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I wish I could charge my laptop over PoE so I didn't have to walk the entire 20 feet down the hall to grab my laptop charger right now.
4 hours later…
Whoa, where's @James ???
2 hours later…
@ShadowWizard given how I felt this weekend, cookies wouldn't have been a good option anyway :D
@Bart oh, stomach trouble? :(
@ShadowWizard do sunglasses even have a stomach?
@ShadowWizard migraine. Comes with the associated stomach trouble, yes.
@Bart ouch... unpleasant. :/
@Derpy of course not, but @Bart isn't sunglasses. ;)
@ShadowWizard wrote sunglasses, meant eyeglasses.
@ShadowWizard Quote from above article:
> Do you wait to make an important decision before reading your horoscope? Have you ever turned down a date because your zodiac signs weren’t compatible? Do you have a little tattoo of your zodiac sign on your ankle?
@Derpy geez, what's up next? Pluto isn't a planet? Ridiculous
Those scientists making up stuff again like gravity and evolution
and glasses.... it's all a conspiracy!
@Bart I heard some of them are even claiming the earth isn't flat.
@Derpy next you'll tell me Earth isn't carried on the back of a giant turtle.
@ShadowWizard not all the Earth. Just Tomobiki.
Kudos if anyone recognizes the picture.
Without reverse googling it.
dunno about this one, the turtle I know of is Great A'Tuin
I forgot the elephants!
@ShadowWizard that is precisely the source of the above allusion. Only difference, in that movie the elephants were replaced with the statues of the people that had started asking too much questions...
5 hours later…
In 1944 my grandfather was a paratrooper in WWII, his plane was shot down over Normandy, he broke every bone in his body and played dead to escape capture until he was rescued. The rescue raft next to his, with most of his friends, was bombed in front of his eyes, killing everybody on that raft. Fast forward 70 years, where people cannot escape a taped cardboard box without consulting the internet. Sigh.
41 messages moved to Chimney
"Fairly often, I need to open a sealed box, but I don't have a sharp knife handy." ... if it happens fairly often, address the underlying issue.
Stupidity : lifehacks.se :: moths : candle
"I have to build my code fairly often, but don't have a compiler installed. What would be a nice lifehack to avoid being fired?"
I'd upvote that. Do it.
@JasonC OK, first you need some dutch-tape. Then, you will have to wrap the box firmly in the tape. Then...... Why?? You tooo tape? Trusty companion of so many life-hacks, you too betray me now?
Sadly that almost has an answer: "Draw the GUI in mspaint and pretend you've got it running at the progress meeting."
@JasonC without going into too much detail, I have seen a project partner take that actual approach and get away with it.
I can confirm from first-hand experience that that approach does occasionally work.
Also I impressed myself with my mspaint skills.
@JasonC sounds fun until you're the guy handling the "support request" for a "working application" that you know isn't even up and running at the time.
"We've confirmed the problem and our team is working on it. A patch will be available as soon as possible."
Let's just say it ended in a sweaty meeting where I prayed nobody would ask for a demo. Nobody did, problem solved.
Also, ew.
@Shog9 Would you have a spare moment to back up Servy's comment with some hard numbers?
@Bart In a somewhat similar situation it took my test manager 5 minutes before he realized why the combobox wouldn't open when he clicked on it ...
Haha, always fun.
Kaitlin Pike on September 26, 2016
Welcome to The Stack Overflow Podcast, recorded September 20 at our headquarters in NYC. This week’s episode is brought to you by adorable otters, who hold hands at night so they don’t float away from each other. The episode is also brought to you by Compose, an IBM company. Compose is a production-ready, cloud hosted platform for building enterprise applications on open source database technologies.
@Bart ? so you can now be seriously distracted?
@rene @Bart I love how we joke about mspaintui but we've all done it.
Codeless mockups in your gui-designer-of-choice, too. Complete with "populated" combo boxes.
Proof that Linux is both as annoying as hell and as endearing as a kitten:
I may have once gone so far as to add artificial delays with hourglass cursors on button clicks.
@tchrist My buddy's got one of those he walks it around Brooklyn like a dog; people's reactions are awesome.
wonders about dogs’ reactions
@tchrist still less annoying than Linus
He's enormous; his head is almost knee height
Ah here's some scale:
That’s just awesome.
