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Happy hour......
not much to be happy about this week
@JourneymanGeek :') *lets out a long sigh
*covers mouth and screams
*laughs maniacally
*curls up into a ball and cries
In a Georgia court? They might win!
How can I find a message in chat.stackexchange.com or in chat.meta.stackexchange.com only by ID?
assuming you mean the message ID number
@PeterKolosov https://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/<message ID>? Since message ID is shared across chat rooms but not chat server, there are only 3 chat servers to try.
@JourneymanGeek is that a vi/vim joke? :P nice
@MetaAndrewT. Someone should tell corporate manglement that
@JourneymanGeek isn't that SE Inc.'s whole argument though? that ChatGPT posts are declining in influx?
@starball Well, kinda, but... they also are betting the farm, and burning goodwill they don't have on genAI
@JourneymanGeek ok, thanks!
3 hours later…
From that ArsTechnica article: "Every statement of fact" in ChatGPT's SAF case summary "pertaining to Walters is false," Walters' complaint said. Well, sure. It's well-known that ChatGPT just makes stuff up. Don't they realise that it can't access the Internet, and it can't even see the source text of its training data? Maybe people should learn a bit about how GPT works before they attempt to use it for anything more than an entertaining toy...
@BigJoe nothing, it's ancient event, that nobody bothers to remove. :D
9 hours later…
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack I litterally thought there was gonna be hecka people chatting in here 0_o

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