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Uhu, especially if you can understand them :D
youtube.com/watch?v=lFdb2wikvfc This guy is hilarious
Trust me xD
on a brighter side, my bag of coffee, which I had assumed to be empty after testerday's morning coffe, HAD YET ANOTHER PORTION OF COFFEE AVAILABLE!!!!!!!
today will be a fine day, finally
@Cerbrus I kinda like 'anders dan de rest'. Just because it really does a great job of capturing ADHD in a song...
I should look that one up
@FélixGagnon-Grenier 'a portion of coffee'... what are you doing, just eating it without adding water? :P
Oooh yeah :D
Just the lyrics was enough :P
The song
@Tinkeringbell Also fuck yeah!
The Dutch are pretty amazing if I say so myself :P
In the mid 20th century, there were several successful comedians of Dutch extraction working in the USA, eg Danny Kaye and Dick van Dyke. But I guess that's not quite the same as hearing a Dutch comedian being funny in Dutch.
@Tinkeringbell Yeah I wasn't too sure how to phrase that. I use an espresso machine :)
@Cerbrus Can't deny that in good conscience.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Ahhh. That explains ;)
Ugh, eating coffee. Do you think it'd have the same effect?
(after the general "I want to scrape my throat with rough-grain sandpaper")
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Not sure. But Google doesn't imply it will immediately kill you if you do eat coffee beans.
So... Be a nice guinea pig and let us know? :P
ugh... yeah sure, I'll... go not do that :P
can't be worse than magical mushroom
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Oh yes. You can buy chocolate-coated coffee beans. The beans are specially roasted so you can crunch them without breaking your teeth, but they still have plenty of caffeine.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier You ever tried those?
@PM2Ring hmmm indeed, you remind me, I have seen that a few times! didn't know they would wake you up as well :)
@Tinkeringbell I have, yes. It's somewhere in my top 3 of psychotropes
warmly recommended.
I think they banned them over here a few years ago, when tourists started jumping out of hotel room windows on bad trips :(
I've also heard you can still find them growing in the wild ;)
Not going to risk random mushrooms though.
My work PC crashed
too many games in the background will do that,yeah :p
I need to try to fix it and disclaim all knowledge I did
@Tinkeringbell it was IIRC considered to be too unwelcoming even though it was the primary way of keeping the vision of a generic FAQ site. I think it was the first thing axed when Jeff left
Naw. Bsoeded during an update
@FélixGagnon-Grenier They're pretty nice, and more than a little adductive. ;) I've had some average ones, that weren't very impressive, but good quality choc-coated coffee beans, using dark chocolate, are exquisite. Definitely not suitable for small children.
@PM2Ring Yeah... whoever considers putting kids on caffeine should lose their parenting certificate. :P
except if it's your friends kids
then, please fill them up of coffee beans and observe, from afar
@JourneymanGeek My work apparently turned something off that I need turned on to work, and now they're fighting over who turned it off and who has to turn it on again. 15 e-mails in the thread so far, exluding a few phone calls and Skype conversations :|
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I once ate instant coffee at a house party.
that definately had an effect.
@Tinkeringbell one of my coworkers does not believe in restricting their kids cola intake
@Tinkeringbell my co worker's laptop is... Sticky
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Ehhh... Meh. Maybe if I can hack into a video system, otherwise no 'afar' would be 'far enough' for me :P
as a result, they're both overweight and overcaffeinated
and have no teeth so can't bite?
@Tinkeringbell Why? I think they'll get exactly what they deserve.
@Magisch Yeah, that's a bit of a problem with a lot of kids these days....
@terdon because it's bad for the kids?
@terdon Yeah, and the people around those kids? :P
Do they deserve that too?
Teachers? People on public transport? People at the supermarket?
forget about the parents, the kids deserve better
+1 to this. SE seem to have fallen into the classic "Let' s turn our company into a platform to foist our views onto our userbase" trap. It started with the anti-Trump post and is working its way along from there. I fully expect to see an unhideable "Vote Biden" banner on the top of every page during the upcoming election. — Richard 7 hours ago
Hey guys, noticed some escort services in profile text today, but again 1 rep users with no posts. So not sure if I should raise a flag about that.
