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@JourneymanGeek Did you see the solution to the SU spam problem?
I literally just woke up ;p
A: De-linkify links in network profile if a network-wide suspension is applied

Adam LearUpdate: As of November 13th 2017, all Website fields and links in the "About Me" profile sections are unlinked on stackexchange.com. We can thank the increasing spam activity on the network (a.k.a. The Great Super User Spam Invasion of 2017). So, in other words... this feature request is status-c...

also "solution?" "- and which spam problem?
I'm assuming Adam's talking about the spam that's on profiles instead of posts?
Isn't there a chat room somewhere just collecting the links to them?
ya, I think errr... bharghav has a bot for that
I wonder that is the spam vs legit question vs help vampire question ratio on various SE sites
@Telkitty on a healthy site spam dosen't last that long
Just wondering how many spams get posted, don't care how fast they get deleted
I'm guessing they log spam hits in Charcoal but there are some that it misses and some that are wrong. It'd still probably give you a pretty good approximation, though.
I have a list of 20K+ account IDs from the SU spam wave
and then there were another 3K+ that got created but have empty profiles 'cause they got caught by a blacklist.
Wow... That's crazy. I see why they went with the option they did. I'm sort of surprised they didn't block links on all sites.
I'm guessing there's something different about the SE.com network profiles? I've noticed that it doesn't update if I update my regular user profile.
It still has my hippo-only avatar and my old profile info.
@Catija normal site profiles just block all links up to some trivial amount of rep
That would've been nice to do on SE.com as well, but... More work
I'm guessing it's a different code base since the profiles look so different.
pretty sure you can write a script to automatically setting up new accounts
run it once, create thousands of new account
based on what I saw, this was either humans or humans using scripts; the actions weren't consistent from one account to the next (some clicked around a bit after adding the bio text, checked to make sure it showed up on SE.com, etc. others did nothing)
which... just makes it all the more impressive, really
What time scale was it on? 20K accounts over how long?
think about how cheaply human time - fractions of a life - are bought and sold
@Catija 10/16 - 11/8
couple big spikes within that range
5K in one day
Wow. I wonder how many people were doing it.
hard to say
I'm guessing that's not something that'd be easy to guess at if they're all using the same IP.
@Shog9 iirc the ip addresses were also all over the place?
and there was a common email domain that appeared in a few places
@JourneymanGeek at least 1800-some unique IPs, though many on the same providers
probably low end/cheap VPSes
tho probably still cost maybe a few hundred dollars (of probably fake credit card charges)
Makes me wonder what the roi is for that, though... I can't imagine that many of those links were ever used.
Though, I suppose it could be just an attempt to tie up the site trying to figure out how to deal with it.
@Catija fill Google results with matches for keywords that associate with a link that redirects to a site that promises attractive content for money
that's why SE.com was so important here: the links worked
though the chances of that for profiles is limited, no?
Google scrapes those SE.com profiles within minutes of them being updated.
Why do they even index the se.com profiles at all?
well, did at least. We may have allowed the well to be poisoned a bit by allowing this many accounts to exist.
(also, they use a lot of the same terms)
@Catija because they index everything ;p
That's not completely true. :P
and there's no real benefit to blocking that with robots.txt
I mean, we kinda let them know that this stuff exists. Which is normally a good thing: a new question on, say, a problem with a new iOS or XCode release shows up in folks' results within seconds of it being posted. Not so great for profiles though.
not... great at all for spam profiles
@Shog9 any plans to clear them out? There's a few fairly distinct patterns there that I presume you noticed too...
(that unicode arrow thing, which seems odd, other than as a way to find them, and the "download/watch" in various european languages... even for allegedly hindi videos)
@JourneymanGeek moderators - and me - are kinda rate-limited when it comes to user deletions. It would take me about 30 hours to clear them out deleting them as fast as possible.
During which time, I wouldn't be able to do anything else
Questions make perfect sense to me, yes. It's the profiles I'm not so sure about.
ah. ugh
So... I might fire off a script some weekend if things look calm. Or try & talk @Adam or @bluefeet into abusing their access to do it some other way.
