@starball: Prior to WebSockets, you would be doing this via AJAX, and that would use HTTP headers such as If-None-Match. Unfortunately, it is apparently now necessary to reinvent the HTTP wheel atop WebSockets. — Kevin1 min ago
I'm too young and stupid to know what the ajax approach would be
I assume it would involve each browsing context polling, which would be.... not amazing. though I guess if a websocket connection does hartbeat stuff you could get analogous traffic overheads
websocket heartbeat, I was under the impression that websocket was an improvement in the context of that comment's context, since it would mean clients don't need to poll / long-poll for updates
But I think the ordinary heartbeat mechanism of SE still use plain old AJAX. (e.g. keeping scores of posts up-to-date without reloading the page when viewing a question)
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda because I got shown a bunch of comments of mine that weren't amazingly kind (some sarcastic, frustrated yelling, etc.), felt scolded (emphasis on "felt"), and then that's just my psychological flight response.
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda on the bright side, now, the rarity of the name "starball" on SO has achieved the unimaginable height of infinity.
I am a legend
I'll change my name back once the system allows. I felt pretty silly for reacting that way a day after I did it
funny because I did the exact same thing before for pretty much the same reason
huh I keep learning things about username changes today
tbh. I don't really mind being "user" on SO right now. I'm taking some time to change my comment-related habits and I feel like it's kind of fitting to have some appearance change with that.