OK, how does this help?
as small kid you have no impulse control and parents need to keep a lid on that
@djsmiley2k-CoW I don't know that it's particularly bad, to be honest. That will depend on how much and how often. But the direct result (hyperactive children) will be felt by the parents immediately.
@Magisch definetly this!
Afternoon folks!
@Tinkeringbell fair
@terdon addictions don't take much to build and take a lot more to break
plus, kids livers D:
and as a small kid you form habits that are hard to break later in life
@djsmiley2k-CoW I guess. In the cultures I'm familiar with an addiction to coffee is kind of standard, so it just changes the time :)
@terdon I mean, you can take it to dark places if you want
@Magisch I think this is a bit of an overgeneralization for most habits
Nothing wrong with getting kids into watching gory movies maybe?
One or two do vaguely stick around
Like if they like reading from an earlier age
@M.A.R. no I mean this in the most basic sense of the word. Parents have a responsibility to help their kids form healthy habits and behave properly then
That I agree with.
Because you're not 58.
Then I would have disagreed.
This is a habit.
as a kid your habits are malleable and you can still be taught to avoid later issues. Later it needs a lot more self control and reflection to break out of bad habits you learned early
@djsmiley2k-CoW Oh no, I am not advocating giving kids coffee. I certainly wouldn't. I just don't know that's it's particularly bad medically. It might be, but I don't know that it is.
Right ok :)
Left OK
Yes no no yes.
Other left ok
Middle nok
Although I admit I don't see why you'd mention gory movies. If the kids like them, I don't see why not. Personally, they scared the living daylights out of me and I didn't want to watch them. Friends of mine did, so more power to them.
@terdon well, subjectively the effect exploitation movies leave on me is, the way I describe it, horrible. Not just because it's scary, sometimes I even laugh at it
But mostly because it's the autopsy course gone wild.
And nonsensical
So I would stop a kid from watching it
Other than that, for the broad category "gory" seems to define, there are already a jillion G-rated movies, so who am I to judge?
What do exploitation films have to do with it?
Some of them are just cringy, especially the ones with terrible comedies
@terdon No I just meant as an example of extreme gore
There wouldn't be a general rule to why children should or shouldn't see gore, because it's just so broad, my point
Is there a german word for that feeling you have when you have to commute to work but you really don't want to go outside that much and you're mostly chilling out in a chatroom and listening to music and procrastinating the day?
note to self: the "german word for" meme is way less popular than I thought on SE
@ter @Mag FWIW, I think there's truth to that defense of movies like "Watership Down"; a memorable movie about death and its inevitability could really help children mature their unicorn fairies world fed to them by other shows
The execution is debatable
@TimPost if you need a link, a private room here can help... (In regards to my comment here)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier well I guess German words are really very long
:P on that note, I will now stop doing what that word describes. o/
Yes . . . Mission accomplished
@Cerbrus I do get a feeling of 'either there was more going on then what's in that comment there, or people were just being a bit too fierce about the whole thing and you shouldn't really worry about it'.
Now get me a German word for that! :D
@Tinkeringbell There was a lot going on
And that case was horribly mishandled by a moderator... Who instigated the whole mess in the first place.
Did it get fixed in the end?
Are you now calling the person by the correct pronouns?
Not really.
I make an effort to avoid interacting with that person
I'm sorry to hear that :(
I can get you a link if you want...
There, the "pronouns!" thing wasn't even in the CoC, and it was used as a weapon by a third party (moderator)
That case may even have been at the root of this CoC change...
Dunno what's discussed behind the scenes
Perhaps better not... I a.) am supposed to be working now and b.) am not fond of dragging old cows from the ditch... But it's not nice if things like this keep festering for you :(
Well, festering is a big word...
remain unresolved, then...
Looking back at that meta question, Tim Post even answered it.
And? What was the 'verdict'?
Also.. note to me, don't absentmindedly put sugar in a chocolate coffee... it's to sweet even for me!
chocolate coffee
what is this madness
chocolate milk with a bit of coffee :D
For if you want something sweet and caffeinated ;)
Mocha. The ultimate chocolately pick-me-up.
so many calories
I dislike my drinks having any calories. I don't "count" calories in drinks, so it's easy to lose track
True, but the other 95% of my coffee is black.
