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11:17 PM
The oldest status-deferred post on Meta is Will Stack Overflow's engine be open sourced? from 2009 (its PostId is 35)... Now that SO Enterprise exists... the answer is probably no.
(we were real fast 'n loose with post history back in the day...)
@Gerry Never say Never? ;p
@Gerry Sounds good to me. Too bad Docs is so awful there isn't a Topic that tells me, in detail, how to do that. Guess the only thing is to try to make Docs good enough to be destroyed.
In order to destroy Documentation, we have to save it.
11:27 PM
> help post localization backfill
I didn't know deletion events could have "comments".
@Gerry Now I just need to write the script that goes with that tagline.
I guess The Last Jedi will have a plot like that.
11:54 PM
Pasta on the wall answer is an interesting read.
Speaking of experiments: converting a resume to Facebook timeline seemed to work pretty well. Next step, make it a tweetstorm?
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