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Hello, I am looking for an old question on the META site, and cannot find it using the search. I was told I could ask here for additional help.
The question was a discussion on how to cast votes. Some were voting up poor questions simply because there were already many up-votes, and others were voting down good questions from new members. One answer provided a helpful diagram with green and red boxes that highlighted the title, question body, current question score, and the members who posed the question, with guidance on which boxes to look at when deciding how to vote.
@JonathanDavidArndt Sounds like When should I vote? although it doesn't have diagrams.
IMHO, this is a pretty useless FAQ. If you need to ask, you probably shouldn't be voting. — Shog9 ♦ May 16 '12 at 17:39
^ that
@Alex Thanks. I hadn't found that one.
But there is no diagram. There was a particular answer that was particularly well written and it had the accompanying diagram.
I'll keep looking.
Maybe it was on the SO meta...
AU sidebar says Yakkety Yak (16.10) is now EOL... more stuff for their clogged Close queue.
caption: waiting for you ... food
22 messages moved to Chimney
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, +1 more: Avalure Cream Don't press real hard when you're exfoliating. by BethPep on drupal.SE
kali meta.stackexchange.com/questions/299058/… needs 1 more /cc @sha @bart @ tra
@rene oops. accidentally opened and then only realised don't have the priv.
is there a script to track the current votes each mod candidate got?
@SagarV ah, sorry. forgot to mention the 20K. Needs some moar coffee
@rene some moar? a lot moar. I mean 10X more
@rene I think there is a userscript for knowing candidate score. Do you have any link for that?
@SagarV Nope, only after the election is final. When published early that will cause (even more) tactical voting
@rene kaboom
though OP has account on 8 (!) sites
@SagarV it's secret, otherwise it will cause pile-up effect
@SagarV sure there is. Hack into SE database.
Good luck!
@ShadowWizard I think Oded, Jeff, Joel and Jon won't like that idea. Shog and Bluefeet too :p
you need to learn when people are serious and when they are only teasing you ...
@ShadowWizard Kenny didn't remembering here to unstar everything
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
The next one. Stars get removed under peer pressure
Gonna block you at the database level.
@Oded :-) block @Shadow too for suggesting such Ideas
klickety click
^ the sound of a professional
No it doesn't
all those trigger happy diamonds ...
> noun
> 1. a rhythmic, swiftly paced succession of alternating clicks and clacks, as the sound produced by the wheels of a train moving over tracks.
almost there.
2 more days to reach one month without having a Smart Phone
yes I can live without a smart phone. Finally proved
can't spend anymore to repair that c**p. It costs only 9K. (almost 150$). I already spend almost 100$ for repairing in 2 years
Oded, kenny didn't liked you :p
in Shadow's Den, 26 secs ago, by KennyBOT
~ Come on! Make me something better than Oded
@ShadowWizard so... we have two locations with complaints of bird crap inside classrooms....
and they're in the walls man THEY ARE IN THE WALLS
@JourneymanGeek so.... now your role is to.... clean bird poo?!
Man, your job really sucks... :/
but yeah, birds crap is nasty.
It's everywhere.
I once got it all over my car when parking under a tree.
Even washing machine didn't remove it all. lol
in Shadow's Den, 8 secs ago, by KennyBOT
~ I'm not sure I ever had @Telkitty ...
@ShadowWizard what? did you put your car into washing machine? O_O
@SagarV yup. o_O
you got a big washing machine
or a small car
If you fail to pay, the washer trample your car
Today I'm messing around with PostgreSQL, so seeing elephants everywhere :/
2 days later
can this be treated as a spam or link only answer?
A: How to fix: org.json.JSONException: Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

ItsJamezA simple JSON Parser Tutorial with simple example JSON Parsing Tutorial With Example In Android Studio