@JourneymanGeek fortunately, they pretty much stuck to a script when it came to the URL formats. They were all shortened URLs initially, then they went to abusing Google itself to redirect, then they went with various forms of URL-encoded domain names. All of which I chased with a succession of blacklist entries.
Add in a sanity-check that verifies they've never posted anything, gotten any rep, or created accounts anywhere but SU & SE.com... And if nothing else, false-positives are pretty benign.
oh, only SU got hit? 0_0
Doesn't that just make you feel so popular?
I mean... There was the usual background noise of spammers everywhere else, but nothing on the scale of SU
@Catija well kinda sorta
on one hand, we're big enough to get hit
on the other hand, in most cases, sites that have tons of spam are un-loved wastelands of broken windows and users who have moved on - which SU isn't
they just found the one place we can't effectively do the needful
@Shog9 I just got access and you already expect me to abuse it? For what purpose???
@bluefeet don't make me give you the puppy dog eyes.
@Shog9 Yeah, we can do better than a client-side script.
A server-side script (a.k.a. a dev route) is probably a decent way to go.
works for me
Whoo, the warming glow of nuclear fire cooked spammer :)
starting working life again...
yay :)
still sleepy though...
after.... almost 2 years of irregular sleeping time
I try very hard to stick to mostly standard sleeping times when not working ._.
(today I failed. I got woken up repeatedly by thunder ._.)
I can feel it... current tropical weather is really bad >_<
either hot as cooked, or thunderstorm...
damned climate change
I know some spammers who have scripts that's capable of sending spams from different IPs (proxy server maybe?). They have access to thousands of email accounts. I know this as a victim who runs low traffic sites
· (blah blah)
· Wind directions.
· (blah blah)
wind direction ... what if wind changes direction all the times?
it does?
1 hour later…
@Telkitty mix of cheap or exploited servers and open proxies I suspect. and the email addresses don't necessarily need to be valid IIRC
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/303193/… errr. Personally I suspect that op has no idea what he is looking for. Also so hard to pick close reasons...
the solution is to invite to the chat, but OP can't chat either....
3 hours later…
3 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
@rene I've flagged the MSO question for moderator attention. All of his questions the past few weeks he does the same, even when other users say not to do that.
Oh, I only noticed the 2 for today.
@Stijn maybe we should troll them a bit ...
Heh, I've been wondering if he isn't trolling us instead, given his track record for questions on Meta
20K spam seed? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/303201/… /cc @sha @bart @JourneymanGeek @TravisJ
@Shog9 maybe "more consideration given to bugs and features" is something that Team DAG could do. Then CMs can focus on "more discussion of how Stack Overflow is and can be used effectively today". Perhaps also "more insight into company plans", but someone from the team working on a certain thing is probably in a better position to communicate it to the users.
@rene yeah already flagged as spam upon seeing it.
@AndrewT. -1 no animation
@ShadowWizard use your imagination
@AndrewT. no need
Nov 1 at 9:43, by Shadow Wizard
user image
That's a real tumbleweed ^
@rene too bad the question ban on meta is set to some absurdly high number
@rene nah just a user with tough tag issue
@Stijn no question ban on per-site meta, pretty sure of that.
Only suspension can stop such a user.
oh you're right, only an answer ban is enabled
Really? Oh well, better than nothing I guess.
@Telkitty that's... tumblingdog
or husky, or wolf, or..
(anyway, the reflection shows him still tumbling)
after that day they never walked up a stairs again ...
the husky that loyally staying on the ground floor forever ...
@ShadowWizard Wild guess: he interpreted rene comment on the original question as "you can only search in AND mode". If the search didn't allow for an "OR" filter, he would somehow be right in a way.
in the "fix the 1 days label" way... but still right.
@JourneymanGeek don't forget Bart and TravisJ
@TravisJ I see. I don't see bart. Maybe I need glasses ;)
ooh, self delete. SCORE!
Bart is pingable, that is enough ...
@Derpy might be. But he go a point, e.g. such search is pointless, as any 6 tags search when AND is used. But since the search field is free text, not much SE can or should do.
