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I propose the term "post-teen"
that wouldn't cover the age set of 13-18 though
When I think "professionals and enthusiasts", I read that as people who are already generally educated in technology to some degree.
@JohnDvorak lol
It seems more like it is now expanding to "professionals, enthusiasts, and everyone else" which kind of defeats the purpose of the first two.
"site for everyone who can render an ad"
but the first two are valuable marketing words
it's far more profitable to stick with the first two and raise the third into them
Maybe someone should make a version of the exchange for experts
You mean, an experts' exchange?
@TravisJ that is still in the tiered proposal: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/139216/…
i have a hard time seeing an "expert" as someone who'd have a question they need to ask
Mostly joking, the balance struck with professionals and enthusiasts was very insightful. Including anyone who is interested is very similar to only allowing experts.
so i think of "experts" in that equation as people who come here to answer
@user400654 Sometimes, when I get to a point where a widely used feature doesn't work, I want to know how other experts solved that situation.
I often bang my head on the desk until my head gives way
I have come across issues with Google's Chrome not properly emitting events, Oracle's database mapper not properly using the visitor pattern for nested joins, and Plotly not properly supporting ranges.
While I can handle these myself, I would really like to collaborate with others in those situations.
i guess i'm more of a loner
No matter how good you are, there is always someone better.
Stack Overflow is a place that can connect you with those people for programming, or at least, it used to be.
@Shadow9 There's a comment
Putting a status tag on this so I can pick it up again soon as we solidify how meta and our behind-the-scenes bug tracker coordinate, and one of the first goals is to show a better sense of presence (is it being worked on? if not, when? Is it even being tracked? Can we give users agency into how priorities get set? Etc) Anyway, more to come, but this is a great reference point for more visibility into internals. — Tim Post ♦ Oct 31 '18 at 18:23
It's not unheard of for experts (John, Anna, Lubo, etc.) to ask questions. There are even sites where the questions are difficult to read. A common expression is "Not everyone has all the answers.", in some cases it's common for no one to know; see it every day.
On Chem the experts don't ask more often because they know research-level answers aren't to be found on the internet, and they're pretty okay with that
Instead they come up with synthesis golfs and stuff
@JohnDvorak +1 chuckle of the day
@TravisJ I am deeply offended on behalf of my previous self
Dangit, it's true
But where are we setting the bar anyway? 20-something folks can just be as clueless, and it becomes even more annoying, speaking of real-life examples
@TravisJ :|
@user400654 This, for example, is something I can perfectly imagine the clueless midlife crisis late twenties burn-outs I've interacted with to write, @Travis.
@Mithical Oh, speaking of immature 13–18 year-olds
one can be both literate and immature
Your ploy to sound smart has been foiled
Gah! Foiled again!
Go do your power rangers thing!
Wait, do ploys get foiled too, or is it just plans.
Or maybe if it's plan foil, it can get ployed
5 mins ago, by It's Over
@TravisJ I am deeply offended on behalf of my previous self
Actually, my previous self wasn't literate
These time references are confusing
Anyway, I strongly disagree with painting 13-18 year olds as lacking sophisticated writing skills. I know a whole lot of people whose writing skills at that age far outstripped many people decades older.
(Ah, the irony of a typo in that message.)
2 hours ago, by user400654
i mean, i wasn't looking at the grammatical problems of the title
more the question that they were asking
I guess 10–14 is a more reasonable guesstimate, but anyway, why are we confusing lack of proper form in writing to belong to an early age?
I mean, not that the average teen doesn't add enough emojis for my brain to bleed, but 27 year olds do it, and worse too.
And 70 year olds.
@It'sOver :| >:( ಠ_ಠ :)
I haven't seen Magneto do it, but sounds like an interesting proposal
@Rubiksmoose You are definitely not a teen
@It'sOver Maybe I am in moose years? ;-)
@JohnDvorak Man, you are/were on fire today
In other news, I finished LotR and started GoT
@It'sOver all books, I hope?
In English or translation?
@AndrasDeak Up until Appendix III, but I wasn't in the mood for backstory, so I left it for later
all = LotR and GoT ASoIaF both
I knew exactly every bit of the final chapters but they were still magnificent and poignant
6 mins ago, by Andras Deak
In English or translation?
In English of course
OK. So be prepared for disappointment in a way. I like Martin's work a lot, but it doesn't even come close to the majesticness and epicness of Tolkien's use of English.
@AndrasDeak I actually know little about GoT in general. I know there are some novellas which are chapters of the books submitted for the Hugo rewards, and that there are five books and the sixth is in the making
@AndrasDeak I wasn't disappointed
I routinely reread whole paragraphs in LotR to savour them, and I'm not even a linguistics nerd
I like both styles.
GRRM is more captivating and Tolkien is . . . well, a bloody linguist.