Luckily my new computer can handle this catsplosion
Apparently they're really challenging pets to own
or even to see
My friend says hes pretty smart, and gets bored easily. So he has to constantly come up with new games and stuff to keep him active. Sort of a continuous uphill battle.
Doesn't the same apply to programmers? :-D
Yeah but you know, that's why you pace yourself jumping from one se site to another, lol.
When I move out of the city and have a real yard I want to get a pair of caracals.
Wtf mobile
I want salukis too but I'd have to get them all at the same time as kittens and pups I think for them to coexist.
@rene I always am
@JasonC For a kitten for you to get at the same time as your saluki puppy to keep poochie in his place racing-wise, I recommend a pair of cheetah cubs.
Cheetahs are beautiful but I've got my heart set on caracals. And I'd love to have them all but I think it'd start to exceed my ability to take care of them. Plus, I feel like there would be unavoidable carnage.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Can someone identify this herb? by winnend on cooking.stackexchange.com
Here's another guy with a bunch of new answers that are probably better than their surrounding answers:
I mean, I could be wrong.
Time will tell
If I had a hotness sort, I could tell better.
And faster.
If only there was a place where you could request such a thing
I'm not sure we're ready, and I'm too busy to write it up today.
Top tip: each time you want to post a message about it in this chat, write another part of your feature-request instead. (That rhymes)
After about a week, SO's system forgets my draft.
And work likes to restart my puter every weekend anyways.
Google Docs, Github Gists, ...
work blocks that stuff too
data exfiltration donchaknow.
So your office has no form of permanent document storage whatsoever?
Well, files on disk, but then there's my laziness to deal with now.
tl;dr Can't really be bothered to do a proper write-up, so I'll just post random stuff in chat?
chat is permanent and searchable, plus it records the responses.
so I can access it at home and here.
Suspended on the main SE chat server until tomorrow. I've been having a rough time but I think I've come to understand what's going on.
What, a conspiracy to deny you fun?
No, no. I've had lots of issues with my trying too hard to impress others, so to speak. It's caused by some unrealistic expectations I've gone through while I was a young child.
I'm learning to break away from these historical issues.
I've tended to seek excessive amounts of attention about my behavior and my trying to become a moderator.
Oh, yeah, I used to think I was sharing my successes with "friends", but it turned out I was actually bragging and engaging in self-promotion.
It's not exactly spam, but it's constant ranting about what I'm doing wrong and what I need to fix.
Perception is reality.
I keep making mistakes, trying to moderate content I shouldn't.
Maybe, you also go meta on yourself. You should avoid that, it undermines you.
Here's the response I intend to post when the suspension expires:
I'll allow a little here since it's Tavern on the Meta.
> I've taken the opportunity to think about why I've been behaving like this in chat and have determined that for historical reasons related to my upbringing, I've been trying too hard to impress others. I'll focus on actually delivering improvements, accepting that they may not be obvious at first glance ("do, don't say").
That's pretty much it.
This does not change the goals themselves (e.g. I will continue to work on thinking before I speak or act), but I'm not going to stress over it too much.
If you're on thin ice, just stop posting to chat until you figure out how to avoid the thin ice. When you come back, it's thawed water under the bridge.
First we get ice in the Tavern, then water, and now a bridge? What on earth are you doing to this place?
mends fences
So, see ya in a bit. There'll be a renewed focus on actually making real improvements, rather than just trying to impress others or hitting unrealistic standards. After all (see context for some background):
@bwDraco introspection is good, but you're oversharing yours.
Just my humble opinion.
@AaronHall Yup, precisely. This should wind down as these changes come into effect.
Meanwhile, read your Spolsky and Atwood (Heyer's good too) and think strategy.
Thanks, folks. Gotta go.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Can someone identify this herb? by winnend on cooking.stackexchange.com
Why do I have to sign in on each different site separately?
@AaronHall Your question is an interesting one; it does have answers, however.
@AaronHall Are you wondering why there isn't a JOIN ALL THE SITEZ! button?
Gimme the button.
Would you also like a HIDEZ ALL MY SITEZ! button?
