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@drachenstern Chrome since version 1.
Again with the people coming in WAY late
He is crazy -- chrome is faster and has a better interface.
and I like the debugging tools more. shrug
You should've seen what the mod crew had to say
almost a holy war on browsers, saying that Chrome had much worse in performance than Fx ever had (one against many, but still)
I prefer the debug tools in Firebug
I was just reading it. And mod crew is crazy. Every benchmark shows chrome is faster... besides my personal experience.
no, actual usability performance
and it was just one person saying that
And the whole extension theory is carp too.... I never loaded extensions into Fx or Chrome. (except firebug)
You should totally be using the chat userscript in here
Because it makes it teh moar awesomesauces
Also, because we use it when we say stuff like "Check :622429"
I've been told I should just use this instead: "Check :622430" but that's so much more work
I see. Not sure how you did that.... It is an honor to be linked.
Eclipse is driving me bonkers... you ever use it?
I uh ... linked myself
also, I did that with [:622430](url)
I have not, but I've been sorely tempted to recently
Been playing with linking to github all day....
almost there but there are just a few things....
Yeah, I've considered it, but since I plan this project to eventually be a commercial venture, I don't think putting it on github is beneficial to me.
I haven't decided yet so far one way or the other
I'm trying to post some bug fixes to jQueryUI
who can resist rewardjs.com ?
I'll catch you later @drachenstern -- off to play... (wave)
I'm gone to my in-laws for the night (some concern of a burgler in the neighborhood, so apparently that means I should sleep there ... :S )
1 hour later…
Shore is quite in here
Hello Steam for Mac, goodbye productivity!
I sure wish they'd bring out Steam for Linux.
Really glad they have a portal demo.
@GeorgeMarian I wish BootCamp wouldn't complain about fragmented files, so I could install Windows and (don't tell Apple Support) Ubuntu.
It's a good game. Never finished it though. lol
@Moshe heh
My gaming experience has actually been inspired by one individual. I should get original.
Battlefield 1942, BF2, and now Portal: First Slice.
It's neat that Steam has offline mode.
@GeorgeMarian - Which Linux do you use?
closes Safari, since his computer needs more RAM
(but will be back soon)
@Moshe I have been using Ubuntu lately.
What do you think about it George?
Meh. It's alright and I do seem to like the Debian way of doing things.
I don't like the fact that Unity was pushed out too early and have yet to upgrade to 11.04.
The fact that some of the configuration stuff is a bit non standard irks me, but there's usually a fair amount of information available.
most of my work in "Ubuntu" is as a server
so I don't see the stuff like Unity
so for me, it's all solid. I love the speed with which most things stay updated to stable
sucks when I can't get bleeding edge stuff fast enough (so for that I have git)
compilr.com <-- so interesting, imagine if SEI implemented this for SO posts??
Yeah, I have an Ubuntu server as well for dev.
Overall, I do like the speed of Ubuntu's updates. I was bitching about VLC not being updated. Then I realized that they were applying patches to a slight older version for whatever reason, instead of pulling in the new versions.
> April 26th, 11:47AM Compilr Doubles Users in 5 short months!
When I see something like this I always think, "Oh, from one to two then"
Aaah... My MacBook is using all of its RAM.
Time to upgrade.
@drachenstern Interesting. I came across a browser based editor when I was looking to pretty print some XML in a browser.
@YiJiang ha!
does anybody here remember the name of the truck stop in the second die hard movie? (I think it was the second one)
waha- Nord des Lignes truckstop,
I appear to be dangerously close to the end of the activity list in here, I better correct that.
Building a website for our school's current affair society. I'm thinking of creating a sort of 'news wall' for the background by pulling headlines from, say the BBC and putting them as the background of the website. Good idea?
given about 8 active people, that's not really something to complain about
@YiJiang I think so
WTF is the tag?
Apparently it's for questions that should be on code review?
or programmers? (help me find a better structure for my program <-- should be a valid topic there)
\O/ Portal: First Slice is great!
omg, goto bed it's 2:30 am
hell, I oughta listen to that advice.
@drachenstern yea yea, was designing sprites with a friend over skype.
@Moshe don't listen to me (it's almost always a bad idea if it's not about code) ... :p
But then I got this odd message from my MacBook: "Welcome again to the aperture science enhancement center."
Which, by the way, can run Portal, but is better after a reboot.
According to Activity Monitor, running Mail, iChat, Xcode 3, Xcode 4, Photoshop, Activity Monitor, Steam and Portal is not conducive to smooth gameplay.
Seriously, Activity Monitor says I need more RAM.
@drachenstern you wuz askin to a starr
I'll leave it for now
Oh, and btw, watching my friend email me the sprites on my iPad in realtime is way cool.
how's that? oh, cos of screen remote viewing ...
@drachenstern Yep, TeamViewer HD
Q: Why is the ban for too many rejected edits so lengthy?