@Tinkeringbell He basically only addressed the inclusiveness aspect of the issue, and not the fact that the moderator was out of line, or that I was called a sexist, or named on meta...
@Snow I'm also a bit neurotic with that. If I can't put a reasonable kcal number on it, I don't eat it
I wouldn't mind if that lastest star in here was cleared...
I can do that :)
Dank u... of "je"?
"u" works. I'm a mod, after all!
Very well :P
But age-wise I'm probably still just a 'je'.
So, we have to call each other "u" maybe :P
Hmm. That'd be weird. Just stick to English :P
@Cerbrus I call you you already! :P
Whatever you do, don't use "U" if not at the start of a sentence.
No u
Darn it. A perfectly good, pithy answer just went up in smoke. Wasn't a great question, but it was sure a good answer...! :p
@Snow the one on the main faq post?
Nah, one on a deleted question.
@Snow unfortunatelly a diamond deleted it
probably because everyone is really afraid that this might become true in the future
It won't be.
What was the question?
well, this question got so quickly deleted, even though it din't violate any rules that one can see it as a panic-reaction
@194636 "Prepare for the next conflict: you can no longer ignore questions you don't want to answer"
Ah... yesterday they sowed panic... today it's already a meter high! :D
@JeffDarwood I'm sorry, but it simply won't be.
I've already predicted downvotes will go away 'because they make people sad'
@Snow Thanks. Missed that one.
@Rubiksmoose who would have thought a couple of months ago that you won't be able ignore neopronouns o_O
@JeffDarwood That has nothing to do with the thing you proposed was going to happen. It's a classic slippery slope argument.
@djsmiley2k-CoW let me join your club with my deleted question when we are there
And you need a lot to get me to :|
@JeffDarwood There would be almost no way such a "forced answer" system would work. And there's no way SE would ever want to implement such a thing because they only want people who are willing to commit to a quality answer to answer. Forcing answers is never going to happen. It would be a nightmare for SE and users alike.
@Rubiksmoose might be but then why delete it so quickly? anyways, this just confirmed that we are getting there slowly
No, it didn't.
Anyone know what happened to meta.stackexchange.com/questions/335524/…? (I can't see; I'm <10k on MSE.)
@JeffDarwood Not in any way did any action here confirm that.
@MarkAmery It was deleted :P.
@Tinkeringbell How tall do I need to be to see that
@Rubiksmoose so what do you think will happen when users start to complain that their questions remain unanswered and there is a pattern (that I'm afraid to mention for known reasons) in that
@M.A.R. 1m. 67cm
(if any people shorter than me can see that too, I welcome any corrections ;) )
Ohhh, you're standing on a chair
@JeffDarwood Same thing that happens with any other pattern of rudeness between two users. And hint, that does not include forcing the users to interact.
@M.A.R. Sitting, actually.
Well how come I don't see it
@M.A.R. Perhaps you're not tall enough?
Or too tall, that can of course happen too.
Or blind, we never know.
I am . . . off . . . onended. Hang on while I figure out whether being taller or shorter is better
patterns of ignoring and non-answering will be lifted to rudnes - you'll see
Or can't see the tree, because of the forest.
@Tinkeringbell Well, I had in fact deduced that much with my big deducey brain
@M.A.R. Depends, do you want to be able to pay kid prices when entering theme parks, or reach the groceries on the top shelf?
I was more wondering whether there was any reason left for the deletion by the mod who deleted it? :P
I want to reach kid prices and pay top groceries
@MarkAmery Usually it's "needs deleting".
Oh I see, everyone is having fun today
Y'all do need 58.
@MarkAmery Nope, not that I can see. My best guess is that there's almost 30 flags on the post alone (comment flags works too), and it was closed as a dupe... so it saves some more flags to have it deleted?
Think of the children. Save the environment
@M.A.R. tall is better. Definitely tall.
You're not even trying, Edward.
