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is it safe to leave a linux VPS not upgraded for 20 years?
unless there is compiling compelling reason, I really don't want to touch a version of anything that's working fine
@Telkitty ehh. 20 years? hell no
also that's kinda broad, and depends on what you have exposed, and still hell no
Its worth remembering 1) a maintained system is maintainable. There's no shame in downtime
2) programmers kinda suck (SORRY DEVS!) and are only human, fallible sacks of meat. Sometimes they mess up and you absafragginglutely need to patch
3) your VPS hardware isn't going to last 20 years. Heck even your provider might not. Planned periodic rebuilds mean if you need to upgrade you have already done it.
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek On the upside, my site is mainly visited by bots and spammers, so no hard feelings if their progress is hindered by a broken site
4 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek don't get me started on system engineers ...
@rene Well, they're also human fallible sacks of meat, but have other failure modes.
humans are not just sacks of meat, they are sacks of meat with bones, covered by skin and hair ...
@JourneymanGeek you call not giving me root access to a server a failure mode? I call it power abuse! You deny my program to function properly ...
I reject your access and don't substitute my own.
(also, least these days, there's precious little that needs root access on a day to day basis anyway. That's what docker is for, right?)
well ... to be honest ... right ...
well ... to be honest ... left...
@Telkitty you forget water, which is like 80% of our mass. Or more?
So sacks of meat and bones, floating in water.
(admittedly, I use sudo to set up new applications but that's laziness)
@ShadowWizard meat is mostly water as well :p
@Telkitty oh. You're smart!
But... this meat doesn't have lots of water.... ;)
I always log in as root on my server, because there is only me, so no point having 10 other logins with different privileges >_<
I have ssh root logins disabled
there's fairly common brute force attacks on root accounts, and its a fairly cheap way to protect a system
as is changing the SSH port
it isn't 'security' in a proper sense, like setting up a ssh key based login, but it kinda helps with the low hanging fruit
2 level authentication :p
@JourneymanGeek It is time we scrape our logs and pay them back ...
/cc ^^^ @ShadowWizard @JourneymanGeek @TravisJ @Bart
done both
@rene only that the systems attacking are also compromised. And probably rootkitted ;p
@JourneymanGeek true. My suggestion is just a bad re-invention of the idea of Nick
ah lol
actually throwing bruteforcebots into a honeypot to track what they do would be clever.
@rene need help flagging that dreaded bot who appears to comment bomb you?
I'll gladly flag his comments.
Rarely see such a poor quality crap from single user who is active elsewhere.
@ShadowWizard not sure what the best action is, honestly.
@rene personally I'd never get involved with such a person, it's almost as he's doing it (posting total crap) on purpose.
Hopefully Q ban will kick in shortly if it didn't yet.
who? faceman?
So my advice now is to just back off silently, maybe asking once to stop harassing you in comments.
@JourneymanGeek nah, some "dreadbot".
err. almost rings a bell.
Posted three "questions" over short time span, all below -8 by now.
@JourneymanGeek comments bombing is here.
Think that at some point we can flag such comments as rude or abusive, so just waiting for @rene to ask and will do it happily.
(as the flower is being abused.... :))
Wrong room
yup sorry wrong one
Though @Zoe is pingable here too... :D
ha ha ha
Well the dreadbot appears to be finally silent, guess all is good then. No flags needed.
@ShadowWizard famous last words ... only time will tell ...
@ShadowWizard you summoned me?
21 mins ago, by Shadow Wizard
Though @Zoe is pingable here too... :D
I'm everywhere :P
@Catija am I migrating crap to your meta: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/359269/comment-getting-deleted ? If yes, then I'm sorry ...
Maybe @Magisch has extra advice on that ^ one ...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body: What is the roadmap for an Industrial Engineer to be a Data Scientist? by Hari Prasad on datascience.SE
@ShadowWizard now hammered it closed ...
@rene yep, swiftly sweeping rubbish into your neighbour's backyard while they are fast asleep
Heh, at least I said sorry, OK? ;)
rene swiftly swept rubbish into his neighbour's backyard while they were fast asleep, then whispered 'I am sorry' in their direction
@rene good, finally we can delete it.
@Telkitty at least only backyard and not into their home....
because it takes extra effort to sweep across the backyard into home
@rene que?¿
@Magisch please have a look at that meta question I linked to.
I thought you were active on IPS so I assumed you might have a better feel if that question should go on their meta
@rene I can't see deleted comments and wasn't around for that happening
Sure post it there but in the non-peak hours you probably won't get a response. There's like 15 semi-active people on meta and most of them are american
@Magisch oh, I didn't think it needed the actual comments. I assumed an answer could be: yeah, we are very strict on comments that tend to discuss instead of improving the posts
or something along those lines
Well generally I don't know
OK, that is an answer ;)
I'll take it
I don't have a direct line into catija's head so I don't really know. I know they're deleting a lot of comments because the site is being heavily misused as a forum though
stealing the answer from @rene
@Magisch makes sense. Interpersonal Skills. Personal == social == forum
@Magisch I'm heavily disappointed in your inability to read minds....
Does anyone know how to change a log-in password? I've tried the 'my logi-ins' tab but it doesn't give options for changeing my SE password. :(
@ShadowWizard Shog takes a very dim view on that
If you're not careful he might dispatch Shogs 1-8 after you
@Araucaria try logging in here openid.stackexchange.com
@JourneymanGeek yup it's right in there:
(another option is clicking "forgot password" even when not logged in)
@Magisch why?
@JourneymanGeek Shadow Thanks guys. That worked. Phew!
@ShadowWizard Shog doesn't want people to use IPS as a forum
@Magisch might be helpful to provide context ;p
smacks @ShadowWizard for saying any SE site is a forum
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, link at end of answer: Wrong playlist order in Google Play Music app by Johnny Johnny Zerb on android.SE

