One of Tim's tweets made me think - what's worse than stuff not working because of cache? Stuff that was working until the cache expired on Saturday at 2AM and now it doesn't.
The original sealion comic relies upon the sealion pursuing the other party into their own home in order to actually make the sealion look unreasonable; without that detail, you just have the sealion publicly responding to bigotry directed at them in public, and they've clearly done nothing wrong by doing so.
The trouble is that the comic exclusively gets used to criticise people publicly replying to public attacks on their character - exactly as happened here
Ken White from Popehat mockingly calls this the "Doctrine of the Preferred First Speaker"; it says that I get to attack your character publicly as long as I speak first, but once I do so, your right to reply is magically curtailed, because publicly replying would be harassing me and suppressing my speech!
...and my brother currently has the USB with Ubuntu 17 on it, and he's not in town, and I don't have any blank USBs handy. So I borrowed someone else's laptop and created a DVD with 18. But the computer I have to work with isn't recognizing the disk. Bleh.
I wish more people understood that the goal of Stack Overflow is not "answer my question" but "let's collaboratively build an artifact that will benefit future coders". Perhaps SO could be doing more to educate people about this.
nah, it would arise again in the next tweet asking to change something on SO/SE.
Again, only if posted by someone with 1k followers or more, otherwise it's the same as posting on MSE. (aka status-can-be-ignored)
It's all about the exposure, Jeff said it nicely in his answer that I just read. (If a big newspaper will publish something bad about a company, it will always lead to immediate change.)
@ShadowWizard So. I propose everyone just starts following me. Whoever sends me enough chocolate can pick what I'll Tweet about next :P
@ShadowWizard That's ... a very not nuanced view on media. For one, there's several big newspapers out there and what one will paint as bad will be heralded by another depending on what kind of medium you're dealing with. Secondly, there's enough 'big' stories that are painted a whole lot worse than they are, and a company reacting reasonably to them can either give them time to make the change and/or prevent them from having to make the changes because everyone forgot about it anyways.
Also... @Magisch you're the GDPR person around here :P IF Art had my address for stickers, would they be allowed to use it to send chocolate as well? :P
@rene I'm supposed to move. I'm going to get an 'aankoopmakelaar' next week.
@rene I'd love to stay in this little town, but there aren't any apartments I can buy. So it's probably going to be Zwolle (YUK) or Harderwijk, or Deventer or something...
But honestly... when my mom used to scold us, she'd always used the words meaning 'all three of you'. If any of us complained about it, she'd say 'If you feel the need to complain, you feel addressed. If you feel addressed, that means you did something wrong too' :P
either they'll say something non-actionable or they won't say anything; it will make no difference as the minor brouhaha shaking up the "vocal minority" will eventually subside and we'll be back to normal (waiting for the next episode in the asylum)
if they wanted to not let fair procedure take the back seat to public appearances then they could've decided on that long ago
@Magisch Things have been on the decline since I joined 3 years ago. I quickly adopted the opinion that 95% of SO front page is crap. I'm still here wasting my time and generating content. Why would I stop being irrational now? :P
To be honest I love the concept of SO, what it was, and what it could be. As long as I see some chance that it isn't completely ruined by those running it these days I'll find reasons to stick around.
and frankly neither the company nor the platform would shake in its foundations if I left :D
imo, get rid of HNQ and find another way to promote other communities. HNQ only works because it is clickbaity, removing all the clickbaity titles and controversial posts will just reduce its effectiveness.
@SomethingBadHappened what's bad in IPS? Personally I don't like it because it feels like most stories there are made up just to draw virtual attention and reputation, but other than that... just another SE site with somewhat useful resources for those really in trouble.
@SomethingBadHappened good to see the old you back! umm... well, why not allow diversity of sites?
I do agree IPS is one of very few (only?) sites where answers are purely subjective and can't be backed up with facts and official links, but still... feels like it does have its place in SE as long as it's kept under control.
"Wildly off-topic" sites can be a problem in how they effect other sites/the network at large. For the most part, it's not too large, except for... Hot Network Questions.