@Bart Weren't you complaining about that just days ago?
something something hammers make everything fit :P
So, exactly, being taller is better since you can complain about it
@Tinkeringbell Tall is still better. It's just airlines who will need to adapt
Bart is being logically consistent
I read the question prior to its deletion and thought it was sensible and respectfully asked. We have the nastiest abuse I've witnessed since joining Stack Overflow 7 years ago coming out at the moment, and at least the bits that remain undeleted for me to see have been exclusively from people who are fervently on the pro-trans-pronoun side of the current debate. Seems reasonable in this context to ask whether they're being given a deliberately lighter touch by mods as a matter of policy.
@JeffDarwood There are ways that ignoring a user can be construed as being rude and that is an intentional consequence of the new policy. But at no point does it being labeled as rude mean that forced interaction is anywhere in moderation's playbook.
What was it ultimately closed as a dupe of? I remember there at one point being a dupe closure that struck me as silly and essentially unrelated, though I forget what exactly the target ws
@MarkAmery I made a different judgement call on that question but my judgement needs adjustment anyway.
@rene I can help haz hammer
@MarkAmery I've occasionally wondered why we can delete stuff without giving a reason, when even simple edits have a Reason field. But I guess that generally by the time stuff needs deleting anything that needed to be said has already been said in comments.
A loaded question, by having an unjustified assumption (such as a presumption of guilt) can start a quarrel or upset people, which is just what trolls do. Arguably such a question should therefore be closed and deleted even if expressed "politely".
Uh, that goes both ways
@Raedwald In what way was it loaded?
@Rubiksmoose ;)
Opposition being immediately labelled as "bigotry" would also fit your criteria as well
@MarkAmery of an FAQ post but initialy it was hamered against this one by yours truly.
Meh. (1) I can't say anything that hasn't been. (2) I don't feel too strongly about this. (3) It's a can of rabbit holes.
@M.A.R. Honestly, in the context of recent Q&As, when I see "bigotry" anywhere in a post aimed at a group of people it is almost certainly a conversation that has gone off the rails.
@rene Eeesh, the first closure follows a pattern I see too often, especially but not only on Meta - where somebody asks "How should we handle this special case?" and gets closed as a dupe of "Here's a multi-page essay, mostly unrelated, about a broader topic, which does not in fact unambiguously answer your question anywhere."
@MarkAmery It was a loaded question because it only made any sense if you assumed that there was a double standard. It did not present evidence of a double standard, so it insinuated that there was.
@rene Your closure... just looks like a wholly different question to me, to be honest?
@Tinkeringbell: can you confirm my suspicions that his was a sockpuppet that has subsequently been deleted?
Kinda weird to see those comments pup up with a nonexisting user
@Raedwald Would the question then be okay if it were filled with examples of undeleted abusive comments by trans or pro-trans people? I... kind of suspect that would do the opposite of achieving a better reception.
@Cerbrus I think that was "Someone Who Used To Care”. I saw the username before it was deleted
Oh wait, that was the OP
"The plot thickens"
@MarkAmery I know what you mean about teh narrow/broad duplicates. One of my first meta questinos was about that: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/130326/…
@MarkAmery They took away our TOO_LOCALIZED
@Raedwald It's a fight I've had a few times. Occasionally I've scored a minor win on some particular question I cared about. Sometimes I've failed even at that. Certainly never managed to shift the culture.
@Cerbrus Not right now, I just entered a bus. Am on mobile for a while :)
I got my answer :P
Apparently, the OP's account was deleted
@MarkAmery You can get a partial victory by having duplicates of duplicates, with a narrower canonical question closed as a duplicate of the broader question.
@Cerbrus Self-deleted?
@Cerbrus Ah, that should work yeah.
@Tinkeringbell stahpit. You're addicted. Go ... go take selfies or something ... or shout into your phone while holding it in front of you, like people seem to do these days.
@194636 No way to know for us plebs
@Bart You really don't want to see me taking selfies. My arms are too short so I always get the wrong angle.
@Tinkeringbell Pro tip: camera in front of face
That was last week's sunset
My 5 year old has learned how to make her iPad take pictures. But not yet mastered pointing the camera towards her face.
@Cerbrus oh . I always just took shots of my ponytail... I guess that's where I went wrong then!
@Tinkeringbell would that be horseface rather than duckface?