Shog's rules for IPS

17 hours ago, 13 minutes total – 38 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 5 hours ago by Magisch

@ShadowWizard ^
Not for me, I'm aware of some of it ;p
Unlocked "Site Analytic"
in The Awkward Silence on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 17 hours ago, by Shog9
(none of this is up for discussion; I'm going back to cleaning my garage now, and I don't want to see any more bickering on the matter when I return.)
This sounds suspiciously like a threat to unleash the ringwraiths other shogs :D
So, the no.1 referring site on Anime & Manga is...... disq.us?
Basically means 1) They think the site needs a nudge in the right direction 2) has a hope 3) some yelling needed.
@Magisch leaves me wondering how the cleaned garage looks now ...
probably exactly the same ;p
@rene You could ask shog
Q: How to make levels that never get old, even with a leveling system?

reincarnationofstackexchangeI always get the feeling that in games with a linear plot and leveling system, players never go back to the older levels because the monsters there are too easy and the world has nothing new to offer there. Players usually don't go visit floor 1 just for memory's sake or to remember the good tim...

Ad then there is Disagea, a game where there is no problem such as "overlevelling".
Either your early levels are useless later on or your leveling system is pointless and needs a removin
@Magisch "Early levels"... you meant the real early levels or the redone early levels done after a rebirth that sent you back to level 1 (and then utterly abused via mastery, multipliers, rule changes and such? )
no actual early levels
Any game with any amount of depth has difficulty progression, so even when you have no leveling system a well designed game's early levels will not challenge you or offer you decent rewards at all anymore.
and I'm done with 'Site Analytic" ._.
How to: Repcap on IPS:

1.Write several answers
2.Wait until one of those hits HNQ
3.Collect rep
All of my 3 answers from today are equal in quality I think but one is raking in the votes
@Magisch Yep, sorry, probably if you didn't ever play the game it is hard to understand. Disagea actually in a way "encourages" (or maybe forces) you to replay the old content because it is completely possible and actually "desirable" for your character to go back in experience levels.
Sounds like there is either another leveling system in place or the game is pretty pointless
Like a paragon or multiplier or mastery or whateveryoucallitthesedays meta-level system
Of course in online games sometimes there can be economic reasons to go back into old levels
an example would be me with lv.80 in wow going back into a lv.12 area to farm ore since nobody is farming that particular ore but everyone needs it to skill leading to a higher price then endgame ore
I just read Shog's rules for IPS. I guess the site will be the next LifeHacks.SE then...
(popular at the moment, then haunted site the next)
(sorry for the negativity, but that's my honest opinion)
@Magisch the game incentives "munchkin-like" characters. The power progression is insane, with end level bosses having HP values expresses in billions. To keep up, the player is advised to "break" the system by using some of the (deliberately) broken game mechanics against the game. One of those mechanics is the "rebirth" system. Your character is sent back to level 1, but gets to keep a percentage of the original strength he had as a bonus. See where this end up?
@Derpy So it is a meta progression system
And presumably with modifiers on the early levels
So these aren't early levels at all but procedurally recycled endgame content
@AndrewT. What do you mean?
less HNQ, which I think is good OTOH
@Magisch not really. They ARE the early levels. But probably you have also cheated the rules so that now the level of the monsters in level 1 is multiplied by 10...
also.... now you probably can finish the battle in 5 turn or less, a thing that was impossible for you before. And get the bonus for it.
@Derpy So they have the layout of the early levels. That means they're not early levels but endgame content based on early levels instead
Much like the scaling difficulty system in D3
Hollow Knight uses the same principle for the first level (Forgotten Crossroads)
it becomes infected at some point and the enemies gain plague attacks and shoot plague globs
@Magisch again, not really true. In d3 the game ramps up the difficulty to match your new end game powers and make the next run still relevant.
here, you probably haven't reached the end game content.
end game is relative
YOU are the one that is scaling up the early content to use it as a tool against the actual end content.
maybe, but imho it makes an HUGE difference in how you perceive the scaling.
Quick Question: Is it OK to comment on behalf of someone? Let's say if some can't comment posted it as an answer but it's a good comment (according to Stack Exchange rules but just in the wrong place.) can someone with enough reps post the content on behalf of the person?
Or call a mod?
I know about converting comments to answers but not the other way around.
or is it answers to comments.
Not sure which way it goes.
I am really asking random questions to distance myself from something else. ;)
@Derpy So someone managed to couch procedurally rescaling levels in a good meta narrative
@HenryWHHackv2.1 you could if you want, considering the answer is NAA and will be deleted. Worse, it's converted into comment by mod, but then you can delete your own comment
@HenryWHHackv2.1 ehhh, that gets complex
I mean how do you even know how they want to ask it?
We can (rarely) convert an answer to a comment
not an answer to a comment. We will let you know what a terrible person you are, politely, and wish we could comment ban you for posting answers in comments.