jjjI have been editing some questions and answers lately. Suddenly, I wanted to edit a question and this message shows up: Too many of your edits were rejected, try again in 7 days. What? Seven days!? Why? Isn't that a bit exaggerated? How about: You have had 3 edits rejected today; pleas...

1 hour later…
And a 25ker on SO wants deleted. :/
It may be me, I just don't see the point of deleting accounts.
@badpssockpuppet that's postponed
@balpha I don't have 10k anymore :\
oh nvm, you don't have 10k
ever since writing inane answers on MSO is worth more than reporting bugs or raising concerns, I kinda stopped frequenting much :P
Not that all MSO answers are inane. That's where much of the inanity resides however.
(Still, not a reason to delete my account.)
1 hour later…
Sometimes, I'm lost for words.
Q: don't have the idea to to design my DB

alidon't have the idea to to design my DB how can i design a database for a currency exchange site, any help

@Pekka's ..No duplicated..?! ..^_^
why did you close it .. ? .. he needs help ..he is just a beginer
At least give him some time ... ask him more to get the wanted issue
@jjj Your avatar looks SO nice!
Thanks ..
your pic is cool too
It's the jQuery logo.
oh ..
@jjj No understand you say what!!? Closed it because question awful, time given question after clean up, issue no understand, question no answer!
@jjj he needs help that SO can't provide. Like learning fundamentals. And how to read the FAQ that get shoved in your face every time you ask a question
What would you say if I came to you and told you, "I want to build a three-story house. I need to be done in three weeks. What should I do?"
@Pekkasothertrollingaccount I would tell you to hire a contractor (probably an expensive one.)
@Pekkasothertrollingaccount jQuery wood plugin
Ign linux.dropbox.com natty/main Translation-en
Err dl.google.com stable Release.gpg
Something wicked happened resolving 'dl.google.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
apt has some weird error messages
@Hogan but I don't want to hire anybody. Can you please just get me started? I need something called a foundation, right? How do I do that? What materials do I need? Can you help me build it?
@badpssockpuppet another case of programming destroying real world jobs.
@Pekkasothertrollingaccount You need small pieces of colored paper called "money". You can get those for free from Google with this very clever scam trick. Do you have skype?
> This planet has, or had, a problem, which was this. Most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small, green pieces of paper, which is odd, because on the whole, it wasn't the small, green pieces of paper which were unhappy
@badpssockpuppet but I want to do it myself. I tried money once, didn't like it. It was too difficult to obtain it.
Made it past 300k on #stackoverflow. Woot 'n all that. Not sure what the next milestone will be.
@balpha 2^32-1
or 500k.
btw when I originally suggested an hard cap for reputation at something like 200k rep I was burned alive for being envious or whatever.
(Jon wasn't there yet)
05/14	12:10 AM	phone	 Internet/MEdia Net	Sent	133425KB
Uh, I think not.
@TimStone uuuuh, that's gonna hurt.
I had hardly been using any data, so I had dropped myself down to 200 MB a month. Given this nonsense though, I've retroactively gone back to 2 GB, so I shouldn't have to pay overage penalties.
I still have no clue why all of that data was supposedly transferred.
2 hours later…
@TimStone Probably all of your passwords, to a secure server in Russia.
Did you recently attempt to parse HTML with regexps?
@badpssockpuppet Regexps and jQuery, it's the only way.
I was also seeding torrents from my iPhone, because it's what the cool kids do.
Is it just me, or does this job ad sound scammy?
150k with no previous experience required?
Not even a degree!
Hahah, I know people like to throw money away on stupid things, but yeah, that sounds scammy :P
@TimStone I thought so, thanks.
@Pekkasothertrollingaccount That does sound like if Milk was hiring how they would list some of their ad, except there's no reason for Ryan to advert on CL
@drachenstern you need to help me out on who Milk and Ryan are :)
Wikipedia is being unhelpful:
Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It provides the primary source of nutrition for young mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. The early lactation milk is known as colostrum, and carries the mother's antibodies to the baby. It can reduce the risk of many diseases in the baby. The exact components of raw milk vary by species, but it contains significant amounts of saturated fat, protein and calcium as well as vitamin C. Cow's milk has a pH ranging from 6.4 to 6.8, making it slightly acidic. Types of consumption There are two distinct ...
Actually, I think "Ryan" was wrong ... /facepalm
Hi from firefox :P
KEVIN. That's who I meant
Wb from chrome
@drachenstern ahhh, I see now!
May I get some opinions on my meta question here? Just a spot check really.
So Milk Inc is a venture by Kevin Rose the guy who started Digg
@Wes always
that is rather why this room exists you know
Q: Is this question a good match for programmers.stackexchange.com site?