@SagarV not spam I would say, but NAA for sure
gone by @BhargavRao :)
But yeah, not spam, it's legit to link to own blog, as long as relevant code is added with explanation.
as rene said it is not spam, flagged it as VLQ. but no disclosure affiliation or code.
@SagarV it's not VLQ, it can be salvaged by adding code and explaining how it solve the problem.
(like most link only answers, IMO)
I used to flag Link only answers as VLQ and thanks and Question in answer as NAA
is it the right way?
@SagarV depends. Broken links are VLQ as it can't be salvaged
robot fish ... rofl
most hilarious video I have seen in days
@ShadowWizard so shall I use NAA for link only answers?
VLQ's turned to auto helpful when edited by the answerer
@SagarV as far as I know, yes
@Shadow, the MSO [ faq ] asks us to use VLQ for link only and not NAA (unless the VLQ option is not present)
@BhargavRao both of you are confusing me. O_o
A: When to flag an answer as "not an answer"?

Martijn PietersYou flag posts that do not attempt to answer the question. Examples are: Thanking the posters Thxs! I had teh exact same poblem and this page really hepped me (sic) Asking a new question So how do I apply this to the frobnar when I twiddled the foozbain then? Asking for clarificati...

Read the "What not to flag" part
@JanDvorak: What you could do is flag posts with just a link as low quality; that'll send it to the low quality review queue. — Martijn Pieters ♦ Jul 13 '14 at 15:49
(But yeah, generally speaking, both NAA and VLQ are fine with us, so flag them anyhow)
that's what I used to do. But the message from @Sha made me flag some posts as NAA
retracted 1 and flagged as VLQ
It's fine, not an issue. Both VLQ and NAA go into the same LQPQ.
@SagarV well, @Bhargav is mod, plus I'm not active for a while on SO, so he's right. On stuff related to SO, take his advice first. ;)
@ShadowWizard yeah. already converted 1 NAA to VLQ
Oded is trying to gimme DB ban for more than 5 hours. looking for Oded :-)
Many people still flag link only as NAA as it's the advice given on MSE and on other sites. Only the MSO one says flag as VLQ. Mods do consider both as valid. Many of us don't do all the arithmetic involved to determine the best flag for a post, we just delete the post if there is a need to, else decline.
@BhargavRao yeah, IMO better just merge the flags and be done with it.
Oops it's monday. Still I have to wait for 4 more days
Like comment flags are now much more simple.
9 mins ago, by Bhargav Rao
@JanDvorak: What you could do is flag posts with just a link as low quality; that'll send it to the low quality review queue. — Martijn Pieters ♦ Jul 13 '14 at 15:49
NAA is handled by mods and VLQ are handled in LQP, I think
@SagarV no, both sent to same review
7 mins ago, by Bhargav Rao
It's fine, not an issue. Both VLQ and NAA go into the same LQPQ.
Tough not sure what's PQ
Poor Quality? There's new review queue? :/
Low Quality Posts Q
I guess. (a mod only Q)
Q: Merge the "Not An Answer" and "Very Low Quality" flags into one

TunakiNote, there is a similar request on MSE which is 2 years old. Note also that the observations made here can be put in perspective of the comment flag change which is going to encapsulate lots of comment flag types into a single one, for the same reasons that will be described in this post. This...