I would push that button so hard...
hides all the sites from Arryn Hall
I would push it over and over and over.
pretends to push a button on his desk
Guys, I was just looking at the HNQ formula. I'm curious, does this formula imply that answers with negative scores will detract from the hotness of the question to which they are answers? Or will those answers not affect the hotness at all? @tchrist @ShadowWizard
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: چهار رنگ بودن رنگ مشکی فرمولها در ایندیزاینscript by tiyammohammadi on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened URL in answer: Proper ventilation in a tight space on a laptop by a deleted user on superuser.com
Why, are you trying to get questions off of the HNQ list?
@AaronHall Are you serious? That would certainly be abuse of the system. And how would I even go about that? Post an absolutely totally wrong answer? Of course not. I'm just curious.
Curiousity killed the cat. And we like kitties here in the Tavern.
@AaronHall I'm actually a cat, forgot to tell you.
I think a lot of people would like veto power over the HNQ list. It seems once something gets on the list, it tends to stay on it.
I love this:
I got 3 (edit: whoops, make that 4?) upvotes on my answer today, Jeb. You got 1 on your question so far today: stackoverflow.com/posts/472000/timeline - I wonder if people are witholding votes from you for some reason... — Aaron Hall 1 min ago
@AaronHall Certainly. The HNQ is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Yeah, they should probably decay the scores faster...
@AaronHall That sounds like a possible solution. Also, have you seen this and this?
Yeah - I guess they're happy with the amount of time they're on the HNQ, otherwise they would have tweaked it already.
agitates for change - comes back with someone else's two cents
Hmm... the formatting doesn't like multiline...
deleted the prior comment, updated mine, I didn't realize it was actually 10 days since the asker got an upvote:
I got 3, whoops, make that 4, upvotes on my answer today, Jeb. You last got one 10 days ago: stackoverflow.com/posts/472000/timeline - I wonder if people are witholding votes from you for some reason... — Aaron Hall 1 min ago
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title: Security Flaws 2016 ( www.stellar.org ) by Nakul Mohan on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
sd ignore-
I think you're a bit lost. This is a question and answer platform with Cryptocurrencies in general as topic. You may find suitable a contact here: stellar.org/contactMurch ♦ 7 mins ago
@AaronHall if they're happy with the way it's currently working, i find that sort of weird. But I've ranted enough in the answers to the questions I linked to in the previous message. So I'll leave it at that.
It's really the only conclusion you can come to.
@Fiksdal yes this is most likely correct. Only the sum is taken into account, so negative score of one answer "takes" score from others, in a way.
Big business hueristic: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. I seriously doubt they're going to look at it and say, "it's broke." Instead, they probably like the self-fulfilling prophecy. "Wow, look at the votes relative to others! These Q&A's are really hot!" That probably makes it more likely some of them will get picked up on Hacker News, Reddit, or some other site where it could really go viral.
Ya guys ready for the debate tonight?
@AaronHall Haha, I'd call that "intentionally broke".
"If it's intentionally broke, don't fix it!" :)
What debate? I'm going to a Haskell meetup!
@ShadowWizard Wow! That's interesting. And kinda unfair, I guess.
@ShadowWizard How sure are you? BTW, I also assumed that, looking at the formula.
I hear the liberals are going to call it for Hillary and the conservatives are going to call it for Trump.
That's just what I hear.
Please don't trade on my information.
@AaronHall That's… interesting.
Well I wouldn't want you to get in trouble for insider trading.
@AaronHall It reminds me of that South Park episode where they have to chose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich for school mascot.
Simpsons did it first.
@Fiksdal 99.9% sure. Guess @Oded or @Adam can tell really for sure by looking at the code, if they have a minute. But why not fair? IMO it's perfectly fine and fair.
"Simpsons Already Did It" is the seventh episode of the sixth season of the American animated television series South Park, and the 86th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on June 26, 2002. In the episode, which continues on from the events of the previous episode "Professor Chaos", Butters thinks up a series of schemes to take over the world, but realizes that each one has already been performed on The Simpsons. Meanwhile, Ms. Choksondik dies and Cartman, Kyle and Stan think that they are responsible. The episode was written by series co-creator...