Oof. Maybe? Some girls get really mad if you call a horse a pony, don't know if the other way round is actually acceptable
@Tinkeringbell crest. Parrots have crests.... :p
Oh?! Must've missed mine then, when I got my profile picture taken!
@Snow Some do, some don't. Eg, rainbow lorrikeets don't have crests.
FWIW, when I lived up north, 5 different parrot species visited our yard. 6, if you count the black cockatoos that'd fly over but never land. We had a nice bird bath, plus a few trees that the parrots liked to forage in.
I'm definitely not a rainbow lorikeet though! (they are pretty and cute too) :)
@Tinkeringbell They're pretty, and they know it. :) But you can't blame them for being show-offs.
I never would! :D
Though I find them still a bit too green.
Sheesh, you really hate green.
It's not easy being green.
@Bart True. You can ask broccoli too ;)
We'd also get scaly-breasted lorrikeets visiting the bird bath. They're mostly green, with yellow flecks on the breast, but more colours under the wings. They're smaller than the rainbow lorries, and the rainbows generally wouldn't let the scaly-breasteds share the bird bath with them.
I have a club/ AWEOSME.
@Tinkeringbell which one are you then?
@Magisch I appear to be a red macaw...
this one?
wrong bookmark
you can't claim that you're not also a blue parrot though
look at this:
That one is clearly cross-bred!
no thats a scarlet macaw
there's some red on that scarlet macaw too..
Look at the picture! There's alsmot no blue in there...
Anyhow, a bit of blue is always better than green ;)
they can live up to 90 years!
I hope I can do that too! :D
When our umbrella tree was bearing fruit, a pair of king parrots would take up residence. The male has a totally red head & upper body, the female has a lot more green camouflage, as you can see in the images at the top of that page. Compared to the lorrikeets, they're pretty timid, so it was hard to get close to them.
You're living in a place with awesome birds. We just get mostly doves, crows, and sparrows.
I do wonder where nature pulled all of these colors from
the crows in our area are legit. Scary intelligent and they seem to remember faces
it's almost like you have a reputation in the crow community
Yep, grandpa had one that used to know when he'd wake up and make his cheese sandwich (and when he'd get a bit of cheese too). It would be waiting each morning.
there are a couple who seem to know that I always dodge and never run them over with my bycicle
They have guts...
so they stay in the middle of the way with nary a care. But I've seen them scatter when other people pass
This is what comes to my mind when I hear "cross breeding"
@JohnDvorak Is that two different species, or just some kind of sexual dimorphism?
Sexual dimorphism.
That's not really cross breeding then :P
coincidentally the bigger spider in the background kinda looks like a cross...
Both do look cross to me.
cross as in angered or in the pose?
angered ;)
@Tinkeringbell Was. I'm now living back in the big city, so the bird population is somewhat diminished. I still see lots of sulphur-crested cockatoos in a park nearby, and the occasional rainbow lorrikeet. And of course magpies and pigeons. But there are a lot of non-native "pest" species like ibis, and the dreaded Indian mynah. We also have a native mynah, the noisy mynah. The Indian mynahs take over the nesting hollows that parrots need, so they're having a big impact on the parrot populations. :(
Oh no!! We should start a parrot protection programme. Gimme a sec, I'll set up a Paypal :P
@PM2Ring mynas are gangsters 🤣
(Trigger warning for @Tinkeringbell ) Rather surprisingly, there is a population of green parakeets in West London.
@Raedwald Oh dear, they're getting closer on my tail.
@JourneymanGeek Definitely. I've even seen a bunch of them evict a possum from its nest. So a pair of parents don't stand a chance.
@Tinkeringbell HA! Now it all makes sense. You're on the run!
I don't run. Way to healthy.
It's fun once you get past the "I'm going to die" feeling every time you do it.
'once'. Never been there :(
Does that phase even exist?
Lol yip
Used to run a lot when I was younger
I like swimming better
maybe you just die. Maybe all avid runners are actually zombies
ironically despite the fact that I am a cactus
@Shog9 Is that also why in movies, the runner always discovers the dead body?