@ShadowWizard wait...
If user using AND for more than 5 tags sequentially. then we should restrict it. — Ramesh Rajendran 39 mins ago
nope, he is just in "please fix pluralizations bug" mode
how to force chrome not to redirect to https?
@OptimusPrime on Stack Overflow specifically? Or on other websites?
Previously I used a host with certificate and the url was https but now I changed it and now it is just http but when I enter http://url, chrome automatically changes it to https and show me awesome error
@Stijn not SO. it's personal
@OptimusPrime eww. whyyyy?
Also, I thought the redirect is typically server side
That could be HSTS at work.
Or a similar mechanism where the browser remembers the site was visited with HTTPS before
that would assume he has it set up tho
does it do that in private mode?
different browser?
it does in private mode too. but I tried some other services like url to screenshot and works perfectly
works perfectly in Firefox and all other browsers too
@Stijn how to fix it in chrome?
no idea
@OptimusPrime so disable whatever extension you have that do this, Chrome doesn't do such a thing. I browse many sites without https just fine.
@ShadowWizard it has to done with chrome
navigate to chrome://net-internals/#hsts, enter the url in the text field (near delete button) and click on delete button.
You could probably ask this on superuser.com
Thanks @Stijn for the term. the term worked on google
ok :)
@JourneymanGeek private mode even run the avira extension in chrome
and autofill all datas
@OptimusPrime well you sorted it out
that said
dude, get a cert ;p
LE's pretty darned easy
and server side configs - mozilla.github.io/server-side-tls/ssl-config-generator this is handy
previously I used firebase. so it will do the task for me
now I created a blog on blogger, made a sub domain on godaddy and added forward with masking
so no https
"made a subdomain on godaddy" eww
@OptimusPrime not a fan of them as a registar
they've probably gotten less scummy but...
Didn't tested any other registrars. I heard about godaddy long ago and even google gave it as the #1 result
(happy namecheap customer here)
GoDaddy Inc. is an American publicly traded Internet domain registrar and web hosting company. As of May 2017, GoDaddy has approximately 17 million customers and over 6,000 employees worldwide. The company is known for its advertising on TV and in the newspapers. It has been involved in several controversies related to censorship. == History == GoDaddy was founded in 1997 by Baltimore, Maryland, entrepreneur Bob Parsons. Prior to GoDaddy, Parsons sold his financial software services company, "Parsons Technology, Inc." to Intuit for $64 million in 1994. Parsons came out of his retirement in 1997...
> The company is known for its advertising on TV and in the newspapers
how I ended up using namecheap is a bit of a funny story
One of the sites I use got compromised, and there were a few dubious registrations of domains using my paypal account. Namecheap cancelled them and let paypal know...
and a few years later, when I wanted to get a domain, I went with them
they've been excellent so far
previously I used dot.tk for few TLD's
they have 5 TLD's for free
what's the catch?
@JourneymanGeek no experience with them
@JourneymanGeek ?
for free domains
Nothing comes for free without a catch, that's an iron rule.
Usually it's tons of ads
no idea how they provide free TLD's even without ICANN registration fee ($0.18)
We once had a free ISP here which injected ads into pages. They didn't last long.
But they also provide other paid domain registration services including .com and so on
no ads with them
Afaik, there is no such things with them
for hosting, previously I used 000webhost but there was 2 reason for me to quit it
they got compromised and?
#1. Their db compromised and I found many suspicious activities in my gmail and amazon accounts ( I used the same passwords for most of the accounts at that time)
#2. Previously they pushed their own ads after certain number of visitors. but things changed then
Even if there is no one visited in that month, they started showing their banner. I tried even open comments on pages but not worked. like <?php /* and end of file. but they are closing it
now happy with godaddy and firebase
currently I run a dedicated server with online.net and use namecheap for domains. Also I use their email hosting service for my dad - we transfered the domain to namecheap as well.