@ShadowWizard Well, because: Let's say you have a highly upvoted question with a lot of highly upvoted answers. It's hot. Then, some idiot comes along and posts a totally incorrect, terrible answer that can't be deleted because it's technically an answer. It gets voted down to -30. That terrible answer doesn't really have anything to do with the good content that has made the Q/A hot. So why should it detract from the hotness?
@AaronHall LOL, yeah :)
All in all, Hot Question does not mean good question. Just interesting question that tend to draw lots of attention. In the long run, this harms Stack Exchange by lowering the overall quality in my opinion, but not a fatal blow. Guess the team decided the advantages, of more traffic between sites, outweigh the disadvantages.
@ShadowWizard Totally agree. It's exactly what I've said in this answer and this answer. In both those Q/As, you find plenty of suggestions on how to limit the obvious problems with HNQ, without shutting down the HNQ system. However, I don't know if letting negatively scoring answers detract from hotness helps do that. It just seems to be a result of the formula that they might not have considered.
@Fiksdal oh, they have considered it.
@GlenH7 We no longer treat top 3 answers specially. All answers are included in AnswerScore — David Fullerton ♦ Oct 8 '13 at 14:44
It means in the beginning it used to take only the top three answers.
@ShadowWizard Oh, interesting!
That sounds pretty good.
Anyway, yeah, of course they have considered it.
I think they're aiming for notoriety and cross-pollenation at the expense of potentially annoying some of the moderating core site users. It is what it is. I'd probably choose to do the same thing if I were them.
So if that's true, you can kinda exercise a sort of veto by downvoting everything on the question.
But good luck if it's a runaway success, you won't win.
@AaronHall I do that with questions that are actually not very good. But I can't bring myself to downvote the answers, that just feel wrong. (Assuming they are good.)
It doesn't help, though, because even if the question is poor, the answers get tons of upvotes, simply due to exposure and mere probabilty
@Fiksdal well, you can ask David for the real reasoning behind the decision, and maybe re-consider it now with the HNQ becoming big deal. He's still active, think he's the developers "big boss" by now.
Which David?
How to ask him? He's not pingable here
@Fiksdal in a comment on his answer, where I took the comment from.
Principle - don't question the voter's motives. You might not like the ideas you raise. And you usually have absolutely no proof. So we don't. Besides, I think the community agrees that downvotes are warranted on (even correct) answers that shouldn't have been written due to the poorness of the question.
IMO the best way to deal with it is to give downvotes a lot of weight in removing hotness. Another way would be to not allow people with 101 rep who have never contributed on that site to vote on questions/answers that are currently in the HNQ list.
@Fiksdal A mod may be able to superping the user (@@146719)
@bwDraco I don't think he will appreciate a super ping... comment is less intrusive.
If not, you might want to send an email to [email protected].
@AaronHall What do you mean by "don't question the voter's motives. You might not like the ideas you raise. And you usually have absolutely no proof. So we don't."?
@bwDraco You mean send him an email saying: Dear David. IMO the HNQ system is flawed. Here's how to fix it. (...) Best regards, some SE user?
I suspect that sometimes votes aren't properly motivated, but I don't go around discussing the idea. It is what it is.
Not sure if this is necessary, though. I'd try leaving a comment first, it'll show up in his inbox.
@Fiksdal also, it's not about being fair or not fair. It's all about the content. With HNQ, content means both the question and all of its answer - so if some answers are bad then yes, it means the whole thing is less hot.
For example, sometimes I think answerers get upvotes just because they have a huge number next to their name that's viewable right from the post.
And answer with -30 usually can and should be deleted.
Well, I've had a fundamentally dangerous answer on Electrical Engineering deleted on a flag.
@ShadowWizard Yeah, I guess it is indeed rare that such an answer gets to stay.
And now I think I somewhat benefit from that phenomenon. It isn't fair. But it doesn't do any good to go around discussing it.
Not because it fails to answer the question, but because the steps are inherently dangerous and can lead to serious injury or death.
Answer score was -13 before it was deleted.
heh, equivalent of "use eval!" answers on SO... :D
(or w3schools links...)
@ShadowWizard Meh, I disagree with that. A very poor answer has little or nothing to do with the rest of the Q and As. Some guy made a poor answer. Anyway, no big deal. And I agree that really bad answers should probably be deleted as VLQ or NAA anyway, so it's not a big deal at all. Certainly not something I care to contact that Adam guy about.
