Update (Dec. 22, 2015): Thanks, everyone, for your feedback to this proposal. We're going to digest this one over the holidays and should have a follow-up announcement answering your questions and addressing your concerns after the new year. We won't be making any hurried decisions on this top...
Update: January 15, 2016
Thank you for your patience and feedback. The changes proposed here have been delayed indefinitely - we'll be back later to open some more discussions.
Important context for those arriving from reddit and slashdot links:
The status quo is not "public doma...
This is a frequently thrown-around term on Internet forums in general and Stack Exchange specifically. Although it conveys a lot of meaning, I'd much prefer a phrase with a less offensive origin.
Urban Dictionary defines a "rep-whore" as:
A person who is obsessed with their status on an inte...
The sort order of "newest" tagged questions seems to be currently broken on SO.
Maybe it's the same (or a similiar) issue as we already had in the past?
Or is it just me?
Now (about 1.5 hours later) the issue is gone for me.
I don't know what fixed the issue, but since I haven't cha...
I've broadcast a "reload", which has cleared out a lot of buffered / cached data; I don't know why those tags were particularly impacted by stale data - looks like I need to go gremlin hunting... again.
Again via HNQ, a question where the highest-upvoted "answer" is in fact just a rant about how the asker is a bad person for even asking the question: https://academia.stackexchange.com/a/119395/86725
@rene Oh, I think I know what you mean! at 9.24 in Utrecht, both the intercity to Venlo and Nijmegen leave from platforms 18 and 19 :P I regularly ended up being connected to Nijmegen instead of Venlo ;)
At the next few stops more and more people started forcing their way into the train
To the point that when the train arrived at the next 'big' station, it was full and delayed by almost 20 minutes just because of the times it had to stand still to let people in and out.
@MarkAmery I don't see this as a rant. It's the same is if someone will come over to Stack Overflow and say "I insist using eval() in JavaScript, I don't care what others say, it's none of your business." While true, it's their right to tell such a person how wrong it is, and why.
So a few people got out, but of course at the next big station there were more people than the little train could ever hope to carry
So, the driver announced and asked people to please get away from the doors, so they could be closed and the little train with Tink could be on it's way
Of course, people are people and not very nice in general, so people didn't do this.
In fact, one nasty one even pulled the emergency brakes.
After announcing desperately a few more times, the driver had a face as red as Tink's feathers from anger, and had to announce that everyone had to get of the train, that it wouldn't be driving any further today and was cancelled due to a delay that got too large.
So Tink was sent onto the cold, dark platform and had to wait for another train.
@ArtOfCode Good commuters! We need a few of those over here. I think the problem with Dutch trains is that they have these nice handles to allow less abled people more easy boarding (to hold onto). Pushing people out is kinda hard if you're holding on, and also there's usually a difference in the height of the train and platform and pushing people off little stairs is ... well ... I wouldn't want to have the injuries on my karma if I can prevent it.
@Magisch Except I'm not that good at drawing, so it would take waaay too long.
I'll stick with enjoying writing them down in here ;)
@ShadowWizard So, leaving aside that I disagree with the premise that what the OP wants is wrong in the first place, it is possible to provide a "What you're trying to achieve is a bad idea" answer without toning it like you're chastising a naughty child or littering the answer with personal insults against the asker
@ShadowWizard To put it another way, using your example - it's like if somebody asked a thoughtful question about how to do something with eval, outlining thoughtfully why they thought it was the right thing to do, and got an italics-laden reply saying "You should never use eval! Listen to people with more experience than you who know that legitimate use cases for eval do not exist! You do not have a choice; if you don't like it, you should just stop using JavaScript."
It's just kind of derangedly aggressive as written, and there's no call for it
after removing italics, the next thing I'd do is strip out the personal insults that are rooted in actual factual claims that the answerer has no evidence for - that the student is not "experienced" as either a student or a teacher, that they've never before had to deal with "the real world", and that they "can't" manage to sit through the length of a lecture without using their phone
@Tinkeringbell Oh, the Tube has handles too, but you can hold on as tight as you like and you still can't resist a pack of like-minded commuters who all want you off the train
Woe betide you if you fail to conform to transport etiquette in London
@ArtOfCode Oh that sounds like a great pack mentality :P And here I thought (from my last IPS question) that social policing only happened in the Netherlands :P
then I'd either eliminate the opinion-based personal insults (that the OP is "immature", "disrespectful", etc) or reframe them as how the asker may be perceived
but honestly, it reflects pretty horribly on Academia, IMO, that an answer that literally makes up a bunch of unknowable details about the asker's circumstances, background, and beliefs just to be able to insult the asker with them has been upvoted to +245 :/
Or you can downvote once or twice? I dunno, I thought you needed quite a bit more than 100 to downvote on graduated sites. I'd have to check the privs page to get really sure.
This is like going into the national librarian's convention and going "I want our town library replaced with amazon book credits but the librarians are opposing me, what gives?"
@Tinkeringbell ouch! Well, it wasn't due to train being full but rather people being outright fools. So no policy that says "train won't go if there are too many people".
@Tinkeringbell @MarkAmery I know of a couple SE employees who used their mod privileges to downvote a bunch of answers on beta sites, and ended up with, like, 3 rep as a result.
Should users with gold-badge dupehammer privileges modify older-style duplicate closures where the duplicate targets were edited into the question body by the Community user, into the newer form of closure where the list is an automatic box added above the post?
Here's an example revision histor...
@rene I'm not going to argue about that other question anymore. Instead, I've made further edits to mine; can you please consider reopening it? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/317895/…
@ShadowWizard Hmmm. It may not be a written down policy, but that wasn't the only time it happened (it was the most eventful one though). Basically: full train == longer stops at stations == cancelled due to long delays. That only goes for the trains that stop at all the little stations in between, I've never had it happen in an intercity (one that only stops at large stations)
@sonic_gparyani @Nick_Craver Let me say it again: This issue was *not* missed. It was known, and we decided to release anyway.
FWIW -- I do disagree with the design, with or without pointer. If we continue to offer this functionality, it should work on e.g. phones (where Ctrl-V is not an option).
@Mithrandir But no dev team (SE or otherwise) is fully competent when it comes to releasing things. As an example, Wikipedia rolled out its VisualEditor in 2013, but was forced to revert it back to opt-in beta due to too many bugs. See enwp.org/Special:PermaLink/656325480
@sonic_gparyani @balpha Every piece of software ever is released with known things you'd like to be different and better. Everyone has limited resources, time, and priorities. And not everyone can make every call. That's just how the world works. We're just being up-front about it.
@Magisch Other fun fact: Rabbit food falls under 6%, because people eat rabbits. If you buy guinea pig food, you pay 21% because we apparently don't eat guinea pigs.
I think that if you actually go to a restaurant and eat them, they're at least 6. But I wouldn't be surprised if restaurants were declared 'not a first priority to stay alive' and can use 21 too