*bloody good
I don't care much for the whole "I wrote a novel just so that people will read the fake language and history I wrote", yet I appreciate how it's all written
from my favourites Terry Pratchett is also brilliant although in a very different (and obviously much more modern) way
I already liked his books when I read translations, but it's just a whole new level in the original
I mean, he's being so . . . scientific about it. That is one of the best compliments I can give any piece of writing, though of course I'm a nobody
His concepts are wholesome, he doesn't hold back on presenting his ideas as exhaustively as possible, and there is a unique attention to intricate details laymen like me miss, and it makes me respect him even more when I find out about one
I call it "scientific", and perhaps, "academic", since whenever I read a historian scholar's work, I see the same themes, except this one is an account of real events and the other is fiction
It's intriguing in a much different way than a good story is intriguing
But, I guess, that doesn't make GRRM inferior to me. I just don't compare them. Maybe if I was asked to, then I'd get in the literary discectomy business, but until then, they're just interesting reads for different reasons for me
@It'sOver I didn't say inferior. Just that if you liked LoTR, because why would you not, and you liked it for the same reasons as I did, because why would you not, then ASoIaF will be disappointing if you have the same expectations ;)
@It'sOver stop watching GoT in season 5 or 6. You're welcome.
@AndrasDeak Well I have nothing to say to that so here's a kitten gif
@Shadow9 Not watching, I'm reading the books.
I told you I'm not gonna watch it
I'm already on page 120
Where <spoiler> hit <spoiler> so they had to <spoiler> her sister's <spoiler>
@It'sOver ohh. Good. No nudity either. ;)
Clegane is a frigging dog. There I said it. And I mean it to sting.
@Shadow9 Well, you could argue it's worse with books since you'd imagine what you read
@It'sOver well one can imagine while reading anything. :D
@Shadow9 My point is the imaginations are also a bit graphic
I assume you're not a book guy
I was... Still a bit.
And here's cute cat
I read all Dune books. You must admit it's impressive. ;)
even the freaky stuff about the dude and the worm and the thousand years and stuff?
@It's in English? (the book)
@AndrasDeak yup and much more
He's... spoiler redacted
Anyway, I started to read GoT in English, for some reason got stuck during second book. Something in the language just doesn't fit, so ditched it and watched on TV instead. Now reading the books will probably be weird. :/
It's not just the language, it's also Martin's use of it
Really cute cat ;-)
though I guess that's what you meant
@AndrasDeak sure, that's what I meant.
Oh lol
@πάνταῥεῖ indeed, Kenny got good taste.
Cat lovers do
@Shadow9 Why?
Are there obstacles on the road that I should know of?
/me leaves some dead people in the road
I read the first 3 books and part of the 4th. Got fed up and stopped because all the characters I cared about were either dead, appeared to've gone evil, or had been reduced to chewtoys with no meaningful agency while the assorted villains were reveling in how awful they were.
If I wanted to read something that depressing and dystopic there're plenty of news sites on the web
@DanisFiddlingbyFirelight That's the problem when an author plans to keep extending something indefinitely (or didn't plan to and it turns out that way). That, or they devolve into long explanations, introduce characters that have no past or future, just to give a POV when they die in a catastrophe (Weber / Honor Harrington) and the book goes no where at all, but you're supposed to read the next one.
The only long-running series that occurs to me at the moment that's managed to stay interesting is Cherryh's "Foreigner"...
Hmmm pretty sure george knows what the plan is?
he just.... doesn't go for long lived 'super' characters who magically survive everything coughjames bondcough
@djsmiley2kTMW well, here's something that I haven't gotten enough of yet, it seems.
I haven't encountered anything uniquely brutal.
You haven't got enough dead people?
Call me desensitivized, but I don't see why GoT is more "brutal" than other stuff I saw on screen or read . . . on screen
Because that's the impression I got from fans. That it's a whole different level
Anyway, it's too soon to say much of how I felt, because I haven't felt much yet.
Stay tuned for updates! Like and subscribe
how long have you watched?
/me rings @It'sOver's bell.
I'm not going to watch the series, I'm reading the books
Yah, so how far are you?
Ramsey Bolton is brutal, but I didn't realise quite how bad, until I saw it on TV and it made me realise what the book was hinting at...
@djsmiley2kTMW he's just started
Oh well it doesn't get brutal really until
/me looks at books
Book 4 or so?
No spoilers
yah no spoilers.
I don't care about movies, but books I'm careful of.
Maybe because I haven't read enough books, huh.
Certain things at the 'begining' of the series of books didn't really bother me, other than me thinking 'oh they'll be saved'.... 'oh nope, they be dead. wow.'
Night, gotta work on weekend o/
It reminded me of how in japanese rpg's they don't care about killing off main characters, where as western rpgs would often have a deus ex machina randomly saving people at the last second.
ahhhhhhhhh my game just killed off a character I really liked :O
oh come on, that's not a GoT spoiler, this is.:
... does that actually do what a spoiler is intended to do?
You mean, to put extra pressure on tyres to enhance friction? Ya bet it does :P
it probably M.A.R.s the view from the car
The plus side, it makes your car easier to find
@JohnDvorak And also overpasses and drive through awnings as well!
how can I contact SE staff to report a problem ?
the fastest route these days is twitter
meh I don't have twitter
> contact SE staff to report a problem
good one, that
had me there
its a very delicated problem
yup, but good luck actually getting a response out of them
@CindyMeister Weber's minor character body count is because he needs deaths for dramatic tension in combat; but can't kill off main characters frequently without blowing up his own narrative worse than a fleet of Solarian League ships trying to pick a fight with Manticore.
@ArtOfCode why
I have just sent the report
I hope you take into account because it's not nice at all what happened
SE are just terrible at responding to anyone getting in touch with them - that's what I'm saying
@Catija Spoiler is not quite the right word. How about idioter ... It may totally spoil the looks of the vehicle, but the owner is an idiot.
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