I run at least twice a week and I support Shog's theory
doh! shog appears
@Magisch I'm supposed to go swimming each week with a friend. Out of 6 weeks, we went twice :/ But we're getting there ;)
@Magisch I always suspected you were actually a water lily disguised, the swimming just proves it!
@rene So, update on the solar debacle: They offered to cut me a check for what they owe me, if I took down the review I made of their business.
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos preposterous!
@JohnDvorak As you know, sexual dimorphism's pretty common in spiders. With one well-known (mostly harmless) Australian species, the golden orb weaver, it's not unusual to see half a dozen or so little males around the fringes of the web of the much larger female, waiting for the opportunity to court the female. Their web is a distinct greenish-gold colour in the morning sunlight.
And added in a little aside of, "Yeah, it's defamation, but we'll let it slide if you just take it down."
it's not defamation if it's true, no?
It's really wondrous what a little review on the internet can achieve...
@Magisch Yeah, and as far as I can tell, they'd need to prove malice.
If you're at that point you may as well go "3 times purchasing price or i'll write 4 more"
So I told them absolutely not. Poor company, being hard done by with a 1-star review.
From time to time, people make fabric from golden orb weaver silk. Eg:
@Magisch Nah, that's malice, and would be used against me.
That depends on country, but I believe in the USA it's malice or gross negligence.
Sprider slik clothes are a thing. Wow. ££££££
silk clothes in general sound like a bad idea to own
I would be constantly worried that my stuff is gonna break or rip and I'd have to wash it specially
Spider silk clothes are a thing to die for if you want to be fly
@Tinkeringbell And from what I can see, there's a distinct lack of negative reviews online about them.
It's actually pretty nice, but yeah, it's definitely just pretty sitting clothes.
see if my tshirt I'm wearing right now rips or gets damaged, I can have 2 new ones for 10€ tomorrow
@fbueckert Hmmm. I wonder how many they'd already got deleted this way.
so I don't need to stress about my clothes so much
@Tinkeringbell That's my nasty suspicion.
Togas were a deliberately impractical item of clothing as a kind of conspicuous consumption.
I just wonder how much spider silk you'd have to get to make clothes out of
seems incredibly painstaking
Offering to pay me what you clearly owe me, in return for removing my review, which is clearly true, made in order to ensure others know what's happening, doesn't seem like an equitable trade.
It's not, not in this case.
So they're threatening to countersue me for, "loss of business".
They'd have to prove that first.
@fbueckert That really worries me.
@fbueckert Because I've never bought from them. So I guess I am also causing them loss of business.
@Tinkeringbell As far as I can tell, damages to a business are automatically assumed to be true in a defamation charge.
But truth is generally an absolute defense, and they'd have to prove it was posted in malice.
well, reputational damage is a thing
how do you prove you lost money because someone defamed you
Spider silk is pretty tough stuff. But yes, you need lots of it, and I expect that harvesting it is a lot more work than harvesting silkworm silk. I don't know how they process the golden orb weaver silk. The centre of the web is usually very sticky, and quite springy: it takes a lot of tension to break that stuff. (Spiders can control the stickiness of their web).
@fbueckert You live in a country with no consumer protection laws?
@fbueckert they still think they can negotiate? That ship has sailed ...
@Raedwald Canada. Definitely consumer protection laws.
But those don't help when a company decides they're going to sue you for stupid reasons, same as the US.
@rene I'm open to being reasonable.
But that's the keyword: reasonable.
Silencing me because your business sucks isn't.
@MarkAmery that is possible, I'm failable. I admit having a dupe hammer here doesn't help, so I try to come last these days ....
TIL a whole silkmoth's cocoon is made of a single thread
We'll see if they actually do. It's an easy threat to make, but any lawyer worth their salt will tell them they have no case.
still a good story
It is certainly entertaining if you're not involved ...
@rene No doubt.
That bucket of popcorn just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
CNBC is claiming 1/6 milennials have over 100k saved
I would love to meet them because none of my friends are sitting on over 20k right now
Maybe they asked only 5 people and then extrapolated the result?
no clue but I want to know where their math is coming from
You know, with stats and data-analysis
Data-analist: fiddling with R until the data turned into outcome you hoped for

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