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Is it over? Can we chat again?
Yes, but only using nice words
1 hour later…
Hey guys!
14 messages moved to Chimney
4 hours later…
sd tpu-
The weeds are tumbling... there's only a vast empty space... what will you do?
sd tpu-
The joys of night shift. I just spent most of the day sleeping ;)
I was drop dead until 3pm after staying awake until 10am (for no particular reason)... fortunately tommorow's still weekend so I can fix my sleeping hour >_<
1 hour later…
I’m finally leaving my family and flying off to college.
@bjb568 All the best for your new journey :3
@JourneymanGeek heh, 18 years since my last night shift. :D
@ShadowWizard I guess I'm not quite where I want to be yet
sd tp-
sd tpu-
Should we add a confirmation for smokey with manually reported posts?
The last one is obviously spam (and I flagged as such of course).
@πάνταῥεῖ well, actually... since the reports on Tavern are actually 5 minutes late than the Charcoal HQ, most (if not all) reports have been confirmed/acknowledged from there
So at least it won't do any harm to send a tpu-?
I am not (still not yet) able to participate at the Charcoal HQ.
there's no harm for Smokey, but for the Tavern, the chat room itself... it might be noise
though, recently, Tavern is soooo quiet....
Yup. It's the usual weekend void they told me recently.
And well, maybe worse since TelKitty left :-/
@JohnDvorak So you want to say that "happy hour" means we can do anything we like to do without moderation?
that is something you would like very much, right?
Not really @rene. I've been learning some things recently.
Learning is for the weak. Stop learning. It's not good for you.
there you have it
Every time I feel like I've learned something, I go and run head first into ... into ... into one of those things made out of brick ... forgot what they are called.
@Bart Well, my nick is a stance.
Nothing weak there.
sd tpu-
2 hours later…
@πάνταῥεῖ your nick is just some weird unicode characters.... but yeah, not weak. :D
There's something beyond that weird unicode characters. For everyone who's actually interested to investigate,
More than 1000 years of stance.
@πάνταῥεῖ drinking coffee? ;)
Heraklitus didn't know about these potentials of coffee probably.
Eh, Googling your nick shows something mega weird, that it's "Panta Rhei" (some unicode magic, I guess) and first result for that is about Heraclitus. More than 2000 years, not "only" 1000. :D
More than 1000 includes 2000 ...
and 10000
10000 yr stoneage women: "I'm along with Hlmbr now. He brought the better meat. Troll off plz."
I dunno, but maybe patriarchs tried to inject their rules of "possession" of women. It never really worked out for them in the end.
Constant change seems to be of much more potential.
@πάνταῥεῖ What makes you feel this is TP? The translation I get from Google is "Hi, I have this problem and I've done a survey but there is no redirects on my site and Linkin is healthy, but then again gives Error Redirects?", which would indicate NAA, IMO.
@ShadowWizard can you sort this out please
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog the other is a duplicate of this. It has a status planned, it can't be closed, as the team is working on it,. — Yvette Colomb 54 secs ago
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog @Yve found an even better target.
I've got someone casting a close vote on it as a duplicate for something unanswered that was posted 6 hours ago. Plus it has a status-planned, which means it will end up with a status complete
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog no.
@ShadowWizard that's rubbish. A community manager has marked it as status planned
for the love of god, fix it. I have exams tomorrow
@YvetteColomb correct
@YvetteColomb not accurate. Joe isn't a CM, he's a Project Manager or Team Leader, whatever they call it, anyway he's the head of team DAG.
Think he's part of SE management, not sure.
@ShadowWizard yeh, you know what I mean
@YvetteColomb fix what? I closed it the other way around. The close vote on your question is still there I think, if it gets closed somehow let me know and I'll reopen.
@ShadowWizard no I meant to change the dupe target.. nm you did good and thanks. maybe you can explain it to @SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I have two exams in the next two days. I have to go. \o
@YvetteColomb yeah he's pinged already and can read what we said, hope it's enough reason for him. Good luck with your exams!
@SmokeDetector naa
huh? Why twice?
Two Smokeys!
so cool
@Shadow Not a duplicate. This request asks for other things that aren't requested in @YvetteColomb's target: meta.stackexchange.com/q/310798/377214
@ShadowWizard Close votes on duplicate targets get cleared automatically if the other question gets closed as a dupe
@YvetteColomb Good luck on your exams!
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog same idea.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Interesting. Do you have a pointer to a Meta on that? I didn't know that and hadn't noticed it from the times I've seen self-duplicates closed and their target also closed. Are self-duplicates excluded?
@ShadowWizard But not the same request. I'll edit that request to remove the part covered by Yvette's question
@Makyen It's in the dupe FAQ
@Shadow Edited it to remove part covered by Yvette's question
@SmokeDetector can anyone help nuke this?
would be very appreciated
1 hour later…
@SmokeDetector, how did I become responsible for HIV? That is a rather large burden to bear.

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