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Going to sleep unhappy today... :(
I totally disagree. All three new mods are veteran users of Stack Exchange with vast knowledge about the network and even more in the sites that they already moderate. Taking this as weapon against SE management is just wrong. If they would have brought total strangers from other forums than I'd agree, but that's really not the case here. — Shadow Wizard 4 mins ago
Night everyone!
3 hours later…
@gnat thanks for the heads-up. Compared to the responses on RPG.SE, looks like I'll be monitoring the consensus on TWP and updating the MSE post
without tone, hard to tell if this answer (cf. yesterday's case) is sarcasm or not :(
@andmyself I was really polite
@JourneymanGeek I believe you are...
I'll assume the best of them personally
kind of hard after reading the first Q on MSE... but you know the best for yourself...
Judging by some of their other Meta answers, I'm inclined to assume that they're a nice enough person who uses poor/vague phrasing at times. And maybe slightly not yet in the loop on how bits of SE work.
@JourneymanGeek Out of curiosity, why not spam-delete that? Why normal delete?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog eh. Cause I'm not decided whether to nuke the user.
@JourneymanGeek Not destroy. I'm referring to deleting it using the spam flagging option, which activates SpamRam.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I'm not sure what's going on.
so, yanno
safe option first.
@JourneymanGeek Right.
@JourneymanGeek If that keyword comes up again, please delete as spam next time.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog erm.
So, here's the thing. I might. I probably will. But if you're literally going to ask me why I did something every time it seems at odds with what you'd do, this is going to get tiring fast.
I don't tell you how to do whatever it is you do here. Trust me to mod unless I've done something horribly stupid...
Cause this is starting to come close to second guessing my every move and... I don't like that.
Today I biked 8 miles (13 km) just to save $19 on a plane ticket.
(which amounted to half the price on this ultra-budget airline)
you seem to travel a lot :O
Well, part of the reason was so I could bike across the historic Montopolis Bridge that had recently shuttered to car traffic and became exclusively pedestrian, after 100 years
Well, I hit a snag. Due to construction along the US-183 corridor I wasn't able to bike all the way. I was forced to end my rental and hail a cab to the airport.
...only to realize that that particular airline had moved to a new terminal on the other side of the airport. Thankfully there were free shuttles.
Then I rode it back to the main terminal and then took a transit bus home.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, pattern-matching website in answer (140): What is causing my disc brakes to loosen when it rains? by Ms.Betty on bicycles.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (80): Disc brake lost power by Ms.Betty on bicycles.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (80): How to manage iCloud storage? by Alicia Bussau on apple.SE
Wow, a user went from being an SE employee and having network-wide moderator rights to being suspended network-wide
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog :(
1 hour later…
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog wow indeed.
So, Shog is on a break again? :(
I think on vacation still
not heard anything other than that
also its a long weekend?
Weekends with turkeys?
@JourneymanGeek thanksgiving, probably
Thanks SE for giving us diamonds! ;-)
Thin skin, single downvote (not mine) caused self delete.
Buh mobile...
+ getting told it was duplicate I suspect
My porblem iz unique!!1!1one
Well no
But it also means no one really sees it
Maybe they got what they wanted in the dupe's answer.
@ShadowWizard Smirk... veteran user? Me? :P
@Tinkeringbell You consider yourself too naïve to be a mod?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog not sure how you jump to that conclusion/context. Are you sure you're not asking that question as a setup to discredit a user?
@rene No, I'm not. Did you click through the replies to Shadow's message?
Yes, I did, I'm not that naive
@rene It's humor where one exaggerates.
It sure can be
@Tinkeringbell I think you've exhibited the skills needed to not run away screaming....
@JourneymanGeek Oh, that I probably did ;) (Though I did run away screaming a few times :P)
Practically though - I was considering how to or if to respond to the complaints of the lack of elections...
and... the only real answer I can think of is ...
its all a beta ;p
Meta is a perpetual beta. Meta Mods is a beta...
Yet we're not pro-tem
Well and the first crop of main site mods were handpicked.
But that is literally before time itself my time.
@Tinkeringbell nope
@JourneymanGeek I'd leave it.
Anything you say can and will be used against you and you have a conflict of interest anyways ;)
As long as future mod appointments are done by elections, I'm fine.
I don't see any good coming out of responding but I also think its worth thinking of ;)
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog that's why I was thinking about it.
MSE has a few unique features that makes my traditional checklist of mod suitability hard...
