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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

looking to your feedback
I only steal quote and give proper credit to Reddit for some of their crowdsourced info, but I'm not participating on it...
Because I don't even know how to find suitable subreddits when there are 3 or more similar/overlapping to ask on...
I just stalk /r/gopro and that's it...
WTH, Reddit is uncensored again
I read a bit of /nosleep, and that's about it.
I've never been on Reddit. The mascot is cute though, and on my planned crochet project list ;)
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ If there are a lot of answers to a question you know you've answered, it's hard to find your own answer. Sure, you could use Find to search for your username, but Find tends to be very slow on large pages (on Edge at least). You could go to your own user profile's list of answers, but if you've posted a lot of answers, you'd have to hit Find again to find the question title.
@Tinkeringbell ...... the reddit mascot. The parrot wants to crochet the reddit mascot....
@Derpy It's cute!
It's useful to quickly find your own answer to a question you come across and know you've answered. The process for doing so is very complicated, however. So I'd support an FR to make this easier.
@Tinkeringbell Here, improved it for you.
That's horrible
It got something nasty coming from its ears
loyal to the original
That's actually a scarf that goes right through its brain.
Prevents brain freeze.
:D lol
off-topic / needs 1 moar /cc @sha @bar @glo @tra html How can I make a URL without a file at the end of its path‭ - user9277283‭ 2019-02-06 15:20:33Z
..... so, not wanting to do a crochet Kyubey?
as you wish
would you prefer a crochet Mitty?
I think about writing a network-wide suspension-FAQ. Not sure wheter I should write a new post or append it to the suspension FAQ.
@MEEisJohannGambolputty... Not much more to say about it other than what's in the tag wiki
> If you see that an account is suspended network wide for more than a year, it's a strategic move on the part of an employee with developer access to bring something disruptive under control.
For long ones, not much more to say.
Could also be a dev trying to cause disruption, at least to one user. Ex?
It's only a case of gross misconduct if you're found out.
@SonictheIntrovertedHedgehog that would be the „chase away“ type. There are also a“offenses on multiple sites“ and some cool down for users who are e.g. suspended on one site and then rage on other sites.
So, I decided to browse r/stackexchange and noticed... a very familiar username...
More than four colors, really?
Did you guys tinker with notices just now? I got stuck to where I couldn't clear them. Was about to post on MSE but it suddenly stopped
@Machavity Notices?
Review queue notices?
@Catija Had an inbox notice and a rep notice that wouldn't go away for about 10 mins
Hmmmm. not sure. Is it still a problem?
No, went away as suddenly as it started
I'm not sure what caused it but hopefully it was a blip.
If you see it again, feel free to write something up.
Ok, will do
Wheel of blame landed on Shog9. That works
I did kinda break review sync... On all sites... for like 30 minutes
Sigh... just saw that an old "needs moderation" flag to move something got closed even though that's exactly what you're supposed to do when the question is supposed to be moved to a site not listed in the "move to site" close reasons
@Shog9 kind of telling that meta didn't get flooded with bug reports ... in my defense: I was shopping at the grocery store ...
Meta act of the day done
A: So many answers in comments

M.A.R. ಠ_ಠHuh, weird. This gets asked often enough in metas, and I was fairly certain it was asked here too, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it. Anyway, here's the wisdom of the ancients on it. Bottom line is, people develop a certain 'answer barrier', meaning, what they don't consider a high...