W3 is better, nowadays, right?
@AaronHall don't think so, they just changed the design. Contents are the same as far as I could see. Very basic explanations, very basic examples, and that's it.
It's okay for practicing specific things but it doesn't replace a properly-written book.
It's more like an answer to a resource request than a canonical source you'd want to cite?
I wouldn't use it as a primary learning source suitable for citation. I'd treat it as a quick reference; the quality is too low for citation.
@Fiksdal you mean David, Adam was not part of the formula, he didn't even work for SE back then. :)
Haha, yeah David, sorry. Easy to mix up Old Testament names :)
Living in Israel I'm used to such names. :D
King David! Is he still there?
Of course! :P
Nice, thought so. Say hi to him from me.
Here he is:
> The King David statue is placed at the site believed to be the King David’s tomb, which is on Mount Zion. The entry to the Tomb of King David is through a courtyard - where the statue of King David is located. The entire complex has three simple rooms with wooden benches.
Is he playing a harp?
@Fiksdal yup, I think back then all royalty played harps. It's like these days all world leaders play golf.
grabs a harp and pulls up to a drum circle "May I jam with you?"
Obama turns up to interfere the music
Is that a high kick?
lol, no green idea! :D
This reminds me, @Bart how's your migraine? You got over it by now, I hope?
Downvote? I wonder why this question is so controversial... Perhaps I could get some feedback that would help me understand. — Aaron Hall 9 secs ago
Alright guys, going to sleep. See you later!
@Fiksdal night!
I have a lot of answers. Very few questions. But when I get a downvote, it's usually on a question. Maybe it's a bad question?
I like improving my content and winning back prior downvotes.
@AaronHall this, or someone you pissed off looking for revenge. Question downvotes costs no rep. Can't really know, and better not bothering too much over it.... if you know the question is good and can't be improved, it's enough. :)
See that's the motive questioning I try to avoid.
Exactly. Nobody can know for sure.
As Tim said, maybe someone lost his keys...
I have never identified anyone on an upvoting spree, though.
A: Should 'drive by' downvoting be more effectively caught?

Tim PostThe answer was down voted because I lost my keys. Please, stay with me, let me explain this odd chain of events. Earlier today I couldn't get to the store on time because I could not find my keys. That caused me to miss the opportunity to run over a golf ball, which would have bounced between a...

@AaronHall ^
At least not one that wasn't reversed. And sometimes I get multiple upvotes on the same answer in the same short time-frame. Is it random? Is it a fan with multiple accounts? What's up with that?
If you want to have fans, you'll probably have haters, I suppose.
@AaronHall that might be when someone posted a link to the question or answer somewhere, even some SE chat.
"fan with multiple accounts" is very unlikely.
The way I see it, anything is possible. I just hope they don't stalk me.
peeps out the window
@AaronHall heh, this can be dangerous. Ask this user - he was known as UniKitty, and got a full year suspension on arqade after, from what he says, being stalked by user called UniDoggy pretending to be him or something like that.
what can be dangerous? I don't think someone can pretend to be me without spoofing my ip/mac address, right?
@AaronHall right but consider work or school - many times they have fixed IP for all their users. (i.e. you can be stalked by co-worker or co-student)
And spoofing IP isn't so hard...
Hey, are there any other flair themes? Would be cool if they made one with an alpha channel.
@AaronHall you mean other than those in the profile page? Nope.
years ago, we had iframe-embeddable HTML flair that'd work for this. It had other problems though.
One can easily make custom flair using the API, no?
That would be too much effort for something that could be perceived as bragging.
@ShadowWizard My alma mater has a /16 block to itself (College of Staten Island: IP addresses are assigned statically to individual workstations and dynamically (via DHCP) to devices on the Wi-Fi network.
This isn't an unusual arrangement, and it does mean that each system has a fixed public IP address.
@ShadowWizard I don't think that's anything new
AFAIK, there's an automatic thing that's supposed to happen to chat when accounts are merged, but... If and when it doesn't... Then chances are chat will be broken for that account.
if you see someone complaining, tell 'em /contact & we'll get 'em sorted.

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