I'm also using namecheap, switched after waiting for more than a year with my previous registrar to support CNAME-like records for the root domain.
have to check namecheap.
started freelancing again. So will get an opportunity soon
I am with godaddy
VPS with own mail server
I need to do that again for my own domain(s)
private mail server is more trouble than it's worth
eh, google's still my primary
as a part of money-saving, I still use free gmail account. vdevs.in at gmail.com
at this point, a private email server will cost me half a day or so ;p
but its very hard to do it right + not much benefit
@OptimusPrime you have dedicated server, it's free to run private mail server
@Telkitty O_O I am running my site on firebase
a subdomain, blog.url forward to blogger (with mask)
but once I had to choose one, I will go for gmail business ac
my previous company used gmail. and I am very much satisfied with it
my private mail server is private, safe ... just not very reliable ...
it breaks down all the times
anyway to remove the footer text in blogger?
@Telkitty out of 100, how many emails are get delivered to you?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (batch report: post 1 out of 2): Found any red flags with WP Tangerine or they are good? by KrisM on wordpress.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (batch report: post 2 out of 2): Found any red flags with WP Tangerine or they are good? by user131438 on wordpress.SE
@OptimusPrime if it's open source you can check the code for footer and remove the relevant lines
@OptimusPrime I don't really know how many were lost on the way
can't find a way to edit html. also there is no delete icon
not sure about blogger, but wordpress was mainly written in php
you can just delete a few lines to fix that problem
also that means you need to be able to log into your own server to change the source code
if it is a template, then it is ok. but can't find a way in blogger
knowing it's by Google, I doubt it can be removed...
@Stijn was that marked helpful?
also maintaining wordpress and plugins are a lot of pain to
things keep on breaking when upgrade
stopped dealing with php years ago
php isn't terribly hard and wordpress is free
open source too
yeah. but completely changing to JavaScript.
more options
for website / web application -> Angular / react / vue and so on
for mobile appln -> Ionic
for Server -> NodeJS
for Desktop -> Electron
everything is based on JS
Could run your blog on ghost...
imagine, the entire SE runs on JS, hahaha
most of the current staff will become jobless
On the internet, nobody knows you're a JavaScript
@OptimusPrime not really, JS is easy to learn, they'll just learn it while fixing bugs.
@ShadowWizard take years if they have to build a huge production site like SE in node js
from scratch
Nobody in their right mind would use JavaScript, right @OptimusPrime? :D
missed that
even JavaScript can be used in Unity for game development
@Bart ^^ your area
Android with Java is easy too... looks at SO
^ @OptimusPrime ;)
/me does a little dance
If you are using such native langs, you can build only for that OS. but if you use something like Ionic or nativescript, you can develp for iOS, Android and windows
how about its "Look and Feel"â„¢?
@OptimusPrime not really. Built a fairly big website using node.js in matter of two months. From scratch, with 0 knowledge about node.js before that.
@ShadowWizard just a matter of importing packages, right?
@Bart watch the coffee!
@Bart exactly
games will be removed from market soon
games are killing people and I am completely against games
@Bart ^^^
@OptimusPrime what games? What are you talking about?
@Bart like left-pad...
@ShadowWizard Blue Whale and etc.
@OptimusPrime (over)work is killing people, and I am completely against work
Curiosity killed the cats, and I'm completely against cats
@AndrewT. me too. If I got an option to eat + sleep without working, I prefer that
@OptimusPrime wut?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Transfer file from Google Drive to Mediafire by Jack on superuser.com
Think @Sag is back to trolling-mode. :P
let's troll the troll
One option is to marry the single daughter of a billionaire
like, trock and troll
@AndrewT. too similar to twerking
@ShadowWizard some workout in gym will help to maintain health
@Bart developing games is a waste of a time. So we, the brilliant JS developers didn't do that. So, the unityscript is a failure model and so they deprecated it
@OptimusPrime right, right.
@OptimusPrime I made lots of games with JS
LOL found something while looking for my game on jsfiddle..... jsfiddle.net/55EYt/4/embedded/result :D
click at your own risk! :P
(yeah this is @UniKitty!)
I guess I just lost the game...