WesExact Duplicate: Is this question a good match for this site? I've had a question migrated to programmers but I don't think its a good fit for programmers. If I understand the nature of the questions you get there. How can you make a cluster run a task only once? Should this have been migrated...

I don't disagree with it being migrated per say but I question the target site
yeah idk
also, what do you know about distributed computing and task schedulers?
Have you ever heard of Condor? (U Wisc)
Q: Can we raise the awareness that question upvotes have always been free?

drachenstern Related: Can we raise the awareness that question downvotes are now free? People commonly comment on questiosn in affirmitive or positive tones, and don't upvote. I started to make this question as a parody of the "related" question, but then it dawned on me that if we're going to raise aw...

no sounds like something that I should look at
have to go for a bit. Willl look at your question later
my question isn't that important overall
So Condor is not quite the same as other "cluster computing" in the sense of protein folding or something, but it is designed to distribute tasks for execution, it just may not be what you need.
But your question sounds like a for real distributed execution engine would work better than what you're trying to mangle here, I just don't know enough about your environment.
1 hour later…
But call now, and we'll double your order at no cost to you!
Can anybody explain why in scifi movies (for instance I'm watching Ultraviolet right now on SyFy) ceramic body armor is used, that fractures nearly immediately, and causes the wearer to be completely incapacitated when the ceramic is crushed?
Chobham armour is the name informally given to a composite armour developed in the 1960s at the British tank research centre on Chobham Common, Surrey, England. The name has since become the common generic term for ceramic vehicle armour. Although the construction details of the Chobham Common armour remain a secret, it has been described as being composed of ceramic tiles encased within a metal matrix and bonded to a backing plate and several elastic layers. Due to the extreme hardness of the ceramics used, they offer superior resistance against shaped charges such as high explosive an...
2 hours later…
Maybe I wasn't clear @wes ... why is it so fragile and why does it cause them to become incapacitated so quickly?
I know the reasons for using ceramics based armor. I'm quite happy with that type of armor. I think it makes a lot of sense. Also, my RPG of choice growing up was BattleTech where CeramoArmor was a type that was heavily discussed.
1 hour later…
@drachenstern Yeah, I was pretty confused by that as well.
@drachenstern It's the easiest to paint in all cool colours.

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