@SmokeDetector Broken translation but sounds like lyrics of a song
@SmokeDetector N
@rene - Have you ever done any research on the efficacy of tag burnination?
@Shog9 - Have you? I know it is a sponsored practice, but does it really work long term at all?
For example, api was burninated, yet has 65000 questions tagged at present, another while I was typing this.
Hopefully you guys were enjoying lunch or something. I figured you would just know off the top of your head. Since there was no reply, I reviewed just about all 162 of the tags in burnination-request. Of the newer burnination request stuff it does look highly effective. I am guessing things like api and the older requests did not go through the more modern process being used and that is why they were not fully removed or altered. Anyway, no need to get back to me.
@JohnDvorak In practice you want to avoid using the same colors for regions that are close to each other, even if they do not share a border. Easier to read at a glance, without inspecting the details of borders.
4 color theorem is not really useful for actual map coloring.
"Carbobev" sounds reasonable to me.
"Sparkle Fluid" being second.
It's actually only "Helvetica" if it comes from the Helvetia region of Europe. Otherwise you have to call it "sparkling Arial"
@TravisJ we've started this room: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/165597/trogdor last year and then created this google worksheet to assist the mod team in deciding which action to take. The reviewers used some ground rules but did visit every MSO burn post to give their verdict. Once that was done both Bhargav, Cody, Yvette, Jon and later Rob moved in to handle that sheet.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (100): which is the best information tecnology traning by it course on superuser.com
I agree that most burn requests are kind of pointless and I believe it helps if we provided that feedback early and firm.
I'm not sure about the firm part
It also helps if we get rid of the backlog if only to show that we're serious about status-declining requests that have no merit
You'd probably hold the guy breathless
we plants can survive without breath for a while. You humans better get used to that
Backlog is irrelevant. Burnination is futile.
@rene Need to poke Bhargav harder...
Oh, Munroe has a new book coming out. Wonder how much it overlaps with the Lifehacks site.
@TravisJ the huge tags are either kill this right here and now or it should be left alone or blacklisted. Not worth spending 6 weeks on closing, editing, deleting posts only to have 20% rolled back by either high-reps or mods.
@Mithrandir I rather not poke mods on my main site.... they have buttons to click that can have an negative impact on my ability to use the site ....
Closing/deleting a bunch of posts you wouldn't care about otherwise, just because they happened to have a tag? Never found that important.
At the bottom of xkcd.com/how-to there is "Language | Publisher | Pub Date" quasi-table. I never heard of any of those languages.
@rene - Yeah overall from I saw the current process is very efficient once engaged. I agree that some of the requests which do not progress into the later stages seem rather questionable.
yep, true that
hello, just leaving this here
Q: Please don't share my e-mail with Amazon without my express consent

Erik von AsmuthBefore the developer survey, I was invited to test it, and promised a $5 gift card from a web shop for taking part. Recently, I've received this gift card on my personal e-mail. But to my dislike, it was not Stack Overflow that sent me the gift card, but Amazon directly (and in German, a languag...

I know it's MSO, but it highlights a fundamental flaw in the topic of the company vs data safety which is relevant to a broader audience
i mean
it highlights a mistake
14 vials of blood. Tomorrow morning should be fun.
bring some garlic
Just in case the doctor's a vampire. Got it.
But yeah, lotta bloodwork to do.
The last time I did bloodwork, they had to untie the thing they tied around my arm when they were drawing blood because my arm ran out of blood. That was fun.
@Mithrandir Army blood tests?
I swear they're frigging vampires.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Pre-military, yes
ICU units run fewer tests.
^ Not speculation
I haven't been in an ICU unit since I was released from the hospital as a baby, so I wouldn't know
Thankfully me neither.
> ICU unit
> PIN number
@ArtOfCode Huh, there's a word for that. You win.
You're lucky I'm here after 6 hours of solving ridiculous physics problems.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ RAS syndrome
I don't have rash
But I'd reject anything that doesn't have obvious positive connotations because it's me who did it this time
What will arrive first?
a) saved custom searches in left nav rolled out for everyone
b) year 2020
Questions 5, 6, and 7 in meta.SO's newest-Q sorting are so neatly standing at -33, -22 and -22
I wanna hug someone
*backs off*
you do realize... you probably just ruined it
I am about to
....Those who get the reference will get it, the rest will Google...
It's because they forgot to add "using AI" to the titles of those questions.
@E_net4 I'm just saying it's pointless to respond to someone saying it's not easy to make a neural network to say that making a bad and ineffective neural network is easy. That's not what they're suggesting doing, so saying doing that is easy is just pointless. — Servy 6 hours ago
But then it would have been pointless to point this out
And pointless for me to bring it up in chat
Dangit, I'm stuck in an infinite loop
Or hmm, it's kinda finite
So it was pointless to say it was infinite
They told us all we were gonna get phish tested at work and now none of us will open the legitimate e-mails. NO ONE WANTS TO BE THE ONE 🤣
Nearly all phishing messages I get are those forwarded by IT department with the comment they are phishing. Hardly get any directly. I wish IT would stop doing that.
most normal inboxes here get the same treatment, they detect it and provide a warning. but.... this one inbox i have to keep track of is wide open, everything gets through
well, with the exception of blatant spam
There was a StackStatus tweet today (about the Teams) but it didn't show up here... is the Twitter->RSS->chat connection broken somewhere? chat.meta.stackexchange.com/search?q=stackstatus&room=89
Apparently that feed was removed at some point? chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/89/…
And so our dear SNAFU bot fell silent chat.meta.stackexchange.com/users/-171/snafu?tab=recent
I see, the Google Apps Script that was forming RSS feed from a Twitter widget fell apart, probably because of some changes on Twitter's end. Was fun while it lasted.
@Mrs.Robinson why isn't whoever is sending out the fake phishing emails answering to any reports related to them?
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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