@Magisch and UI-overflowing stats values.....
@JourneymanGeek I imagine a small dog with hat foaming at the mouth furiously unaware of his small size and ineffectiveness in being anything but cute and enraged but still cute
You know, like these small dogs somehow always have no fear
@Magisch ya. You have to train em to run away on command.
Like there's an aggressive bobcat 10 times my weight and 8 times my size? I'll take that on rawr
@Magisch and win.
Well yeah because the bobcat will be like "Aw hell no this murder floof bundle of rage and pissedoffness"
tbf if I was a bear and there were 3 lbs of condensed rage and overconfidence running at me I'd probably leg it too
Not worth it
(also totally explains my moderation style? ;p)
I don't threaten folks with suspension. I threaten them with rolled up newspapers.
small ultimately impotent but scarily overconfident?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +5 more: tophealthydiet.com/max-test-ultra/ by faith waters on astronomy.SE
@Magisch well, scnauzers are so named cause traditionally their whiskers were matted and acted as armour.
I like small dogs
I like cats more but I like small dogs too
and golden retrievers
I have a soft spot for collies
and of course terriers.
my aunt has 4 golden retrievers
And they're so precious
@JourneymanGeek no no, only the personal sites! ;)
smacks @ShadowWizard with a rolled up spellbook
reading a spell in random from the spellbook, turning @Journeyman into a frog
bites @ShadowWizard
frogs don't bite!
or gums. Or whatever frogs do.
> To catch prey, their sticky tongues will dart from their mouths and pull the prey into the frog's mouth. This movement is so fast often the prey doesn't have a chance to escape. A frog's tongue can snap back into its mouth within 15/100ths of a second.
tongueattacks @ShadowWizard's eyeballs
becoming the Blind Wizard and starts roaming the world, preaching about being kind to others
Sep 16 '10 at 19:35, by rchern
(first meow in Tavern)
Is it irony that I wanted to link to this to explain you shouldn't vote on colleagues/users from your own organization?
uhh, "you vote, then you get suspended"?
I don't know the real reason for the suspension. It seemed like a good candidate at first but the answer didn't fit my purpose. Only then I noticed that the OP was suspended.
I just realised I could do this...
@JourneymanGeek is that a browser feature?
tiled tab stacks + web snippet on vivaldi
you can actually tile more but...
ooh and if you do 4....
I thought you're using Chrome OS >_>
@AndrewT. one browser window
@Magisch Darn. I was hoping someone did... I certainly don't;)
@rene well, I'm pretty sure his "students" serially upvoted him, all from same IP. Or, more likely, he was trying to game the system and used "students" as poor excuse.
@ShadowWizard that could be it, yes.
@Catija Heh. Maybe one of the other mods?
They're all still asleep :D
Also reading women's minds would make me a multi trillionaire if I could do it
Rich but unhappy would be my bet ...
Unhappy and terrified
What makes you think that?
I'd probably firsthand see how little some people like me. I think that'd sting
@Magisch There's a great episode of Star Trek TNG where Picard and Crusher can read each other's minds... it's interesting. I think I'd like to know how people think of me if only to save me the time of investing effort in people and situations where it's pointless.
I spend a lot of time agonizing over whether people think I'm interesting or annoying. I'm pretty sure that time could be better spent. Someone told me once it's safer to assume no one likes you but I think I'd find that depressing. I like people and want them to like me. I'm also the sort who tries not to tie liking someone to being in perfect agreement with them.
Julia Silge on November 13, 2017