(it has no meta. It is meta, so meta participation is not a thing...)
but its also meta for the whole network
oh well
if nothing else, OT question handling speeds and spammers should be handled quicker ;)
...and more moderation activity on weekends
Well, maybe, but weekends are quiet.
...just in case a troll who's aware that SE staff (previously the only mods) would be gone decides to storm the site on a weekend.
well, that's never been much of a problem?
and the community can probably handle it initially
@Mari it is less about time, more about how the user acts and how the other site users treat them. If I would see lots of complaints about the three mods coming from different users I would also might object appointing them here, but yet again, that is not the case. — Shadow Wizard 9 hours ago
Reminds me of people who object young (i.e. teenager) moderators.
Don't forget, users are still our first line of defence
and sometimes they catch stuff we miss
@ShadowWizard minitech, for instance?
quite honestly - I've known some teenagers with the maturity to be excellent mods
Same way age isn't relevant and 14 y/o can be more mature than 80 y/o person,, time is also not relevant and a user active for only half year on a site can know more about it than someone who is member for 10 years.
and some 30somethings who kinda got drunk with power and destroyed the community they are in.
Yep think you told something about it... or was it @Derpy?
I did lol
Chevy is my example of how not to be a mod
@JourneymanGeek I've seen too... @BoltClock and @Mithrandir for example... ;)
Doing the opposite of what he'd have done has served me well ;)
@JourneymanGeek Chevy? Was it someone on SE?
further back
SOmewhere between LOTB (awesome lot) and here.
so early-mid 2000s?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog honestly don't really remember that one....
@JourneymanGeek yeah... before SO/SE even existed... :)
Apparently he died
heart attack ._.
Is the Command-G (Ctrl-G) editor shortcut new for inserting images?
It interferes with the standard Find Next shortcut on Mac. It must be new as it never bothered me before and not it does, constantly.
@Szabolcs looks like it, yes.
@Szabolcs That seems non-standard; generally you just press Enter again and again
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog On Mac it is the standard Find Next shortcut for just about every aplication.
@Szabolcs I use Windows, and it appears the team does too
Apparently it's not a new shortcut: meta.stackexchange.com/q/247837/164803
But then why did it become an issue only now? Perhaps Chrome did not let the SE editor override this shortcut before, but it does now?
@Szabolcs Maybe it no longer requires focus?
I've been using CTRL+G for years on SE.
Also there's probably mac users in the SO staff
@Szabolcs what browser?
heh, just now the spam was tagged with
tempted to answer: the word you're looking for is spam
vivaldi on windows has the same shortcut but it works "correctly"
Chrome on Windows still works(?) properly: Ctrl+G outside of the question/answer box will "Find Next". Ctrl+G while focusing the box will input the image.
It does actually require focus. Maybe it was just a change in my habits ... @JourneymanGeek I use Chrome.
Can I use the formatting sandbox to test a title breaking solution mentioned here? Just wanna double-check before I make the edit ^^"
@PrincessLuna yes, that is fine. rollback when you're done
That was the plan :)
will we get trolled of "clickbait" soon again?
@ɪʙᴜɢ handled
@PrincessLuna I had the title issue happen on a 4k screen .-.
Depends on scaling I guess?
could be
but not sure there's a neat solution to that. But hey, I'm not a webdev
I tried two suggested solutions, word-break: break-word doesn't work in FF and IE, and I could't get overflow-wrap: break-word to work in FF, even though it's supported according to the docs
@Rob what was up with that tiny image that guy reporting the XSS vulnerability edited in
(i viewed the edit history, foolishly)
@quartata just a bit of petty vandalism I guess
it looks like a web bug but i guess i just dont see the point. anyways theyre suspended for a month now so
@PrincessLuna nvm, setup problem
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (51): Is there any way to filter messages in Slack? by Slack Filter on webapps.SE
1 hour later…
@quartata possibly this, ie. the loaded link will make the /question list only showing 1 item per page
Yeah that's what it was
i think it was a redirect to that at least
imagine spending all that time finding the one thing with state not behind csrf protection
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, toxic answer detected (161): What was Apollo 11's reentry speed at parachute deployment? by JETTURK on space.SE
@ShadowWizard ^.^
...poll: Have you ever found a bullet hole in your window...?
Or just a BB gun pellet.
Not the most pleasant thing to find on a Friday morning...
How did you end up with a bullet hole in your window? xd
... country in war?
but you/anyone didn't hear anything at night/early morning?