@BhargavRao yes! :)
I always wish every day in week should be a sunday or saturday still no luck :(
@ShadowWizard err, read the top here stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts ... The name of the queue is Low Quality Posts Queue
@BhargavRao nope.
Maybe for mods.
Word "queue" is not mentioned.
Oops, yeah. It's a review queue, so Low Quality Posts Queue ;)
The review queue interface is the same for everyone
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: How do I fix my wi-fi range? by Virginia Adams on askubuntu.com
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of darjeeling tea for @ShadowWizard
@ShadowWizard Running since 09:08:19 UTC (2 hours, 26 minutes, 9 seconds)
I want a tea
@SagarV brews a cup of chamomile tea for @SagarV
He asked for tea and you give him chamomile?
Sen no Rikyū wouldn't be happy.
@Derpy I need the middle one
probably filled with miso.
I joked. I don't want that :p
btw. Sorry, I said miso while I meant anko
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, numbers-only title, title has only one unique char: 0000000000000000000000000 by user321 on mathoverflow.net
@ShadowWizard no burd poo
I did work 8am to 9.20 pm today ._.
SEDE doesn't include the last two days of July, but even so, the spam on AU chart is impressive.
@Alex are your sure that's not SagarV misflagging things?
Jul 20 at 20:42, by Alex
This counts the posts that were nuked "correctly", by Community casting a vote of VoteTypeId=12. (Which happens if either enough spam flags are cast or a mod casts a binding spam flag; not if the post is mod-deleted).
So if it's misflagging, there is a lot of it going on, with fatal consequences...
But no, AU is just setting new non-SO records for spam per month, for two months in a row. See also metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/graphs
@JourneymanGeek nice! You're very dedicated to your job..... :D
@canon I like your steadfast trust in your fellow tavern mates ...
@ShadowWizard His hours will get better once he's a master.
Thank you from Randall, but no new comic... unless this is it.
@canon Master of Orion?
@canon what?
@ShadowWizard Master of geekery... or his trade. Orion? sure!
@Telkitty my trust is forged in the fires of observation and experience :P
@canon I loved the cat.
are the heads touching or is it hard to describe 3d scenario in 2d?
I mean if the two persons look like this:
didn't see it for years. Didn't miss it.
courtesy of MSN
I know. Used it for years..... years ago. Reminds me the past.
xkcd promotes unrealistic body image. :(
@Alex where?
@ShadowWizard the picture alex just posted, for example
@Telkitty oh, didn't notice it's xkcd
here, have a treat :p
meh, too pixelated
:6228563 ?
why the ?
I see the Tavern-signal in the sky, someone needs our help!
Q: Help set DAG product development priorities

Joe FriendYou've already been introduced to the Developer Affinity & Growth team (DAG, yeah go ahead Aussies and make your jokes, but the name really is a humble nod to this line from Hamilton). The obvious question is, "What the heck is this new team going to do?" As we’ve reviewed meta feedback we have...