Life as a developer (or data scientist, in my case) involves being comfortable with changing technologies. I don’t use the same programming languages that I did at the beginning of my career, and I fully expect to be using different technologies several years from now. Here on the Stack Overflow blog, we’ve talked recently about technologies that are shrinking in popularity and those that are growing, but sometimes a programming language, framework, or technology comes out of nowhere and bursts on to the scene, or falls off a cliff. Sometimes there are dramatic shifts in a technolo …

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body, pattern-matching email in body: GET YOUR LOAN WITHOUT STRESS by Maphason Gary on money.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer: 403b employee contribution misclassified as employer contribution by Maphason Gary on money.SE
@Catija but if you'll know for sure what anyone think about you, it will be boring. You won't have to do anything. You saw the first Matrix movie? There's a related scene, where they mention that the machines tried to create a perfect world for the humans, and they simply started to kill themselves in masses due to boredom.
@ShadowWizard Considering how frustrated it makes me when people are enigmatic about these sorts of things... I think I'd rather be bored ;)
@Catija you answered and voted to close as a dupe that book question. Was that in error?
@rene Order of operations. I answered it first and then thought about it a bit and realized it'd probably been asked before... though, with the specificity of Harry Potter, it might not be a dupe since both sites are possible targets for that question.
The dupe target doesn't say anything about HP...
Ok, I skipped it ... I was just wondering about your motivation
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Free online mathematical software by Megan Lofts on math.SE
@Catija Boredom is a fate worse then death if it lasts
@Magisch There is more to life than wondering whether someone actually thinks you're worth interacting with... like books. And movies. :P Though, I suppose if everyone were able to do this, most of the drama in books and movies wouldn't exist any more.
Which is why it's something I just want for myself... y'all can keep guessing ;P
I would probably become really depressed with how many people just hate my guts but are too polite to say it to my face
:( That would be crappy if that were the case. I know that no one is liked by everyone but I think that there are lots of people out there happy to tell you how awful you are but not a ton of people telling you that you're awesome.
@Catija I know that there are a bunch of people I know who hate my guts. But I don't know how many and who it is. It's an inevitability when you're as annoying as I am
@Magisch You're annoying? I've not found that to be the case.
@Catija You're so polite. :)
@canon HA HA. Sometimes. Sure. Depends on who I'm talking to ;)
Also, It was fun to wake up to this today... something cool, for once:
Yes, as @Catija said this IS core Q&A. The problem with Documentation, as you correctly surmised, was that it had zip, zilch, nada, bupkis to do with Q&A. So to argue "this takes focus away from core Q&A" is.. uh.. completely and utterly wrong? If you are reading this and thinking "wow Channels sounds like Documentation" then I urge you to read more harder-er ;) — Jeff Atwood 8 hours ago
@Catija You don't know me long enough to have seen it yet
Most replied-to message in room #89: Tavern on the Meta, with 18 replies (4882139 by Doorknob, 4882142 by Undo, 4882145 by Keen, 4882146 by S.L. Barth, 4882149 by Jon Ericson, 4882150 by fredley, 4882154 by ArtOfCode, 4882156 by 200_success, 4882157 by enderland, 4882158 by Andy, 4882161 by Ixrec, 4882162 by Wrzlprmft, 4882166 by msh210, 4882167 by yo', 4882171 by rand al'thor, 4882185 by M.A.R., 4882188 by Double AA, 4882204 by Matt Ellen):
May 5 '16 at 19:23, by Ana
Hypothetical question for mods: What would happen if comments were deactivated on your site?
@JeremyBanks I'm really curious what that would turn up in the TL... :P
@Catija I probably won't use this script (at least as-is) with the TL because that would end up making a local copy of some of its content, which is a no-no. :-)
@JeremyBanks Oh, I didn't realize it was a script. :(
I can't query the database directly any more. :P
We'll just have to poke Adam to do it instead :P
One thing I was always missing from Bonfire (Stack Exchange Chat) was a way to list replies to a message, so I'm working on an interface for that myself.
No Data Explorer for chat.
That could be interesting... I have to admit I find it somewhat annoying that transcript view doesn't highlight responses at all... It makes it painful to figure out who was saying what to whom.
@JeremyBanks Bonfire? Is it a SE product or something SE built onto themselves?
Bonfire is the internal name for that chat system we're using now, which Stack built themselves. Mostly Balpha, really. ;)
The name is a reference to the old Campfire chat system from Basecamp (formerly 37signals).
Ah. Interesting tidbits. :D
Is a mod lock content dispute timed? As in, does it get unlocked automagicaly?
@rene Can be. Can also be permanent.
@Catija Ok, does it have a default time?
The interface default is 1 hour.
@rene 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week... permanent, are the options.
@JeremyBanks I just actually saw this... wow... That's a question... I think it'd scare me if there were no comments on IPS.
I wouldn't know what to do with all of the free time.
Yeah, it's a fitting result to that query.
@Catija Nice to see that Jeff is watching and thinks Channels is on-mission.
@JeremyBanks Indeed!
I don't know how much he hangs around any more but it's certainly good to see that he's keeping tabs on recent developments.
Jess Pardue on November 13, 2017

Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast episode #121 recorded Thursday, November 9, 2017 at Stack Overflow HQ in NYC. Today’s crew includes VP of Stack Overflow Jay Hanlon, CTO David Fullerton, News Editor Ilana Yitzhaki, SO Engineering Manager Matt Sherman, and me, Producer Jess. Joel is away getting fitted for gutter-drains and tap dancing shoes!

Special thanks to our sponsors: Oracle and Digital Ocean.

