
@starball nah all good!
@starball well we have one here, pretty friendly. Zoe. ;)
@JourneymanGeek ah, does it override like when joining a new community?
that too
but he wouldn't need to join a new community
@JourneymanGeek nice, so a mod can change their name anywhere anytime. Neat. :D
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda lol
throwing chess move on @Pet
My text is stronger than wall!
throws a party popper on @Sha
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda well yes and no
We can change it on our site, propagate it everywhere and deal with the limits elsewhere
@JourneymanGeek so that's a "yes". why "no"?
Its not an anywhere
its a concequence of limited unlimited power
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard you throw me on myself?! :P
@JourneymanGeek head spins
I can't go to say SF and change my name to reginald mcpoopyhead, and then change it back
I can change it on SU and change it EVERYWHERE
@JourneymanGeek exactly. You have the power, just got to use it in a certain way.
Wonder if there's a list of those small mod powers? ;)
ah can check on the phone, I guess
urgh crypto tab only on PC....
Gotta smash all those cryptos by yourself
Wait. whoami
Easter egg?
heh looks like the second part is.
Dec 21, 2015 at 15:49, by SmokeDetector
@Quill-HATMANIAC My id for this room is 266345
It wasn't there originally.
Wonder who added that egg? ;)
LOL that's funny. When someone pings me, I get several ping sounds.
@Pet why/how?
@Pet pong
@Pet another one
lol on chat.SE it's like a machine gun!
I rarely have the sound activated on my PC, usually it's muted.
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda I have several tabs open
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard throw back
@Sha how come you're on my spam folder???
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard I'm spammer
2 hours later…
10 messages moved to Chimney
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda that presumes we know what we're doing
Pets spam
11 messages moved to Chimney
@starball that . . . did not end well for the protagonist
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda oh ma made this fancy desert I don't even know the name of
It has milk and eggs, rest assured
Journeyman's style is contagious
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard hunh?
I think you meant no offense and that @Journey has stolen my style
An understandable mistake
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard that thump on chat.SE is hilarious but only if you're not the one receiving the awkward glances
@JourneymanGeek modabuse
@starball happens to the best of us.
puffs up chest
hands over the Porsche keys to the bellhop
@M.A.R. Sahara is a nice desert.
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda harharhar have your fun
If you were passed through a thresher like I was today, you'd find sand delicious too
@M.A.R. I had my share of sand during my army service, thank you.
@M.A.R. you have style?
Dec 31, 2018 at 15:32, by Shadow Wizard
@EKons yup. Sand was everywhere, and it includes the food. ;)
@JourneymanGeek ┳━┳ ヽ(ಠل͜ಠ)ノ
ヽ(ຈل͜ຈ)ノ︵ ┻━┻
@M.A.R. is that a gun?
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda gun is in the eye of the beholder
@M.A.R. I have my headphones on
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard on what?
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda ears
@M.A.R. if it looks like a gun and feels like a gun, it must be a gun!
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard legs
ah oops too used to WAG
Cya, it's U2FsdGVkX198XNwu23sT9WoKhxF7wi4xKQonX+Ru/ok= time for me! lol
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard enjoy in the U2<whatever>! :P
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda lol!
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda U2
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard if you're gonna turn into a URL, at least give us a warning beforehand
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda the first step is admitting you have a problem
@M.A.R. true
5 hours later…
coefficients @rene @Sonic @Mithic @Spe @star
3 hours later…
@M.A.R. <{~)/_(•}>
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda Looks more like a bench…
Bench armed to the teeth with knives.
Like those anti-homeless benches.
@M.A.R. I admit he has a problem.
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda Is it crunchy?
@Petəíŕd The Spring Wizard Kashping

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