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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Two of my ultimate travel fantasies involve hiking though Tibet mountain region and driving through Australian outback, right through Simpson desert. Both are something to do with going to the least touched part of earth. Least touched because harshness ...
South part of Chile indeed looks like a good place to explore
@Shadow In my opinion, there's really no point in going about and replacing older duplicate closures with newer ones. This bumps those old posts (with the reopening and subsequent removal of the old Community-added link), wipes out the original close voters from the notice shown on the question, and has no overall marginal benefit.
8 messages moved to Chimney
@πάνταῥεῖ that feels anti-se tho
Since one of the strengths of the platonic ideal of SE is low noise.
Q: Would having a romantic relationship matching feature be worthwhile?

two black lines in the middleI'm not personally interested in such a feature, but I just want to put forth the idea of an optional, possibly monetize-able, romantic relationship matching feature for SE users. Is this a bad idea? If so, why not?

> It adds nothing to the core QA experience, and doesn't serve the core goals of SE. It doesn't help add to the knowledge base, and is kind of the lowest common denominator feature.
and I think the "SE isn't friendly cause they don't like you being polite in questions and TIAing" crowd isn't really the folks we need to focus on helping.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: Compare Excel Spreadsheets by Nuno Brum on apple.SE
Ah, good morning, @JourneymanGeek. Again, thanks for pinning the link. Did you respond to it?
Outside "lemme fix up your question"
@SonicWizard no?
I don't do smokey. I like to reap my spammers the old fashioned way.
With fire and death manually
@JourneymanGeek This is more about cleaning up messages in the Tavern, and less about Smokey. I'd recommend reading over the description in the pinned link.
(If it were more about Smokey I would have asked in CHQ)
Pretty sure I pinned that yesterday 0_0
@JourneymanGeek "thanks for pinning it"
I don't particularly care.
ah. ok. the userscript I use makes that less obvious than it should be
10 mins ago, by Sonic Wizard
@Shadow In my opinion, there's really no point in going about and replacing older duplicate closures with newer ones. This bumps those old posts (with the reopening and subsequent removal of the old Community-added link), wipes out the original close voters from the notice shown on the question, and has no overall marginal benefit.
@JourneymanGeek What do you think of the above?
If I had an opinion I'd opine.
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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