Preeettty sure it was our next-door neighbor.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (51): How to check events in Truffle Tests? by DanielSzego on ethereum.SE
@Mithrandir nope
@Mithrandir We had a pigeon fly through one once, does that count?
Then no from here too ;)
@Tinkeringbell here too, twice! Poor bird... 🐦
@Tinkeringbell wut.
@ShadowWizard twice? You'd think it died after the first time ;)
@andmyself Yeah, I don't know how it did that either. Usually they just leave a nasty grease spot :/
@Tinkeringbell lol not same bird or same time. Or same house... And in both cases bird survived. After lots of panic and bumping into lots of things all around the house... :/
@andmyself not a closed window... I assume...
@ShadowWizard Ah. Ours managed to be a proper kamikaze pigeon :P
@ShadowWizard Straight through the glass
Well maybe it was too clean? ;-)
Possibly. We're also blaming the pigeon being somewhat drunk on berries ;)
Hehehe lol
Well, in our cases, usually scary-looking flying insects entered through the window gap, and both them and us were panic...
Nah... roaches are safe. Other insects that we don't really know what they are, though...
At least like wasp-looking insects, though they were probably not wasps, and not dangerous either...
No more flying insects here for a while :) I like that about winter.
@andmyself As long as they don't sting or bite...
^^ can't be falser in Greece :-(
especially where I live, there are mosquitoes in deep winter...
@EKons Run! Get out while you still can :P
starts running frantically oh wait, I'm not a bird
yeah, mosquitoes don't really kill me or something
@EKons but mosquitoes carry all kinds of nasty diseases!
actually, no
we don't have infected swamps :P
We don't either yet even here there's now a species of mosquito settling that can make you ill :/
here, worst that can happen is mosquitoes that have visited a nice, giant trash bin before biting you :P
so the bite swells up quite a bit
@EKons are you familiar with heartworms, lungworms and the other kind fellows being transported around in mosquitoes? :P
not really
since those don't exist over here
I guess I'm lucky
You sure? We're starting to get cases like that (mostly in dogs) due to more "tropical" mosquitoes expanding their domain north
> It has also been found in South America,[4] southern Europe,[5][6] Southeast Asia,[7] the Middle East,[8] Australia, Korea, and Japan.[3][9]
at least there are no news about that in Greece
and, sure enough, nothing in my neighborhood
although it's almost December rn...
> In total, 31 (4.1 %) out of 750 examined animals were found positive for D. immitis by any of the tests applied (Knott’s method and serological examination). Moreover, microfilariae of D. repens and Acanthocheilonema reconditum were detected by the Knott’s method in 17 (2.3 %) and 10 (1.3 %) of the animals, respectively.
(that's a Greece-specific study ;)
yeah, but my neighborhood hasn't ever complained :P
and I'm pretty sure I know it well enough ;-)
yeah, dogs usually don't, they just mysteriously grow weak and die :P
(over long years)
Heartworm is really nasty by the way. By the time it produces symptoms the arteries in the heart are full of worms, and you can't just kill them outright, because that would kill the host as well.
@AndrasDeak but... if they suddenly died because of that, it would've been big news, it's not like having your dog die is the best feeling out there
one of those things where prevention is key
hm, there are some anti-vaxxers in Greece, so I wouldn't be surprised if stuff suddenly stars
@EKons sure, but you need proper diagnosis to realize it's heartworm. At least where I'm from the bulk of dog owners only sees a vet when it's time for the mandatory shots
@EKons how does anti-vaxx come into the picture?
other than the general theme of ignorance
well... if people don't want to be vaccinated, then they may not want their dogs to be vaxxed either
Ah, I see. For what it's worth anti-parasitic treatments are liquids you smear on your dog, tablets you give them, or collars. No shots.
that's the thing, you can't notice until it's possibly too late
2 hours later…
@AndrasDeak the light?
um... sure, that's what a screen emits
Holy Screen
our image uploading spammer is back: meta.stackexchange.com/a/318780/158100
Now has an upvote?
!!/report android.stackexchange.com/q/203943/44325 "also spamming the same site on non-SE sites"
Oh nice! We finally have the improved SE site design on Math Overflow too.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): Why can't I change back to a default ringtone? ✏️ by huong tran on android.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Toxic answer detected, blacklisted user (151): In the remastered Bard's Tale Trilogy, where are the Dreamspell words? by icculux on gaming.SE
@rene eww
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, potentially bad keyword in answer, toxic answer detected (162): Why does my bike make noise in certain gears? by Chris Nihar on bicycles.SE

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