@rene pending
I hope that won't take 6 to 8 something to handle ...
main and meta share a flag queue, I guess
he just asked another meta post...
@AndrewT. yeah it's getting annoying now
So for $ 5,000 I can have my own tag ... wait ...
I need to make that on-topic somehow.
I can make my API public ...
@rene for how long I wonder
water here
@JourneymanGeek 6 to 8 weeks
Let's fork and call it .
You'll need to turn it off and on and...
@rene you know he'll take the 6 to 8 weeks literally, right :p
5k per year sounds rather cheap. 5k per month... would probably pay for ... I donno.
5k rep per month :)
but it's on SO... where rep is already inflated...
doesn't hurt Skeet at all
@JourneymanGeek that is bad ...
@rene if it wasn't terrible, it wouldn't be funny
@Stijn ... no words ....
and then probably it after that
Not Overflow
that sounds like a serious condition
it is
probably like constipation
No, the bluefeet trampled it
Clearly, his vocabulistics is not that developed
@rene it's been marked helpful
@Stijn Okay ...
somebody exploded
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because you consistently misinterpret how SO works (/is supposed to work), and you consistently file bug reports or other questions based on those misinterpretations. — Cerbrus 4 mins ago
hm 12k? 0_0
didn't see that coming at all :p
@JourneymanGeek yeah...
also his web page is pretty bad, and my webpage is actually pretty ugly...
@AndrewT. I like the freehand numbers there ...
also, twitch he mispelled read on his profile
While I appreciate that you are only trying to help by applying general quality assurance testing to the site, your findings so far have not been received very well in that they don't matter or are not actual bugs. The community is getting rather worn out having to deal with the flood of new posts you have been created; in the past 24 hours you created six new posts, all of which have been downvoted. Perhaps there are more productive uses of your time? — Martijn Pieters ♦ 6 mins ago
probably rate-limited again, this time on meta...
tbh, that kinda thing almost makes more sense with sites with actual reputation ;p
well, choose "continue" or "suspended by mod"...
(from the next comment)
1 rep incoming...
in the meantime, on Megaman reddiit, someone claims to have found this on a japanese twitter related to capcom.
I am trying to reverse search that image to see if it is a fake crafted from some fanart but haven't found anything yet
I've never played a Megaman game before, static.capcom.com/unity/mmimg/screens/… makes me think of Sonic
that said, if that is true it will be pretty weird. I was just claiming yesterday that they should have a new MMBN game that uses the switch to simulate the PE.T
Didn't capcom explicitly announce they weren't targeting switch?
@Derpy I searched in Japanese, no related news
not even 2ch
@AndrewT. I know, I am searching for the alleged source twitter with no luck. That is, it somehow fit the weird images that were found about Megaman in the latest months.
OTOH, there will be.... uhh... new Megaman anime in 2018 broadcasted on Cartoon Network Japan
hopefully this image... is... uhh... not an example of it
(apparently it's an old news, and might not release in 2018...)
@AndrewT. sadly, all points to that.
In the meantime, Capcom announced Goodsmile would produce a nendoroid Roll figure. Months before Goodsmile even acknowledges that or put a "coming soon" page online
(and then you have the out of place image in the gallery in the "recently" released MM collection 2 which doesn't match any released game)
@AndrewT. yep, consider that is a new design. Just for a figure?
(but yep, that happened before with the trueforce figure that was made from a fan art design of MM X that Capcom released but never used for a game)
Anyway there is something believable in that screen. If that game was truly in the work, it would mean that Capcom once again threw continuity in the trash, by releasing a new series that takes place between two other games that were supposed to be direct sequels.
.... which is something I would totally expect them to do at this point...
anyway, waiting for @jnat to clear this one up ^
he should know right?
I mean, he is like the little 8-bit brother of the .exe bomber.
looking at the sky, waiting for the beam
@AndrewT. here is a beam for you!
protip: because of a pretty unlucky coincidence, the beam is starting from the Moon. Considering you was replying to some starved Megaman gamers who have been waiting for years for a new release.... you could end up being attached by the nerd equivalent of an hungry pack of wolves.
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