@Telkitty fight to the death?
Meh, any meta poll represents the MetaSO opinion, not SO opinion.
@canon yeah ... I dunno
@Alex you probably already know this, but some loungers I know have already become paid mentors else where, so ...
I can give you names, but everything were in the transcripts
might as well use rep system as an indication for good mentors
just saying, because either ways, it will have little to do with me
@Telkitty If I've learned anything from the rep system, it's not to trust the rep system.
tag-badges, maybe... and even then, subject matter expertise does not a mentor make
reps are good enough - people can read answers and choose who they want to be tutored by
although there is a drawback - if people know that they can be paid to give answers, they will be less reluctant to answer for free
expert sexchange
maybe instead of question ban newbies, only does public question ban and offer private mentoring?
@Telkitty You're going to end up holding some guy's hand as he builds his "revolutionary new social network" "if I could just get some help with the basics"
how are you going to address the problem of losing high rep users once they find out that they can use their time mentoring else where and make $ instead of answering questions here?
I am mentioning this because there are more and more people doing this
@Telkitty profit sharing on question views! Put that impact rating to use... but start collecting more granular view information.
you need to have that conversation with high rep users not me
I care little either ways
I am paid $ for "mentoring" full-time but still answer questions on Math when I feel like it. For one thing, I can choose which questions to answer. And if the OP doesn't understand my answer, too bad - I'm not going to say more than I feel like saying.
So it's a way to unwind in a low-pressure Q&A situation. In contrast to the proposed chat-based mentoring (that I have zero interest in).
I spend all day wondering whether tech is going around in circles instead of moving forward with all those unnecessarily deprecate of everything. Seriously, the backend should be improved, interface should stay the same for maximum efficiency. It's dumb to code once and work only for 12 months. I want build once and work for 120 years. Maybe I should turn my full attention to real estate development instead.
human is a dumb race
Long time no see, @Madara!
android, ios - both the same, new interfaces, even using a new main language
why can't you NOT going in circles, sending people to dig a hole then sending another bunch to fill it thus to improve employment
can't you build more efficient infrastructure instead?
when you watch 'back to the future' or '2001: A Space Odyssey', then you compare with real life ...
@ShadowWizard let's see that again:
@ShadowWizard Indeed
I saw that.
Saw what?
That is a kick-able offense ...
@rene posting a chat message?
Maybe I should pick up my Hebrew to not miss a thing ..
@M.A.R. Breathing.
Wait he is not a blue person here
Or pinging Madara?
@rene I basically wrote nonsense because I was writing English but my language was set to Hebrew.
yeah. approved a suggested edit from Aaron, another SO mod
So English letter positions with Hebrew letters = garbage
@MadaraUchiha that is an excuses I'm going to abuse in the future ;)
@MadaraUchiha hah, happened to me more than a thousand times
سه لهژدد
There was a time when I could read Arabic
Took it in Highschool
It's been years since I've practiced though
@rene Dutch is basically English with funny accents, so you can't
היחיד פה שבאמת יודע לקרוא עברית זה עודד בכל מקרה
@M.A.R. Hmm, Ok, I'll have to work on that then
@MadaraUchiha that's actually Persian gibberish, not Arabic gibberish
@rene you'll forget Dutch?
@M.A.R. Isn't written Arabic the same for all dialects, and the differences are in the spoken variants?
@M.A.R. Meh, I'll come up with something ...
I love how Google Translate translates עודד to "cheered" instead of @Oded
I've always like that aspect of my name :)
The root it came from and general meaning
And my autocorrect translates Oded to coded
Seeing how Oded's name actually roughly means "to cheer" in Hebrew
which also works ;)
@M.A.R. That's pretty good
@MadaraUchiha well, I guess Persian is considered a separate language entirely, not one of Arabic's dialects
@M.A.R. Ah, I see
And it has four extra letters that don't exist in Arabic
Nice, TIL
But yeah, years of interaction have made the vocabulary pretty similar
How are things going in Iran btw? We don't get a lot of news here from that angle.
The grammar is still very different though. Arabic is usually VSO, but Persian is SOV
@MadaraUchiha very boring. Nothing is going on
That's good
That's because closer nations end up with similar vocabularies and people share their own words, but grammar is usually only dependent on the origin of the language
@M.A.R. Yes, Arabic as a whole is very similar to Hebrew in both grammar and vocabulary
Those four extra letters are ژ گ پ چ
@MadaraUchiha I don't know enough about Arabic's origin to confidently say where it is, but in the ancient times -- before Islam -- the current Iran's west has had a very different start in history than the east
The Persians, and so the language, was originated in the east, and governments like Assyria and a few others I don't know how to romanize originated in the west
And Arabic came from the west, probably somewhere below Syria
"it is probably my favourite queue to work through" Well, that won't last. And you've already begun to discover why. :-) — Cody Gray 43 mins ago
I wonder what the reaction of Cody would be once he got access to the Mod flag queue ...
@rene do I need to reply with a gif of someone breaking a computer in a creative way, or is it too obvious?
@M.A.R. we hat fun so be my guest ...
I don't hat fun though. I need a hat myself
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title: I used a fake surname on my passport by army iam on travel.SE
hi! how do I indent code so that it starts with a bullet point? I searched meta but only found threads on autoindent of code but this is not what I am looking for.
+code blocks
Start with a bullet point, then add code?
- ``some code``
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened URL in answer: How to store printer ink without drying? by Cade on lifehacks.SE
I think you can also use a bullet point and then indent the next paragraph like crazy until you get the code block on the right level. (I don't have an example handy at the moment, however.)
@JonEricson but then IIRC the bullet point won't render right
Or not
@problemofficer Code block after a list item requires 8-space indent
Double the usual 4-space indentation, because it's considered a part of the list.
But in many cases you want to simply end the list, and have the code block as the top-level elemenf of the post.. For that, put some <invalid tag> or <!-- html comment--> after the list.