Stack Overflow appreciates Oracle’s support for this podcast and for our community. Learn more about all the ways Oracle supports open source, java, and developers like you at oracle.com/developers. …

That's what Jeff gets for showing up. :P
What's up with the multiple post notices added / removed within minutes, for example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Is that just a mod who wants to prevents escalation but handles it within the minute?
I have more cases here.
@rene Tim needed to post a comment but couldn't because of the lock... so he had to remove the notice and comment and then put it back. here
ah, with a lock also a mod is locked out?
@rene Yup. Even the CMs.
That makes sense. You lock so you can assess the situation, then decide on the action, unlock, do what ever actions you decided to do and then lock again.
@rene that's not really true anymore, but probably was at the time.
So... I wrote a long answer to a question on Friday because the existing very highly voted answer doesn't really do the job of a FAQ... I wrote a new answer because it was starting from scratch and I didn't want to completely obliterate the existing answer... But I think it would be a good addition to the FAQ list now but I'm not sure what to do...
@Shog9 but habits don't change easily: stackoverflow.com/posts/41966087/timeline ? :)
I thought about flagging it since only the CMs can actually make it a FAQ... I don't know if it needs some degree of review before it's made a FAQ...
@JakeSymons Ola \o
@Catija you want me to have a look?
@Catija I think that covers it nicely. Now we only need a voting mob to down vote the answer of Martijn ;)
@rene And an upvoting mob to give me some rep before they CW it :P Thanks :D I'm glad it's good.
And why don't you ping Martijn in the TL (or comment under his answer) to discuss it?
He is reasonable after a coffee ....
@rene To ask if he'd be OK with me editing his answer into mine?
@Catija yeah, I mean the 2 answers don't make much sense
Yeah. Most FAQs only have one answer unless they're really long and broken up into sections. I don't think this warrants that treatment.
Martijn is still awake and seems in a good mood ....so ... good luck ;)
@rene I take it you're seeing him somewhere else?
He just answered on MSO
@rene other possibility is that I can still modify locked posts but mods can't and I've forgotten that...
That sounds more plausible
@rene Apparently no one knows how the FAQ-proposed --> FAQ process works.
Q: How does an faq-proposed question become part of the FAQ?

ben is uǝq backwardsThere are 131 questions tagged faq-proposed. The FAQ for Stack Exchange sites says: How can a question be added to this FAQ? Link back to this index. Paste this at the end of the question: How can a question be added to this FAQ? Link back to this index. Paste this at the e...

Good news, everyone. I'm going to inundate the javascript tag with 30+ answers this week. It will be great and terrible.
@Catija just flag for a mod/CM and make your case
@Shog9 It's quoted in that question that I just linked to.
@canon I'm all set. Thanks.
> When a post seems to have hit a mature state, it will have faq added by a moderator.
... that's sort of... nebulous.
yes, intentionally so
plenty of FAQs aren't actually frequently asked; fewer yet get the sort of thorough treatment that warrants linking them from the main index.
Well, like I said elsewhere, then... I'll just sit around and wait and hope that I get something close to what Martijn did in upvotes eventually... but FAQs generally only have one answer, so part of my concern is how that gets dealt with.
@Shog9 The entire reason I even added the answer was because someone asked for more detail about the association bonus and linked to that post and the fact that it was lacking in details.
@Catija did you flag yet? That step is a bit out of order, but it's kind of a critical step.
you are, of course, free to sit on that step until you're sure your answer is actually useful... and you've had plenty of time to garner rep
@Shog9 No. Maybe it's wrong of me but I'm being somewhat selfish... if it's not going to get made a faq for another year, seems silly for it to spend all that time as a CW.
One upon a time, this sorta happened naturally: FAQs that attracted a large number of edits would automatically flip into CW mode. Now we gotta fake it.
@Catija no reason to rush. The FAQ process is arguably a bit anachronistic at this point. It's helpful to have a ToC, but given the breadth of topics it's unrealistic to expect an official FAQ for every one of them. See if it's actually necessary first.
The last topic I added to the FAQ was heavily-referenced and the original author was long gone - so kicking it up as a public resource made sense.
the association bonus isn't mentioned in the faq and only brief in the reputation FAQ. Give it 6 to 8 weeks to mature ..
1 hour later…

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