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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@alexolut Not exactly looking for upvotes, but thanks.
Shog9 suspended @Undo for 395 days a while back; trouble is he overlooked that Undo is a mod so he could chat anyway
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog np ... I always upvote useful bug-reports
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog mod abuse ;)
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog everithing that you can do with Undo can be undone :)
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog lol
oh ... your nick name is too long now, @ShadowtheHedgehogWizard /// but autocomple is saving me
@alexolut Just call him "Shadow the Hedgehog"
@ale you can just use @Sha and it will ping me.
Three letters are enough.
And I promise to always be Sha[something here]. :D
What if there is another user named @ale (formerly "Al Everett")
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog they'll get ping too, if pingable.
If there will be 1000 pingable users named Dan.... all of them will be pinged by @Dan. :)
@S + Tab is more short
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard change you name to Shadow Tempest...
buh, one key stroke less.
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard "@Sha" is four letters!
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard Somehow @ZoetheWolf always specifically exempts me and pings me as "@sonic" while using three letters for others
@alexolut '@' isn't a letter
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog because @Son doesn't sound good, I guess.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog and its size is less than bit
I also use more when the three letters form something that doesn't look good.
@Son of a Hedgehog
@alexolut Stone-henge-hog?
wondering if @ale likes ale
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog never was in Great Britain
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard same ^^
@alexolut you wonder if you like ale?
Or if you like yourself?
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard Likes himself, Al Everett, or some sort of beverage?
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard no ... I meant that ale (drink) is from GB originally .
@alexolut oh, didn't know that. But how is it related?
kicking @Zoe to Den :P
shamelessly pings @zoe
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog There are other exceptions too
Careful, @Zoe got ping bots and scripts... ;)
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard Stonehenge and ale both from GB
@alexolut oh
And Irish Cream
But I think @Shog once called me King of Pings, or something like that... right? searching
@son doesn't sound as nice as @sonic :D
working fast before being chat banned
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard not in the tavern or the den
@ZoetheWolf son-i-c /// son i see :)
Feb 9 '17 at 21:48, by Shog9
@ShadowWizard nope. You're the king in that arena:
Didn't think of that one :D
This looks like a naïve question, but he should know that they are Q&A sites since he has nearly 10k on SO
@Shog9 almost a year later, any chance for updated table? ;)
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog heh, that's a good story
@Undo please tell! :D
Since you're still a mod guess the story has happy ending anyway. :)
> This is who I am
Not a shadow of who I want to be
Try to understand
That this is what you made me
And you're not ever gonna change me
Derpy writing Poetry.
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard Nope. Just you missing out yet another reference.
that is a verse from the song "Who I am" from the game "Shadow the Hedgehog"
oh lol
I should know that, but...
also know as "yet another bad sonic game but still better than Sonic 06"
(or Forces...)
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard I'm just gonna let ya'll come up with your own interpretations.
that'll be more entertaining than what actually happened
@Undo But who am I?
I just noticed that "lol" looks like a man with raised hands
@alexolut |o|
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard That's quite alright. I just had it in my diary to take a look when he crossed the mark and put something up if nobody else had at that point. Can't say that I've been active on Meta for a long time, so if it's not the right place for it I don't mind being corrected.
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard I think it's been long enough now. Where is my beer? :D
2 hours later…
Just got new version of Outlook on the Web.... Oh no, not the round icons...
Hexagonal would have been fine! I like hexagons!
These blasts still come at a wrong time of the day for spam. Someone burning midnight oil...
If only @if.... was iffed
@if.... maybe they're a vampire
They drink the blood of the people that fall into their trap
Which is probably the same thing nonvampire spammers do
12 messages moved to Chimney
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: connecting multiple lans with openvpns iroute directive by jnbrains on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user: Ou pour Acheter d'or? by francisco2003 on french.SE
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard Ah, Simpsons
@M.A.R. Ah, but it isn't "iff" as in if and only if. One-sided implication only. If you do all those things, then sure but maybe you don't have to.
Also, "Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it" doesn't sound appealing at all.
0's don't have values. well... then it's just 1251
The attitude has changed though, here's a more modern If.
@JohnDvorak the one, n/w wide is still open (I guess so but didn't tried yet).
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly dots in answer: A novel without verbs? by kAchow on writers.SE
@Bart ohhhhhhh... lol!
One of those things which are too obvious.
Obviousness Overflow
@OptimusPrime change on one site, copy to all sites? Nope. Closed. It won't copy the new name to site you changed the name less than 30 days ago.
Tried with my sock.
I think it requires moderator intervention and they're unlikely to do it without reason.
@ZoetheWolf what long? looking around
bumping into @M.A.R.'s nose
@Catija no, @if.... had a name change spree for long time, before there was any exploit. I'm pretty sure.
@Sen will you change to @Else?
Or @Then?
Guess it depend's on Sally's language.
@Kaz cheers!
@ShadowtheHedgehogWizard enough time has elapsed since the last time such a query was made, so it's MORE than overdue to ask again :p
Besides, we're in a tavern
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: How to convert a square SVG to all-size ICO? by Brandito on graphicdesign.SE
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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