        Code here
@Oded: The code block is the continuation of the current code block.
@Alex: weird....I had already tried it and it did not render the grey background. Tried it again and it works now. maybe there was some whitespace or line break missing
@Feeds it's 👌 that you resized the one-□, but I couldn't 👀 the text because it's too small...
Seen @GitHubStatus i.sstatic.net/D3fJ3.png
Why do Github outages always happen at the exact moment you need it to be up?
@Bart they're standing behind your shoulder
If GitHub goes off line when nobody needs it, does it make a noise?
@Bart are you saying you introduced a single point of failure in your architecture?
@rene I AM the single point of failure in our architecture.
Those need to be eliminated ...
@rene can you eliminate him though?
I tried. It doesn't work.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Cooking pasta in a Pressure Cooker by Emily Lisker on cooking.SE
1 hour later…
Can confirm, without kewl glasses everything fails for me.
It's hard to answer MSE questions about YouTube embedding when MSE doesn't support YouTube embedding.
I was almost tempted to put in a feature request, but then I remembered there are almost no other scenarios where video embedding would be helpful here
@JonEricson The sound of a GitHub outage is the sound of backend APIs and autobuild software crying.
Yeah. Let's embed video embedding to talk about video embedding
@M.A.R. To be fair, I'm pretty sure that scenario is the definition of Meta.
Mentorship? pfft... this is what the site needs:
I wonder if I could make a Data Explorer query for MSE posts with YouTube URLs
"It looks like you're trying to ask a question..."
@canon They actually have a clippy over in Super User's chat
A: What Easter Eggs do the chat sites have?

PopsMeta Stack Exchange/(any room): red tags Send a message consisting solely of [status-SOME_PLAINTEXT_STRING] and it will appear in chat like a moderator tag. Doing this as a reply to another message is okay, but other text or formatting will not work. The plaintext string cannot be longer than 50...

@StevenVascellaro I'm dismayed by the notion of a superuser using clippy...
omg halp! what has I walked into
I thought clippy was done haunting people
@canon never said a super computer user
@JonEricson It doesn't, everyone else does, "as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced".
The new podcast (soon to appear here, I suppose) features codenewbie.org
Elections: Stack Overflow and Stack Overflow en español are about to end, Philosophy voting began (2 candidates, CS=13 and CS=3), Data Science nomination period began, Cross Validated collecting questions.
I wish there was some kind of a webpage to track this sort of things.
Feeds is slacking, still no podcast link. Podcast #114 – Every Conference Needs a Break-Dancing Greeter
Do you get swag for winning the constitution answers?
> The best explanation, whether on the winning side or the losing side, will be read on next week’s podcast and win a STACK OVERFLOW STICKER, courtesy of the us.
So I made a twitter account just to write a response. Not sure if I should satire or serious. #firstworldproblems.
Went with satire
Always the sophisticated choice.
@MadaraUchiha כשאשך צןדאשלק!
No worry it happened to @Mithrandir too... I think... ;)
@M.A.R. not big enough
A: How can I safely pick up a garden snail?

siennai have 3 snails. i always pick them up by the shell. sometimes i have to pull. it dosen't hurt them though. if you want them tamed, just be with them and do the things you want them to be confident in doing, they will be well trained to do theese things if you keep training them for about 3 days....

What kind of things can one train snails to do?
Train pandas how to Kung Fu.
@Shog you must help me out I'm getting crazy........ who is the anonymous user editing all the faqs?? :)
getting crazy and going to bed
You're clearly sleep-editing
@ShadowWizard it is 2am there. Go. To. Sleep.
Hidelly ho, neighboroonies!
Yay, finally a new Community Team member... but no, that's just animuson changing his last name to get a higher position on the page. A clever move.
Jason Harvey, the SRE from Alaska, left SO to work for Reddit. Boo.
Jaydles got promoted from VP of Stack Overflow to "VP & GM". Next step, CEO after Joel retires?
@Alex you gotta go where the money fun is.
@Alex He's a lineman for the community
(he may need a small vacation, but it don't look like rain)

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